Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Chapter 542: Minato Vs Madara Part-1

At some distance from the coastal battlefield,

"What… what's going on?"

Izumi and Karin speak in surprise as suddenly a dark shadow shrouds the battlefield.


Karin raises her head, and her words are stuck in her throat.

"What happened Karin?" Izumi shakes Karin's shoulder.

Karin silently points towards the sky.


Izumi's expression also freezes as she stares at the sky. A gigantic meteor rapidly approaches them.

"Nani?! Who turned off the sunlight?" Tobi also glances around in puzzlement.

He lifts his head and glances at the sky.

"Maji Kāyo!!"

His eyes widen to the extreme.



The next second, the giant meteor slams down on the ground.


A giant cloud of dust, debris, and gravel rises toward the sky. Powerful shockwaves travel across the battlefield, generating an intense shockwave on the battlefield.

The shinobis at the coastal battlefield gape in surprise at the sudden appearance of a giant meteor out of nowhere.

Even Mei and Obito pause their battle and glance toward the giant meteor for a while.

"We are lucky this thing didn't drop on top of us." The shinobis of the coastal regiment heave a sigh of relief.

"Damn, if this thing dropped on us, we would be mincemeat." Another cloud shinobi wipes the sweat from his forehead.

"W-who could be powerful enough to use such a jutsu?" An Iwa shinobi glances at the remnants of the giant meteor in trepidation.

"Oye! Oye! Is this still a battle where common shinobis like us could participate?" Another shinobi drops his weapon.

"I want to go home!"

Cries of shock, frustration, and fear echo through the battlefield.


Fugaku's loud voice snaps them out of their stupor. After sensing the chaos on the battlefield, Fugaku addresses the shinobis to calm the situation.

"Everyone, retreat to the back lines!"

He issues a series of orders and handles the situation before it could spiral out of control.



Minato's Super Planetary Core Mega Rasengan drills through the surface of the giant meteor.


Minato crosses his wrist.


The core of the central 'Gravity Rasengan' explodes and collapses into an infinitesimally small singularity.


The explosion of the 'Gravity Rasengan' is followed by the explosion of all other elementary Rasengan.

Wind needles, lightning bolts, fireballs, and water blades slice through the core of the giant meteor.

Crack… crack… Crack…

Numerous cracks spread across the surface of the giant meteor and split it into several fragments. Various pieces and chunks of the giant meteor fall toward the ground.


Gaara and Rasa clap their hand and manipulate a large amount of sand to create a massive sand roof over the entire battlefield.

The sand roof blocks the massive chunks of the meteor.


Blood leaks from Gaara's and Raasa's gums.


An inter-crossing energy ring of two vertical and horizontal ellipsis appears at the center of the giant meteor. A small black energy hole appears at the crossing point of two ellipses.

The small black energy hole collapses on itself and pulls the surrounding energy into itself. It completely disappears after a burst of cross-shape blue energy blast.

The shockwaves from the explosion travel through the battlefield, making every shinobi lose their footing.

Huff… Huff…

Minato breathes heavily as the control of such a powerful jutsu took some toll on his stamina and chakra reserve. It was a massive burden on his spirituality to control and direct such a massive, volatile sphere of energy.

"We are saved!"

The shinobis cheers in joy at the obliteration of the massive meteor over their head.

Gaara and Rasa release the massive sand roof and pants. Sweat trickles down Onoki's forehead as he had run out of chakra after the continuous battle.


Kabuto glances at the remains of the massive meteors slowly falling toward the ground.

"So, this is the power of the Sage of Six Paths…"


Madara snaps his neck and stares at the multitude of expressions on the faces of the allied shinobis force soldiers.

"This brings back memories!"

"Kabuto, right? How much do you really know? About me? And about the plan?"

"I venture to guess… In the battle against the first Hokage Hashirama, you didn't die in the Final Valley. On that day… Though you lost to the First Hokage Hashirama, you stole a portion of his power, his flesh in return."

"No wonder!"

Madara peeks at his body through his armor.

"About the plan? Though I don't know much in detail… I still have some idea about where it's progressing…"

A smile appears on Kabuto's face.

"Hmm… I will deal with you later. But first…"

Madara glances towards the battlefield and slightly tilts his head.


A tri-fork kunai flies past his head.


A tear mark appears on Madara's cheeks, much to his surprise.

"Hmm… I thought I dodged that."

Madara focuses his vision on Minato. He notices a cyan chakra shrouding Minato's body.

"Nature energy! Sage Mode! No wonder that hit me, even though I dodged the strike."

A smile appears on Madara's face.

"Haha… it has been so long since I met someone who could make my blood boil in a battle after Hashirama. You are a worthy opponent. Don't hold back and let's dance to our heart's content."


Madara removes the crimson armor to reveal his bare chest.


The eyes of everyone on the battlefield narrow into slits. There is another face on Madara's chest.

"That's the… that's the face of the First Hokage Hashirama Senju." Onoki recognizes the second face on Madara's chest.

"But… but… how's that possible?" He exclaims in shock.

"It's Kabuto!" Minato scoffs as he stares at the figure of Hashirama's face.

"Kabuto, that bastard… he tinkered with the Edo body of the Madra and implanted Lord Hashirama's cells on Madara's body. No wonder he can use the Wood style with Hashirama cells." A few veteran shinobis from Konoha grit their teeth in anger.

"Careful, Lord Minato!" Onoki and the others warn Minato as they sense Madara's battle intent locked onto Minato.


Minato nods his head and flickers towards Madara.


Madara also jumps down from his rock pedestal and flickers toward Minato.


Minato throws multiple tri-fork kunais towards Madara.

Clang… clang… clang…

Madara easily dodges a few and deflects the rest by coating his hand with the chakra.


The next instant, Minato's figure turns into a yellow blur and he disappears from Madara's vision.

"Rasen-Flash Super-Circle Dance Howl Stage Three: Rasengan Barrage,"

Bang… Bang…

Instantly, six Minato appear behind Madara and each of them attacks him from various angles with a Rasengan in their hands.


Madara's Rinnegan flickers to and fro. He grabs one of Minato's suspending kunai and attacks the rest of Minatos with kicks, punches, and a kunai stab.


Madara's attacks pass through the Minatos' body.


The Rasengan of one of the Minato lands on Madara's back and explodes, enveloping him in a hurricane of chakra. A sealing fuinjutsu seal also appears on the ground and attempts to seal Madara.


Minato reappears at some distance near one of his tri-fork kunais. He picks up his kunai and glances in Madara's direction.


Madara absorbs the sealing fuinjutsu and Rasengan using the chakra absorption of the Preta Path.

"A combination jutsu using the flying thunder god jutsu, a highly compressed spiraling orb of chakra, and another powerful sealing fuinjutsu to top it off. A S-rank jutsu with three A-rank jutsu, not even Tobirama could pull something like that."

Smoke rises from Madara's body as he absorbs the attack.

"He absorbed it!" The expression of other shinobis turns gloomy.

"Does that Lord Minato's attack was ineffective?" Some exclaim.

"No, look!"

Kakashi points towards a fist-sized wound on Madara's back. The wound is quickly regenerating as they speak.

"Haha… dance… let's continue to dance…"

Madara pays no heed to his injury and dashes towards Minato with strong battle intent.

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