Rebirth of a Cannon Fodder from a Novel

Chapter 107

Modi did not pay much attention to the physical examination. Compared with the physical examination, he cares more about the final of the game contest.

About half a month later, the final will begin. Although he is very confident, it is necessary to prepare well.

At present, Infinite Life has been produced to Chapter 29. It may be updated to Chapter 30 in the finals. A big one will appear, and an important clue in the main story will also be revealed, and new gameplay will be opened The end of the infinite story.

After the contest, he was ready to disclose to the team that he had registered the game company.

As for the work location, Mu Tianheng has also given him, in the office building where the company is located.

It ’s been less than a year since Mu Tianheng came to China. He has n’t bought a whole building as an office location, but just rented the top floors of an excellent office building, one of which is half empty. You can temporarily use their team as a studio.

Of course, since the acquisition of the real estate company of the Qin Group, in addition to requiring the company to rectify, Mu Tianheng immediately found a suitable commercial site and prepared to build one or two office buildings exclusively for the company.

At that time, they can put the company’s office location in the same area, and then work together every day

Modi couldn’t help but smile when he thought about it, he didn’t make a fake appearance with Mu Tianheng. Who and who are he and his brother now, he is now looking forward, especially looking forward to the arrival of that day.

Mo first studied, while making games, while taking time with his family Mu Tianheng to kiss me, and obey Mu Tianheng’s instructions to be careful and careful with the outside world, it was too busy to work, the days were very fulfilling, all at once A week has passed.

It’s time for the Department of Accounting to start the body side and check up.

Except for the running circle, most of the other body-side projects are very simple, which is equivalent to a holiday. Of course, running circle is not a matter for Modi Chen Zhaoxian and Chao, but for Lin Junfeng, it is simply Hell difficulty.

As soon as Lin Junfeng saw a few words on the side of a thousand meters, he felt he was going to have blood in his throat, which was called a torment.

“I also want to find a replacement.” Lin Junfeng thought of him passing by the toilet door and heard that there were girls in the women’s toilet discussing finding someone to run for 800. They were also very enthusiastic. “I think I can’t run, I can’t pass.”

“Come on, you big guy, it’s easy to be recognized as soon as you run. Okay.” Xian and Chao slap Lin Junfeng slap hard. “When you follow me, just keep a half circle behind. Passing should be no problem “

“I really can’t do it” Lin Junfeng’s face is about to become bitter gourd.

“Otherwise, you first drink a can of Red Bull” Modi pointed to a small supermarket 100 meters away from the playground. “I heard that Red Bull will be easier to run after drinking, but it may be very powerful and uncomfortable after running. Measure your own gains and losses. “

Lin Junfeng glanced at the sports teachers holding whistle on the playground, and there was a row of people standing on the starting line of the runway ready to start at any time, and felt that his heart was slamming and his hands and feet were virtual.

“Me, I’m going to buy a can of Red Bull. It’s a victory if I get through it. It’s okay to feel uncomfortable after running. It’s a great deal of paralysis in bed.”

Lin Junfeng decided to drink Red Bull decisively, and then grabbed Xian and Chao to let him go with him.

Xian Yuchao was strangled by his neck and was suffocating. He dragged and walked and shouted in dissatisfaction. “Fat man, please let me go, you say you can’t get out of your way. How is it like a little girl, go to a supermarket and want it Am I going to be a lap, and what are you afraid of?


Xian and Chao and Lin Junfeng went to the supermarket. Modi and Chen Zhao took a one-thousand-meter physical examination. Both of them ran very easily and ended the “fight” in three minutes.

Then the two went to test the standing long jump, pull-ups and the like.

After the two of them finished most of the items to be tested, Lin Junfeng and Xian Yuchao returned.

“You didn’t buy Red Bull” Chen Zhao was very hot after running, opened the down jacket, and fanned with his hand.

In the next minute of running, Modi put on all the warm equipment such as down jackets and scarves, except that his face was a little red because of running, and there was almost no obvious change.

“He came out after drinking in the supermarket, otherwise we two can come back so late.” Xian Yuchao shrugged, staring exaggeratedly. “And you know how many bottles of Red Bull are he drinking? Three bottles are wrong. I drank it, but I did n’t take advantage of him. That ’s for his goodness, or he would run a fart if he had a stomachache. “

“Me” Lin Junfeng burped, “I think I’m a little confident now.”

“I don’t think you’re drinking into your brain.” Chen Zhao looked at Lin Junfeng’s erratic eyes and smiled indifferently.

“Don’t make trouble.” Modi looked at Lin Junfeng and said, “Don’t you open your mouth to drink when you run, you should breathe with your nose, it is best to breathe in three steps, don’t worry, don’t panic, you don’t need to sprint in front. You do n’t feel good if you do n’t meet up next time. You know, you and the salted fish both took off your clothes. I ’ll help you hold it and wait for you at the end. “

“OK.” Lin Junfeng exhaled silently, took off the down jacket and handed it to Modi. The Xian and Chao next to him also wanted to give Modi, but Chen Zhao took it.

“Hold it to me.”

Lin Junfeng and Xian and Chao lined up to the runway, and Modi and Chen Zhao walked slowly to the finish line and waited.

There were a lot of students around and they did n’t walk fast. They did n’t have much energy. They seemed to have just been squeezed out of 800 or 1000. Especially girls, some of them could n’t stand, lying on the lawn, or were The good friend dragged forcibly and walked slowly to recover.

It seems that running circles is really a nightmare for college students’ physical examination.

Two or three girls passed by the end, chatting while panting.

“Oh my god, I finally finished the run. This year is a cessation, but unfortunately I have to wait until my sophomore year.”

“Actually, it’s not a big deal to fail this, but everyone is desperately rushing. I’m not good either. Before running, I clearly said that I wasn’t going to rush. I ran slowly. My thief is so tired “

“Hey, it’s all fortunate that the run is finally over. We will only have the test tomorrow. It’s good. I have finished running 800, and I don’t worry about anything, hahaha.”

“In other words, there is a rumor that you have not heard. I heard a senior. He is the president of the Student Union. He said that this year’s physical examination seems to require an additional psychological test. There are also professional doctors who come to say that they care about the mental health of college students. But the notification has not been sent yet, and I do n’t know if it ’s true or false. “

“Fake it, at most send you a link for you to do a test test, it is impossible to really send a psychologist. The psychologist with two brushes is so expensive, how can our school please afford it.”

“No, no, I heard that it is a doctor from the First Hospital of Beijing, and the doctor who is responsible for the medical examination does not need to pay extra. Moreover, our school is under great academic pressure, especially graduate students, do n’t they jump every year? There are many saying that there is depression and anxiety. Fortunately, we are Beijing University and the highest institution in China. Everyone is an elite. If the country is really for the mental health of a new generation of elites, it is still possible to give blood. “


“Little, little”

Chen Zhao suddenly slapped Mo’s first slap, “What are you stunned, did you hear me when I spoke to you?”

Modi then recovered and looked at Chen Zhao “what do you say”

“Fuck, you really aren’t listening.” Chen Zhao was speechless. “What did you just think, so enchanted and beautiful?”

“What are you talking about? I just listened to the two girls talking. We mentioned that we might add a psychological test this time. Do you think this is possible?” There is no obvious expression on Modi’s face, but the bottom of my heart is hidden Some sink.

As long as it is related to psychological testing or mental testing, he subconsciously thinks of his previous life and cannot but be vigilant.

Maybe he is a bit suspicious.

“I don’t know about that, but I don’t think it’s possible either. At most, it’s an online test. Anyway, it’s impossible for students to chat one by one.” Chen Zhaojian Xian and Chao are about to finish running, shaking their down jackets. She was shaking and ready to pick him up, “What a huge fee, and it will not be measured in a minute and a half.”

“No, you can also test online, and then test some of the students whose test results are not so good, so that it will not consume a lot of time and energy, and it can also allow doctors to accurately treat.” Frowned.

“Hey, that’s right. This method is good. This is also a good thing. Our school jumps from the building every year. Prevent one from the other.”

“What jumped off the building?” Xian and Chao ran over, humming so tired, “What are you two talking about?”

“It’s nothing. I’m in a hurry, so I’ll make a phone call first.” Modi spoke down jacket in his hands to Chen Zhao. “You will pick Lin Junfeng in a while, thank you.”

After speaking, Modi ran out of the playground and ran to a path leading to the library outside the playground.

Modi walked to a corner where no one was there, took out his mobile phone, wrote what he heard and guessed the possibility in a text message, and sent it to Mu Tianheng.

He knew that Mu Tianheng would not think he was too suspicious.

Then, Modi called Song Yu’s phone again, and he remembered that Uncle Song Xiaoling should be working in the First Hospital of Beijing now.

The phone beeped twice, and it was connected. Uncle Song Xiaoqing’s voice was smiling.

“Hey Xiaodi actually took the initiative to call his uncle. Uncle is about to laugh. Is there anything wrong with Xiaodi?”

Although I felt that I was in trouble for Uncle Modi when I called Uncle, Modi was quite embarrassed, but he said frankly, “Uncle, I really want to ask you something.”

“What’s the matter, Xiaodi said, if Uncle Xiao knows, I must tell you.”

“Uncle, your school’s partner hospital for this medical examination is yours, do you know?”

“Of course I know, what’s wrong”

“Uh” Mordi paused. “Uncle, this is the case. I heard that this time we will also give our students a mental health test. Is it true or false?”

“Oh, I have heard about this, but I am not particularly clear about the specifics. I am a neurologist. I mainly do surgery. I do n’t know much about psychology and psychiatry. I heard about it. It was decided directly by the dean, and there was a scholarship in the academic world, saying that it was for the mental health of a new generation of university student elites. From this session, we will gradually popularize this psychological and spiritual health test.

The author has something to say Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution for me

Thank you 1 baby angel angel who cast a rocket launcher;

Thank you little angel for irrigation nutrient solution

20 bottles of worms; 10 bottles of cookies; 9 bottles of Lingling; 5 bottles of ayanot, Mingyan scattered, deep-sea salmon, Gu Hanzhang, and a half moon; 4 bottles of Qingyuzi; 2 bottles of Nuo Niang; 1 bottle of zjzq123, mandarin duck Yu Fei, cape mist, mistletoe, blue light;

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