Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 62

Chapter 62 “Manchester Night” is a big hit

Kevin has nothing to lose after seeing all this. He just went out to make a cup of tea in the living room, and then slowly tasted it. Don’t take this matter to heart at all.

Enni’s editor-in-chief couldn’t sit still, she immediately called Kevin.

“Kevin, have you seen the craze for “Manchester Night” on Twitter? It seems to be very similar to your previous “Jane Eyre” book before it was released.”

The meaning of Enni’s words is very obvious, that is, the phenomenon of “Manchester Night” proves that after the movie is released, it will definitely sell well at the box office.

“Well, I saw it. Maybe “Manchester Night” is indeed a good work. I also plan to find a chance to see it.” Kevin said with an indifferent attitude.

“But Kevin, don’t you know? If “Manchester Night” box office is too good, it will directly suppress your “Jane Eyre”, you know your “Jane Eyre” is almost released. We also intend to let your “Jane Eyre” create box office history.” Enni said the truth.

“Don’t worry, “Jane Eyre” will definitely create box office history.” Kevin said confidently.

“Oh, are you so confident?”

“Yes, I think God will also support my self-confidence. Dear editor-in-chief Enni, let’s wait and see. No matter how high the box office of “Manchester Night” is, when “Jane Eyre” is released, It can only bow down and claim the status of a courtier.” Kevin said. “Well, you still remain confident all the time.”

Enni has nothing to say about this confident young man. After all, she is most optimistic about Kevin’s unconditional self-confidence. This kind of man is too attractive to her.

Kevin and Enni chatted a few words casually, still singing and slowly drinking tea.

But Director Hudson is not at ease in his heart, although he is very confident in front of outsiders. But my heart is still full of anxiety. Especially now that “Manchester Night” has been uploaded on Twitter before it is released. With the professional vision of a director, he can also foresee that this will be a big-selling work.

At this time, he couldn’t help thinking deeply in his mind whether “Jane Eyre” would help him save face, or prove his choice was right.

You must know that the reason why he chose “Jane Eyre” is because the story in “Jane Eyre” is the meaning he has been searching for, and the life he has been seeking. He won’t let it go.

Whether it’s right or wrong, he won’t regret it. He has lived for decades and always has to do something for his heart, so Hudson still gritted his teeth at this time, and then firmly believes that Kevin’s “Jane Eyre” will be a big hit at the box office.

The facts are the same as everyone guessed. After the “Manchester Night” was released in major theaters, it immediately caused a sensation. Many people took the time to watch this movie one after another on the recommendation of friends and relatives. For a while, some movie theaters were all sitting there.

“Manchester Night” collided with a box office record of 130 million in just one week. This means that it has already taken over “April Rose”. It became a new record holder at the box office this year.

“This is indeed a good movie. I like to watch it. Brian is still one of the most shadowy men in England. His role in it is so handsome.”

“Director Ebak, it is indeed a boutique. I will not miss each of his works. Thank him for his outstanding contributions to British cinema. I don’t think any director is better than him.”

“Yes, Director Ebak is the hero in my heart, the director who knows the most about filming.”

Fans began to praise Brian star or director Ebak on Twitter. This makes the whole Montron Film Company very happy. Especially the assistants of Ebak, who gathered around Ebak at this time to congratulate him.

“Congratulations, respectable director Ebak, you are so good. See if you have not, I said “Manchester Night” will definitely be a big hit. Nothing can stop you as a genius director.”

“Yes, Director Ebak, now you can proudly say to yourself that you are the best director in the UK, there is no one.”

“Thank you, thank you for your compliments. I think we have to toast a few glasses for the celebration tonight. Don’t worry, I will prepare the wine you like to drink.” Ebak said happily.

Yes, after so many years of comparison with Hudson, now finally there is a result. When fans said that he was the best director in the UK, he was very happy. When the box office of “Manchester Night” broke the 120 million box office record of “April Rose”, he was very ecstatic.

Anyway, the entire Montrond Film Company is very happy, and they also think that “Manchester Night” may be the highest-grossing film this year. If Ebak decides not to make a new movie in the second half of the year.

Of course, the happiest one is Linda. The box office sales of “Manchester Night” finally gave her a taste of being noticed as she wished. In the past few days, some film and television companies have talked to her and decided to sign her.

The famous screenwriter Smith saw this result, and he did what he expected. He laughed in his heart: Hehe I just said, this “Manchester Night” will be a big hit. Now let’s see how “Jane Eyre” can be compared with it. Maybe it would be good to have half of its box office.

Enni is the same. Now “Manchester Night” has broken the box office record of the prosperous “April Rose” a while ago. This is indeed a high mountain. She also doubted in her heart that “Jane Eyre” would be able to leap over by then.

“I hope God bless this guy to write something that is equally popular whether it is on paper or on a silver screen.” Enni could only pray in her heart.

Kevin knew what director Hudson would be worried about at this time, after all, when he was in London, Hudson once told him what was in his heart.

So he called Hudson.

“Hi, respectable Director Hudson, I know what you are thinking at the moment. But please believe that your choice is right. As long as you don’t change the script of “Jane Eyre”, its release will be better than “Jane Eyre”. “Manchester Night” is going to be booming.” Kevin promised.

“Well, I believe in your story, and at the same time I believe in my vision as a professional director. I think at this time we can only create some miracles if we believe in ourselves.”

“Thank you for your affirmation of “Jane Eyre”, rest assured, facts will prove that you are the best director in the UK. No one has a better vision than you. From the moment you choose to start filming “Jane Eyre” “Kevin praised.

With this promise made by Kevin, Hudson also fulfilled a little in his heart. Those who despise themselves, maybe everything laughs too early. (Seeking collection, seeking reward, seeking recommendation)

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