Reborn as an Yandere : Yandere X Yandere

Boar Strength Essence Stone

Luna turned back in confusion, "What to do you mean? " She was going to question this but for some reason her voice didn't came out. 

She touched herself at neck trying to cough.."What happened? Why can't I speak?" She thought in confusion and fear but just as she looked at esdeath who was holding blade of moonblade essence stone, Her eyes widened in realsation, Her instinct were screaming,She had to run from here, As fast as possible. 

Without wasting time, Luna bent down, her mind racing as she chanted a spell, "Earth Spikes!" The ground responded, sharp spikes shooting up from beneath Esdeath. They weren't massive, but they were sharp enough to wound. 

Esdeath, however, was swift. With an almost graceful movement, she dodged the spikes and bolted toward Luna.

"Why? Why is she attacking me?",Luna's thoughts spiraled, but no answers came.

As Esdeath closed the gap, Luna's survival instincts kicked in. She willed another spell into existence, "Crystal Needles!" With one hand extended forward, sharp crystal needles materialized, hovering in the air. In a flash, she fired them at Esdeath.

Clink... clink... clink...

Esdeath deflected the incoming projectiles effortlessly with her Moonblade, her movements fluid and precise. In a split second, she was right in front of Luna.


Esdeath's fist collided with Luna's abdomen, knocking the air from her lungs. Luna's mouth hung open from the impact, drool escaping as her body doubled over in pain.

"Cough… cough…" Luna gasped for breath, her mind clouding with fear. Desperation filled her as she whispered the last two spells she could muster, "Mind Strengthening, Physical Boost!" Her body surged with power, but she knew—it was draining the last of her mana.

Luna threw punches, kicks, and every technique she could muster, but none of it worked. Each time she tried to land a hit on Esdeath, she found herself on the receiving end instead. Her body ached from the constant blows, and exhaustion was creeping in.

"My mana… it's gone. I can't win… I can't win…" Luna's thoughts spiraled into despair. With no other option left, she turned and started to run, using every bit of strength she had left.

Esdeath didn't chase after her immediately. Instead, she smiled, a wicked gleam in her eyes. "Yes, run… That's exactly what I want. The more helpless you feel, the more your negative emotions will surface. And when they do, my plan will be complete," she thought as she began to follow Luna, but at a slow and calculated pace.

Luna panted heavily as she ran, her breaths ragged. Her mana was depleted, her body drained, but she couldn't stop. Every glance back at Esdeath pushed her to run faster, her heart pounding in fear. Eventually, she could see the distant glow of lights—*the market!* It wasn't far now.

"I can make it. I can survive," Luna thought with newfound hope. The bustling market was just ahead, full of people—her chance for safety. She stumbled into the market, relief washing over her. The sight of people buying food and clothes made her feel like she'd finally escaped. A smile tugged at her lips.

"I survived. I made it!" she thought triumphantly. But that relief quickly turned to panic again as she realized—there were no guards in sight. Luna's heart sank as she desperately scanned the market for help. Spotting an old woman nearby, she rushed over.

"Ahmm... Nmnbb..." Luna tried to ask where the guards were, but no words came out. Her throat felt tight, still unable to speak. 

The old woman looked puzzled. "What? What are you trying to say?" she asked, completely confused.

Luna slapped her forehead in frustration, her mind racing. "How do I make her understand?" She tried using hand signs, drawing her finger across her neck in a gesture to show danger. But the gesture only seemed to confuse the woman more.

"Is she… mentally unstable?" the old woman thought, her face twisting in discomfort.

"I have to go," the old lady mumbled quickly before hurrying away.

"Jobz… stob… (Stop… stop!)" Luna tried to shout, but still, her voice wouldn't work. 

Luna didn't give up. She ran to another person, trying to signal for help. Then another. And another. But each time, the communication failed. The crowd in the market began to notice her, but instead of understanding her plea for help, they only looked at her like she was losing her mind.

Luna's desperation grew. She was trying everything—every gesture, every action—but no one could understand that her life was in danger. Her eyes filled with tears of frustration, and all she could do was keep trying, hoping someone would see the terror in her eyes.

Luna's breath hitched as a voice echoed through the crowd. 

"I'm sorry, truly sorry for my sister's behavior," the voice said smoothly. Luna's eyes widened, her body freezing in place. She recognized that voice—it was Esdeath.

Esdeath stepped forward, her expression calm and polite. She gave a deep bow to the onlookers. "My sister is mentally unstable. I lost her in the market, and all this happened. I'm terribly sorry for the trouble. Please, I'll take her away now," she said, turning to Luna with a falsely sweet smile.

The crowd exchanged glances. One man pointed at the two of them, nodding. "Hmm...Both of them have Black hair.Yep, they sure look like sisters!" he exclaimed, and others murmured in agreement.

Luna felt her heart stop for a moment, disbelief washing over her. "Black hair?" Her mind raced as she glanced down at her own hair, which was now a deep, inky black instead of her usual green. Panic filled her as the pieces clicked together.

"Wait… silence magic… hair color change magic… She's been planning this all along!"

Luna suddenly recalled the time she saw those magic books on Esdeath's bed—silence magic and disguise spells. The realization hit her like a punch to the gut. "Esdeath's been planning to kill me from the start!"

"Let's go, little sister," Esdeath said sweetly, stretching out her hand toward Luna, but Luna knew better. Behind that smile, she could feel the cold malice hiding in Esdeath's eyes, waiting to strike.

Luna's heart raced as her eyes darted around, searching for a way out. Her gaze landed on a nearby fruit vendor, who was using a large knife to chop coconuts. Without thinking, she sprinted toward him and yanked the knife from his hand.

The crowd erupted into chaos. "Oh my god! That girl has a knife! She might stab someone—someone call the guards!" people yelled, backing away in fear.

Luna gripped the knife tightly, a wild smile forming on her lips. "Perfect," she thought. "Once the guards come, they'll arrest me for holding the knife, and Esdeath's plan will fall apart. Then, when the silence spell wears off, I can explain everything!"

But Esdeath was quick to react, her voice full of fake panic. "No! No! Please, don't call the guards! I told you, she's my sister! She's not going to hurt anyone—just let me handle this!" Her words were laced with concern, but Luna could sense the hidden urgency.

"No! Don't listen to her!" Luna thought desperately, slashing the air with the knife, trying to make the crowd even more nervous so they'd call for help. But before her plan could work, Esdeath was already moving. In a flash, she closed the distance between them.

Luna didn't even have time to react before Esdeath's hand clenched tightly and gave a solid chope to luna's neck. She gasped for air, eyes wide with terror, and everything went black as she lost consciousness.

Before Luna's body could hit the ground, Esdeath caught her with ease. She turned to the onlookers, flashing them a polite smile. "I'm really sorry about all of this. We'll be leaving now," she said smoothly, hoisting Luna's limp body over her shoulder and walking away, leaving the crowd speechless and none the wiser to the truth.


The night was eerily silent in the forest, the moon casting long shadows through the trees. Esdeath walked with calm, calculated steps, her grip firm around Luna's ankle as she dragged her unconscious body along the dirt and leaves. Luna's limp form left a trail on the ground behind them, but Esdeath didn't seem bothered by the mess.

After a few moments, Esdeath paused, her eyes scanning the dark surroundings. A cold smile played on her lips. "We're here," she thought to herself. The Boar King's territory was unmistakable. The trees had thinned out slightly, and the ground beneath her feet felt firmer, almost as if the earth itself was preparing for a fight.

Esdeath glanced down at Luna, who was still motionless, and resumed walking, dragging her along effortlessly. "The Boar King… a D-rank monster. Not too tough, but not weak either," she mused silently. "There are stronger ones out there—the Hundred Boar King, a C-rank, and the Thousand Beast King, far more dangerous." Her mind raced with calculations.

"But that's not what matters right now," Esdeath thought, her eyes gleaming in the dim light. "What matters is feeding a awakend virgin woman filled with negative emotions to the Boar King." Whether those emotions stemmed from fear, depression, or hatred, the important thing was that they were dark, negative. And Luna, full of fear and helplessness, was the perfect candidate. "Once the Boar King devours her alive, it'll go berserk for fifteen minutes. That's when I'll strike."

Esdeath's excitement grew as she calculated her odds. If she managed to kill the beast within those fifteen minutes of madness, there was an 80% chance of obtaining the Boar Strength Essence. 

The Boar Strength Essence Stones could permanently increase a person's strength by 15 stat points. But there was a catch. "There are different types of stones—Black Boar, White Boar, and even Pink Boar Essence Stones," she reminded herself. "You can only use one of each kind. Once you've consumed a White Boar Essence Stone, for instance, it's useless to consume another. You'll need to hunt down a Black or Pink one next time."

Esdeath dragged Luna's limp body and, without hesitation, pulled out a thick rope. She wrapped it tightly around Luna's torso, binding her securely against a large, rough tree trunk. The forest around them was deathly quiet, save for the occasional rustling of leaves in the night breeze. Esdeath's movements were quick and precise as she withdrew her Moonblade. Without a second thought, she sliced into Luna's arm, causing blood to spill onto the forest floor.

Esdeath stepped back, wiping the blade and quickly climbing into the branches of a nearby tree. Her eyes gleamed in the darkness as she settled in to wait. The scent of blood would soon attract the Boar King. She knew it wouldn't take long before the beast arrived, drawn by the scent of fresh prey.

The searing pain from her arm jolted Luna awake. Her mind raced in confusion. "Where am I?" she thought, her heart pounding. The thick darkness around her was disorienting, and her head spun. She looked down at the ropes binding her to the tree, panic rising in her chest. A sickening realization hit her as she tried to move—she was trapped.

Just then, a low, guttural growl echoed through the forest.


Luna's eyes darted forward, and her breath caught in her throat. Emerging from the shadows was a massive, wild boar, its size dwarfing her. The beast was nearly one and a half times larger than an average human, its enormous tusks curving forward menacingly. Its black fur shimmered in the dim light, giving off an aura of wild, untamed power. The creature's bloodshot eyes locked onto Luna as if recognizing her as its next meal.

"No… no… no!" Luna's voice cracked with terror, her heart hammering in her chest. Tears filled her eyes, blurring her vision as she struggled violently against the ropes. "I don't want to die!, I don't want to die! " she cried out, desperation thick in her voice. Her entire body shook as the reality of her situation settled in. "Please... someone help me... help me!" 

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