Rebirth of a Cannon Fodder from a Novel

Chapter 93

After wailing for a while, Xian and Chao several people also poke into the comments.

But the next moment, they saw a bad comment in the comment area.

The atmosphere in the living room sank instantly.

“Xiaodi, the comments are all a group of unknown truths that only spray people, you don’t need to be serious.”

Zhao Chun spoke first, cautiously and obviously suppressed his anger, “They don’t know anything, they don’t understand you at all, they don’t even understand the truth, and after hearing Mo Liugui’s three words, they came to black you, it’s a group of brains, you don’t need to Take care of them “

“That is, they do n’t know anything, they do n’t even have any evidence, just listening to Mo Liugui ’s words, I ’m sure you ’re sorry for the Mo family and Mo Liugui, they have no idea at all.

“Zhang Jiemeng’s voice, which has always been good in temper and temper, can’t help but bring anger.

“The brain circuits of the Mo family are so good that there is evidence of it. The words and attitudes they showed in the previous video are extremely unreasonable and disgusting. For so many years, they will not hurt you. Ignore you. Scolding you, and arrogantly slamming a lot of black pots against you. During the college entrance examination, you slandered you for cheating in the college entrance examination. I persuaded you to admit to breaking the law. I want you to go to jail.

“There must be a navy.” Han Sheng also lowered his face. “There must be a navy to bring rhythm, and there are many.”

“The country should have passed laws to manage these conscientious naval forces, it is a group of people who have lacked virtue.” Lin Junfeng’s stomach fluctuated with his voice, and he looked very angry.

“What annoying sister?”

Zhao Chun brushed his Weibo comments and was furious while smoking. “These navy and brain powder are almost copied and pasted, and the tone is very similar. It has distorted many passers-by. In fact, many passers-by believed Xiaodi. , There are also some passers-by who have directly turned over all the things that the Mo family did before, pointing out that the Mo family is accustomed to reversing black and white. The previous video and several cases of the Mo family were killed by the law. This perfectly illustrates this, so that everyone should not blindly believe those words that discredit Xiaodi’s whitewashing Mo family. But once someone says so, a lot of sailors and brain powder will swarm and scold him.

These sailors, brain powder, and some people who do n’t have a brain but only know that they are distressed by Mo Liujie ’s depression also deliberately pull the bull ’s head out of the mouth and say that Mo Liujie has serious depression, saying that if those passers-by believe Xiaodi It is equivalent to questioning Mo Liugui lying, saying that they deliberately opened their eyes and pretended not to see Mo Liugui’s proof of severe depression, saying that everyone wanted to kill Mo Liugui who had depression and then it was dirty Scolding, I ca n’t communicate with shit, I ’m so mad. ”

“I depend, is there a problem with these people’s brains?” Pang Qianglang couldn’t help but grind his teeth, and really wanted to ask “I can’t understand their logic. Mo Liujie got the relationship between depression and her lying, even if she had a serious problem. The medical proof of depression does not mean that all the words she smeared Xiaodi are true. “

“I don’t think these people have brain problems, they just don’t have brains at all”

Xian Yuchao poked the phone screen fiercely, and he and several netizens who let Modi retire from the game “did a rack”, and rushed to say “Mo Liugui was just a medical certificate for depression, they unconditionally believed Mo Liugui All the words started to abuse Xiaodi, and even washed the Mo family. What kind of **** logic, what did the Mo family’s group of people say, the law they violated was forgotten or eaten by them. “

“This proof of severe depression is almost like a death-free gold medal. It seems that having depression can mean that all the words said are true, but it is really strange.”


Seeing these first reactions as being unbalanced for him, Modi couldn’t help but feel warm without complaining about his friends who had affected the team’s reputation.

He smiled a bit, and in turn comforted everyone by saying, “I’m okay, really okay, and you don’t have to pay too much attention to those comments.”

“Xiaodi, if you’re sad, don’t bear it, whoever we are and who won’t laugh at you, don’t hold on.” Xian and Chao saw Modi smiled, but his face wrinkled even more. He snapped and plopped quickly.

“Yes, Xiaodi, you are the youngest among us. Don’t pretend to be an adult. Just say whatever you want. We are all your brothers and sisters, and we can help you find a way.”

Zhao Chun looked at Modi and said, “That Mo Liugui gave out a certificate of severe depression, and asked the sailors to help, which is very unfavorable to you. The public opinion on the Internet can’t be read anymore. We have to start acting. No, let ’s also go to buy a naval force to promote the propaganda and propaganda of the things that the Mo family said and did.

“Yes, yes, this method is good.” Xian and Chao agreed aloud.

Modi shook his head, and said in a warm voice, “No, it doesn’t make much sense to ask the Marines at this time. At best, it can only disturb the matter, and it won’t restore my reputation.”

“What to do”

Xian and Chao were even more worried.

“I have a way, I will fight back tomorrow, you can rest assured.” Mo Di smiled, “And there is a brother to help me, even if you do not have confidence in me, you should have confidence in your brother.”

“Yeah, there is the shepherd brother” Lin Junfeng immediately clenched his fist in one hand and smashed it on the other palm. He snapped and looked excited. “With the shepherd brother there, he will definitely not let Xiaodi Pingbai be slandered and bullied.” “


Han Sheng was a little doubtful. Of course, he didn’t trust Mu Tianheng, but he was too worried. Now public opinion is too bad for Xiaodi.

“Really, really.” Modi patted a few people’s shoulders and appeased. “You didn’t find me really calm, instead of pretending to be pretended, you should understand me, I am a very capable and seek Steady people, if I really have n’t figured out any way to fight back now, I ’m definitely thinking hard, not chatting with you. “

“So I’m so free now, it proves that I really have figured out a way to fight back.”

“What way” Xian and Chao asked quickly.

“This should be kept secret for the time being, because my brother is not fully prepared.” Modi looked at a few people and said, “but you can rest assured that I really won’t be okay, our team will never be okay.”

“So” Mo first smiled. “You still think about it now. What are you going to put on the stage tomorrow?”

The next day, Mo Diyi worked as usual for the whole morning.

After eating at noon, he looked at the malicious comments on the Internet, and there was almost no wave in his heart.

Modi even saw the Mo family take the opportunity to reverse the black and white, trying to whiten the Mo family and shape the Mo family into a victimized image that has been discredited. Mo Wuhang danced on the Internet and published various disgusting Speech.

And Mo Liugui seemed to think that she had won the battle steadily, and began to say something plausible on Weibo.

“I hope you do n’t hurt Xiaodi because I ’ve been misunderstood, smeared and insulted, so I really understand the feeling of being pointed out by thousands of people. Way to attack him, no matter what, Xiaodi is my brother, I do n’t blame him at all. “

“My relationship with Xiaodi is actually not as bad as what is said online, but Xiaodi has some misunderstandings about me. Xiaodi still respects me a lot. I believe that after the misunderstandings are resolved, we will become a family again. The time I missed was when I was once in a family with Hemeimei. At that time, I was happiest because I was with my family. I believe that in the next Spring Festival, our family will gather together again and return to the previous days. Love “

“I hope you do n’t want to use internet violence. I ’m my brother and I will always be angry. I will never forgive him. I will always forgive him because I am his sister, so it ’s my habit to care about him, and I ’ll never The principle that will change, you will attack him, I will be sad, I hope you all forget this thing. “


Mo Liugui’s remarks pushed the incident to the climax completely, and painted a successful “full stop” to the incident.

For a time, public opinion was almost distressed by Mo Liugui, and sighed that Modi had accumulated many years of persuasion to show such a good sister.

But at the same time, public opinion’s condemnation and aversion to Modi reached their peak.

There is such a perfect elder sister who is caring and caring about himself and who is gentle, beautiful, kind and soft, and Modi actually even aimed at him, which is really terrible.

Of course, there are still people who think clearly

Because they have definitely seen the Mo’s superb speech attitude and performance, and they know their ability to upright and invert black and white, but now they have not seen evidence that Modi has targeted Mo Liugui and Mo family since he was a child, so they cannot Like the remnants of the army’s brains and other brainwashed people, Mo Liugui was blindly distressed, and then went to scold Modi.

It’s just that they stood Mody and Mody, but they didn’t express their opinions on the Internet, because they would inevitably be subjected to countless malicious curses, and even some of the brain powder would try to human flesh, saying that they should get justice for Mo Liu.

Modi saw the online remarks and made a small program to analyze the data, and found that the heat of this matter has become saturated, and even has a downward trend, and after the number of fans of Mo Liugui rose to 10 million, It almost didn’t go up anymore, it really seemed to be over.


This black-and-white drama should also be replaced to sing.

Modi smiled a little, took out his phone and called Mu Tianheng.

The quarterfinals of the game competition will be officially recorded from 8pm, but it will be rehearsed first, so the team members who ate dinner two hours in advance arrived at the recording hall before 5:30.

Xian and Chao finally stopped talking to Modi all the time on the Internet. At this time, several people were so nervous.

Lin Junfeng slapped it on Xian and Chao’s shoulders and stuttered. “Look at your lifeless look. You, you are trembling.”

“Go away, I didn’t tremble. You look at you, you are stuttering.” Xian and Chao pinched their thighs, and their mouths were not slow.

Chen Zhao twitched and smiled a little stiffly. “Hahahaha, you two are now like two.”

“I think all three of them are quite counseling.” Pang Qianglang beside him hiccupped and looked at Han Sheng with a smile.

Han Sheng “”

Do n’t think I do n’t know that you hiccup when you get nervous, and you laugh at others

Apart from Modi, the coolest of the few people is Zhao Chun and the most introverted Zhang Jiemeng who have been clamoring not to be photographed and afraid of the stage.

“I lifted it with the beauty instrument I just bought for half an hour this afternoon. How about it? Does it work? I do n’t think my face is small.” Zhao Chun turned left to his face and right again. “Little you Let ’s talk about the effect ”

“” Modi didn’t really see the difference, but he still praised “The face seems to be smaller and more beautiful.”

“Hahaha, then I am happy.” Zhao Chun laughed.

“Then, what about me?” Zhang Jiemeng couldn’t help but also said, “I also lifted my face with a beauty instrument and applied half a bottle of small bulb essence.”

Modi paused for a moment, remembering what “small light bulb” Zhao Chun and Zhang Jiemeng had discussed before, and said that it was used for whitening, so he sincerely said, “The face is small and white.”

Zhang Jiemeng was also immediately happy.

Girls are really coaxing.

Mody meditated.

After the makeup artist put on the makeup, everyone started the rehearsal, but the final awards were blurred. It is impossible to “rehearse” in advance.

After the rehearsal was over, it was half past seven, and the audience entered the hall one after another.

Before the staff came to collect the mobile phone, Modi called Mu Tianheng.

Mu Tianheng first asked how Modi rehearsed, and then said, “Everything has been arranged, Director Wang also sent people over there, and now on the way to the Qin family, when Qin Yisheng is caught, it will be announced immediately. You do n’t have to worry about the truth, just concentrate on the recording. “

“Okay.” Modi was not really worried because Qin Yisheng couldn’t run this time because of the solid evidence.

Modi’s voice was a bit light. “Brother, you must remember to watch me on TV. This is my first time on TV. You can see if I look better or ugly on the camera.”

Mu Tianheng’s voice was as gentle as ever. “It must have become more beautiful. No one in my family can look better.”

Modi couldn’t help but reveal a shallow pear vortex.

It’s eight o’clock soon.

This quarterfinals promotion is not only broadcast live on TV, but also synchronized to the raccoon website, so at the beginning of the live broadcast, countless netizens brushed up the barrage.

There are bets to guess the first place, there are guesses which two teams will be eliminated, but there are many ky barrage that are very dense and make people feel very bad.

“Mo didn’t retire on the first day, I called the game contest one day”

“Official s of the game competition, people who are so bad in character are loved by people, this kind of game is not necessary to watch”

“Modi quickly apologized to Mo Liugui, Modi quickly apologized to Mo Liugui, Modi quickly apologized to Mo Liugui”

“Mo’s first day is not dead, I will scold Mo’s first day, I feel distressed for our little rose”

“Distressed Mo Liugui, is Modi loyal?”

“Modi is dead, Modi is dead”

“Front row science, Modi’s character is very poor, maliciously bullied the sister of severe depression Mo Liujie, and this sister is also very good to him, Modi really super selfish white-eyed wolf disgusting.”

“Front row science, Modi’s character is extremely poor, his older sister Mo Liujie got severe depression and did not forget to care about him, but Modi has always aimed at his sister who is particularly good to him, and has conflicts with his family, without any conscience. “

“Yes, Little Rose is really good and kind and too simple. Even if she is seriously ill, she is still targeted by Modi and discredited by Modi. She doesn’t blame him at all, saying that netizens should not hurt Modi, saying that she will always I will forgive my younger brother, it is really distressing. “

“So Modi actually bullied such a beautiful little rose, it was really disgusting, if the little rose was a little weak at the time, it might have committed suicide, Modi was damn, go to s go s go s go s”

“Mo Liugui is so kind, it’s really distressing.”

“Compared with the little angel Mo Liugui, Modi’s character is almost terrible.”


As a result, when these comments cursing Modi and the popular science “Modi’s character is extremely poor, Mo Liugui is extremely kind and tolerant and gentle, even if injured, he said that he will never blame Modi”. Colored barrage.

“Hahahahahahaha. The brains of the popular science in front of you are waiting. Don’t flip the screen in black and white. Look at Weibo.”

“The face-slapping scene, Fuck, I actually found the face-slapping scene, I want to record the screen, let you mad black Modi brave Mo Liuge beautiful and kind brains left your posture in the hot search”

Behind these two bright red barrage, there were gradually a few comments that were shocked or hahaha, and gradually became more and more, and gradually changed to a screen brush, cursing the original malicious curse Modi and reversing the black and white blind barrage of popular science All squeezed out of the main battlefield.

“Shocked my mother, everyone will go to see Soso, so go see Soso”

“I rely on, Mo Liugui depression is really fraud, really fraud, medical proof is fraud”

“Mo Liu’s criticism first deliberately said that she had severe depression, vaguely showing her sensible kindness, which caused distress, and then implied that Modi was extremely ignorant when she was ill, and even directed her, leading everyone to cyber violence Modi “

“Connected, and after being questioned that depression is a fake, Mo Liujie really temporarily made a medical certificate for severe depression, and expressed a disappointed but generous gesture to show that he did not mind, and” kindness ” Calling netizens not to violent Modi, she does not blame him, vaguely implying that all this is true of netizens, leading public opinion to make Modi more violent to the Internet. “

“Connected, but now it has been hammered to death by the police, and the depression has proved to be false. The doctor who has forged the fake has been arrested.

“Lying grass, I came back from the hot search. I was shocked at how my family Mo Ligui could pretend to be so kind and disgusting. She was almost poisonous.”

“After watching the hot search, I want to sing a beautiful white lotus and a beautiful white lotus.”

“My God, Mo Liugui’s move is too shameful and despicable. While eating the blood buns of people with depression, he maliciously framed his brother. It is unbelievable, really unbelievable.”

“Ah, Mo Liugui really looks like a white lotus, but how can it be so poisonous inside, it is true that this expression is true”

“Where are the brain damages that scolded Modi? Where is the face swollen and swollen?

“Don’t be too harsh on the sisters in the front, maybe slap them down, those brain residual teeth have been fanned out, how to talk.”

“Hahaha is very popular”


The author has something to say Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution for me

Thank you, Christear, for throwing a grenade;

Thank the little angels who threw mines to do their best, it is difficult to think of a name, 1 Christear;

Thank you little angel for irrigation nutrient solution

17 bottles to the west; 15 bottles to raven; 12 bottles to the past; 10 bottles to the stars, 10 bottles to Pui Yuyue; 5 bottles for the fake pill, huh, huh; 3 bottles to fall cookies, star cats, and fairies at night; La la la, oater2012, 2 bottles of rabbit ink;

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