Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 God made

Santos’s abnormal behavior immediately attracted the attention of other people, and at this time, they all approached him.

“Hey, Santos, what’s the matter with you? I want to go crazy?” Curry touched Santos’s shoulder with his hand, and then said.

Santos only reacted at this time, and then said to everyone with an open eyebrow: “Everyone, great. This work is great.”

“What? Santos, you said your work is too good? Quickly, let us see it. We are worried that we can’t find a satisfactory work.”

After finishing speaking, Curry picked up the manuscript from Santos’s hand and read it.

“”Meditation on a Broom”? The topic is average.”

Then, Curry continued to look at the content: You don’t see, the lonely, dingy, shyly crooked broom in the corner in front of you, in the forest in the past years, it has had a lot of sap, luxuriant branches, and prosperous days. However, now, its vitality has already withered, and human beings are troublesome. They tie a dead branch to its naked torso, deliberately trying to match artificiality and good fortune, but finally it is in vain.

Curry saw the beginning of this paragraph, and already felt the author’s writing. Until he finished reading the whole article, his expression was the same as Santos’s.

“Yes, this is indeed a very good work. It is reasonable and well-founded, and has a very deep insight into life and world. The most rare thing is that he can write such writing on the spot, which is considered a genius.”

When the other judges heard it, they all picked up this work and looked at it. Then nodded with satisfaction.

“Yes, you are all right. I saw this work can be ranked first. Comparing other works with it, it is really a gap between the sky and the earth.”

“I don’t think we should make a decision so quickly. There are still some manuscripts that have not been reviewed. I will wait until all the manuscripts are reviewed.”

Curry is a rigorous person, so he is more serious in doing things. In order not to miss any genius in the UK, he will not make decisions so decisively. Maybe there is something better than him in the next manuscript.

But it turns out that after all the judges have read all the semi-final manuscripts, there is no work that can be compared with “Contemplation on a Broomstick”.

“Everyone, there is no doubt now. This “Meditation on a Broom” deserves to be the champion of this literary competition.” Santos said first.

“It is true, whether it is content, writing, depth, or novelty, “Meditations on a Broomstick” is also the best among the more than twenty rematch articles.”

“Well, I agree with you too.”

“Well, that’s how we decide.”

Therefore, the eight judges unanimously agreed that “Contemplation on a Broomstick” won the championship of this year’s London Literary Competition, while the other two articles were slightly okay and won the second and third place respectively.

For the sake of fairness, even if the ranking is selected, they still cannot disclose the author’s information. In other words, they all have to leave it until tomorrow when the results are announced, to disassemble the information on the ranked works on the spot, and then announce the list on the spot.

“Our British literary world has finally fallen, this article is really a genius.”

After walking out of the judges’ room, Santos still praised “Missing About a Broom”. In his mind, he even thinks that this is one of the best English prose.

“Yeah, I thought this literary competition would disappoint us, especially one person who only wrote less than a hundred words. Alas… Fortunately, this “Meditation on a Broom” is so outstanding. ”

“Well, I’m really curious who wrote this masterpiece. Haha, I must have a good chat with him at that time, how he thought of such a wealth of things in such a short period of time.”

“I’ll know when the results are announced tomorrow. Let’s go, I’ll treat you for tea.”

Santos still couldn’t suppress his joy, as if this champion was his own. Of course, when he was young, Santos also became famous in the British literary world. When he was nineteen years old, he published a very popular work, and then step by step he reached the pinnacle of English literature.

While drinking tea in the tea house, Santos posted on his own Twitter, and then posted such a message: a guy who only wrote a hundred words and handed in the paper, and one wrote a classic prose The guy, this is the rematch of this literary competition.

As the information about the rematch is confidential, Santos can only say so much. But such a simple message reminds me of something.

The first person who retweeted Santos’s Twitter was his loyal fan. By the way, the other party said: There is no doubt that the guy who only wrote a hundred words and handed in the paper must be the one who went out in ten minutes.

“Yes, I also think it will be the guy who handed in the work in ten minutes. After all, he can only write a hundred words in ten minutes.”

“We can’t blame him. It’s not bad that he can think of a hundred words in ten minutes. Haha, can these hundred words be poetry?”

“This guy is probably a bean sent by God. I really don’t understand how he got into the semi-finals.”

Suddenly, Twitter began to speculate about Kevin again. Everyone thought that the author who only wrote a hundred words would be Kevin.

Zera is the same. He updates on Twitter all the time. When she sees an author who has only written a hundred characters, her expression becomes even more arrogant. I thought to myself: When did Zela look away, huh! Only write a hundred words and feel embarrassed to participate in the semi-finals.

Seeing this news, Zella was even more sure that he was not wrong. Then, she was happy all over.

But the editor-in-chief Enni started to worry. He saw Kevin’s article, knew the talent of this young man, and admired his self-confidence very much. But if the author who wrote about a hundred characters is really Kevin, it is absolutely impossible to get the first place.

She took out her mobile phone and was about to make a call to Kevin, but found it was late. Such a rash call, UU reading will affect the other party’s sleep.

“It doesn’t matter, maybe I should figure it out.”

So, Enni still called.

Kevin had just finished taking a shower and was happy today, so he went out for a stroll in London Square and came back later than a few days ago. After seeing the editor-in-chief Enni called, she was also very surprised.

This young woman in her thirties calls me too often recently, right? And it’s night now, does she fall in love with me?

“Hey, editor-in-chief Enni, good evening.”

“Kevin, I’m sorry to bother you. It is said that in the semi-final works of this literary competition, one person only wrote more than a hundred words. Tell me, that person is not you who handed in the paper in ten minutes?” Enni went directly in. Subject question mark.

“Don’t worry, I assure you that that person is definitely not good. Oh, thank you for your concern.”

Judging from the past few days, Kevin knows that Enni has been helping herself. Therefore, he was very grateful to her in his heart. After all, no one stipulates who must help whom.

“That’s good, I’m still worried that the author will be you. Okay, it’s okay. Looking forward to tomorrow’s good results. Good night.”

“good night.”

After editing this “good night” with Enni, Kevin suddenly lost sleep. He walked to the balcony of the hotel and looked at the night of this luxurious London city. Football, business, art, fashion, finance, almost everything, it is all inclusive here. This is what makes Britain special. It is at the highest end of the world, making people yearn and worship.

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