Chapter 88: The Daemon Hordes Ravish, the Rebirth of Three Begins
(General POV)
Location the Nethervoid, Castle Neo Oblivion/Throne Room
Currently, a slightly more restored Chaos God, Laharl, was sitting on his throne accompanied by his two beloved wives, Chi Aahtahg and Kiira Blakenroze as they watch as Kolbaline finally was meeting its end.
With this method of opening a rift through a different ritual than Nauless, the rifts will stay open longer and allow more daemons to pour into Realspace, as the Daemon Queens snuggle into their beloved's body on the sides of his neck, he responded with his arms gently over them,the two brides were resting peacefully especially with Laharl's wounds healing nicely and the Chaos God was greatly pleased as the first rift was opened and thousands of his daemons storm through the ruined hivecity on Kolbaline this made the Dark One very exited as his legions were butchering everything in their way, as his mortal followers were joining the daemons not only will this drastically increase the pace of Kolbaline's downfall but it's corruption already Laharl could feel his influence spread and penetrate into the planet, plus this meant that his "Materium Manipulation" ability will be active followed by "Daemon World Manipulation" as well which will come invaluable especially with the damned space elves getting more annoying in their attempts to learn what the Chaos Gods are in the Warp, this though brought laughter to Laharl was he closed his eyes and laughter out loud thinking it was typical Eldar behavior for then to think their superior, know it all especially when it comes to matters of the Warp this thinking led to his future sister's birth, and their latest incident involving his brother Khorne.
At least they serve for some amusement as Laharl's beloved were curious about what made him laugh so, after calming down, he told them, and the results were the same as him laughing hysterically and the Dark One admitted their laughs were enjoyable caressing their faces with his left claw he brought them up to his face and they shared a deep, passionate three-way kiss between them.
As the married trio of chaotic deities were expressing desire for one another, they felt a powerful surge of Chaos energy raising from the Hiveworld, this stopped the three, and also the working succubi around them that are also feeling the rising daemonic power.
Then Laharl, Chi, and Kiira smiled, knowing well what this energy is the quick ascension of a mortal into a Daemon Queen or better said Queens seem the growing surge of Carnage corruption onto Kolbaline is started to steer Cassandra, Scalpel, and Jade up from their long slumber, the trio basked in the knowledge that three new daemon demi-goddesses were soon to be born as they watched Laharl contacted his sweet advisor Aillia to bring up the updates and rewards while they watch what happens next on Kolbaline, Aillia replied with "Of course!! Right away, my Lord! (^v^)" with that, some blue transparent screens started floating in front of the Dark One as they together watched the massacre on Aisther, ruined hivecity.
Location the Hiveworld, Kolbaline within the battlefield of the ruined hivecity of Aisther
The moment the Chaos Sorcerer perished and his psychic power along with his soul were consumed into the Warp all summoning rituals will go smoother especially now that the Immaterium has a breach to pour out it ruinous corruptive powers unto the world in constant.
The legion of carnage has crossed over, and without the humans knowing of Chaos, or using psychic abilities, or more importantly, being protected and empowered by the anathema that is the Emperor their easy prey for the daemons of Laharl.
Kolbaline Guard never saw daemons before quickly responding by unloading all their into these monsters, but all it did was slightly burn the armor of the knightmares that rush straight into them with their daemonic black weapons ready to cleave/drive/cut into them all as one of the guardsman tried to stop the lesser daemon firing his entire clip of rounds from his bolter, then using his lapsgun but results were the same as the Knightmare just shrugged the hail of bullets and laps-fire off it dark daemonic armor, as it approached it victim calmly with it's darkblade in it clawed right hand, tightening it grip on the daemonic greatsword once the lesser daemon got close enough the knightmare swung it daemonic sword barely missing because the human, he dodge the massive downward slash and in response the guardsman try one last time firing a point blank shot from his lapsgun at the knightmare's helmed head causing a small explosion that obscured the man's vision and before he realized what happened he felt the stinging pain of having his chest cut opened as the daemon, taking advantage of the human's blindness swung it sword in a raising crossed slash to a right angle.
The guardsman backed away while holding the wide wound he suffered as blood soaked out his hands, and through his fingers staining his flack armor and clothes, he watched knightmare as the dark armored daemon with its arms wide and the black blade was diangelly in the air, the helmed monster stared at the guardsman which unnerved the man as the helmet had no way of showing the lesser daemon's features, then cracking was heard by the guardsman when the helmet of dark knight daemon burst open, revealing its Venom like mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth and a long violet-pink colored tongue flailing around as this brought crippling fear into the man never witnessing anything like this before, he tried to retreat but fail to see the knightmare's tongue stretching out and before he could do anything the daemon's tongue was around his neck, wrapped tightly as the Knightmare pulled in its prey with its darkblade positioned, when the guardsman struggled he felt the cold sensation pierce through his gut looking shakenly down he saw the daemon's sword impaled straight into his body...
The Knightmare unwrapped it tongue from the man's neck, letting his body fall with its full weight, slicing more into the dying human with a swift pull the sword was removed and the poor guardsman fell lifeless to the violet carnage corrupted earth, with it victim slain the knightmare turns towards the neck guardsman to kill and offer to it dark master, all around knightmares were charging into other guardsmen ignoring the humans' gun and laps-fire, some were even engaged in melee as daemonic weapons forged within the guts of the Stigeon, clashed against Kolbaline steel and adamantium a true daemonic invasion as many of the Apexstalkers lead their brethren and Slaughter Calvary intent on going deeper into the Aisther ruins seeking out more prey within and out the destroyed, and ever corrupting hivecity some of the remaining squad members tried to kill these raptor based daemons, but it only served to enraged the Dark & Apexstalkers they hit which in turn the Stalkers returned the favor in full by either blasting them with fireballs from their mouths or the more direct option pouncing on the poor human driving their fangs, talons, claws and stingers turning their prey to gorery shreds.
The Observers, once crossing over, floated high into the sky, heading the direction of the Kolbaline Guard's main force groaning as these bulges of scarabpus covered eye-ball beasts of Carnage went in search of larger numbers, ignoring the dwindling number of Guardsmen below them falling victims to their fellow daemons.
Eventually, the ever growing numbers of daemons, alongside the Chaos mortal forces, slaughter the small resistance, especially with the Void Wraiths unleashing their daemonic sorcery onto the unsuspecting, defenseless mortals bombarding the guardsmen with warp-spells from flames to lightning, this will prove to be a feast for their Dark God and themselves for aside Lord Khorne, only the Eldar are a real threat to them especially in this time.
Once all were slaughtered, one of the Void Wraiths came down to earth, floating before the acolytes, fanatics, and cultists in the service of the Dark One, the Void Wraith in its ghostly voice praise them and told them that soon not only will the entirety of Kolbaline will be in the Dark God, Laharl's thrall but also shall be pulled into the Warp to join the territorial dominion of his alongside Thraakhi and the Nethervoid itself, but what brought them even greater joy is that it told them that will the summoning ritual a success, the ruinous powers of the Immaterium shall constantly flow into the Hiveworld and long last awaken the ladies Cassandra Crimsontear, Scalpel Bleedinhart and Jade Emerlhyde from their cocoons at long last they roared and cheered from this great news, with a simple hand gesture of raising it pale skinned arm he the Void Wraith silenced them and with other arm grasping its scepter pointed to the west and said "Now is...not...the celebrate...servants of the Carnage God!!! It is...time to...slaughter...bring torment...ruination...and these...fools that...stand against...our...God...go!!!" with those words the small force of mortal followers of Laharl joined the legion and marched to greater battles, carnage, and glory in the name of the Dark One, with this the first of many daemonic enscourches have begun on Kolbaline all the while the dark deities of the Nethervoid were watching feeling the most pleased.
(Laharl/Chaos God POV)
Location the Nethervoid, Castle Neo Oblivion/Throne Room
My daemons and mortal servants have united, and a few moments ago, the Observers joined the main battlefield, raining down warp-lightning rays at the guardsmen below, providing aerial support to my Gobos, Chaos Guardsmen and Flesh Horrors still engaging the General's forces at the edge of Aisther, I laugh at the sight and to be honest my inner 40k fan was geeking out at the sight, was better then a GW new reveal trailers and cinematics especially when it's real life, looking slightly to my sides I saw my dear wives also enjoying the spectacle as Kiira called one of succubus daughters to bring us Ambrossia and some snacks, re-confirming my choice of using a FACs to create a kitchen was a great idea.
Chuckling to myself as Chi and Kiira enjoy their drink and food, I turn my attention to my rewards, knowing it was going to be long, especially since I've haven't been keeping it up to date...sighing this reminds me of the annoying notifications of my cell back in my first life.
Taking a drink from my favorite Chalice, I stared at the transparent blue screen with the long list in front of me and began reading.
2.Access and Command over "Carnage Crawlers".
3.Negotions with the Arkefine have a higher chance of succeding + 5%>
2.Access and command over "Abyss Defilers".
3.Daemonic Reinforcement level up x 5.
4.Greater Daemon Spawning.>
2.Chaos allies are empowered and are more stable fighting alongside Carnage aligned forces.>
2.Physical Damage & Resistance, has increased by 15% for all Carnage aligned forces.
3.Free Absolute Creation x 2.>
I'm impressed and tired, these were the rewards that most drew my attention I asked Aillia to put away the rest for another time, which she responded with cheery
My cute advisor, just like my beloveds, always found a way to brighten my mood, thanking her I went back to watching the utter massacre my forces were wroughting to the Kolbaline Guard as we continued to enjoy the show, and refreshments I reached out with my fully healed right claw signaling a succubi to refill my chalice as the lesser lush daemon, poar me another drink we felt it...the surge...which a smile adorn my face seems I'll have to build three more thrones for the Throne Room...
(Corex Andamalas POV)
Location the Hiveworld, Kolbaline the corrupted landscape surrounding the top of Chaos Spire of Three Queens
I could feel it the summoning was a success, ahh glorious as I felt the power of the Warp bathing this puny, miserable planet and the children of the Dark One are crossing over I walk over to the edge of the spire looking down at the corrupted landscape, witnessing as my brothers, sisters, and fellow worshippers of Carnage could feel the same as me at some extent.
Looking at my fellow Crimsontear Cult Battalion members movilizing alongside Lady Jade's Iron Kollarz Gobos and Lady Scalpel's Flesh Horrors they have even climb off the spire to go down below this glorious occasion made me spread my clawed armed wide into the sky and praise Carnage and most importantly Laharl!
This is my moment to gain favor from my dark master and obtain untold power, more than I could ever imagine, plus much more as I gather my psychic power to summon one of my sorcerer and acolytes towards me so we can move on to the next stage of Kolbaline's inevitable downfall to chaos and continue the divine purpose that both allmighty Laharl and the great Kha'braxi have assigned to me, after a few minutes my kabal came and immediately kneeles before as I started telling them what coming next in the Dark One's plans.
At the moment of planning the upcoming rituals in various sites across Kolbaline and coordinating with the sorcerers to start their own rituals, allowing the full might of the legions of the Dark One to utterly ravish the entire world, as I explained the plan and relayed my order I've heard it, the cracking, and snaping sound that silenced all of us that when me and the others turned our attention to the only source that might have caused it...the Ladies' cocoons as my sight focused on the three massive dark maroon and purple color sphere of biomass that are no longer resembling embryos but matured cracking eggs, as all three cocoons were breaking, cracking and shattering open expulsing some viscous slime nearly transparent but having a light violet tone, then parts of the ladies started to tear through the cocoon shells, claws, fingers, horns, wings and more because of the slime coating I could barely make out the new traits and details of my ladies except that a long last they have fully ascended and returned to the fold.