Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 58: A truth

The house lords murmur to each other as the enclave continues until midday. The servant of the King is trying his best to bring decorum to this honourable house. Never has the house of lords in all his years been a farm full of indignant pigs. He meekly thinks to himself, ' At worst they might be Peregrine.' YEars of training and lifelong dedication to the royal has strangled out of him any unsavoury thoughts.

The muddy discordant lords taking their cues from their king. Squealing like pigs they have descends into open madness. Openly shouting and insulting each other. Petty grievances are being raised out of turn. The lords attending to business meant for lower houses.

The servant watches his Lord leave the pale figure firm and unyielding. Darlok returns to his fortress-palace in three brief intercepting steps. Layered under levels of anti-magic light walls, surrounded on all sides by the window of verence. He marks the ground made from the only Abele rock found in the Lugiria. Images of the old and ancient enemies carved into the uncoloured stone. All the enemies were slaughtered by a mythical human holding seven dragon heads. The hero that every royal family claims to be a descent of. Darlok Tar speaks words with no sound, a vale that cannot be confused for magic appears around his pale body. He channels it the vale leading to a place.

At the precipice of serine stillness, a shimmer of smothering nothingness. Darlok reaches out rebuked by the very nature of the place. He speaks producing no sound the vale ripples and in return pulses. Darlok vomits blood looking unnaturally lifelike all of a sudden. A clutter of nervousness and panic arrests Darlok from keeling over sucking the colour out of him. His skin returns to normal pale like porcelain. Only his hints of red remain refusing to conform.

Darlok with blood breath bellows, " What in the void are doing?" He pulls back the vale crumbling as it is rejected by the world. Spitting whatever blood had thought to stay in his throat. A chuckle can be heard from the side. A short muscle bond boyish man showing his razor-sharp teeth.

Lady Organa says, "Naturally what a fiancee should be doing." She always reminds him how they outmanoeuvred the Royal family. A snicker disguised as a smile on her lustful face.

Darlok Tar hands rattle like a drug addict. The stillness always takes its toll. Talking to the Light Lords messenger is worth it though. Darlok Tar says, " These people these immortals are the key. Sway those we can turn them into agents. Let them work for the light." He walks towards the throne a neatly chiselled murky ivory chair sized for the Mythical Human. Legend holds he was as big as a giant, stronger than a dragon and wiser than Supreme Being herself.

Ru Urdak says, " What about those named by the witness." His hands running over his impractically thin yet heavy Still Steel sword. This is the only piece of shattered vale ever moulded by a human it is his house heirloom and symbol of power. Its name has never been heard no matter how many times it has been spoken. Tens of thousands of years it has been and so it will continue.

Lady Organa dripping acid, "Shut up mutt why ask the obvious. They are a threat and must be dealt with." Her eyes glow with magic power her aura smells sour jealously. A strong repugnant smell just like her acidic magic. She only shows this side of herself to her lovers being a dual-class she has more secrets than the average noble.

Darlok says, " No Organa he is right but we are not ready they have arrived too early. We will have to deal with them as they come. We must move up all our plans the old gods are already moving not to mention I am returning to the front later today." Organa harrumphs displeased her small body flashing away.

Ru Urdak says, "I don't how you can tolerate her like that." Ru Urdak flexing his massive muscles.

Darlok says, "Your one to talk! MUTT!" The King is not mad but these two were bonded to him by force. Ru Urdak leaves shaking his head a subtle borderline imperceptible whisper enters the Kings ear.

He waves his hand towards the retreating Ru Urdak. Vales of swords slashing the world space rips and tears. Hurdling towards Ru Urdak the vale swords crazed dance of nothing. Ru Urdak is unharmed not so much as a hair out of place. The door chuckles as Ru Urdak closes it on his King.

Darlok Tar regains his fragile composure. Alone in the room, he holds his head low. The blanquette skin, paler Abele stone looking Merlin appears without so much a cricket call as a warning. He walks soundlessly towards the King.

Merlin says, "Boy?!" The king keeps his face still showing as little emotion as possible. His heart thumping like a racehorse. The king falling to knees as quick as he can low to the ground slithering. Merlin rubs his translucent beard and continues, "Good your learning. Head back to the ruins bring me the Unseeing. Oh, and take those links with you."

Without raising from his position the King of Asrugo of house Tar. Crawls on his belly making his way out of the Oath room. He continues until he reaches the stairs at the top of his links waiting for him. Shackled at the neck by a chain from the vale. The chain slithers clanking determined to make its way to the king. He tries to stand a force holds him down. His bones crack under the pressure he grits through it. He returns to the floor crawling forward alleviates the force.

Trindrill of stillness snaps onto the king's neck. Vanishing returning to that stillness from whence it came. after arriving at the top the king Darlok Tar, Lady Organa and Ru Urdak make their way to the front. Lady Organa opens a simple teleport to the Northern Mountain range. Inside this mountain part of the Dragons' Jaw mountain range. This particular mountain is the underground border with the Eastern Empire. A few weeks before the immortals arrived reports of a new ruin were received.

The ancient border has seen become a warzone between the Kingdom of Asrugo and The Eastern Empire beyond the Mountains. The King himself is leading this expedition as it is directly related to the Imperium. The Human Imperuim ruled the world for over three thousand years. The human Imperium fell when the central power generator was destroyed. No one alive knows what this unity only that it powered every piece of technology they had.

This power generator most importantly controlled the collar that all the beast races wore. The beast races are all the none human races. During their reign, none were spared humans ruled by the rod and cane. Subjageted every race in the world even landed the floating continent of Heguria found on the western edges of the world. Only Elven rule is said to have been harsher having lasted three times as long and costed even more lives than anyone can fathom. It is often said that human rule is the river that divides the lands. Elven Rule is the Ocean.

His father had told the stories of the human mythos. The heraldic stories of the houses from a bygone era. The Kingdom is the last visage of this ancient and proud people. The central power generator is the most advanced piece of magic power generation developed by the Human Imperium.

The Pinnacle ruins is were the survivors of the disaster of the Human Imperium. Are said to have buried their treasures as they were pursued to ends of the world by all manner of beast. The Kingdom since its inception in the only known remnant of the Human Imperium has been looking at this trove since. The King is expanding every resource he has to claim those treasures.

Lady Organa opens a portal leaving her lovers behind again. Strange vale tendrils reach into all three of them. Even Ru Urdak slumps over his face pained. King Darlok Tar knowing the trick to the vale chains. Which is not working as he is trying to show no emotion. A haggard and shaken Lady Organa reappears in front of her lovers.

Ru Urdak coughing says, "Don't do that again." His whole body radiates with a pain that is soul deep. He feels as if someone had forced his stop. It reminded him of the day they told him his father was dead. It felt like his heart would never beat again. That unseen strain is pure pain. The sweat off his brow he cries whimpering really.

Even though he is pissed the King puts his hand on Ru Urdaks back. He is part of his link after all. Lady Organa simply stands opening another gate this time to the frontline with the Eastern Empire. She knows her lovers too well. They need to work off some steam before they can challenge the ruins.

And so three humans encroach onto the underground Eastern Border...

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