Reborn in Konoha; I Think I’m Cultivating Immortality

Chapter 34: Arrival!

The rain continued to pour, turning the road into a slippery mess of mud. Running across it was difficult.


A small figure running at full speed slipped and fell face-first into the mud, sending a spray of water and dirt flying.

But in an instant, the figure was back on his feet, continuing to sprint without missing a beat.

Hui, covered in mud, his once clean and delicate face now smeared with dirt, pushed forward relentlessly. He had already fallen multiple times, but none of it slowed him down.

Faster. I need to be faster!

That was Hui's only thought as he pushed his body to its limits, running even faster than he had when fleeing for his life earlier. Now, it wasn’t his life he was trying to save.

Death was chasing the lives of his comrades stationed at the Konoha frontline camp, and if he failed, many would die.

He couldn’t let that happen.

As he sprinted, the exertion began to catch up with him. His body was reaching its limit.

His breathing grew heavier, his legs started to feel like they were made of lead, and every step sent a burning sensation through his lungs and throat.

But there was no time to rest.

Stopping now would mean letting the Mist Village's raid party reach the camp first, bringing death with them. Hui knew that if he stopped, he would lose—and his comrades would pay the price.

On the other side, the Mist Village scouts had done exactly what Hui predicted. A few of them had split off to meet with the main assault force, while the others continued toward the Konoha frontline camp.

Their pace was quick, but they had to be cautious, taking care to scout the terrain and avoid detection.

The success of their surprise attack depended on them remaining unseen. If they were spotted, the Konoha ninja could easily use summoning techniques to send a warning to the camp.

Thankfully for them, the three Konoha ANBU members they had been pursuing hadn't used any summoning jutsu. Otherwise, they would have abandoned the mission and called off the attack.

Still, despite their speed, the Mist ninja couldn’t match Hui's pace. He was running at full tilt, with no regard for anything but getting there in time.

This race wasn’t just a contest of speed. For Hui, it was also a battle against his own body and willpower. He was running flat-out, without stopping, forcing his legs to keep moving even as they screamed for rest.

His breathing grew labored, and his legs felt heavier with each step. His body began to falter, his movements sluggish as fatigue set in.

Step by step, kilometer after kilometer, Hui pressed on. The trees on either side blurred past him, and soon, they seemed to disappear entirely from his field of vision.

All that remained was the path ahead, and his legs moved almost automatically, driven by sheer will.


The sky above roared with thunder, and flashes of lightning cut through the dark clouds, illuminating Hui’s small, determined figure.

The rain continued to pour, drenching him as he ran, but the lightning seemed to light his way, and the thunder echoed like a battle cry.

He was getting closer. The distance to the Konoha frontline camp was shrinking.

Finally, a distant light appeared ahead of him, flickering through the rain.

The rain began to lighten, and the thunder grew softer, as if the storm itself was calming.

On a lookout post near the Konoha frontline camp, a ninja spotted the rapidly approaching figure. He quickly signaled to his comrades and shouted, "Who goes there?!"

The shout reached Hui’s ears, snapping him back to reality.

"ANBU, Squad One, Unit Four! I have urgent information to report!" Hui shouted back, though exhaustion was evident in his voice.

His legs wobbled beneath him, and he stumbled, crashing to the ground and sliding several meters in the mud.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Several figures quickly appeared around him, cautiously eyeing the mud-covered child. Even though he was clearly wearing ANBU gear, his small size and youthful appearance made them hesitate to approach too closely.

After all, some enemy ninja were known for using deceptive tactics, and it was too dangerous to rush in without caution.

Hui struggled to lift himself up, but his strength had been completely drained. He could barely raise his head before collapsing again. His face twisted in pain, yet he summoned the last of his willpower to shout:

"Mist Village scouts… found near the Heichuan Line… I suspect a raid on the camp tonight. Warn the commander immediately!"

With that, Hui finally succumbed to exhaustion, his body going limp as he passed out.

The Konoha ninjas surrounding him froze, their eyes widening in shock. A squad leader’s pupils contracted before he barked orders. "Quick! Report this to the commander!"

Whether this ANBU child was truly who he claimed to be or not, the information was far too critical to ignore. If it was true, the entire camp could be in grave danger.

Within minutes, the camp’s commander rushed to the scene, accompanied by several ANBU members dispatched by Tobirama Senju himself.

They had been assigned to oversee critical missions in this area and were immediately alerted when they heard an ANBU member had arrived with urgent news.

As soon as the ANBU arrived, one of them recognized the unconscious figure on the ground. His expression shifted to one of alarm, and he rushed forward.

"That’s Hui!"

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