Rebirth of the Ruined Noble

Chapter 60 The Event (1)

As I pondered over the words left by Professor Joshua, their weight settled deep within my mind. It was a realization that struck me with great importance.

"I am trying to depend on others…?!!"

The words echoed within me, unraveling a truth that had been obscured by my prolonged loneliness.

Somewhere along the line, a desire had taken root within me—a yearning to rely on someone else, to be aided and supported. I had unknowingly adopted a mindset that leaned heavily on the assistance of others.

In past life, I didn't realize it because there was always someone for me to lean on. When I was in the academy, It was professor Joshua. And when I was kicked out of the battlefield, It was my master who aided me.

After her death, I met Roger who became a reliable companion.

In a sense, I had always relied on others to survive all throughout my life.

It was a mindset that appeared without my realization. However, as Professor Joshua's words reverberated in my mind, I realized that depending too much on others will be fatal for myself.

Even our own shadows abandon us in the darkness, so how can we trust others completely?

Believing in others blindly, without putting in any effort from myself would one day become fatal for myself.

In that moment, I decided, receiving help from someone else would be a secondary plan in my pursuit to halt the fire dragon, Ugram's rampage.

"First, let's do whatever I can."

With three long years stretching before the inevitable, time was on my side. My initial course of action was to return home after the semester exam at the Freljord academy and convince my father to allow me to have a conversation with the dragon.

The goal is to unearth the reasons behind Ugram, the fire dragon, going berserk in my past life. Only after meticulously investigating this matter could I consider the possibility of seeking assistance from others.

"For now, let's concentrate on acquiring that weapon."

With a clear purpose in mind, I made my way back to my dormitory, which had been relocated to the third building after my demotion to the Vaishya class.

The surroundings of the third dorm building were much different than the first dorm building.

The third building stood amidst a cluster of towering structures, casting long shadows across the courtyard. The sounds of students bustling about filled the air, their eager conversations mixing with the gentle breeze that whispered through the corridors.

Ignoring their murmurs of the students gazing at me, I entered my dorm, in order to prepare for today's class.


As the clock struck 9:30 AM, the Vaishya class overflowed with students, their curious eyes occasionally stealing glances at their two newcomers.

One was a carefree young man, emanating an aura of liveliness that suggested he hailed from commoner origins. The other possessed jet-black hair and eyes that mirrored the depths of an abyss, perpetually wearing a solemn expression and speaking sparingly.

It was not very long before that the Vaishya class was notified of the arrival of their two new classmates, who were formerly part of the esteemed Kshatriya class.

Even there, the boy named Zephyr was ranked 1st, although only till the last ranking battle.

Although not much information was revealed by the academy except their punishment announcement, it was no secret that the two boys were demoted for their atrocity in trespassing into the Black forest which the academy consider as the forbidden ground.

'They are a weird duo…'

Esmerald observed the peculiar duo with intrigue.

Zephyr, the commoner, seemed to initiate conversations with Eren Pendragon, the noble-born student, who responded with visible irritation, actively ignoring Zephyr's attempts at interaction. As she observed their interactions, Esmerald couldn't help but find their bond strange. Despite the significant disparity in their rankings, with Zephyr being the former first rank and Eren ranking 248th, they seemed remarkably close. At first glance, it might appear that Eren was merely taking advantage of Zephyr, but upon closer inspection, it became evident that it was Zephyr who persistently stuck by Eren's side.

"Could it be... are they...?" Esmerald's thoughts momentarily trailed off, considering the possibility that Zephyr's behavior hinted at a romantic inclination. However, her initial assumption dissipated as she couldn't deny the undeniable handsomeness exuded by Zephyr. She dismissed the thought, focusing her attention back on the unfolding events.

Regardless, the class commenced as their homeroom teacher, Instructor Isabella, entered the room.

"Good Morning Students.", she greeted the class in a solemn tone.

It seemed like all the homeroom teachers had this weird habit of always being serious.

Anyway, Just like Instructor Joshua, she was also handling the class of 'Magic theory and its application in real life'.

She began the class with a brief recap of the previous lesson before delving into the topic at hand. The subject of her lecture revolved around the current advancements in magic theory, achieved through the tireless efforts of countless researchers.

"The efficiency of our current magic theory surpasses that of the magic theory introduced by the grand mage, Lith Verhen, by a staggering 370%," she revealed, a statement that sparked a question within me.

'Grand mage Lith verhen's talent was incredible enough to reach the 9-star with such inefficient magic theory, what might he have accomplished had he been exposed to the advancements of the current world's magic theory? Could he have ascended to the realm of godhood?'

Even though it may seem like an exaggeration, I thought he would have stood a chance.

Anyway, Instructor Isabella continued her lecture.

"Some of you here might have already learned this magic theory, but don't ignore the teaching just because of it, there will always be something that you missed."

Then Instructor Isabella continued her explanation, delving further into the intricacies of the current magic theory. She began by introducing the concept of the star-model, the foundation upon which the theory was built.

"The current magic theory is based on the star-model," she elucidated. "According to this model, every being possesses a specific organ in which they store mana. For us humans, after countless years of research, it has been determined that the heart possesses the highest efficiency in mana storage."

"When the quality, that is the purity and the quantity of the mana increases beyond a certain limit, the stored mana turns into a star which represents that an individual has reached a certain level."

She paused for a moment, allowing her words to sink in before continuing. "Some may assume that storing mana in the heart is solely for mages, and that knights do not require such practices. However, this assumption is incorrect. Both mages and knights store mana in their hearts."

As the words hung in the air, she moved to address the crucial distinction between the two. "The difference lies in how they utilize the mana stored in their hearts," she clarified. "Knights, for example, employ the mana within their hearts to enhance their muscles and weapons, enabling them to become formidable warriors. On the other hand, mages utilize the mana to conjure spells, often employing a medium to channel their magical abilities."

In essence, what Instructor Isabella emphasized was that whether one was a mage or a knight, the fundamental skill required was the ability to store mana within their heart. The capacity to store mana, she explained, directly correlated with an individual's physical attributes.

"The amount of mana one can store in their heart is directly related to their physical prowess," she elaborated. "A robust physique has the capacity to withhold a greater amount of mana, whereas a weaker being would be limited in their ability to store as much."

With her explanation, the significance of physical training and conditioning in magic became apparent. It was not only the strength of one's magical abilities that mattered, but also the overall strength and health of their physical body. This realization shed light on the interconnectedness of physical and magical prowess, revealing that a well-rounded approach was necessary for individuals seeking to excel in the realm of magic.

As the class absorbed this new knowledge, the room buzzed with a mix of curiosity and excitement.

Although I tried to listen to Instructor Isabella without any distraction, my mind was not in the classroom but was creating a plan to acquire the new weapon.


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