Rebirth Space Little Fierce Girl

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 – Waterproof Bead Space System

Chapter 2 Water-avoiding bead space system

This life is also from the Qinglong Kingdom, and the original owner is also called Nangong Anshan just like her previous modern name. Due to the eruption of the volcano where they lived, everyone fled.

The original owner overheard his aunt discussing with his aunts about selling her and three younger siblings, but when he wanted to escape, he was so alarmed that the other party was stunned and sold out.

Nangong Anshan was thinking about it when she suddenly felt that something was wrong on the boat. Looking at the stern of the boat, she saw that the stern of the boat had started to flood with water.

She hurriedly paddled towards the shore, but when there were still a few meters to the shore, the boat that entered the water could no longer hold on and sank into the water.

She was going to save the children, when a miraculous thing happened, there was no water at all in a place with a diameter of two meters from her, that is to say, the water bypassed her.

And obviously the bottom of the water is full of mud, but she stepped on it, but it was like walking on flat ground, and there was no mud on her feet.

She didn’t have time to think about why, so she hurriedly pulled her younger brothers and sisters to her side, gave them first aid, and didn’t feel relieved until they all spit out water.

Anyway, there was no one around, so she carefully looked at her place under the water.

This is very similar to the function of water-repelling beads she saw on TV in her previous life.

When did she have this ability?

Just when she was puzzled, she suddenly saw that her left wrist was still wearing the pearl bracelet she wore when she saved people in her previous life.

How did this bracelet follow her?

This bracelet was just bought casually when she went shopping in the antique street.

Could it be because of this pearl bracelet that she was able to create a shelter in the water?


Suddenly there was a stabbing pain under her feet, and when she looked down, she saw a crab crawling under her feet at some point, pinching her left toe, and the blood flowed out instantly.

And her shoes didn’t know where they were washed by the water.

Nangong Anshan reluctantly threw the crab into the water next to her, bent down to take a look at the wound, the wound was not serious, no matter what, it should be fine, just when she was about to straighten her body, the pearl bracelet suddenly emitted a dazzling golden light.

She thought of the story about confessing the Lord with blood she had read in her previous life, so she accidentally got a little blood from her feet onto the pearl bracelet.

It’s just that as soon as the pearl bracelet touched blood, the golden light disappeared, and it became the same as before.

“Am I thinking wrong? Didn’t it use blood? I thought it was a space to enter.”

Unexpectedly, as soon as she finished speaking, her pearl bracelet disappeared instantly, and she came to an open space.

She was taken aback for a moment, this is really a space.

Looking around, the open space is about four acres, and there is a small courtyard in the middle. From the outside, it looks like a three-story wooden house inside.

In the right front of the house, there is a well.

Beside the well, there is a rockery of only about 1.6 meters, and there is a stone basin with a diameter of about 1 meter under the rockery, which is dry at this time.

In front of the house on the left, there is a small pond.

The surrounding area of the open space is a vast expanse of whiteness.

Just about to go to other places to see, she suddenly thought that she came in, and the three children who were still under the water must not drown.

At this moment, an immature male voice suddenly entered her ears.

“Don’t worry, they’re fine. The place you stayed in before you came in is the same place you stayed in after you came in.”

“Then I’m relieved.” After Nangong Anshan finished speaking, she suddenly asked in horror: “Who is talking?”

“I’m Boy Tai Le. You won’t be able to see me for the time being. Your brothers and sisters will wake up at any time. Let me make a long story short. This space is the space of heaven and earth. There is a department store system in it. If you do good deeds, you can accumulate merit. The amount of merit depends on the specific circumstances of the good deeds you do. The more functions you accumulate, the more things you can redeem. You only need to recite the department store system in your heart, and the system will appear.

Nangong Anshan asked: “Isn’t this space for planting things?”

Boy Tai Le said: “It’s not right now. If you want to grow something, you have to work hard to accumulate merit. As long as you accumulate ten merits, you can grow anything. In the future, what you plant will be harvested, even if you don’t accumulate merit. You can exchange things with the department store system.”

Nangong Anshan nodded, and did as he said, and a big screen really appeared.

Looking at the big screen for a while, she asked, “Do I have to unlock these things one by one?”

“Of course not. You only need to sell the things you plant to unlock what you specify. Well, your brothers and sisters are about to wake up, you can go out. As for other functions, I will tell you slowly later.”

“All right.”

Nangong Anshan recited silently, and then she appeared under the water again, and her younger brothers and sisters were still in a coma.

She picked up the three of them at the same time and walked quickly to the shore.

She had great strength in her previous life, and she could lift a thousand catties casually. Now she has confirmed that her strength in her previous life has also come with her. There are only three children, and it is easy to lift them up.

She soon reached the shore, and one by one she brought the children ashore.

I don’t know whether this Qinglong Kingdom is the Qinglong Kingdom she lived in in her first life, or whether it is the fifth year of Chengli. If so, she might still be able to see those relatives from before.

It was about an hour before dawn, and the surroundings were silent.

When she fell into the water just now, her water-repellent beads didn’t activate in time, and they still got wet all over, so she put the younger brothers and sisters under a tree, and went to collect firewood, intending to make a fire to keep the four of them out of the cold.

According to her current memory, it should be March now, and the weather is still a bit cold.

After finding all the firewood, her consciousness entered the space and asked: “I want a lighter, is there any way for me to get it immediately?”

“It is necessary to use merit, but you have special conditions now, and there is no way to obtain merit, so I will lend you the lighter for the time being.”

“Thank you.”

“Don’t be too happy, I can make an exception for you, but originally the lighter only needs three merits, and you can take it as you like, as much as you want, but if you take it in advance, you will be punished. That is to say, the merits will be multiplied tenfold, and you will need thirty merits in the future before you can take them at will.”

“How much can I withdraw in advance?”

“Up to two.”

“I want, give me two.”

As soon as the words fell, there were two more lighters in her hand, and she put one of them back into the space, and quickly lit the fire.

She was about to step forward to help her younger siblings take off their wet clothes, when she saw that the three of them suddenly felt warm and looked like they were about to wake up, so she had no choice but to take back her movements.

(end of this chapter)

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