Reborn as the Duke’s Daughter ~ The Goddesses are Ruining my Life!

Ch. 89 – Discussion After Dark Pt. 2

“What?!You want the princess to come with you?? To where?” Amara asked as she almost pulled her hair out in frustration. “I’m still not entirely sure who you people are… how could I allow her to just wander off with you.”

“You want me to come with you?” Ela asked, tilting her head cutely as she asked for confirmation.

“It’s more like you have to… Unless you know someone else who has divine power and can deal with a god-level curse. Do you know anyone like that?” Maven asked hopefully. As much as she’d enjoy the company of a beautiful girl like Ela during the first journey of her life, she would feel bad forcing her to follow along to the Demon Realm.

“I don’t,” Amara said while hanging her head in guilt. There was no way a simple Royal Guard like her would know someone like that.

“I’m sorry,” Maven said with a forced smile. “I don’t know why you were traveling or where you were heading. I’m sure Ela has duties to fulfill, but those invader gods have their eye on her now. Even if I could completely cure her, I’m not sure it’s the best idea for her to wander about. Not to besmirch your capabilities, but I doubt you’re equipped to handle an attack from two pissed off gods or their apostles.”

Maven’s words caused Amara to grimace. Hard as the thought was to swallow, she had to admit that Maven was right. Just a few regular members of the Malum Dictum was enough to take Ela’s entire escort out. If it weren’t for Maven, they would still be lying in that field. There was no way they’d stand a chance against even an Apostle, let alone the gods they followed.

“We were just on a simple diplomatic mission, to strengthen relations with the Holy Kingdom and take care of marriage talks…… How’d it turn into such a huge mess?” Amara said while letting out a pained groan.

“Huh? Ela’s going to get married? To who?” Maven asked in a flustered voice. She was definitely not expecting the topic of marriage to come up here.

“I-It’s nothing!” Ela said in agitation, her face rapidly reddening as she fluttered her hands in denial. “I’m not marrying anyone! King Oswin was the one pushing for the engagement of his second son, not me! When the leader of the world’s most powerful nation requests the initiation of marriage talks…… the Elders didn’t really have a choice but to send me over to at least meet the poor guy.”

“Eh? Then isn’t it going to cause a major diplomatic incident if you don’t show up?” Maven asked, concerned for newfound friend. King Oswin was not known for being broad-minded or tolerant.

“Maybe a little,” Ela said, reassuring Maven with a smile so gentle that anyone would be forced to recognize that this elf was indeed a princess. “But it’s a fact that were attacked on our way to the Holy Capital. We even captured some members of that organization here in Mistport. As long as someone of sufficient importance goes to the capital to explain things, there shouldn’t be much fallout for the Elves as a whole even if I don’t go.”

“That’s great.” Maven said as she put her hand to her chest with a relieved sigh.

“So…… who are you people? What is this journey you want to take her on?” Amara asked begrudgingly. She didn’t like the way this conversation was going, where Ela would be taken from her and scarper off with this mysterious girl.

“Oh yeah,” Maven said shyly, remembering that she had yet to actually tell Ela or Amara who she was. Kannon and Henna were kind of obvious at a glance…… their names gave them away at a glance, but Maven, Fae, and Shayna’s true faces were still hidden behind illusion magic.

“You probably won’t recognize me, but this is my true appearance.” Maven said as she dispelled the illusion, revealing her true face to Ela for the first time.

“You’re the Saintess!!” Amara said with a shout, pointing at Maven with a shaking finger in her shock.

“I kinda figured it out already.” Ela said, not looking surprised at all. “Who else but the famous Saintess would be accompanied by two goddesses and capable of fighting a god toe to toe? Plus, you all kept calling each by name this whole time… Maven’s prodigious magical power is famous throughout all the land. It was obvious once I saw you in action.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be in the capital?” Amara asked. She was absolutely gobsmacked that the girl who had randomly saved them from mortal peril in the middle of nowhere turned out to be the eminent Saintess of the Church of Life and Light. The darling of the people, who had never so much as stepped one foot out of the capital in her entire life, somehow saved them from mortal peril.

“Not anymore… The King decided to pull some shenanigans and reveal the fact that I also had the darkness and death attributes. I didn’t really want to deal with the fallout, so I figured now was the perfect time to visit the Demon race. A war is brewing and Kannon asked me to stop it.”

Kannon took this opportunity to fly out and demonstrate her presence, pirouetting through the air with a little, “Tada!!”

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