Reaper's Resurgence: A System Reset

B1 | Chapter 90 - The Berserker of the Thunder Highlands Part I


Over the next several hours I end up leveling up Quantum Displacement again while searching through the dungeon and finding two more hidden areas, each of which have a boss in them unlike the first. And only the second boss is of any consequence since the first was just level 50.

The second was about the same level as the mana eater in the Crawling Caverns.

I glance at the items both of them gave me without pausing in my walk across the rather large plateau, ignoring the lightning bolts striking down all around me.

One of the items was a simple set of armor. A worse set than my current one that I'll probably end up giving to Astrid once she leaves the Crawling Caverns, assuming she doesn't get a better armor set there.

And the other item is a second Tier potion. Something I will be keeping for myself since it could save me in a pinch.

I look up again as I store the two items in my spatial ring to find a bunch of higher leveled lesser kyres roaming around the plateau. Kyres that are all between levels eighty-five to ninety-five.

Something I've learned about these creatures is that their perception is rather narrow. They only pay attention to what's directly in front of them.

So if I don't walk directly into their eyesight, they won't care about me.

Except the lower leveled ones. They seem to be instinctively terrified of the energy my body naturally emits, just like most other lower leveled monsters.

It still feels a tad odd having monsters that would've been able to annihilate me without any trouble before the Reset running away in terror from me now.

I smile at that thought as I continue walking through, only occasionally taking time to kill a kyre when they turn and happen to look at me, making them charge straight at me without a hint of hesitation.

The creatures are rather berserk. Makes me wonder what a real kirin would be.

A kirin is a Class S species though, so I wouldn't find one in a dungeon. At most I might find a greater kyre or a luminescent kyre.

Another kyre suddenly begins charging at me, so I teleport out of the way before throwing my polearm, impaling it through the throat mid-charge and sending it skidding across the ground. Then I resummon my polearm and continue walking.

It doesn't take long for me to pause again when I feel a powerful source of energy approaching. And at the same time, I find thick bolts of lightning striking to the South of me, some of them even drawing other bolts of lightning there as well.

So I grin and begin teleporting over in that direction, where I quickly find what I'm looking for.

The final boss of this dungeon.

{Rampaging Kyre – Level 100}

This'll be the first pseudo Class C I'll have ever fought before. A Class C with the intelligence of a Class D or E but the stats of a Class C.

Powerful but without almost any intelligence.

A real berserker.

And it's charging directly at me right now.

I quickly teleport out of the way of its charge, barely avoiding the various bolts of lightning striking all around it in the process. And without any delay, the creature turns around in an instant and continues charging at me. Then I teleport away again and the process repeats several times, making me frown in annoyance.

I've already adapted to both magical and non-magical lightning, so getting struck won't deal too much damage to me. At least not any more than it would've previously done without taking my magic weakness into account.

Although that's assuming this is a magical attack and not a regular one. If it's not a magical attack then it shouldn't do that much damage at all.

I continue teleporting out of the way of the attack for a bit until I realize that the kyre is growing angrier and angrier. And its lightning seems to be reflecting that in its gradually increasing speed.

Shit, that's not good. If it keeps getting faster then I might not be able to teleport quickly enough to avoid the lightning.

Before I can worry about that though, I notice something else about the lightning.

The faster the lightning seems to go, the more it seems to be drawn towards the metal spires around us. Just that the lightning isn't getting close enough to the spires to change targets entirely.


I begin teleporting closer to the spires, only for the lightning bolts to suddenly start moving even faster towards me. Meanwhile the kyre lets out a loud neigh of rage and stops in its place, raising both of its front legs and slamming them back onto the ground, sending a wave of lightning straight towards me too fast for me to react to it.

I let out a cry of pain as the lightning runs through my body as the large wave of lightning continues passing by, supercharging all of the spires around me in the process. But I manage to regain control again and spam teleports out of the wave of lightning before I drop down to one knee, feeling my body too numbed to move.

So I use Quantum Reversal, making me let out another cry of pain as the damage is reversing at the price of nearly a third of my soul.

After recovering I quickly climb back to my feet and teleport away again right when the kyre tries charging at me, apparently not needing to recover from its attack at all.

I quickly pull some soul from Luna, whose soul is currently filled to the brim as she does whatever she's doing outside of the dungeon. Then I grit my teeth and resolve myself to dealing with some more pain as I teleport straight up to the kyre, swinging my polearm towards its neck with lightning quickly latching onto both me and my weapon.

But I don't pay the pain any mind this time, not even when I hear the sound of a System Message playing out.

To my absolute shock and horror though, the kyre suddenly vanishes from its place with lightning running through its hair before it reappears nearly two dozen meters away while raising its front hooves again with a loud neigh, leaving me swiping at air with my blade. It doesn't send another wave of lightning at me after putting them back down though.

The fucking horse can teleport?!

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