Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 20 - buy a car

After Taobao was launched, Su Qin posted “Taobao Wangwang” as soon as he arrived at the store every day. This software for instant communication with buyers was launched in 2004.

When Su Qin worked on Taobao in his previous life, he had seen the development history of Taobao.

In 2005, Taobao surpassed Wal-Mart in sales. In 2006, although people around Su Qin have not used Taobao very much, according to the year-end big data of that year, people have become accustomed to “shopping” online, and nearly 9 million people browse Taobao every day.

She believes that even if their Taobao does not work now, slowly, the development will get better.

The proprietress, Chen Meixin, has a good family background, has been abroad, and is very generous to Su Qin.

She never deducts Su Qin’s salary, and the commission will not reduce her a cent. Not to mention that in 2006, even after more than ten years, a clothing shopping guide in a private store could earn a salary of over 3,000, which was quite good.

It was precisely because of the generosity of the boss that Su Qin wanted to help the boss to build a Taobao store. On the one hand, it could help him boost sales, and on the other hand, it was also a way to repay the boss for giving her a platform to make money.

In mid-May, the proprietress Chen Meixin broke up with her boyfriend of 6 years.

Chen Meixin is 28 years old this year, with a standard melon seed face. Although she has a double chin, her facial features are still attractive. She is 1.73 meters tall, and she is stylishly dressed. It can be seen that she used to be a beautiful woman. If she loses weight, she will probably look like Su Qin after she has passed away.

But such a female boss was dumped by her boyfriend.

Chen Meixin’s boyfriend, whom she met when she was traveling in Hong Kong, was barely a rich second generation. Su Qin had met several times. He was not ugly, but his style was a little exaggerated.

On the first day of the breakup, Chen Meixin sat at the counter and cried with her eyes red and swollen. She sobbed and told Su Qin about the “scumbag” deeds all morning.

The scumbag found a beautiful college student, dumped her, and called her “fat woman”.

When Su Qin heard this, he hung up the ironed clothes, turned his head and said to her: “To be fair, Sister Chen, you are a little fat at most. The word fat woman doesn’t match you, right? And Chen Sister, your facial features are good, your face is small, and your height conditions are here. Even if you are fatter than before, your temperament is still there. Don’t listen to the scumbag, and don’t doubt yourself, he just made an excuse to dump you. “

Chen Meixin pulled out a tissue and blew her nose, her voice somber: “But I really love him, we have been together for six years, our parents have also met, and we are about to get married…”

“You have to be glad that you broke up with him now, otherwise he cheated again after marriage. At that time, if you want to quit, I’m afraid you will lose a layer of skin. Sister Chen, I know a sister, just like you, with your boyfriend for eight years, youthful I gave it all to this man, but in the end, the man thought she was no longer young and beautiful, and her body was fat, so he kicked her. Guess what?”

“What’s the matter?”

Chen Meixin’s curiosity was aroused, like watching an eight o’clock idol drama.

“Later, this sister was amazing. She started her own business, got money, started to dress up, and exercised to lose weight. Although there were signs of years on her face, her figure and temperament were very good. Many men pursued it and lived a very exciting life.”

Chen Meixin took a deep breath. After a moment of silence, she said, “Susu, don’t come to work tomorrow. I’ll rest for five days. During these five days, you should have a good rest too, and don’t study too hard.”

After breaking up with her boyfriend who has been with her for 6 years, Su Qin understands Chen Meixin’s current mood and hopes that the lady boss can come out soon.


Chen Meixin added: “By the way, I’ll give you the key to the store. If you need to use a computer, don’t go to the Internet cafe, just go to the store to surf the Internet. My computer configuration is OK, and I have no problem playing games.”

“Thank you for the great, lovely and kind boss!”

“Poor mouth, Qin Er, when are you going to take the exam in Yunzhong? How many months can you stay with me?”

“Next month’s exam, I can do it until mid-August, and I’ll see when it’s time. If I can’t get into Yunzhong, I’ll go back to my original high school and re-read with the first year of high school.”

“Bah, bah, say something depressing. You’ve worked so hard, and you’ll be fine in the cloud. You have a good rest these days, and I’ll go on a trip. You’ll post a vacation notice at the door later, and leave your phone number. If customers have style inquiries, let them call you directly.”

The proprietress paused and said, “Also, I’ve thought about it carefully. When you leave, I’ll recruit another girl here. I hope you can come to work with me during the winter and summer vacations. After all, space marketing and Taobao marketing are such things. I need you, I don’t know anything about this.”

This is what Su Qin wanted to mention to her. She has always taken care of everything, and didn’t teach Chen Meixin to do those things in order to make herself relaxed. She wanted Chen Meixin to be inseparable from her temporarily, and also wanted to get this part-time job.

A five-day vacation is a luxury for Su Qin, but with her current situation, she doesn’t dare to slack off.

On Friday morning, Su Qin was woken up by an unfamiliar phone call. She thought it was a customer, and politely said “Hello, hello”.

The person on the other end of the phone was obviously frightened by her “Hello, hello”, thinking that she had made a wrong call, and her voice was timid.

After a long while, the other end asked her, “Is it… Susu?”

this sound…


After returning from Tuling County, Su Qin didn’t talk to her on the phone, but only occasionally learned about her current situation through Meng Sisi. Wenmei used to have good grades in the local high school, and was admitted to one or two in the college entrance examination, but because her family had no money, she did not go to study.

After she was rescued from the mountains, the media in her hometown reported the incident, which also attracted the attention of the local government.

The teacher and principal of the former high school learned that she was admitted to the university but did not report, and even was abducted into the mountains, and felt a pity for her. After learning that she wanted to retake the university entrance examination, the school leaders agreed to her to go back to school and waived her tuition fees, allowing her to review with the senior three students to prepare for the college entrance examination.

The college entrance examination is at the beginning of next month, on June 6th, 7th and 8th.

“It’s me, Susu, I heard Sisi say this is your cell phone, so I want to give you a try.” Wenmei took a deep breath and said to her, “Susu, I’m about to take the college entrance examination soon. , In the next time, I have to study hard, I am a little nervous, I just want to talk to you. How are you recently? “

“Very good.” She asked back, “How about you?”

Wenmei laughed on the phone: “I’m pretty good too. My teachers and classmates care about me very much. I get good grades in every exam. I want to go to Yunyang University.”

“Yes, I remember you want to study law, right? The law department of Yunyang University ranks among the best in the country. After all, law is the ace major of Yunyang University, and the score requirements are not low. Are you confident?”

“Well, I didn’t forget what you asked Sisi to tell me. The teacher helped me analyze the results of the previous exams, and I think it’s still possible. Susu, I heard that you are going to take the Yunzhong exam, so you have to work hard. what.”

“I will.”

The phone call lasted for ten minutes. After hanging up, Su Qin got up from the bed.

She pulled her slippers to the window, opened the curtains, and the sunlight filtered in and hit the mottled wall.

The sky outside is blue and clear.

Downstairs in the community, there are tattered people shouting: “Collect – scrap iron cardboard cans~~”

Su Qin stood on the balcony and stretched. I saw my grandma cooking on the opposite balcony.

This grandma surnamed Liu is the owner of the canteen downstairs, and Su Qin is very familiar with her.

She greeted her grandmother: “Good morning, grandma.”

Grandma Liu squinted at her and smiled: “Girl, why do you get up so early? Don’t you sleep much?”

“Don’t sleep, get up and endorse.”

After breakfast, Grandma Liu next door came to give her a handful of vegetables she grew, but Su Qin was not polite.

A while ago, Zhang Zhan always sent fruit to her. There was no refrigerator at home, and she couldn’t finish it all by herself, so she sent some to Grandma Liu. After going back and forth, Grandma Liu also often sent her vegetables.

Su Qin is in a good mood today, the neighbors are friendly, and the lives of friends are gradually on the right track. Inexplicably, he also feels a little happy.

At this time, she thought of Honghong again. What about that girl? Where will her brother take her? Who set the fire in the village?

Su Qin learned from the Lu team that a special task force had been set up in Tuling County, which would thoroughly investigate the fire incident. It was only a matter of time before the person who set the fire violated the law.

Thinking of this, Su Qin couldn’t help sighing, this world still needs order to maintain,

In a closed and backward place like Zhangjiagou, the villagers are ignorant, ignorant of the law, and ignorant of the law. If you want the next generation to no longer inherit the ignorance of closed mountain villages, you can only start from the education of children.

Su Qin thought of Uncle Wen’s granddaughter, Zhang Xiuxiu.

Lin Xiaoyin had promised Uncle Wen that after she successfully escaped from the mountain village, she would pick up Xiuxiu to go to school in the city. Will she keep her promise?

There are many things that Su Qin wants to do in this life, and there are many dreams that he wants to accomplish. There are some things she can’t do right now, she can only be down-to-earth and take every step of the moment first.

In the morning, Su Qin went through several key classical Chinese texts in junior high school, and when it was almost noon, he began to sort out the bills.

She has already received two months’ salary, a total of 5,700 yuan. In addition to living 600 yuan for two months, she still has 5,100 yuan in savings.

This amount of money is a lot for her now, but she is reluctant to eat even a bowl of ice powder for 1 yuan and 5 yuan. Thinking about it carefully, this is also a saving virtue left by her previous life?

Su Qin took out 400 yuan from the money and planned to go to the market to buy a better bicycle. After all, she couldn’t always let Li Chuan take her home, and it was too hard for a man.

The place where bicycles are sold is concentrated in the west of the city. Su Qin took the bus to the west of the city and staggered for about two hours.

The subway in Yunyang City will open Line 1 in 2010. After the subway is opened, it will be much more convenient to go from the old city to the west of the city. At that time, it will only take ten minutes from the old town to NTU.

Su Qin was reborn in 2025. At that time, not only did the subway lines extend in all directions, but also shared bicycles and shared cars abounded, and he could roam the city with only his mobile phone when he went out.

Whenever he takes the bus, Su Qin will miss the convenient life in the future.

When he arrived at the bicycle shop in the west of the city, Su Qin entered a relatively well-known bicycle brand store and picked a pink bicycle.

The basket on the front of the bicycle is big enough to put some books, and it is also convenient to go to the market to buy vegetables.

She took a test ride, and the body was light, the brakes were sensitive, and the bells were crisp enough.

Su Qin parked the car and asked the boss, “Boss, how much is this little fan car?”

Seeing that she was a little girl and a person, the boss deliberately reported an inflated price: “550, little girl, if you buy it sincerely, I will give you a pump.”

Su Qin felt that it was expensive. This small fan car was at most 350 yuan, and the price of the inflator was about 20 yuan. The boss obviously looked at her young and wanted to rob her.

Before Su Qin opened his mouth to bargain, the thick voice of a middle-aged man sounded behind him.

“Fart, your car is 550? Who are you blackmailing? How much does an inflator cost? Blackmail in broad daylight?”

As soon as she turned around, she saw a middle-aged man about 1.8 meters tall, pushing a pink bicycle of the same style and walking over.

The man combed his back, his hair was moussed, his body was fat, and his round beer belly almost exploded from his belt. He wore a black suit, and on his feet were a pair of shiny brown leather shoes. It is a man dressed as a boss, pushing a small and chic pink bicycle.

This picture is slightly contrasting and cute, a bit like a huge Hulk carrying a small pink rabbit-eared schoolbag.

This man was a little familiar, but Su Qin couldn’t remember where he had seen it for a while.

The man threw the small fan bike to the assistant behind him, tidied up his tie, and walked over to the boss and said, “Tell the little girl well, how much is your bike?”

“Mo… Boss Mo, you…” The boss glanced at the little girl with an embarrassed expression and whispered, “Girl, if you really like this bike, how about I sell it to you for 350?”

The price of 350 is about the same, but thinking that the boss wanted to defraud her just now, Su Qin said, “330, give me a pump, okay?”

“Hey, you little girl, how can you bargain like this? The price of this car is more than 330. I’ll send you a pump and go to my grandma’s house at a loss.” The boss looked embarrassed.

Su Qin raised her eyebrows and said, “Then I’ll go to another store to buy. The market is so big, and you’re not the only one who sells bicycles.”

She lifted her foot and was about to leave, but the boss quickly stopped her: “It’s worth it, for Boss Mo’s sake, I’ll give you a cheap price, 330 is 330, and I’ll give you a pump!”

Su Qin frowned: “Thank you boss.”

She followed the boss to the counter to pay, and when she came out to push the cart, she thanked the boss named Mo.

Su Qin pushed the car to the door, and was stopped by Boss Mo again.

Mo Zongyang: “Little girl, wait a minute.”

“Uncle, is something wrong?”

Mo Zongyang was stunned for a moment, rubbed the flesh on his face, and said aggrieved: “Uncle?”

Su Qin’s eyebrows and eyes were very bright, revealing two small tiger teeth, and he called out again obediently: “Brother, what’s the matter with you?”

“…” Mo Zongyang seemed to see contempt in this little girl’s eyes? He scratched his head irritably and turned to her for help: “That… little girl, look, I helped you just now, shouldn’t you do something in return?”

Su Qin’s smile froze, and he glanced at him vigilantly, then glanced at the burly assistant behind him, and subconsciously put his hand in his pocket and held the homemade chili water.

Mo Zongyang added: “My son is about to enter high school, I patted his mother’s chest, and I will definitely choose a good-looking car for him, but… Now there are so many cars, I **** think every car looks good, I love every car. I want to buy it. But my son said, I only need one, isn’t this a problem for me? You and my son are about the same age, so I want to ask you to help me choose…”

Su Qin glanced at the owner of the bicycle shop, and then at the pedestrians on the street.

The people who come here to buy a car are all adults, and it is rare for a little girl like her to buy a car alone. Mo Zongyang chose a difficult disease, but he didn’t quite believe in the aesthetic level of the elders. When he saw Su Qin, he also went to the doctor in a hurry. He thought that the child might understand the child’s vision better?

Although it was on the street, Su Qin still couldn’t trust any stranger.

She still kept a distance from them, raised her chin, and pointed to the blue mountain bike behind Mo Zongyang.

“That one, boys should all like this style, and the pink you’re pushing is what girls like.” Su Qin said.

Mo Zongyang looked at the little girl with a vigilant look and apologetic expression, knowing that he scared her.

“Then this one, thank you.”

Su Qin shook his head: “No thanks.” After that, he left the bicycle shop on a bicycle.

She passed by No. 1 Middle School, bought fashion magazines and current newspapers at the newsstand, and swept a prominent section from the newspaper.

The face of the man just now was printed on the newspaper.

The man’s name is Mo Zongyang.

Su Qin remembered that the man was Yun Fei’s biological father, but he didn’t expect that he was much fatter than the photo.

The author has something to say:

Bingfen is a special product in Sichuan. After eating the skewers in summer, a bowl is full of happiness. In addition, some readers feel that the price is low, and they look embarrassed. In 2006, it was really 1.5 yuan for a bowl of ice powder, although it has risen to three yuan, five or five yuan. In 2009, I ate a bowl of maocai for four yuan, and now it costs more than twenty yuan.

The classical Chinese text that the heroine wrote silently yesterday was called “Tang Ju’s Mission” in the junior high school text. I only remember the fragment, so I searched on Baidu and came up with “Warring States Policy”. I thought it was called Warring States Policy in the junior high school text. It has been changed, I deserve the negative score yesterday.

And about the Nanyang city in the previous article, I really just made it up, Nanchong + Mianyang, go to the end, I didn’t expect to bump into the name, there is no meaning of the black area, I apologize to the readers of Nanyang.

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