Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 77

Chapter 77 End of signing event

“Well, today’s “Wuthering Heights” signing event is officially over. Thank you Mr. Kevin for coming, thank you for your support.”

After the host’s closing remarks, Kevin’s signing event has ended successfully. At this time, the readers in the signing hall reluctantly walked out of the hall.

With the completion of the signing event, Kevin was able to calm down and take a rest. At this time, the editor-in-chief Enni enthusiastically handed over a glass of drink, and then said: “Kevin, congratulations, today’s signing event is very lively.”

“Thank you, thank you for your arrangement. I enjoyed that kind of process so much.” Kevin twisted the drink bottle, took a few sips, and said.

“It’s entirely your own ability that contributed to the success of today’s signing. Do you know? You are the most successful one among the newcomer writers. Perhaps in the near future, you will be the most successful one among the writers.” Enni praised Words of praise are words of praise, because Kevin showed him a lot of impossible things, besides praise this genius who created miracles, what else can she say?

“Thank you, I think I will try to work hard in the direction you said. Because that is also my dream.”

Yes, it has always been Kevin’s dream to become one of the most successful writers. Now there is a chance, he will not miss it.

Kevin took a short break in the signing hall, then walked down the first floor under the **** of security personnel. When his figure appeared on the first floor, the readers who were waiting for him went crazy again.

“Kevin, can you sign a name for me? Although I didn’t get the admission ticket, I really like the work you wrote. The “Jane Eyre” you wrote is amazing.”

Kevin turned around and looked at the person who was talking. The other person was a child, who seemed to be about ten or so years old. Maybe still in the sixth grade of elementary school, or junior high school. The child’s eyes are full of sincerity, without any falsehood.

Kevin was moved by his sincerity, so he walked over, took out his signature pen from his pocket, took down the “Wuthering Heights” that the child was holding, and then seriously signed his name. .

“Come on. The future is yours. You are God’s most favored child.”

Kevin said to him when he returned the book.

“Thank you, Mr. Kevin. You are my idol. I want to be like you and become a best-selling author.”

After    said, the little boy turned around and showed off frantically to his friends around him.

Seeing that the little boy succeeded in obtaining Kevin’s signature by doing this, many readers also screamed.

“Dear Kevin, can you sign me? I like you, like your talented writing, like your imagination that day.”

“Yes! Kevin, sign me! We are optimistic about you.”

But Kevin does not intend to sign these readers one by one, because the rules are the rules. According to the rules, if you want to get Kevin’s autograph, you must get the admission ticket to the signing hall, and then enter the hall within the specified time. And if you don’t get to the signing hall, you can’t get Kevin’s signature.

Kevin made an exception for signing the little boy because he was still a child and his eyes were so innocent.

In order to show respect to the readers, Kevin kept waving his hands at them as he walked. Finally, he left a bookstore under the **** of security personnel.

Jenny Norfolk felt that this man was so different from the others at this time. He was personable, he was brilliant, and he was romantic to death. It seems that all the strengths of men are concentrated on him. God, this is really a deadly weapon for a young girl who is in love with her.

At the same time that Kevin held a signing event in a bookstore, Wuthering Heights was also on sale in other bookstores.

Early in the morning, when major bookstores opened their doors, many people went crazy asking about “Wuthering Heights”. For a while, many bookstores were sold out.

Of course, there are many Bella fans among them. They don’t know how wonderful Kevin’s writing is. They bought “Wuthering Heights” only to support their idol’s recommendation.

“I finally bought this so-called “Wuthering Heights”, it’s awesome, Bella is so beautiful.”

“I’m so curious. I want to read a few chapters tonight. Haha, I hope the content of the novel will not disappoint me.”

“Recommended by Bella, it must be a boutique. “Wuthering Heights” is really bought by many people. Fortunately, I went there early, otherwise I can’t buy it.”

“Yes, the bookstore on my side was sold out a long time ago. But I was lucky, I bought the last one.”

Yes, many bookstores are basically sold out in less than three hours. The latest ones are sold out within a day. This made the people of the London Literature Publishing House very happy. If this speed continues, it is estimated that the first print of these 200,000 copies will basically be sold out in less than three days. At that time, you can rest assured that the second printing, three printings. It’s exciting to think about it all.

The president of the London Literary Publishing House was also very happy after seeing this situation. He personally called Enni the editor-in-chief and praised her.

“Enni, your vision is really good. You have unearthed such a potential work for our company. Also, you can bravely adopt such a promotion and planning method, and now it has succeeded. Congratulations, it turns out that you are the Britain’s most discerning editor.”

“Thank you, honorable president. Maybe we should prepare for the second printing.” After editor-in-chief Enni received praise from her boss, UU reading was very happy. At the same time, he is more confident in “Wuthering Heights”.

“Of course, I decided to print 200,000 copies for the second time. When it is all sold out, we will print it again. Maybe this is another record-setting work. It’s great, thinking that this book is made by We publish and plan by our publishing house, and my body has countless exciting cells.” The president said readily.

“Yes, my honorable president, my thoughts are the same as you, “Wuthering Heights” must be reprinted as soon as possible.”

The momentum of “Wuthering Heights” is booming. Of course, the people at the London Literary Publishing House will not miss the opportunity, so they immediately ordered another 200,000 copies to be printed to the printing house.

The success of today’s signing event also allowed many bookstores to see Kevin’s market. They began to discuss with the company’s management secretly, and they should also learn from a bookstore to ask Kevin to do a signing event to attract customers.

Therefore, when the people from the London Literature Publishing House returned to the hotel, they received a lot of calls from booksellers. The purpose of these booksellers is the same, that is, can they invite Kevin to their bookstore and also have a signing event.

It’s a good thing to be invited to engage in signing events in the past. After all, this is good for the sales of Wuthering Heights and Kevin’s reputation. Perhaps after a few signings, this extra 200,000 copies will be printed. It’s almost sold out. Therefore, the London Literature Publishing House also saw confidence this time. (The papaya has a high fever today and my head is dizzy, so the update is relatively late. I hope you can be considerate. Don’t worry, no matter what, the papaya will not be broken. This is the most basic respect for you. Thank you for yours. Support, my dear gods)

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