Chapter 91: Nidhog's Wrath Part: 1 Destroyer Attacks
(General POV)
Location the Nethervoid, outside the entrance to Castle Neo Oblivion
As the dark gothic gates open, forming a drawbridge allowing the three dark deities of the Nethervoid to leave their castle, unto the violet hellish realm of Carnage, some knightmares stationed as gate guards bowed before their dark master and mistresses as the trio walked out onto the violet open area that separated the castle from the Infernal Black Jungle before the three.
Chi, the Dark Druid Queen, was enjoying the admiration and sensation of the daemonic flora emanating from the black leave jungle as she stretched out her body as her black large tail sways, and closed her red eyes to bask in the dark powers of her personal domain within the Nethervoid, while Kiira has her Palace she owns the jungles and black forests across the Nethervoid, Laharl and Kiira watched their dear love/sister respectfully and just laugh lightly alerting the Dark Druid Queen as she looks at them with some confusion which made her tilt her head slightly asking her husband and sister-wife what they found funny, the two stop laughing as Laharl approached his dear wife and reaching out with his claw he started caressing her light grey face, dark hair, and even her saurian skull helmet saying to her "Nothing Chi. We just enjoy your dark connection to nature." which served to confuse Chi more but still enjoyed the love that they are showing her.
With that moment finished, Kiira spread her wings, ready to take flight as Laharl sprouted his three violet and black feathered wings gently picking up Chi in a princess carry position, as she can't fly or has wings not that she can complain as the trio took flight up to the maroon colored skies of the Nethervoid they headed towards Cassandra, Jade, and Scalpel's direction that they entered the realm of Carnage.
Location Hiveworld Kolbaline, battlefield Chaos Main Campsite
In Realspace, some time has passed since the Dark Ladies returned as daemons and Corex Andamalas the Wicked One, Sorcerer Lord of Carnage has been recognized as the unquestionable leader of the Chaos forces of Kolbaline, with the daemons of Carnage not only ravishing the planet, spreading carnage corruption and death in their wake as some more rituals were successful and open other rifts into the Warp, aside from the first in Aisther now the daemons outnumbered the mortal Chaos followers and with the increase Chaos Corruption the powers of their psykers and sorcerers has grown countless of the Kolbaline Guard were utterly butchered by the
mortal/immortal followers of Carnage.
On one battlefield that happened three months ago, Corex unleashed the Titan Chaos Spawn, Nidhog on the main capital of Kolbaline while they complete the fourth summoning ritual...
Realspace: Three months ago-Kolbaline...
Location the Hiveworld Kolbaline, Capital Hivecity, Atlas Primoria
The greatest hivecity, on the planet, the crowning jewel of Kolbaline it was the first city built by their founders and had served as a beacon of possibility and technological advancement for countless years, name after the mythological titan that bestowed fire and a new era of ingenuity to mankind serving as the role model for the advanced technological utopia that Kolbaline was supposed to be.
Because of this, it's considered a sacred living memorial for all that live and will live on the world built from the pieces of their ancient ships they used long ago, it has endless power not needing a core that they have lost to the savage Iron Kollarz Gobos long ago, once this colossal marble of metal, adamantium, gold, and ingenuity was the shining pillar that none but scientists, medic, and scholars would live and learn from the fountains of data and history within the systems of this mechanical gothic city.
This was a place of learning and creativity until the Grand Highlord De'sanguine was forced to defile such a sacred place of Kolbaline, refitting it as the main command center placing all engineers, mechanics, doctors, bioengineers, everyone within the colossal city along with refugees, under protection and control from military personnel and forces of the Kolbaline Guard he made Atlas Primoria into a military fortress under martial law.
Using the powerful, super weapons that were brought back online, they destroyed all invasion with superior fire power and also activated a powerful force shield that covered the entire hivecity protecting it from invaders, from there Atlas Primoria, the Grand Highlord De'sanguine personal control the war effort but his anger, and hatred towards his former daughter Cassandra has drove him to use bio-enhancers to prolong his life, refusing to die until he confirms her death charging and leading many battles since taking utter control over Kolbaline years ago.
Because of this, he is rarely in the hivecity and survived its attack...
One day, unexpected from everyone that their enemy could command such a great monster, and no one had ever seen it during the war.
From the east it came, it shuke the earth as it approached, regardless of metals used to build the watched stations, bunkers, and floor in the area surrounding the hivecity it was utter crushed under the weight and strength of the pale grey titanic monster with massive long limbs while thin almost skeletal arms/legs stomp/slam into the ground of outer limits of the hivecity, the monster's right arm reached out placing its massive black six-clawed hand on top of a tower as the guardsmen stationed in said tower were either ran out the structure or unloading their weapons on the grey titan monster ignoring the bullets, heavy rounds, explosives, laps-fire, and high powered laser but the creature utterly ignored the so called attacks dropping down it clawed limb down crushing the tower, as the structure exploded in between the claws of the creature.
As the people notited that the monster has the shared the same skin pigmentation as many of the traitors as it hairless, body was tinted with shades of violet and dark purples, this monsterous giant head was swaying side to side searching for prey until what appears to be it head look up and the multiple cracks on the oval shaped head, wiggled and splitted open revealing the mouth of the beast, just like twisted blooming flower with thirteen peddles the mouth skin was a bright red mixed burgundy each flap it covered in rows of curved razor-sharp teeth as well as exposing the inner mouth of the beast, the longest, larger, curved razor-sharp teeth, the monster roared with such power, force and intensity that the poor guardsmen stationed outsider either running or trying to fight whatever this monstrosity is were all kill by the force of the roar alone as they were burried under rubble, the sound destroyed their head as blood poured out from their facial orfices or some have their head completely blown, as the creature continued to roar it started mutating...
From it's back a humongous amphibians sail sprouted from it spine with the skin a pale lavender and the sharp spine a burgundy color, along it back sets of four arachnoid legs sprouted out, covered in hard exoskeleton in a dark maroon each leg piercing deeply into the ground around it and lastly from it upper back nearly at the base of the neck a pair of massive biomass of dark grey, violet, purple, and maroon started to grow and mold into a pair of giant arm with six white extremely long razor-sharp claws after these arm spread wide along with their clawed digits, at the near end of the monster's roar it closed it's new claws tightly and slammed them down hard causing the entire area to quake and shake.
Once done, both roaring and mutating it turn its attention towards the shield covered colossal hivecity, Atlas Primoria, and growled lowly, but for its size, it still was heard clearly spreading it larger arms wide while it's pale ones acted as it legs now, with the extremely long serpentine lower body swayed until the tick curling hide covered the tail started to wiggle and loosen, unwrapping themselves to reveal that most of it lower body is a multitude of thick hide, tough tentacles with curved claw-like tips while the main central "tail" was a dark grey tone and longer than the rest.
Now that the monster, Nidhog was locked onto it target and has finished mutating, it slammed all limbs against the metal covered ground and charged forward roaring at the hivecity as it quickly approaches the city, immediately after the people and Guard got over their shock and fear, realizing the monster was coming for them they acted since the normal and artillery didn't work, as many people within the battle station armed the cannons, missiles, pulse guns, everything and took aim at the Nidhog the acting commander gave the order to all operators "FIRE!" and with a push of a holoscreen, they unleashed hell upon the grey titanic monster.
A relentless barrage of cruiser shells, goliat rounds, void missiles, and planetary class red lasers were all shot at Nidhog.
They continued the attack, non-stop for several minutes until all clarity and vision were blocked by the massive smoke cloud formed from the continuous bombardment from Atlas Primoria that the CO was forced to give the order to cease attacking and check if they have taking down monster, from the holoscreen view all they saw was thick black smoke, and part of the destroyed terrain as a result of their attack but still they have yet to see any confirmation that the target has been eliminated.
Then, as the wait with nervous anticipation when several spear like tentacles burst out the smoke and struck hard against the force shield covering the capital city, the impact was so strong that it drained around 12% of their overall energy reserves to cover the damage, and before anyone could think of anything the next wave of tentacles came, along with a claw swipe as the smoke cleared revealing Nidhog still alive, suffering damage but that hope they gained seeing the monster wounded was quickly crush as the creature started to heal and regenerate right before their eyes.
Nidhog, the Titan Chaos Spawn, is constantly mutating inside by the ruinous powers of Carnage granting the colossal monster a powerful healing ability, plus it's unimaginable strength is like nothing before seen hence why the former guard beast of the Chaos Spire was unleashed upon the most important and strategical point in Kolbaline for its the only creature capable of destroying Atlas Primoria even the daemons with their powers are unable to willstand that level of fire power [It actually lore accurate that daemons, literally Warp entities can be destroyed by a powerful man made unblessed weapon if its powerful enough] so only the titan chaos spawn can do this task.
The colossal Carnage mutated monster was attacking relentlessly, forcing the Kolbaline Guard to mobilize all their guardsmen and war vehicles into battle, as the people within the weapon stations given command through vox system to reload and recharge the weapons for that's the only thing they possess that can harm such monstrosity all the while every guardsmen and even civilians armed with lapsguns started firing over a million souls desperately trying to stop Nidhog as it continues to strike the force shield repeatedly with claws, tentacles, and even ramming its massive body against it.
As the shields were dropping quickly from Nidhog's relentless onslaught, barely feeling damage from the rain of bullets, shells, explosives, and laps-fire, the people and Guard were unloading upon it, when the vox came to the CO that their weapons were ready he once again gave the order to fire but also order they aim at the beast's mouth when it roars again hoping to cause mayor lethal damage on the monster.
Once again, from multiple towers, they refitted from pieces of their old space vessels, adjusted their weapons, and took aim, unleashing another barrage of various shots, explosives, missiles, and projectiles onto Nidhog who screeched in pain as these bullets torn into its body, high powered laser burned and slice through it flesh, soaring explosive missiles impacted and ignited upon the form of Nidhog, and mighty hull busting shell destroyed parts of the monster, one of these powerful shells meant to penetrate the armor hulls of space ships managed to hit its main mark...inside the outer mouth of the Nidhog upon hitting the inner mouth blood and gore splashed and spilled across the area, some landing on the shield and boiling from contact, as the monster thrashed around splattering it blood everywhere, as the beast agonize and bleed the people cheered believing that they have managed to wound enough...but they were wrong...
True, they cause mayor damage and pain to Nidhog but not enough to kill it as it thrashed and started falling, crashing against the rubble, broken terrain around it Nidhog whines and bleeds onto the earth causing rapid mutation on the ground around them.
As Kolbaline breathed a sigh of relief, it soon turned to horror as the grey skinned monster smashed it darker, larger claws hard against the ground, forcing itself on to stand as the people watch in horror as Nidhog's wounds were regenerating, growling, hissing, and finally opening it outer mouth covered in burns and blood slowly regenerating as well as it starts roaring spitting and splashing blood everywhere as it roars, swaying it head frantically before it slowly stops and looks straight at the people as blood stained and still dripped down it mouths, then the wind started to act up around it.
Almost like a vacuum, as all watched as the wind was being pulled into the mouths of the beast along with dust, rubble, scrap, bodies, and more then from the cracks forming its outer mouth came sparks of violet electricity, surging and growing in amount, intensity, and power slowly but it was enough to strike new levels of fear onto everyone, as civilians ran fanatically to safety some guardsmen joining the chaos overcome with terror, as the higher ranking officers tried to restore order amongst the ranks Nidhog continued what it was doing.
Within the highest levels of Atlas Primoria, the CO was trying to restore order and prepare another wave of attack unto the enemy, but the obvious danger for the monster was preparing to unleash a powerful attack everyone could see and feel it deep within their souls, as many begged the CO to sound the retreat and to run so all can live they were only silenced by bolter round to their head as he regain control through fear and intimidation he demanded that they once again reload and engage the enemy before it has a chance to use whatever it's preparing as the holos showed Nidhog releasing more violet electricity with also black lighting surging across its outer mouth as it starts to slowly open it, all the while the winds have become more eradical and the skies were turning dark, as clouds started to be parted away from the area.