Rebirth of the Ruined Noble

Chapter 64 [Bonus ]Plans Behind The Scene (1)

In the midst of the chilling weather, where snow covered the land for as far as the eye could see, a man trudged through the snow, his legs dragging heavily with each step.



The sound of his dragging feet broke the silence of the icefield, echoing through the desolate landscape.

His destination came into view in the distance, a small hut nestled in the middle of nowhere, its roof concealed beneath a thick layer of snow.


As the man, wrapped in heavy robes, pushed open the door, it emitted a loud creak, disturbing the tranquility of the surroundings.

Upon entering, he was greeted with a sight that defied imagination.

Though appearing as a modest hut from the outside, the interior expanded into a vast space, defying the laws of spatial limitations. It was a remarkable demonstration of space extension magic.

The facility seemed to be concealed through the clever use of space, illusion and refractive magic, which is a rare and extraordinary feat.

The interior, illuminated by magical devices, stretched as far as the eye could see, with various steam engines humming in the background.

Brightly glowing magic stones outshone the devices, casting a mystical radiance across the expansive facility.

Within the chamber, numerous tubes filled with green fluid preserved the corpses of monsters and men, neatly placed in two rows at either side of the facility.

With just a look, one could see all kinds of corpses within those tubes, a human, a monster, an elf, a dwarf and even an enormous limb which resembled that of a giant.

And in the center of such facility, a colossal transparent tank housed a pulsating red mass, connected to the other tubes by a complex network of tubes.

The red mass, devoid of a definitive shape, undulated and throbbed as if it were alive, its repulsiveness apparent at first glance.

Many individuals adorned in red robes, unified in appearance, busied themselves around the facility. They moved tirelessly, shuttling back and forth between the tubes filled with corpses.

The man who had just entered shed his black robe, now covered in snow, and exchanged it for a red robe provided by another individual.

His face which was previously covered by the robe was revealed, displaying what was supposed to be his face.

But instead what was revealed was a red face with white fangs and black horns, that's how the man looked, to be more precise, he was wearing a mask which looked like that.

Donning the red robe that he was provided with, he advanced toward the pulsating red mass at the center.

Upon catching sight of the man who just entered, the researchers in their identical attire rushed to his side, clutching papers containing valuable data.

Without delay, a multitude of people assembled behind him, awaiting his instructions.

"How is the progress?" he inquired not long after observing the red mass, his voice emanating an otherworldly quality that surpassed mortal capabilities.

Yet, no one present was taken aback by his voice. Instead, they hurriedly began scrutinizing the papers before them.

"The target is responding to the process and we have succeeded in evolving the subject, but..."

An old man with a partially bald head among the researchers, who seemed to be the one who is in charge of that facility responded, his voice tinged with hesitation.

"But...?" the man inquired, his tone calm yet laced with a subtle menace.

"...the process is taking an excessive amount of time," the researcher replied, his words betraying a sense of concern.

The man fell silent, processing the information, before responding after a brief pause. "Approximately how long will it take?"

The researcher hesitated for a moment, then mustered the courage to answer. "...At the current rate of reaction, it will take at least ten years to complete..."

"Ten years?!" the man erupted in a fit of rage.

However, in the next instant, he composed himself, his calm voice carrying a more menacing undertone than his previous anger.

"Do you believe we have that much time, professor?"

"We are doing our utmost, sir."

The researcher answered, trembling with fear.

" there any way to expedite the process?" he inquired.

"There is, but..." the researcher began cautiously.

"Just tell me," the man interjected impatiently. "What is it?"

"We can accelerate the process to be completed within two years, but we require a catalyst."

"A catalyst?" the man echoed, seeking further explanation.

"Yes, if we possess something capable of supporting the subject and enhancing its grasping power, we can expedite the completion," the researcher explained, a sly smile playing across his face.

"What catalyst do you require?" the man demanded without elaboration.

"...that is..." the researcher hesitated.

"Just spit it out!" the man insisted.

"A dragon heart."

"What?" the man exclaimed, incredulous.

"We would need a dragon heart to increase the efficiency of the process."

The room fell into silence, punctuated only by the faint humming of the magical devices. The man's gaze hardened as he fixed his eyes on the tube containing the pulsating red flesh.

"Professor Mundane, do you even comprehend the magnitude of what you're asking for?" he seethed, his anger simmering beneath the surface.

"I know sir, it is very difficult to acquire a dragon heart by defeating the dragon, but-"

The professor tried to explain but was cut off by the man.

"Difficult? It is impossible, Professor Mundane. Unless we receive help from 'there', it is inconceivable to defeat a dragon!" The man's voice reverberated, emphasizing the impossibility of the task.

"But, sir, we don't need to defeat a dragon!" the professor quickly retorted, a sly smile appearing on his face.

"What do you mean we don't need to defeat a dragon?" the man queried.

"Sir, we only require a dragon heart, even if it is centuries old..." the professor elucidated, wearing a knowing expression.

The man immediately grasped the implication behind the researcher's expression, and a smile formed beneath his mask.

He strode forward and placed his hand on the tube containing the pulsating red mass.

"Ha! Professor Mundane, make preparations to add the catalyst! I will bring the dragon heart!"

His words resounded with determination as he once again prepared to head out.

The chaos was about to begin.


Bonus chapter (For the Gifts.)

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