Rebirth 2003: Dominate the Tech World

Chapter 51

Ye Yunzhou and his companions had just entered Room 8 when the people outside finally entered the hall. At this time, a group of people in the hall were staring at the screen, whether they knew how to play Go or not.

In Room 8, Ye Yunzhou and Han Chufeng sat opposite each other, Yang Shuya and Lin Qianxia sat on either side of Ye Yunzhou, and Chu Yanbin sat next to Han Chufeng.

At this time, Lin Qianxia and others dared not breathe. They looked at the mechanical arm hanging from the ceiling, which was equipped with a high-resolution camera, and the lens was directly facing the exquisitely crafted chessboard.

Go has always been known as the most “brain-burning” competitive sport. The rules of Go are relatively simple, but the possible changes in the game are extremely complex. On a 19×19 chessboard, there are theoretically 3^361 possible games, which is more than the number of atoms in the universe.

Go is not just a simple game of capturing pieces. It includes multiple stages such as opening layout, mid-game tactics, and endgame. Every move needs to take into account the overall balance and long-term planning. Go requires players to have extremely high computing power. Not only do they have to calculate the current situation, but they also have to predict the opponent’s moves and possible response strategies. Go masters usually have excellent memory and can remember a large number of chess records and patterns, which can be quickly called up during the game to form effective tactics.

Go games often last for a long time, which is a great test of the player’s psychological quality and endurance. It is very important to stay calm and focused during long games. There is no fixed routine in Go, and each game is a brand new creative process. Players need to constantly innovate tactics and strategies to cope with the ever-changing chess game.

Ye Yunzhou knew that Go masters would be defeated by artificial intelligence in 20 years, but now it is 2003 and computers still cannot defeat humans. Today’s Go is still known as the world’s most mysterious art.

Ye Yunzhou himself does not know how to play chess. Looking at this criss-cross chessboard at this time, he can’t figure out how many horizontal and vertical lines there are, let alone play chess. He was a little dazzled after just looking at the chessboard for a while. There was no other way, Ye Yunzhou could only share his vision with Jarvis and let Jarvis guide him.

Lin Qianxia and Yang Shuya didn’t pay much attention to the chessboard, they were all focused on Ye Yunzhou, and when they saw Ye Yunzhou was at a loss and frowned, they actually felt a little distressed, they thought, “I really shouldn’t let Ye Yunzhou get involved.” Thinking of this, they glared at the two people opposite them fiercely.

Han Chufeng didn’t notice the two women’s actions. He pushed a can of black chess pieces in front of Ye Yunzhou and said with a smile: “Ye Yunzhou, the black pieces go first. I’ll let you go first.”

Ye Yunzhou didn’t refuse and nodded slightly, while communicating with Jarvis in his mind: “What should I do now?”

“Brother Zhou, let’s do the opposite and disrupt his thinking.”

“Oh, how do you disrupt it?”

“Put the first black piece directly on the middle point.”

Ye Yunzhou naturally had no hesitation. He picked up a piece and placed it on the middle point of the huge chessboard. At the same time, he thought, “Since ancient times, the Central Plains has been a battleground for military strategists, and Go was invented based on the confrontation between two armies. Jarvis is really awesome.”

Sure enough, when this piece fell, Han Chufeng opened his eyes wide.

Go has always been known as “gold corners, silver edges, and grass belly”, so the first lesson of many chess masters is: remember that the corners are the key, and the so-called Central Plains is garbage, so don’t worry about it, just occupy the corners first.

It is no exaggeration to say that even an apprentice who has just learned Go will not play in the middle in the first move. So when he took this step, even Lin Qianxia, ​​who only knew a little bit of Go, felt incredible.

Ye Yunzhou looked up at everyone, and seeing everyone’s astonishment, he had more respect for Jarvis in his heart.

In the live broadcast hall, seeing Ye Yunzhou’s move, everyone exploded.

“Damn, what is this way, is he a master or an idiot, this move is a bit non-mainstream.”

“Teacher, you still teach us to occupy the corners, you see that the masters first occupy the Central Plains, isn’t this the truth that whoever controls the Central Plains controls the world?” An apprentice who had just started not long ago said to the master.

“Hey, he didn’t lie, he really can’t play chess!” The one who said this was Gu Li, the vice president of the Go Association, who once won the world championship.

“Hey, you don’t know this, this is the latest tactic, called “One man guarding the pass, ten thousand men can’t open it”, a new offensive tactic just introduced from Japan.”

“No, this must be some new tactic, otherwise how can I play against Mr. Han?” Gu Le said, and then took a closer look at the lonely chess piece on the chessboard, and he found it extremely mysterious.

Gu Le asOne of the four great masters of Go, an eighth-dan player, the more he played, the more he felt that Go was like the vast universe, and the more he felt ignorant. After practicing for more than 20 years, he felt that he had not even grasped the basics of Go.

At this moment, looking at Ye Yunzhou’s move, he suddenly thought of some famous games in history, such as the “Ten Games of Danghu”, the “Three-Star Tianyuan Game”, “Wang Zhi Watched the Game and Lost the Chess”, “Wang Jixin Immortal Master Taught the Art”… Various legendary games gushed out, and looking at the lonely chess piece on the chessboard, he felt that it was getting bigger and bigger, until it came like a mountain pressing down on his head. In just a moment, Gu Le, one of the four great masters of Go in Xia Country, was already sweating profusely, and the Go concepts of more than 20 years in his mind collapsed. He had only one thought in his mind, “Sure enough, his power is unparalleled in the world!”

Han Chufeng remained calm. He knew that Lin Qianxia had just found Gu Li, the vice president of the Go Association, to teach Ye Yunzhou the art in the morning.

However, Han Chufeng would not underestimate Ye Yunzhou. A person who can take out 30 million at any time cannot be so simple. So no matter how Ye Yunzhou plays, he only sticks to his own style and then responds randomly. So Han Chufeng put a black piece in the corner of the chessboard very steadily.

“This person is quite good at playing chess. It didn’t disrupt his thinking.”

“Next, let’s continue to play in the middle and let them guess.” Jarvis said.

After Jarvis finished speaking, Ye Yunzhou directly picked up a black piece and put it down next to the first one.

Ye Yunzhou thought that Han Chufeng’s move should be to surround the city with the countryside, while Jarvis’ move should be to occupy the entire Central Plains first and then slowly expand to the surrounding areas.

Although Han Chufeng was surprised, he still followed his own rhythm and picked up a chess piece and put it in another corner again.

After these two moves, the entire live broadcast hall began to discuss fiercely again. When everyone was discussing heatedly, a full-bodied voice came.

“Why is it so lively today? Who is playing chess?”

The hall suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked in the direction of the sound, only to see a middle-aged man in his fifties walking in anxiously.

Gu Le, who was still in a daze just now, seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw and shouted loudly: “Mr. Nie, please come and take a look at this chess, it is too profound and unfathomable. I have been playing chess for more than 20 years and I still can’t understand it.”

“Who is playing chess?”

“It’s Mr. Han Chufeng and a young man named Ye Yunzhou.”

“Look, the black chess piece belongs to Ye Yunzhou, I really don’t understand it.”

Obviously, Gu Le’s eager attitude gave him great satisfaction, but when he looked at the screen, he was also stunned.

What kind of play is this? He knew Han Chufeng. He was a genius. Even Li Xiaoshi, a 9th-dan professional Go player from South Korea, lost to him. So anyone who could play chess with Han Chufeng must not be an idiot. But how could he play so well…

“Brother Zhou, your opponent is very powerful. It seems that he can’t be fooled. Then the third piece can’t be placed in the middle. You should place it in the left corner that he doesn’t occupy, but move it two squares to the middle.” Jarvis’ voice rang in Ye Yunzhou’s mind.

As soon as Jarvis’ voice fell, Ye Yunzhou picked up a black piece and pressed it there. At this time, the black piece echoed with the two black pieces in Zhongyuan from a distance while facing the top corner arrogantly.

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