Reborn 1990: Running towards the life of a housewife

Chapter 23 Moving (2 in 1)

When Shen Xiaojun came to the city again, the small courtyard had been neatly arranged, and he could move as soon as the furniture arrived.

Shen Xiaojun turned around carefully and nodded with satisfaction. The walls in the house were painted white, the wooden window sills, pillars, doors, etc. were also painted with varnish. The toilet in the backyard was clean and tidy, and the yard was even and tidy. Even the uneven tiles on the roof have been straightened out.

If Shen Xiaojun hired someone to do it himself, he might not be able to take care of it so well.

"When we move here, we have to treat Zhou Wei to a meal alone. He has been helping us these two days."

Shen Xiaojun nodded: "Okay, I'll ask later when the furniture can be brought in. Let's find a day to move it as soon as possible."

Once we finish moving, school will start soon.

Not only did he have to treat Zhou Wei to a meal, he also had to treat family members on both sides.

August 24 is the day to move.

Early in the morning, Lin Zhe found a tricycle and went into the village to pull furniture and luggage. Of course, it was obviously unrealistic to pull it into the city on a tricycle, so after pulling these things on the road, he took a small truck to the city. lira.

This additional process is also because the roads in the village are too narrow and have steep slopes in some places, making it difficult for four-wheeled vehicles to enter.

The big wardrobe at home was Shen Xiaojun's dowry, and it must be taken away. The TV at home, and the two large and small cabinets for storing food are also needed. There is also food, and the pots and pans at home are all needed. Those who could get on were loaded onto the car.

I keep the bed at home so that I can have a place to sleep when I come back for the New Year or the holidays.

Lin Xu and Sun Hui came to help, and the neighbors also came to help.

The tricycle went back and forth several times before the packed luggage was cleared.

"It is said that Lin Zhe has been a gangster since he was a child, and will end up in jail when he grows up. No one with a daughter at home dares to marry him. Did you see that he has moved to the city and bought a house in the city!"

This process of pulling things out caused many people to stop and watch. They were either sitting on the threshold chatting, or standing on the roadside with a hoe, talking among themselves.

"Isn't that right? When Shen Xiaojun got married, many people said that she was blinded. How poor the Lin family was at that time! These few rooms were built slowly as the children grew older. Her family is in the town. ...Now that I think about it, I am still discerning, and I suddenly became a city dweller."

"...I heard that all the registered permanent residences have been moved."

Zhang Simin was so busy that she helped collect things here and there. After finally taking a rest, Aunt Jiang from next door ran over and said: "You are enjoying the blessing now. If I were you, I would just follow my son into the city without doing anything." When the old king goes away, the old ladies in other cities live a very cool life, going to the park to dance every day."

Zhang Simin has always annoyed her. A few years ago, she said that she had many sons and that her family was too poor to find a wife. Everyone in the house had to be bachelors. Later, her sons all married well. Lin Zhe even went to find a wife in the town. She also said that Lin Zhe married a rich lady. A family like theirs couldn't handle it, and she, the mother-in-law, would suffer.

Day by day, she had to say everything, and it was so annoying to hear.

Zhang Simin has always been kind to others. Even if she was annoyed in her heart, she still smiled and said: "It's not like I can't move. I'm an old lord. If I had that intention, I would have stayed with my eldest son in the past two years. Where can I wait?" Now. As a human being, I have a hard-working life. As long as I can move and grow my own food, I won't put a burden on my children. I can't compare with you! My life is not as good as yours."

Who doesn’t know that Aunt Jiang and his wife began to demand filial piety from their sons after they got married? How much rice a year, how much money, and how many pieces of clothing were required were all stipulated, even for their married daughters.

How old were she and her man then?Less than fifty!

No one in the village would say that they have no children or grandchildren in their hearts. It is not that easy for young people to start a family and start a business.

Aunt Jiang pursed her lips, thinking that Zhang Simin was a fool!If you are blessed, you will not enjoy it!

Fortunately, she didn't agree to her son marrying a girl from her family. If he did, he would have a litter of little fools!

Zhang Simin also thought that it was a good thing that she didn't let her daughter marry into her family, otherwise she would have suffered for half her life!

After the things were moved, Zhang Simin locked the door and the family followed the car into the city and had to help put them away.

The minivan drove into the alley and stopped at the door. A neighbor poked his head out to see and said hello with a kind smile.

Shen Xiaojun handed the son in his arms to Zhang Simin and asked everyone to move everything into the house.

"...The wardrobe is placed in the room to the left of the door."

"...This is for the kitchen. Don't move it in. The kitchen door is over here."

"Second sister-in-law, leave the clothes for now. I'll pack them away later."

With this routine, it was almost noon, so I didn't start the fire at home. I found a small restaurant nearby and cooked some vegetables for a meal.

After eating, I went back to work. It wasn't until four o'clock in the afternoon that everything was slightly arranged.

The remaining bits and pieces were left to be sorted out slowly by themselves.

There was a treat for dinner the next day, but Zhang Simin and his wife did not go back. Lin Xu and Sun Hui left, agreeing to come back tomorrow with their children.

The next day, the genius was bright, and Shen Xiaojun ordered Lin Zhe to get up and go buy groceries. Lin Zhe yawned and reluctantly got out of bed.

"Keep your voice down, don't wake the child up." Shen Xiaojun lay on the bed and gently patted his son who was moving beside him.

Lin Zhe lowered his voice resignedly and walked cautiously towards the door.

It's not okay to just accept your fate. If it doesn't go her way at all, she'll get mad!Don't even touch it!

Shen Xiaojun added: "There is a piece of paper on the table with the things you want to buy written on it. Just follow it and buy it."

Passing by the desk under the window, Lin Zhe picked up the note and 50 yuan on the table.

Lin Zhe paid for the furniture and materials purchased these days. From the moment he came back, Shen Xiaojun knew how much money he had in his bag. Naturally, he also knew that he had little money on him, so he put 50 yuan in food money.

Zhang Simin got up earlier than Lin Zhe. Seeing him turn on the light in the living room, she walked out of the innermost room, "Are you going to buy groceries? I'll go with you."

Lin Zhe: "I'll just go alone. You can just sleep a little longer."

Zhang Simin waved her hand: "I get less sleep as I get older, so I can't sleep, so I just want to go out for a walk."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound of coughing in the room inside. Lin Chengcai also woke up and walked out slowly, "I'll go for a walk too."

Shen Xiaojun listened to them go out together and lay on the bed for a while before getting up.

First I went to the kitchen to make a pot of porridge. I also brought the kimchi jar from home. I cut a radish and mixed it with fried chili oil. It was sour and spicy and went very well with rice.

I was planning to fry some egg pancakes, but as I was going out to get eggs, I heard someone selling steamed buns in the alley.

I quickly opened the door and went out to see a woman in her forties pushing a bicycle into the alley. There was a foam box tied to the back seat of the bicycle.

Seeing Shen Xiaojun open the door and come out, the eldest sister suddenly laughed: "Sister, do you want steamed buns? I made them newly this morning, authentic northern steamed buns, they are delicious."

The eldest sister speaks with a foreign accent, and I don’t know if the steamed buns are authentic or not, but the person is quite authentic anyway.

Lift the foam lid and the hot steam will come out.

The steamed buns look quite solid, about the size of a fist, and cost a dime each. There are also steamed buns made of brown sugar fillings, and those filled with vegetable and meat fillings.

Sugar buns and vegetable buns are both [-] cents, and meat buns are [-] cents.

Shen Xiaojun and the children didn't like steamed buns very much, so they only bought two, and picked up a few similar buns for three yuan.

Carrying the buns, she entered the house, closed the courtyard door with her backhand, and turned around to see Xiaowei standing at the door of the main house, rubbing her eyes.

"woke up."

Xiaowei nodded, "Mom, where is my toothbrush."

"Wait a minute." Shen Xiaojun went into the kitchen and put away the buns. Shen Xiaojun went to the drawer of the bedroom cabinet to get a toothbrush for the child.

The ones at home should be replaced after being used for a long time. Shen Xiaojun bought new ones a few days ago.

He handed the new toothbrush and mouthwash cup to Xiaowei, "The other one belongs to my sister, don't get confused."

Xiaowei nodded, one was blue and the other was pink, Xiaowei chose the blue one.

After choosing, he obediently went to the laundry table to brush his teeth. The laundry table was a bit high for Xiaowei, so Shen Xiaojun picked up two bricks in the corner and put them on the mat.

The air in the yard was fresh and cool. Shen Xiaojun opened a folding table left by the previous owner in the yard and planned to have breakfast outside.

After Xiao Yue also got up, Lin Zhe came back with the old couple with his hands full.

"Have you bought everything?" Shen Xiaojun asked as soon as he came back.

After Lin Zhe entered the door, he put the things in his hands on the laundry table and said, "I've bought it all, I've bought it all."

Zhang Simin was holding a chicken in her hand: "We walked a little further, and the neighbors nearby said that the vegetables in the big market were cheaper, so we went with them."

"Everything in this city really costs money. Even this chicken is more expensive than what we sell in the countryside, almost one or two yuan more! If I had known better, I would have bought it from the countryside. If you want to buy chickens and ducks next time, you should go back to the countryside to buy it. Or just keep it in the yard, your yard is big anyway."

Shen Xiaojun has no idea of ​​raising chickens and ducks in the yard. Firstly, he doesn’t have the spare time, and secondly: it stinks!

She wanted to turn the yard into a beautiful courtyard with artistic conception, rather than a noisy farmyard.

Zhang Simin was still nagging: "Just these vegetable leaves cost [-] cents per catty. In our countryside, people rarely eat them because they are fed to pigs. No wonder your eldest brother still owes money after working for so many years. ... With this amount of money spent, if your father and I lived in the city, we might not even be able to afford food."

As they talked, they began to worry about their family's livelihood.

"...Don't be as lavish as before in the future. If you can't make back the money, your wife and children will have to go hungry. Now that your household registration has been moved, you won't even have the fields in the countryside. I wonder what you will do then! Do you still have the nerve to go back..."

He said so bluntly that Lin Zhe nodded his head, promising to make money well and never spend money lavishly.

Then he pulled Lin Zhe and whispered: "If your second brother borrows money from you to start a winery again, don't agree. I can't talk to him. Your second sister-in-law even murmured to me, saying that he is unreliable and that I know him." He doesn’t look like he’s doing business, so I just know that he’s eating and drinking with me, and he’s spending a lot of money.”

Lin Zhe said: "I have to have money to borrow it! Anyway, I have no money. Xiaojun probably has a little, but certainly not much. I look at her look like that. If it gets into her hand, don't even think about borrowing it again." come out."

"That's how it should be! One of the husband and wife must have the money-handling hand! This way the wealth will not be leaked..."

It would be better if Xiaojun could save some money. Look at these buns. Why did you buy so many? It’s not like you can’t fill your stomach with porridge.

After breakfast, Shen Xiaojun directed Lin Zhe to kill the chicken, while she and Zhang Simin were busy in the kitchen.

The two daughters looked at their younger brother. Seeing that Lin Chengcai had nothing to do without him, he ran to the backyard to dig the ground.

At 09:30, Shen Xiaohua came with Xiaoru. She came here specifically to help.

He was also holding a bucket of oil in his hand, which probably weighed more than ten kilograms.

"I'm just going to give you something practical, not just nonsense."

Shen Xiaojun took it with a smile, "Just in time, I'm short of this, it saves me money to buy it."

Zhang Simin also smiled and praised her for her honesty.

Yuan Fenfang and Lin Ting were the second batch to arrive. In order to come, Yuan Fenfang took half a day off.

"I have to go to work in the afternoon. It's not easy to take a day off. I have to deduct wages. After a month, I only have one day off."

Yuan Fenfang is a bit fat, tall and has a disk-shaped face. She always has a smile on her face, and she has a kind-hearted look for her young age.

She brought a pressure cooker, a Double Happiness brand, "I thought I didn't see one at your house last time, so I bought one. This pot cooks so fast, it can be cooked in twenty minutes."

"I was still thinking about when to buy one, and this is just the time..."

Just talking and laughing like this, it wasn't until eleven o'clock that the Shen family and Lin Xu arrived one after another. As for Chen Guangyuan and Lin Rui, they had to wait until they got off work.

The Shen family were more practical as parents, so they directly gave Shen Xiaojun a red envelope.

As for Shen Xiaolian and Su Yongning, they gave two bottles of wine, red wine, with a unique sentiment.

Lin Xu and Sun Hui bought a quilt.

The children all ran to Xiaowei and Xiaoyue's room to play.

Lin Lan, who is one year older than Xiao Wei, is Lin Xu's eldest daughter. She looked at the dolls on the bed with envy, "Lin Wei, your father is so kind. He even bought you dolls."

Lin Xu's second daughter Lin Ning nodded at the side and said aggrievedly: "Last time I asked for it, my father wouldn't buy it for me and even scolded me."

Xiaowei handed the doll to them generously, "You can play with it, just don't break it."

Su Xia looked at Xiao Wei and the others with some envy. Both her aunt's and aunt's families had moved into the city, but her family was the only one who still lived in the town.

She turned around and looked at the beautifully decorated and spacious room, feeling increasingly depressed. Because she lived in the school's staff dormitory, the space was limited. The room she lived in could only accommodate a bed and desk, which was extremely crowded. The lighting was not good, she had never lived in such a big room.

Seeing that she was unhappy, Chen Ru came over and asked, "Xiaoxia, what's wrong with you?"

Su Xia shook her head and lay down on the table, "It's nothing, I'm just sleepy."

Chen Ru was only 11 years old. Who knew what she was thinking? She really thought she was sleepy and asked everyone to keep their voices down so as not to disturb her.

In the yard, the men were chatting animatedly.

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