Reborn as an Yandere : Yandere X Yandere

Future King

After the competition ended, the forest buzzed with activity as healers hurriedly tended to the injured students. Ethan, Esdeath, Maruti, and others who had taken part in the intense battle lay still while the magic-infused healing began mending their wounds. Bruised and bloodied, they all seemed exhausted but relieved that the ordeal was finally over.

No one had anticipated the competition to turn out like this. Most students were caught off-guard by the sheer intensity of the fight. But beyond the shock, there were whispers and suspicious murmurs surrounding the trio of Ethan, Esdeath, and Maruti. The one person who seemed most troubled by their unexpected display of advanced techniques was none other than Lilith, the academy's overseer and an accomplished warrior herself.

Lilith watched from a distance, her eyes narrowing as healers worked on Ethan's team. "How could they know these fighting styles? These aren't ordinary techniques teenagers would possess." She frowned, her mind racing. There was no way even some of the academy's more advanced students knew such moves, let alone these first-years.

She couldn't prove anything just yet, but her suspicion was clear. With a sharp wave of her hand, she summoned her information team and gave them a simple but stern order: "Run a full background check on them. I want to know everything." She turned away, her thoughts swirling with questions, knowing that something deeper was at play. Still, without solid proof, she couldn't confront them directly.

As the dust settled and the competition's results were announced, it became official: Esdeath and her team were qualified for the upcoming one-on-one duels. The forest echoed with the excited chatter of students, many of them still in disbelief. They had seen the footage of Esdeath, Ethan, and Maruti's coordinated attacks, their precise teamwork, and their almost otherworldly fighting styles. The trio quickly became the talk of the academy.

In every hallway, dining room, and dorm, students were buzzing with conversations about the "mystery team." Clips from the competition circulated among the returning students, and with each passing hour, more and more of the academy was abuzz with the names of Ethan, Esdeath, and Maruti. Whispers filled the air, their names on everyone's lips, and they became the center of attention—both for admiration and envy.

However, not everyone was pleased with the results. In one particular corner of the academy, a group of defeated students sat fuming, none more so than Princess Ravenna. Her team had been eliminated without even managing to break a single crystal, leaving them disqualified from the second round.

"How did this happened?" Ravenna seethed, her fists clenched tightly. The pride of the royal family, the celebrated princess, had been utterly humiliated. Her reputation as one of the strongest fighters now felt tarnished. Her teammates sat in stunned silence, not daring to speak. The humiliation stung even more knowing that Esdeath, someone of common birth, had advanced while Ravenna had not.

But how could a princess loose in her own kingdom? 

The academy had announced a special challenge: the defeated students would have one more chance to redeem themselves. All th defeated students will fight against other defeated students and The two fighters who stood victorious in the end would earn their spot in the one-on-one duels.

Why two? 

Because they wanted to show that they didn't organize this special event solely for ravenna and also because of this, It will give opportunity to one more student to qualify. 

Also essence stones and use of mana will be allowed in that fight, So no doubt ravenna will win.  

Before anyone noticed, night had fallen. It was around eight or nine in the evening, and in a lavish, private room, Corin Reynold paced in frustration, unable to contain his growing rage.

He clenched his fists, recalling the events of the competition. His mind kept replaying the moment Kaelith had swooped in, destroying his team's crystal in an instant. He hadn't even had the chance to defend himself, let alone break anyone else's crystal. It was humiliating—utterly demoralizing.

"Why?" he yelled, his voice filled with fury. "Why is it always me?"

In a fit of anger, he swept everything off his table, sending papers and objects crashing to the floor. His chest heaved as he panted from the intensity of his rage. But something suddenly caught his attention.

He felt a strange presence.

Turning towards his gallery window, which overlooked the night from his second-floor room, he noticed a faint glow. At first, it was just a small, round, red light floating in the darkness. It seemed to pierce the night, staring at him with an eerie, deathly gaze. As his eyes focused, the light resembled the glow of an eye, cold and menacing.

For a brief moment, fear gripped Corin. His anger vanished as a chill ran down his spine, and he instinctively took a step back, his heart pounding in his chest. The pale, ghostly face that followed the glowing eye seemed unreal—like a specter from a nightmare.

His fear was short-lived, however, as recognition settled in. Letting out a shaky breath, he slapped his forehead and shook his head at his overreaction.

"It's not a ghost," he muttered to himself, the tension in his body loosening. "What are you doing here, Esdeath Crimson?"

His voice had calmed, but there was still a lingering unease as he stared at the girl standing on the fence of his gallery, her pale face contrasting sharply against the dark night.

Esdeath leaped gracefully into Corin's room, landing with ease. She let out a light laugh that echoed in the quiet room. "I just came here to be friends with you!" she announced, her eyes gleaming with mischief.

Corin blinked, caught off guard by her sudden entrance. "Friends? Why?" he asked, confusion knitting his brows together.

Esdeath wrapped her arms around herself dramatically, tilting her head in mock pity. "Well, someone like you—completely alone, with no friends, no comrades, and no girlfriend—I thought I'd show some mercy and become your friend."

Her words dripped with sarcasm, and Corin's face twisted in anger. "Stop joking! I have friends. I have a girlfriend. Now, get lost!" he snapped, his voice rising.

Esdeath stifled a chuckle, shaking her head. "Oh, you call them friends?" she asked mockingly. "And that girl… her? You really think that slut is your girlfriend?"

At that, Corin's face flushed red with fury. His fists clenched tightly at his sides as he barely held back his rage. "You—!" he started, but he froze as Esdeath stepped closer, her eyes gleaming with something unsettling.

She leaned in so close that Corin could feel her breath against his ear. Her voice dropped to a chilling whisper. "Do you want to know how I mastered those skills? How we knew exactly where that orange crystal was? How we knew you were going to lose?"

Corin's eyes widened, his body stiffening as her words sank in. "What... what are you talking about?"

Esdeath smiled coldly. "I can see the future, Corin. I'm an esper," she whispered in a low, spine-chilling tone. "I knew everything from the start."

Corin staggered back, shock and disbelief clouding his features. "That's… that's absurd! You're lying!" His voice wavered, but the seeds of doubt had already been planted.

Esdeath stood still, her expression calm, a smirk playing on her lips as she watched his fear grow.

Esdeath smirked as Corin stood frozen. "How about I show you some proof?" she said confidently, her voice laced with amusement.

Before Corin could respond, Esdeath grabbed his arm, and in the blink of an eye, they were back at the academy. The night had settled in, and the moon cast long shadows across the academy grounds. Most students were already gathered in the cafeteria, eating dinner and preparing for an early night's rest.

The cafeteria buzzed with low conversations, the clatter of utensils against plates filling the air. Corin and Esdeath stood outside, hidden in the shadows as they peered inside. From where they stood, they could overhear a group of students sitting together, grumbling over their meals.

"Ugh... My back still hurts. That lizard hit me way too hard!" one of the students groaned, rubbing his shoulders as he took a bite of food.

"Yeah, we really shouldn't have teamed up with Corin," another sighed, his disappointment clear in his tone.

The third student, however, smirked and waved them off. "So what? There's a lot of perks to sticking with him. No money problems, we get luxury weapons, eat whatever we want... Plus, we get to act like we're better than everyone else, and no one dares to challenge us because of who we're with. We're his friends, after all!" he chuckled smugly.

"Yeah, his temper is annoying and i want to punch him in face, but it's worth it. We're practically gold diggers!" they all laughed, making jokes at Corin's expense, their voices dripping with mockery.

Outside the cafeteria, Corin stood still, staring at them through the glass. His face was completely blank, but his eyes betrayed the confusion and hurt he felt. He had trusted these people, and now he could see what they really thought of him.

Just as he opened his mouth to speak, Esdeath's voice came from behind him, playful but sharp. "Oh, I'm not done yet!" she whispered, her tone daring and triumphant. 

Corin turned to face her, but before he could protest, she grabbed him again, pulling him toward their next destination. 


Ethan tried to pull his hand back, but Emma's grip was surprisingly strong. "Hey… hey! Where are you taking me?" he exclaimed, his voice full of confusion. He looked at her as she led him away from the crowds, pulling him toward a more secluded spot.

Finally, Emma stopped. They were in a quiet area, away from the hustle of the academy and the competition that had been consuming everyone's attention. Her face flushed bright red, and she fidgeted with the hem of her shirt. "Um... you know," she began awkwardly, her eyes darting away from Ethan's, "there's the competition right now, but if... if you're free afterward... maybe we could, um, go shopping together?" Her voice wavered with embarrassment, clearly avoiding the word 'date.'

Ethan raised a brow and scratched his head in confusion. "Shopping? Shouldn't you be going with Corin?" he asked, sounding genuinely puzzled.

"C-Corin? Why would I—" Emma's flustered expression turned to frustration as she stumbled over her words.

Ethan blinked. "Well, aren't you two... you know, girlfriend and boyfriend?" he asked casually, not realizing the bombshell he'd just dropped.

Emma's face went even redder, her hands shooting up in protest. "W-what? No! We're not like that! I'm totally single!" she blurted out, her embarrassment turning into a frantic denial.

Unbeknownst to them, Corin stood a little way off, hidden from sight. His fists clenched tightly as he overheard the entire exchange, his anger boiling over at the sight of Emma's confession and Ethan's cluelessness. His blood felt like it was burning in his veins, but he said nothing. He was too exhausted, too emotionally drained to even confront them. The truth had already wrecked his mind.

As he turned to leave, determined to walk away from the scene, Esdeath's voice stopped him in his tracks. "Hey! Why are you walking away like that?" she called out teasingly. "Don't you want to hear about your future?" Her voice was taunting, filled with a chilling amusement.

Corin paused, still facing away from her. After a long moment, he slowly turned back. Though he had little interest in whatever game she was playing, he sighed and replied with a hollow voice, "Fine. Tell me, Miss Esper... what's my future?"

Esdeath's smile widened, her eyes glittering with mystery. "You," she said in a low, almost whispering voice, "your future is to become the next king of this kingdom."

Corin's eyes narrowed as Esdeath's words sunk in. "What are you getting at?" he asked, his voice filled with suspicion. Her cryptic behavior only made him more doubtful.

Esdeath giggled darkly, her voice carrying an eerie sense of certainty. "Hehehe... Tomorrow at midnight, roam around the academy. I promise you," she leaned in slightly, her eyes gleaming, "your life will change forever." She straightened up, her smirk never fading, before turning her back on him.

As she began walking away, her voice called out again, lingering in the air. "Don't forget... midnight." Her figure disappeared into the shadows as she made her way toward her dorm room, leaving Corin standing there, conflicted and more confused than ever.

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