Chapter 73: Day 43 the town of Faywind
Colt when over everything with the girls about what going to happen next. We are going to the undead navel base and using the teleport gate the gate will send us to the capital city. Any questions no then let's go everyone walk into portal and as soon as they walk in they were walking out in hope welcome to the capital city. Once there Colt gave everyone a Elizabeth. As Elizabeth work to get the new girls situated in the way everything works here. While Elizabeth do that Colt decided to go collect everything and try to upgrade the castle again so he can get more points. Colt when and collected, disassemble, and summon everything. There was not alot of corpse there was only 3,600 because Colt move alot of troops they lose alot of hunting Colt summon they and got 7,200 undead you got to love double summon.Now for the breakdown of corpses and Collect resources 137,000 meat, 89,950 low grade magic crystals, 350 medium grade magic crystals, 144,000 iron,400,000 iron ore 1,104,000 wood, 2,880,000 stone, 3,840,000 copper coins, 493,460 silver coins, 3,266 gold coins, 28,800 Mithril ore, and 288 opal. Now let's see what I can upgrade. The forge, dungeon, inter walls, great shield, farm,lumber yard, orchard, treasury, alchemy workshop,city square, Stable, and hall of races was all upgrade to level 8. And mithril mine, gem mine, jewelry smith, black smith, leather smith, weapon smith,armor, mage tower and library to level 4.
City level 8
Territory 20 square miles
Territorial 34 square miles
Settlement points 3/8
Teleport gate crystals 6/10
Dead fortress crystals 2/3
Castle level 8/50
Dungeon level 8/50
Barracks level 15/25
Shrine of the dead level 4/10
Guardians of the dead level 13/25
Forge level 8/50
Residents quarters level 8/50
Blacksmith level 4/25
Inter Walls level 8/50
Outer walls level 8/50
Energy towers inter level 3 / 25
Energy towers outer level 3 / 25
Energy cannon level 3/25
Farms level 8/50
Iron mine level 8/50
Mithril mine 4/25
Stone query 8/50
Lumber woods/sawmill 8/50
Warehouse level 8/50
Granary level 8/50
Leather Smith level 4/25
Weapon Smith level 4/25
Armory level 4/25
Siver mine level 8/ 50
Gold mine level 8/50
Coin Smith level 7/50
Copper mine level 8/50
Gem stone mine level 4/25
Dead fortress level 3/25
Hall of races level 8/50
City square level 8/50
Teleport gate level 7/50
Great library level 4/25
Mage tower level 4/25
Great shield level 8/50
Pastures land level 8/50
Treasury level 8/50
Jewelry Smith level 4/25.
Orchard level 8/50
Alchemy workshop 8/50.
Stable level 8/50.
Magic crystals mine level 7/50
Undead navel base 1/10 locked requirement level 10 castle.
Stit I need to get more medium grade magic crystals. I need to look at some way to get more medium grade magic crystals but the only way I know is killing more powerful mosters but then is not any there but there is aspost to be a dungeon in the town of Faywind but it old and all the gold loot been taken but the lowest levels have never been explored because the mosters are so strong and no one truly knows if there is even anything down on the bottom floor and Faywind join our kingdom so I can kill two birds with one stone. I can go have the town join my kingdom and explored the dungeon Colt thought.I will have to check with the other villages first and step up gates. I have 3 gates currently on in the demi-humans realm, one near the kingdom of Alexander, and the other near city of shill. Colt message everyone do anyone what to go dungeon raiding. Jimmy, Everest, Elio, Odette, Ellie, and Edward all responded to Colt that they wanted to go. Colt told them to get ready. Colt told Lyric that she was joining them. Colt decided to go to Rehull and left for Faywind once he gets there he will get with the town mayor and see if they will join the kingdom or decide to stay independent from kingdom of freedom. Just then Colt got a link from the undead angel he sent with Nova my king I have information for you just give me the cliff notes. Nova is no longer a princess of the dragonborn kingdom and the dragonborn kingdom will not acknowledge the kingdom of freedom or this terrory claims. And the dragon kingdom is the same way. How long before yous will be back to the kingdom about 1 hour tell Nova to be ready to leave when I call for her yes my king.After about 1 hour of flying Colt make it to Faywind once he got there he walk around. It a small town about 3,000 people there iron mine near by and since there a dungeon close by the blacksmith, leather smith, and weapons smith all have alot of items to sell. Colt was in the weapon smith when a beautiful woman came in and bow to Colt why are you bowing to me because you are a high ranking member of the kingdom of freedom and I will assume you are here to see me and discuss the town join the kingdom. How did you come up with that l am form kingdom of freedom be some seen your pendant but not the color no. No they did not tell me that Colt pull it out as soon as she saw it was gold she was on her knees king Colt forgave my ignorance. For what I did not send messages ahead I did not let you know I was on my way. But no buts I came here without telling anyone. Go back to what you were doing before knowing that I was here. At that point king Colt I will stay here then I was doing nothing but waiting for a messager from you. If that the truth then stay and we can talk as I look at the weapons smith wares. Do you know what it means to become part of the kingdom of Alexander and some of the laws we have.What I know all races are equal and welcomed in the kingdom. Mix race relationships are allow. Racism is illegal. Slavery is illegal in the kingdom. We must pay 15 copper coins a year plus a 5% sales tax on every 20 coins a day. If you notice king Colt we really do not have alot of defenses and militia is almost nothing. That because of the dungeon and the flow of adventurers going to the dungeon will that be affected by joining the kingdom no I currently do not have any close borders. And once we join your kingdom you will install a mayor here. No you will stay in that position unless you want to step down. But I will have my undead troops be station here to protect the town and to hunt down any dangerous mosters the the local villagers, militia, or adventurers can not handle. Why would you do that to be truefull I may or may not be live like a human lifetime or maybe an elf lifetime or I may be immortal. I could die in battle. I do not know if my undead will disappear, attack my kingdom, continue to follow my orders or simply just walk away. So because of that I want every village,town,and city to have a leader and have a militia and I have a regular navy and army being created to defend my kingdom the town mayor look at Colt you truly care for your subjects. You are planning for a future that you will not be there for your kingdom most kings do not look towards the future. What is your name sorry I did not introduce myself my name is Anneliese. I am done looking at the wares let go to your town hall and we can get everything done and have this town become part of freedom. Anneliese showed Colt to the town hall once there Colt pull the contract out of his storage here all I need is your signature on this contract then I will record it and sent the information to all my allies and the other kingdom and realms so they know this is now part of kingdom of freedom. As soon as Anneliese sign the paperwork Colt got a notification congratulation you have acquired the town of Faywind you have one settlement point left. Now since the paperwork is signed one year from today the yearly tax will be due. Is there anything you need like supplies yes we need coins we only have a hand full of coins that is easy Colt link Diamond can you get 100k copper coins for me yes my king have them waiting at the teleport gate. Anneliese is there mayor manor yes follow me Anneliese too Colt to the manor is there a garden yes and to the garden this will work Anneliese watch as Colt took out a crystal and crushed it all of a sudden a gate appeared what is that it is a teleport gate a what. Follow me Colt walk in and Anneliese follow when she came out the other end welcome to hope the capital it a teleport circle you can call it that.