Rebirth to 90s: Start from Scratch

Chapter 471

Chapter 471 National College

Finally, someone asked: “Leader, there is no factory yet. What shall we do before the factory is built? We want to eat!”

Zhang Qianxiu said: “Because you want to build a factory and the house where you live, you will need workers when the time comes. You can go to work on the construction site. Then you will need masons, plumbers, carpenters, and those who don’t know these skills can do little jobs. .”

“At that time, the construction site will give priority to recruiting you, at least it will ensure that you have food problems.”

“If you live, it may be a little rudimentary for the time being, because you are in a hurry to start work here, and you have to live in a shed for a while.”

“At that time, you can go directly to the construction site and watch your houses are all built.”

The masons and masons earn not low income. The small workers also have about five yuan a day, and the rice is only 60 cents a catty. One person can work for one day, which is enough for a family to eat for one day, not to mention that a rural woman can hold up half the sky.

“Leader, go to our house!” a middle-aged man raised his hand and said.

“Let’s go too!”

Impulsive people have begun to raise their hands.

But it’s less than one-third of the total number, but this is a good start.

At this moment, an old man stood up and said, “Leader, it’s good for you to take care of the living, but we must not forget our ancestors. We are gone. This is all yours. What about our ancestral graves?”

Sure enough, the problem He Daoxun said came.

As soon as the words were spoken, the person who had just said that he was going to move suddenly stopped speaking.

Many people in the country care about this issue very much, especially in rural areas, which are more important to this issue.

Zhang Qianxiu said: “Old people, it is difficult for the government to come forward to solve it. Even if the government comes forward, it will definitely be sent to the cemetery. We don’t have a cemetery here.”

“It’s better for me to come up with an idea. I will find a way to buy some land on Wangxian Mountain. Then, the land will be the ancestral grave of the Shangling Village family. How about?”

When everyone listened to Xianshan, the young people didn’t understand much, but the old people bowed their heads to discuss.

Some people say that the place is good, and the feng shui there is better than that of the ancestral tombs in the village. Others say it is average, but no one said it is bad.

This matter is related to the ancestors, no one dared to make a random decision, even if Zhang Qianxiu asked, everyone said that they should discuss it.

From this look, the problem shouldn’t be big. The biggest problem is that someone has to let go.

As long as one person relaxes, those who want to move will naturally follow.

Of course, even if everything is done comprehensively, there will always be some people who don’t want to move. No matter how good another place is and no matter how much money they make, they will not bear their own homeland, although it will not be far away. But after moving away, it doesn’t belong to them, and their land is gone.

Just when Zhang Qianxiu wanted the villagers to discuss themselves, and then let Zhang Yong and the others do more work, He Daoxun stood up: “I agree to the relocation of the ancestral grave!”

“The ancestral grave in the village was also owned by our family before. Later, it was beaten by the landlord. Everyone used it together. But to be honest, my grandfather occupied the best place for that piece of land.”

“The best location in our village is only that little place. Our house is occupied. The Feng Shui on Wangxian Mountain is not worse than this, especially the place facing Chenhe, halfway up the mountain, it is a rare and good place. ”

“If this is to move over, the ancestor would also have a good place; the ancestor stayed there for so long, and did not bless a few promising children, and also looked at Xianshan. In the future, it might be better for Feng Shui. There will be a few in the village. Promising!”

He Daoxun’s family used to be a serious landlord. Most of the village’s land belonged to their family. If you want to say that the place with good feng shui is good, it will naturally be occupied by the He family.

There are many people in the village, who were once the subordinates of He Daoxun’s family, and the grandfather of Bi Ho Xiaotao’s grandfather was the subordinate of He Daoxun’s family. When they were still alive, they were called He Daoxun “Master He”.

If you want to say that you are promising, He Daoxun’s grandson, He Zhiyuan, may be more promising. After all, he has studied at a good university.

If you make money, there are a few people in the village who can make money, but none of them make a lot of money.

He Daoxun still has some prestige in the village. After all, he used to have status. In addition to his knowledge, many people would come and ask him to write couplets during the Chinese New Year.

He Daoxun used to teach everyone to read and write for free. There are many middle-aged people in the village who have never read, but they can write good handwriting. He Daoxun taught them.

As soon as He Daoxun spoke, someone immediately began to relax: “I think what Teacher He said is correct. My grandfather has been on the **** for so many years, and our family has enough to eat. The children have to borrow money to go to school. Where are you going?”

“Yeah! And many people say that Feng Shui on Wangxianshan is good, so we might just post it when we move over.”

“The people in Wangxian Village have a better life than us.”

The people living on Wangxian Mountain belong to Wangxian Village, and the village is named after the mountain.

They have a good time there, because they are close to the county seat, and you can walk to the county seat in about ten minutes. It takes you ten minutes to drive.

As soon as this opening was opened, more and more people agreed.

But in the end, less than half of the people agreed, and many people still want to discuss it.

Zhang Qianxiu did not chase too closely, and asked the villagers to think about it. If the move agrees to move, the things in the ground will be taken away if they can be collected, and they will all be pushed away when they can’t be collected. Of course, this will be paid for. The villagers’ fee is the young crop fee.

There will also be corresponding compensations for expropriating their land.

After the villagers’ collective meeting, Zhang Qianxiu sent He Daoxun back. He Daoxun was in poor health and could not leave.

On the way back to the county seat, Su Yuwei said: “Qianxiu, your school, why not open a course on Chinese studies!”

Zhang Qianxiu smiled bitterly: “We recruit students for scientific research, and studying Chinese Studies is of no use to them!”

Su Yuwei said: “It can be listed separately as an academy, or it can be directly regarded as an interest and not counted in the graduation exam.”

“Actually, you can learn this thing as a hobby.”

Tian Shuyuan said: “Chess, piano, calligraphy and calligraphy can be used as an interest to learn, and it can be made into a model of a community, but it is not suitable for studying. Chinese studies really need to be studied, enough to study for a lifetime.”

Zhang Qianxiu asked Tian Shuyuan: “Tian Lao, what do you think of Guoxue?”

Tian Shuyuan said: “I’m a technology student, and I don’t know much about Chinese studies, but our culture has indeed lost a lot over the years.”

“My opinion is that if you set up a national college to enroll students alone, it just costs money.”

“If it is not appropriate for our science students to study Chinese Studies, as I just said, you can do hobbies and learn more about it.”

“But opening an additional college will cost a lot more!”

Su Yuwei said: “Guoxue can’t cost much, just pen, ink, paper, inkstone, piano, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy.”

“I will pay for this fee.”

Zhang Qianxiu was taken aback for a moment: “Daughter-in-law, where do you get so much money? An academy can’t be done with tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands.”

“I think of a way to make money!” Su Yuwei said with ease: “Just give me the resources on your side, and I will make some business by myself at that time.”

After staying with Su Yuwei for a long time, Zhang Qianxiu can also see that compared to her learning in business, Su Yuwei is not very talented in business. She has a strong strategic vision. Simply put, she sees far and dare to think!

Moreover, Su Yuwei is also lazy in management. If a group of ordinary people follow her, it will definitely not be efficient. If a group of smart people follow her, the efficiency can be doubled.

But there cannot be so many smart people with fast response and high IQ in this world.

Really powerful managers should be able to give play to the strengths of smart people and arouse the potential of ordinary people. Su Yuwei has only the former and not the latter.

Now if Su Yuwei does business, Zhang Qianxiu already has enough resources, and Su Yuwei’s father has a relationship with the government, so it will naturally be like a fish in water.

Zhang Qianxiu smiled bitterly: “Daughter-in-law, don’t worry about it. Let’s build this college! In addition to the necessary facilities such as the teaching building and dormitory, I will invest 2 million in this college when that happens.”

This National Academy is in Zhang Qianxiu’s place, and it is really raised by a stepmother. For Tian Shuyuan, it is 30 to 50 million yuan. When it comes to the National Academy, it is only 2 million, less than one-tenth.

Su Yuwei said, “I still have to find a way to start a small business after you pay.”

“It cost too much money to do this magazine with sister Zhou Li, and the money I made from writing books is not enough. If my small business makes money, I will give it to the National Academy, and if there is more, I will give it to other colleges.”

Zhang Qianxiu was too lazy to bother: “Go ahead! Whatever you want.”

“You have to give me five million as the start-up capital.” Su Yuwei said again.

Zhang Qianxiu nodded: “Yes! What about the teachers of your National College?”

“It doesn’t matter if the National Academy is established two years later. The project is established first. When planning, it is good to plan the National Academy.” Su Yuwei said: “This thing is not as anxious as you are making chips.”

Tian Shuyuan, Wan Gengshi, and Xu Caiying couldn’t help sighing in their hearts. The millions in Zhang Qianxiu and Su Yuwei felt like dozens of dollars. Zhang Qianxiu gave the money without even asking Su Yuwei what he was going to do.

The establishment of a college was originally a major event. For any school, not to mention the establishment of an academy. Even if one additional department is added, it will take a long time. The two of them are good, and it will be done in a few words.

Tian Shuyuan couldn’t help but reminded: “Qianxiu, Miss Zhang, you have to set up a national college. There is a place, and the national college is at most a few classrooms and dormitories. However, there are some specific things in the national college. Find a way to find a teacher, and then find an expert to write textbooks.”

Su Yuwei said: “There may be many things to say about Guoxue, such as the General Theory of Guoxue, the Four Books and Five Classics, the Book of Songs and the Book of Songs, Zhouyi, the Book of Rites, History, Lao Zhuang, Xunzi, Selected Works, Explanation of Chinese Characters, Guangya Shuzheng, Historiography, philology, phonology, ancient styles, ancient classics and classic hermeneutics, traditional Chinese painting, mathematics research, etc.”

“The Confucianism and Taoism of the three families of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism will definitely be counted.”

Zhang Qianxiu listened to the first and the two big ones. You really want to study Chinese studies. You can study it for most of your life with just a single book, such as “The Book of Changes,” “The Tao Te Ching”, and “The Analects”. Later, many so-called red scholars appeared.

“Daughter-in-law, I suggest that you don’t make it bigger at first, and choose a few options first.” Zhang Qianxiu said.

Su Yuwei said instead: “Let Tian Lao take care of it when that happens, and find another dean of the academy. There is basically nothing wrong with me, right?”

“You are irresponsible!” Zhang Qianxiu said, “You don’t care if you get a national college.”

Su Yuwei asked back: “Are you going to manage this school then? Or let Mr. Tian manage it?”

Zhang Qianxiu was speechless at once. He really didn’t intend to manage. One is that he has no energy, and the other is that it is better to educate this thing and leave it to a professional person to do it.

Zhang Qianxiu said helplessly: “Whatever you want! Fortunately, it is Chinese studies, just holding a bunch of ancient Chinese studies. If you go to toss the space, the universe, and the space station, even if you spend another chip research money in it, it will not be enough.”

Su Yuwei smiled and said, “Are you distressed about money or something?”

Zhang Qianxiu said, “It’s not that I feel sorry for the money. It doesn’t cost much to study Chinese Studies. It’s just that if this thing is done well, there may not be any output. It is estimated that there will be no results that will help social development. If it is not done well, it will be said. ”

“It’s done, the promotion is done, so that people can not forget the original!” Su Yuwei said.

Zhang Qianxiu also thought about it. Later, many people knew the kimonos of the Wa country but did not recognize the Tang suits of the Tang Dynasty. Knowing the traditional clothes of the Bangzi country, they could not distinguish the difference between the Ming Dynasty clothing and the traditional clothing of the Bangzi country.

Not to mention that some people made various jokes on the Internet later. Some netizens said that the rhetoric piled up Li Qingzhao, not enough ancient style Cao Xueqin, hard to make the most elegant Qu Lingyun, unpopular poet Li Shangyin, average level Li Taibai, Su Dongpo writes well.

These netizens obviously don’t know enough about their own culture, but on the contrary, they know very well about the things of Wa and Bangzi.

And many people don’t have a good understanding of ancient history.

If you talk about these things, they all fall within the scope of Guoxue.

Zhang Qianxiu thought about what happened on the Internet later, and couldn’t help but said: “Yes! But the Chinese studies should not be made too high, and you must be grounded. No one likes to listen to it.”

“If possible, make these things into children’s books, TV series, documentaries, movies, cartoons, theme parks, etc., and promote them as a kind of culture and integrate them into everyone’s lives. Where are a group of so-called scholars studying.”

“But you do this, wife, I’m too lazy to take care of it.”

Su Yuwei responded: “Okay! I have time to think about how to promote it. If there is a little achievement at that time, you can talk to Xie Donggang about what we can get and promote these things.”

“It’s not necessary that everyone knows how to calligraphy, everyone can paint ink and wash paintings. Everyone knows some of the most basic things. Anyway, this thing can’t be eaten. You know your own history and culture in your heart, and you don’t forget your roots and ancestors. .”

Su Yuwei thought of going with Zhang Qianxiu at this point.

Guoxue contains too many things. It is impossible for you to spend too much time on these things and integrate these things into your lives. Everyone should learn more about your own history and culture. As long as you don’t say that Li Qingzhao’s words are piles of rhetoric, say Tang suit Just kimono, there is no need for everyone to be an expert in Chinese studies.

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