Rebirth to 90s: Start from Scratch

Chapter 510

Chapter 510 Weiwei is fierce

Bervska said with a smile: “I have long heard that your country has a profound culture. If you have the opportunity in the future, you must understand and learn.”

Zhang Qianxiu has always felt that his country’s culture is the most exciting and profound in the world.

But Zhang Qianxiu is also very clear. In fact, most people in foreign countries do not admire our domestic culture at all. Just think about it. Foreigners can’t understand our culture much, not to mention the deeper spiritual culture, even They don’t even know how to understand our culture in ancient poems, idioms or even words.

If you don’t understand, how can you promote it?

Among the people who understand our culture, there are still a large number of people who stand on the opposite side of us, but only a small part of them really understand and admire.

Moreover, a person’s concept is formed, and they are the concept of a Westerner, even if they understand our culture, they cannot completely agree with it.

It is as if a Chinese suddenly understands Western culture, and he will not agree with it. In the 21st world, many people agree with Western culture, and even most people can accept it. That is a fusion of Western culture. Of course, say The sharp point is the invasion of Western culture.

Zhang Qianxiu doesn’t believe that Bervska really wants to understand the domestic culture. In fact, it is just business mutual praise: “If Mr. Bervska is interested, he can live in our country for a few more days.”

“If you have the opportunity, you must live long,” Bervska said.

Both seemed to avoid the previous topic on purpose.

Ten minutes later, Song Xiaoluo’s call came, and Zhang Qianxiu answered the phone: “Hey…”

Song Xiaoluo said, “Boss Zhang, it’s done. I probably checked it and there is no problem.”

Zhang Qianxiu said: “Okay, you take care of the rest. I will take Mr. Bervska to the hotel.”

Through the glass, Zhang Qianxiu saw that all the trucks below had been loaded, and they were slowly heading outside the airport.

Zhang Qianxiu greeted Bervska and walked outside the airport.

This time, the total amount of funds is 600 million yuan, which is more than 10,000 catties, which is more than six tons.

Zhang Qianxiu now trusts Song Xiaoluo very much. After coming out of the airport, he did not follow Song Xiaoluo and the others to the courtyard, but drove to the hotel.

The hotel has already arranged the rooms and meals here.

During the meal, Zhang Qianxiu and Bervska learned about the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union is too messy, and Bervska alone said that there is still no way to understand the overall situation.

Zhang Qianxiu felt that he still had to go to Su Guo, otherwise, there would be no way to understand the situation there.

Moreover, when chatting with Bervska this time, Zhang Qianxiu felt that Su Guo did have a lot of opportunities.

In the next few days, Zhang Qianxiu stayed with Bervska for two days, and the two were mainly talking about the Soviet Union.

Lunar calendar, July 25th.

Zhang Qianxiu called Su Yuwei over.

Su Yuwei is now in Pengcheng, busy buying an electronics factory for Zhang Qianxiu.

Zhang Qianxiu has relatively high requirements for electronics factories and must have a certain technical reserve.

In this age, the state-owned factories are basically state-owned factories with a certain amount of technology reserves. In the final analysis, it is because the development time of private enterprises is too short and there is no time to accumulate technology.

But the acquisition of state-owned factories is a particularly troublesome thing.

Sometimes you pay a price that is several times higher than its actual value, and he just ignores it; sometimes when the factory is worth 10 million, he sells it to you for one million.

There are too many relationships involved here, and it cannot be solved with money.

Therefore, Su Yuwei was also very busy when she arrived in Pengcheng.

When Zhang Qianxiu called, Su Yuwei had just met with the director of a state-owned factory and talked about the acquisition.

“Daughter-in-law, how is Pengcheng’s situation?” Zhang Qianxiu asked.

Su Yuwei said: “Not so much!”

“Huh?” Zhang Qianxiu was taken aback: “Can’t it be done?”

“I have been in contact with those people, and there are not many good people.” Su Yuwei paused, and said: “There were two factory directors, one official who was in charge of state-owned factories was beaten by me.”

Zhang Qianxiu frowned immediately, and immediately understood what Su Yuwei meant. It must be those people who had moved their lust, but fortunately, Su Yuwei was not the one to provoke.

But when he thought of the ugly faces of those people saying nasty things, Zhang Qianxiu couldn’t help but frowned: “Which two factories?”

Su Yuwei smiled “hehe” and said, “Are you angry?”

Zhang Qianxiu said, “I’m angry!”

Su Yuwei said triumphantly: “Don’t worry! Those people are people who eat and take cards and are full of women and money. They want to talk nonsense to me, and I slap them up without giving him a good face.”

“These people really want to do things, they are not my opponents.”

“And Kong Wan’er was helping me. They arranged for someone to stop me several times, but Kong Wan’er solved it.”

“Those people are trying to prevent me from acquiring. I asked Kong Wan’er to look for those people. I guess it won’t take long to get their handle.”

“At that time I will see how they jump.”

Zhang Qianxiu frowned when she heard it: “Kong Wan’er went to investigate those people? No one else around you?”

“No, I have a sense of measure myself.” Su Yuwei said indifferently.

Zhang Qianxiu said without a doubt: “You immediately let Kong Wan’er go back and follow you, and I will find someone else to help you.”

Zhang Qianxiu was too worried.

The chaos of this era was unexpected later. The more profitable classes are involved, the more messy methods there will be.

Su Yuwei beat two factory directors and one official leader. These people are definitely not good stubborn people. Su Yuwei ran around in Pengcheng alone, which made Zhang Qianxiu particularly worried.

Su Yuwei said: “I asked Wang Qiang to arrange three people over for me. When the time comes, those three people will investigate and Kong Wan’er will stay with me.”

“It is estimated that those three people will be there tonight.”

When Zhang Qianxiu heard this, he was a little relieved: “Then you should pay more attention to yourself. The purchase of electronics factories is secondary. You must first ensure your own safety.”

“Know, don’t worry!” Su Yuwei smiled and said: “Do you care about me so much?”

“I don’t care who you care about?” Zhang Qianxiu followed up and said, “I call you mainly to tell you something. I may not know Pengcheng anymore. I’m going to Su Country.”

“Go to State Su?” Su Yuwei asked strangely: “Isn’t your loan already down? Why do you want to go to State Su?”

Zhang Qianxiu said: “The State of Su is in chaos now, as long as it is chaos, then there must be a chance.”

“In the future, there are many places where money will be used. In a serious business, it is too slow to make money. The situation in the country of Su is very rare in a thousand years.”

Su Yuwei asked: “Then when are you going?”

“It will be over in half a month.” Zhang Qianxiu said, “I have to find a team to go with it. It’s no use for me to go alone!”

This half month is the time for Zhang Qianxiu to form the team.

“All right! Then can you come back before the New Year?” Su Yuwei asked.

It is now in the seventh month of the lunar calendar, and there are still a few months to go for the New Year. It is hard to say how long it will take to go to the Soviet Union this time.

Zhang Qianxiu said affirmatively: “Come back!”

Zhang Qianxiu planned to come back when the Soviet Union disintegrated. 1991 was the year of the Soviet Union’s disintegration. December 25th is its deadline.

Su Yuwei said: “My dad said, let you go to my house to spend your new year, if you can come back, I will promise them.”

“Ah? This is okay! The old husband asked me to go to Xiaonian, I will definitely go.” Zhang Qianxiu said with a smile.

Su Yuwei spit out Zhang Qianxiu: “What old man, you can’t call it that now, besides, my dad is not so old, right?”

“Well, well, I will call you father-in-law in the future, or you can change your slogan as Dad.” Zhang Qianxiu said jokingly.

Not half of the girls are shy, Su Yuwei said with a smile: “As long as the exit is called, I don’t have any opinion. Now our village is saying that I have found a rich man.

“In the beginning, some people didn’t know the situation. They said you are in your forties or fifty, what do you do at home.”

“Later, after they learned that you were Uncle Hu’s nephew, some people ran to propose to Shanshan, making your aunt so angry.”

Zhang Qianxiu was taken aback: “Why don’t I know?”

“You do business every day, of course you don’t know.” Su Yuwei said.

Two people chat together for more than an hour.

After hanging up, Zhang Qianxiu was still worried and called Fan Jialiang again.

Fan Jialiang is now forming a company, busy renting venues, buying office equipment, and hiring people.

Seeing the call from Zhang Qianxiu, he quickly put aside his work: “Boss! Everything is going well in the company. I will give you a detailed report after I make the report tonight.”

Zhang Qianxiu said, “I didn’t want to ask you this. After my daughter-in-law went to Pengcheng, she beat someone, do you know?”

Fan Jialiang was taken aback, and then said: “I know! I have helped out these days, the lady boss hit several people.”

“How many fights?” Zhang Qianxiu asked.

Fan Jialiang said: “I don’t know, there are always seven or eight! Four or five are deputy factory directors, directors, etc., there are two factory directors and an official person.”

“Now the lady boss says that she is going to talk about acquisitions, but the state-owned factories are reluctant to talk to her. Only a few private factories are talking about it.”

“However, the technical proprietress of the private factory is very dissatisfied, so I haven’t talked about it.”

When Zhang Qianxiu heard Fan Jialiang’s words, he probably knew that Su Yuwei didn’t pay attention to those directors and deputy directors at all.

Zhang Qianxiu said: “When the lady boss asks you for help, you give priority to her side, and you can put the work on your side.”

“Okay!” Fan Jialiang didn’t dare to have any comments, and then said: “Boss, an official leader said to see you. I said you are not in Pengcheng. He said he wants to see me. I will go to see the leader of Pengcheng tomorrow. It’s about stocks.”

Zhang Qianxiu didn’t know why the leader of Pengcheng wanted to find himself, but he did not do anything illegal in Pengcheng, so don’t worry: “You go there and just call me if you have any problems.”

“Okay, boss!”

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