Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Chapter 19 - : Eat snails for free in the city

   “Xiaoyu, I found them all for you, this is Aunt Liu, this is Aunt Li, this is Aunt Wang…”

   “Oh oh oh, good aunts.”

   “Xiaoyu, listen to your aunt’s words, you’re looking for us to help you carry out publicity activities.”


   “But Xiaoyu, we can’t do anything, don’t mess with you.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s very simple. Tomorrow everyone just needs to carry the drums, blow a big or something, hold a few signs, go all the way from Guoguang to Garden Bay, then to Chenyi Square, and then turn around. North of the bridge, come back to the Dasheng Temple Pagoda, and it’s fine.”

“It’s that simple?”

“It’s that simple.”

   “But we don’t know how to play drums or tuba, what should we do?”

   “It’s okay, it’s very simple, I will teach you then.”

   “That’s OK.”

   Several aunts nodded.

   You said that you can’t ask these aunts to sing and dance again, but it’s really okay to just walk the street with drums on their backs.

   And it sounds like this parade is quite new, they still want to try it.

   Of course, the potential of the aunt is endless. Who said that the aunt can’t sing and dance again.

   If you engage in square dancing in your previous life, you will definitely be stunned.

This is all gossip. Chen Yu can’t have any leisure time to engage in square dancing, and then said: “But, ladies, you know, we are a small shop, a small business, and there is not much money. So tomorrow’s expenses, How about 15 yuan per person?”

   “Okay, 15 yuan is 15 yuan, anyway, don’t do anything. Besides, we have nothing to do when we are at home.”

   “Yes, Xiaoyu, don’t worry, even if you don’t give money, it’s okay. I’m on a good relationship with your sister-in-law.”

   “Thank you so much, aunty, that’s okay, 15 yuan per person, and gather here at 8:30 tomorrow morning.”


   After discussing with the aunts, Chen Yu was going to the printing shop and printed a few promotional signs first.

   At this time, Zhang Wenxiu stopped Chen Yu: “Xiaoyu, what are you doing?”


   “Is it useful to find them?”

   “Of course it works.”

   Chen Yu nodded: “Not only is it useful, but the effect will definitely surprise you mom.”


   Zhang Wenxiu obviously doesn’t agree with it.

   But he heard it on the side just now. It costs only 15 yuan per person, and the whole cost is only 100 yuan, which is very cheap, even if there is no effect.

   “Oh, by the way, mom, how do you sell the snails in the store tomorrow?”

   “It just opened, and your mother said that she would have a big bargain for the opening. Originally, a bowl of snails was 3 yuan, so you only need to buy two bowls for 5 yuan.”

“Then what?”

   “Then what?”

   “Is that this?”

   “Which one do you want?”

   Zhang Wenxiu didn’t know what Chen Yu wanted to say.

   “Mom, alas, your activities are too low.”

  Chen Yu shook his head: “If you want me to say, since you want to reward guests, then you will be rewarded severely.”

   “What a fierce reward?”

   “Eat snails for everyone for free.”


   Zhang Wenxiu originally thought that Chen Yu had some good idea, and when he heard it for free, he was stunned.

   “Yes, it’s free.”

   “Xiaoyu, what are you doing, your mother can’t be surprised so much.”

   Zhang Wenxiu is about to cry.

   This kid, I really don’t know the pain of opening a shop.

   is also free.

   If it is really free for everyone to eat, then they will have to lose money to grandma’s house.

   “Mom, my free is not really free.”

   Chen Yu knew that my mother couldn’t accept such a trendy idea at once.

   “It’s not free yet, so we sell snails. Your snails are free. How can we make money?”

   “Aren’t there drinks, drinks?”

   “But they are here to eat snails. What if they don’t drink any drinks?”

“How can it be.”

Chen Yu shook his head: “I have never seen anyone who eats snails without drinks or drinks. Mom, I said before that snails are delicious, but they taste a bit heavy. If it is heavy, then Drinks are necessary to quench their thirst. Now our snails seem to be free, but we can use drinks and alcohol instead. What’s more, because our snails are free, they will definitely eat more. The more you eat, the more you drink. And drink more drinks…don’t think that these drinks are not as expensive as escargots, but if they eat a lot, he generates more profits than snails.”


   After turning over the explanation, Zhang Wenxiu fell into thinking.

   Although Zhang Wenxiu has not read for several years, he is quite smart.

   I did not agree that I was completely intimidated by free, but after listening to Chen Yu, Zhang Wenxiu felt that it made sense.

   “Wenxiu, I think Xiaoyu is right.”

At this time, Chen Simian also said: “Xiaoyu’s escargots seem to be free, but in fact we still make a profit. Even if we don’t make a profit, we can’t lose much. On the first day of opening, if we use free to attract them, say It may explode.”

   “Yeah, yeah, sister-in-law, I also think the eldest nephew is right.”

My sister-in-law “Chen Meihua” also said, “Sister-in-law, don’t you know that we had organized an organization to eat escargots in our factory before. This snails only ate two or three bowls, but they drank dozens of bottles of drinks, not to mention beer. , Drank dozens of them.”

   “Then you can give it a try if you look at it this way?”

   Zhang Wenxiu said tentatively.

   “Well, you can give it a try.”

   Chen Simian nodded.

   “That’s OK, Xiaoyu, just as you said, it’s free, and I will give it away tomorrow.”

   Zhang Wenxiu made up his mind: “By the way, what, look like this, we should fry more snails.”

   “Sure, it’s free. Maybe everyone on the street rushed over to eat the Don’t be crowded, our snails are all eaten.”

   “Fine, I’ll go to the house and get another 100 catties of snails.”

   “Well, Mom, I’ll go to the print shop and print the slogan.”

   Everyone divided their work, and Chen Yu went to a nearby print shop.

   I talked about the content of the print. The owner of the print shop has no business right now, so he can issue the order at night.

   But when I saw Chen Yu’s slogan saying [Eat snails for free in the city], I couldn’t help but curiously said: “Well, your shop really eats snails for free.”

   “That necessary, how can I deceive people.”

   “O got K, I have to try it tomorrow if I have time.”

   As expected.

   This trick is really awesome.

   Regardless of whether it’s in the past or the future, once it’s free, who can stand it.

   “I almost forgot, the drum is not ready yet.”

   There is the aunt of the promotion.

   slogans were also made.

   But as the main equipment drums and tuba, Chen Yu did not.

   It is definitely impossible to buy.

   is not an artist. These musical instruments look simple, but they are also a lot of money.

   is just a publicity campaign, definitely not buying.

   Since you don’t buy it, rent it.

   It was only for a while, but Chen Yu didn’t know where these drum instruments could be rented.

   asked a few musical instrument stores, every one of them shook their heads.

   Say these musical instruments are expensive, what if they are not well maintained.

   This makes Chen Yu a little headache.

   I remembered that there is an art center for the elderly across from the county No. 1 small.

   There are a lot of old people playing various musical instruments from time to time, so Chen Yu is going to try his luck there.

   See if I can rent musical instruments there.

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