Rebirth of the Red Dragon: Self-discipline Becomes Stronger

Chapter 29

   But she may not know that there is still a magic that makes the breath disappear.

   In general, the desert girl is not good at learning.

   “Continue chasing.” Xilin flew high again.

   And Olena’s heart jumped to her throat again: (?ó﹏ò?) It’s terrible!

   This time, the Sand Dogs did not stop and continued to lead them for a long time.

   As if feeling something, the Sand Dog slowly stopped.

   “Wow~” Sand Dog whispered.

   “Okay, I see.” Ramos listened to Sand Dog’s mouth.

  Because the Sand Dog sensed that the Demon Girl in the Desert was nearby, he didn’t dare to track it further.

   “Your Majesty…” Ramos had just spoken.

   Xilin’s voice appeared in his ears: “I saw it, don’t be surprised.”

   Xilin, who was at an altitude of 10,000 meters, had already seen the desert demon girl.

   Desert Witch, a humanoid species.

   looks like a woman, with light gray skin and long yellow hair.

  There are three pairs of small fangs on both sides of the mouth, and the ears are horizontal like deer ears.

   The bones of the bridge of the nose are separated from the top to the two sides, and a pair of curved black horns have grown.

The decoration on   ’s body is very cool, the bumpy body basically only covers the important parts, and there are one or two bottles of medicine hanging on the waist.

   At this moment, from a high-altitude field of vision, Xilin saw two desert witches hiding around Ramos.

   “Armored Dragon Tortoise Ramos? How did you find this place?” A desert demon voluntarily jumped out and asked.

   “It’s not that your magic isn’t good enough. You didn’t completely cover up the smell. Now it’s been found.” The desert girl next to her smirked.

   They are a pair of sisters, named Aisha and Aili.

   Aisha was not convinced: “Pay attention to your attitude Ai Li, you are a younger sister.”

   “Sister? Then ask your sister to explain why Ramos relied on the sand dog to catch up?” Allie snorted.

   Ramos looked at the two quarrelsome sisters and asked: “Did you say that you would rely on sand dogs for a trade to find you last time? Why did you hide your breath in the end?”

   “Not long after I left, I realized that I didn’t need the next cooperation, so I hid my breath. How did you catch up?”

   Aisha team Ramos is full of curiosity, how did this dragon tortoise keep up.

   You know, armored dragon turtles are not good at magic.

   And Asia is extremely confident in her magic, naturally it is impossible to suspect that there is something wrong with her magic.

   “Me? I naturally have my way, but you don’t say anything about credibility.” Ramos saw that His Majesty did not intend to show up, so he prepared to hold the two enchantresses first.

   “Our desert demon is more life-saving than credibility. Now that you know that we are not cooperating, go back.”

   Aisha and Ai have already touched the potion bottle with their hands.

   Desert banshees are very vigilant, they are terribly dead.


   Xilin flew around and found that there was indeed no other banshee hiding behind him.

“I am coming!”


   The Desert Demon was renamed the Desert Demon. It feels even more so.

Chapter 47:

   Xilin is like a falling fireball, burning flames all over the body and falling away.

   Olena in her hand was specially surrounded by a magic mask, so that she was not burned by the flame.

“elder sister!”

  Aili quickly sensed the movement above her head, but she just looked up and saw something, it was a falling meteorite!

   “What?!” As soon as Asia raised her head, Xilin arrived.

   bang boom!

   The two sisters were lifted off by the sudden impact, and even the magic potions hanging from their waists rolled to the ground.

“elder sister!”

   Ai Li shook the sand on her head, quickly got up and picked Aisha to leave.

   “Where do you want to go?”

   A majestic and majestic voice came from the sky and surrounded the ears of the two sisters.

   “This is…Red Dragon…”

   Aisha looked at the tall and stalwart body, staring at Xilin with blank eyes.

   “It’s impossible… he… isn’t he in the south…”

   Ai Li couldn’t believe it even more, obviously they had seen Xilin in the south.

   “Sure enough, you have noticed me a long time ago.” Xilin looked at the two sisters of the Desert Banshee playfully.

   Aisha regained her consciousness and swallowed her saliva. No wonder Ramos could find them. It turned out that there was a dragon behind him, the red dragon, the head of the five-color dragon.

   “Great… giant dragon, we are just two humble desert banshees, how can He De give you your gaze.”

   Ai Li quickly knelt down on the ground, praying for Xilin to let them go.

   Because they know very well that no one can escape under the eyes of the dragon.

   “How can you…” Xilin smiled and said, “I don’t care about you two, I care if you two have a map.”


   The two female demons were shocked, when did the dragon’s nose become so sensitive.

   “Oh~ it seems that you do have a map on your body.”

   Xilin noticed the banshee’s expression, so looking at the map, it was indeed on both of them.

   I was so lucky, and there were really broken maps on the two people I caught casually.

   “Great…great dragon, we…we traded maps to humans as early as a month ago.”

   Aisha tremblingly said.

   What they said is true.

   “Your Majesty, no one dared to lie in front of the dragon, what they said should be true.” Ramos said next to him.

   If anyone dares to lie in front of the dragon, it must be another dragon, not a lowly desert banshee.

   “It was traded to humans, where did you trade it?” Xilin couldn’t just give up the incomplete map because of this.

   He must get a map, otherwise this trip to the desert will basically come in vain.

   “The small market at the human border!” Aisha and Ai said in unison.

   Xilin’s terrifying vertical pupils looked straight at the two desert banshee sisters: “Tell me, where is the human market?”

   “We can lead the way!” Aisha and Ai hurriedly said.

  They don’t want to die, they are only a hundred years old! They have just lived to one-fifth of the age of the Desert Banshee.

  The life span of the desert banshee is quite high, generally reaching 500 years old.

   Among them, if the Desert Banshee uses other methods in order to prolong her life, she can live longer.

   “Your Majesty! Let’s go back and assemble the army now to capture that small human bazaar!”

   Ramos said excitedly.

  Humans! They haven’t eaten humans for a long time. Humans are rumored to be tender and juicy.

   And Olena in Xilin’s hands did not dare to think of anything.

   “No, you go back and tell Katelina now that I’m going to do something, and Noxus will be managed by her.”

   “While I am away, you must conquer this desert for me!”

   Xilin can’t wait, it’s just a small human market.

   With the body and strength of being close to the young dragon, it is too simple to conquer this bazaar.

   If you go back and form an army, it will definitely waste a lot of time.

   What if the human holding the map disappears, besides, a month has passed since the transaction of the Desert Banshee.


  Since your Majesty said so, Ramos was not good to continue to persuade him, turned around and took the Sand Dog back.

   “You show me the way!”

   Xilin grabbed the two desert banshees in one hand and flew high into the sky.

   Olena saw these two desert banshees, and she felt a little comfort, and now she finally had two equal treatments.

   At this time, the two sisters wanted to cry without tears, how could they be caught by the dragon somehow.

   Knowing that the dragon’s goal is a map, how could they change the map?

  The most important thing is that the two sisters also guessed one thing, and they lost it!

   When I got the map from the Desert Banshee Sacrifice, no matter how I studied it, I found that it was nothing more than a piece of parchment.

   So the two sisters went to the market to fool people and traded the map.

   As a result, for the sake of the map, the giant dragon also specifically let the two of them lead the way. Now you don’t need to guess it.

  The thing that can make the dragon’s heart move, it is definitely not a mortal thing!

   They are losing out!

   “Where are you going now?”

   This is the first time Xilin flew at such a fast speed, just to get the incomplete map of the desert palace.

   “Go there.” Aisha pointed weakly.


   A raging fire burned on Xilin, like a fireball across the sky, dividing the blue sky into two.

   Desert Banshee picture.

Chapter 48:

  According to the two sisters Aisha and Aili, they walked for more than half a month before reaching the border of the human bazaar.

   Desert Banshees don’t eat people, they prefer to make deals with people.

   But if someone meets them in the desert, the desert banshee will kill the human without hesitation, so as not to expose her whereabouts.

   Hearing what Aisha said, the human bazaar is a small town, which is managed by a mayor and does not belong to any country.

  All pedestrians coming and going will trade in that market or use it as a temporary resting place.

   They didn’t understand the mystery of the map at the beginning, so they thought it was a fake.

   After going to the human bazaar, he boasted that this is a treasure map.

   It just needs a special method to see it.

   It’s a pity that the people who come here to trade are not fools, how can they believe the one-sided words of the desert banshee.

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