Rebirth Space Little Fierce Girl

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 – Penny?

Chapter 26 Penny?

Zhou Lizheng nodded, letting the twenty young men with knives pass by.

Thief A said: “Everything we said is true, just let us go.”

Thief B said: “We really did this bad thing, and you found out, please give us the antidote, our wounds are really getting bigger and bigger.”

Nangong Anshan took out a rope and tied them up, saying: “We’ll talk about it when they come back.”

Nangong Cai came to Nangong Anshan, licked her face and said with a smile: “Ashan, can you give me some of the three taels of silver, my aunt also loved you before, and even gave you a meal Woolen cloth.”

“Rice? It’s just a bowl of rice soup in which mice shit. Can that be called rice? I remember, you lied to me that it wasn’t rat shit, it was black rice that I had never seen before.”

Nangong Cai choked, and cast a helpless glance at Qiu Shi.

Seeing her daughter deflated, Qiu turned her head to look at Zhou Lizheng, and said, “Lizheng, should Nangong Anshan take out the money and divide it? You can’t give her the money alone. If we are not here, neither will the other two.” She will come, and she has no money to take. And the copper coin we gave, she should return it to us.”

“Bullshit!” Zhou Lizheng said angrily, “If Ah Shan wasn’t here tonight, those two people would have taken away your food and all your money. You have been tricked into poisoning, so you can only let them handle it. You don’t appreciate Ah Shan.” Forget it, but you still want Ah Shan’s money? That one copper coin saved the lives of your whole family, do you still think it’s not worth it?”

Cao Zhenya said: “That’s right, without Ah Shan, you don’t know what’s going on now, and dare to ask for money? Why don’t you go to heaven.”

Yu Shi also said: “If you are so ungrateful, you will be punished.”

Other villagers also spoke:

“Qiu Shi, you want the money yourself, don’t drag us into the water.”

“That’s right, we don’t dare to ask for this kind of money.”

“Ashan, don’t worry, we won’t ask for that money, you deserve it.”

“Yeah, we don’t know how to thank you yet, how could we ask for your money.”

“Qiu’s family is just confused, don’t worry about it.”

Seeing that many people were speaking for Nangong Anshan, Mrs. Qiu did not dare to ask for money, for fear of causing public anger.

Wu Dayong didn’t want to take advantage of Nangong Anshan for nothing, and said: “It’s okay to divide the money. She already had ten taels of silver before. Our life is much more difficult than hers, so what if you give us a little?”

Nangong Anshan said coldly: “If you want me to give you money, you are dreaming! Originally, Grandpa Lizheng wanted us to rest in place. If you hadn’t proposed to come here, our whole village would not have almost lost all of it. “

Most people looked at Wu Dayong.

What Nangong Anshan said makes sense, if it wasn’t for him, they wouldn’t be like this.

Wu Dayong looked at many people as if they were going to eat him, and couldn’t help hiding behind his parents.

Zhou Lizheng said: “Ashan is right, Wu Dayong, your skin is too thick, if it weren’t for you, would we be in danger tonight?”

Wu Dayong didn’t dare to raise his head.

Father Wu said: “Zhou Lizheng, my son didn’t do it on purpose. I’m here to apologize to you on his behalf. He doesn’t know that there is danger here. He just wants to let everyone have a better rest. Please forgive him this time.”

Mother Wu also pleaded: “Yes, he really didn’t mean it.”

Zhou Lizheng said: “I’ll put this incident on his account. Next time, if he makes another mistake or targets Ah Shan’s family again, I will show no mercy and will expel him from the team.”

The three of them suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

“Thank you Zhou Lizheng.”

Nangong Anshan has no opinion on this handling. The so-called ignorant is not guilty. Zhou Lizheng will deal with it in this way, but in the future, there must be many villagers who will remember Wu Dayong’s account and wait to fight with him. Calculate slowly later.

At this moment, the people Zhou Li sent out also came back.

Seeing that they did not bring anyone back, he asked suspiciously, “Where is that family?”

Zhou Zhenyang sighed and said: “The three of them were **** and thrown there. The door of the wooden house was not locked, and it was not very strong. The wild beasts smelled them, so they went in and ate them. When we arrived, The bodies of the three members of their family are not complete.”

Some people heard the words and immediately looked at the two thieves in anger.

Zhou Lizheng said angrily: “People like you, death is not a pity.”

The thief in armor pretended to cry and said: “We didn’t want them to die, we really didn’t mean it.”

Thief B also said: “We really did this one bad thing, please forgive us, our hands are almost useless.”

Nangong Anshan pointed to a person and said, “Grandpa Lizheng, don’t trust them, I just heard that he wanted to touch a sister just now, but his accomplice said that last time he couldn’t control his lower body and almost did something bad, so they must not only do it this bad thing.”

Some people became even more angry immediately.

Especially adults, they all know the meaning of Nangong Anshan’s words, and those with daughters are the first to bear it.

“Kill ’em, kill ’em.”

“Let them die!”

“Let them go, they will harm people in the future!”


Zhou Lizheng said: “Since that’s the case, who is willing to solve them?”

Although he is unwilling to kill people, keeping such people is a disaster, and it is better to get rid of them.

The two thieves immediately knelt down.

“Please spare us.”

“We really don’t dare anymore.”

Nangong Anshan felt annoyed by hearing this, and the two of them passed out when they stabbed with both hands.

Zhou Zhenyang said: “Father, let’s go with twenty people.”

Zhou Lizheng saw that no one else objected, so he nodded, “Okay, let’s go.”

Twenty people came back soon after going out. As for what methods they used, everyone didn’t ask, and all looked at Lizheng. Next, everyone should continue to rest here, or leave here, this is a den of thieves after all.

Zhou Lizheng asked Nangong Anshan: “Ashan, do you think we should stay?”

Nangong Anshan said: “It’s better to drive overnight.”

Qiu said: “Why do you have to hurry? Those two people said that they have no accomplices, so why not stay here and sleep comfortably?”

She still wants to wait for her daughter and granddaughter to find them. Now that they are gone, her daughter and granddaughter will delay their reunion with her.

Nangong Anshan said: “If you want to stay, I have no objection, anyway, I must go.”

After speaking, she went back to pack her things.

Zhou Lizheng said: “I also agree to go, if you don’t want to go, just stay, I will take my family and Ah Shan to go.”

After speaking, he also went back to pack his things, leaving most of the people looking at each other in blank dismay.

(end of this chapter)

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