Reborn as the Duke’s Daughter ~ The Goddesses are Ruining my Life!

Ch. 20 – Finding a Helper?!

Maven’s magic lessons continued apace during her time in the Church. After successfully casting her first healing spell through direct contact, Fae then taught her how to expand the power and scope of her spells.

Over the span of a few weeks, Maven learned how to heal at a distance, cast magic on multiple people, and provide blessings. These blessings could take multiple forms depending on Maven’s image at the time of casting, ranging from temporary improvements of physical or magical ability to the soothing of mental anguish.

During these lessons Fae would earnestly teach Maven how to manipulate her power, until she could manipulate her magic like one of her own limbs. Three weeks into her time at the Church, Fae began walking Maven through her final magic lesson.

“You’re doing excellent, my Saintess!” Fae said in a fervent voice, cheeks blushing with an enraptured expression on her face. “You’re already more skilled with magic than I am! Oh, how touching! The way your magic sparkles as you cast spells, that purest of white light. I-I can’t control myself!”

As Fae ranted on, squirming in glee and lost in her own little world, Maven could only stare on with a disgusted expression. She had become used to these little fits over the span of the last few weeks. Kannon, in her fairy form, would fly into her robes and hide each time Fae did this.

《Could you please stop flying into my collar each time Fae ends up like this? I would really rather not have a fairy under my clothes… You’re not even hiding that well, since you always end up poking your head out anyway.》

Kannon, head visible around Maven’s collar like some sort of weird necklace, replied indignantly.

《B-But… She’s scary! And if I don’t hide like this, then she snatch me out of the air and swing me around for a little dance…》

《Fufu….. You should have picked something a little bigger, Kannon. Or something that could hide. Though I am also starting to regret my choice of forms as well.》 Henna replied in a tired voice, completely unconcerned with the odd scene in the room.

《I’m really sorry I had to ask you to work so hard over these last few weeks, Henna.》 Maven replied, ignoring Kannon thrashing her arms and legs in protest beneath her robes.

《You really are a slave driver, Maven… I am a genuine goddess, you know? And yet, you asked me to sneak through the Church to try and pick up information. Though, based on what I saw, that was probably for the best.》 Henna replied, pouting.

《So - what did you find?》

《Ufufu…… I found all kinds of goodies. The Pope sure didn’t try to keep his plans for you all that secret. I also went and checked the Church’s records from the last several centuries - do you have any idea how much effort that took? Priests could afford to be a little more concise…》

Kannon, finally paying attention the discussion, pressed Henna for answers.

《What are they planning for my cute Maven?! They’re going to attack her, aren’t they?! It’s because she’s so cute. It’s definitely because she’s cute! Who could resist those chubby cheeks??》

Flinging her tiny body onto Maven’s childish face like a sucker, Kannon freaked out and drove the conversation off track. Maven sighed and pulled the clinging fairy off her face as she turned her attention back to Henna.

《Ignoring this disappointing goddess, what are their plans for me? I hope it’s nothing to crazy…… It’s not like they can expect much from a child.》

Henna gave off an utterly smug impression as she continued speaking.

《Luckily, you don’t need to be too worried on that front… When I peeked into the Pope’s office earlier this week, I read some letters between Pope Ferdinand and your father. At least for now, they just want to play some political games. Show you off to the capital and have you heal some of the citizens - improve the reputation of the Church and Daegal house. You should probably play along for now, bide your time, and wait until you get a older before making any big moves.》

Maven bit her thumb in thought as she strategized, trying to think of the best moves she could make.

What I’d really like is some people to help…… Stopping the apocalypse all by myself is a really tall order. It would be great to have some boots on the ground to take care of things while I'm young. Is there even someone who would even listen to a a child like me?

Big sis Shayna probably would, but she’s not that much older herself. What I really need is an adult, someone competent and intelligent -

“OH Saintess!” Maven was ripped from her reverie as Fae grabbed her hand and exclaimed loudly. Maven could see herself reflected back in that glittering gaze.

Maybe I can work with this……

Putting on her cutest, most naïve smile and tilting her head to the perfect angle for emphasizing a child’s adorability, Maven spoke to Fae, “Say, Fae…… Would you be willing to help me?”

Fae, completely captivated by that full blast of charm, almost shouted her response, “Anything for you, my Saintess! No - my Goddess!!”

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