Reaper's Resurgence: A System Reset

B1 | Chapter 85 - Suspicion


I frown after Aidan finishes his explanation.

"That is a problem…" I mutter, making him nod his head in agreement.

As it turns out, Aidan got a skill that lets himself camouflage himself and go into stealth. So he tailed William wherever he went for the first day just to keep an eye on him, and found that William was already colluding with another group behind our backs.

Certainly would explain why he's been so docile, to the point of even listening to others and doing what he's told without complaint.

I let out a sigh before asking, "And how do you want me to deal with it?"

Aidan's face grows cold as he says, "I would like you to drop by when they next meet up tonight."

That has me raising a brow.

"Then you can do whatever you want from there, but I would prefer you kill the woman he's working with," he says rather bluntly, making me blink in surprise before I ask, "Why?"

"Because it's her," Aidan says without explaining further. But he doesn't need to.

Aidan, Astrid, and I have been through quite a bit together over the years, but the only incident where I really saw Aidan almost lose it was when a noble woman was extorting his family and, after being caught by Gramps, tried to kill him and Astrid over it. An event that we had unfortunately grown used to over the years, numbing us more than a little to death, even if that was one of the worse cases of it where she almost succeeded in killing Aidan's sister instead of Astrid.

Aidan was already mad at that point because they were going after Astrid, but when they almost killed his sister too?

It was the first time I had ever seen him lose it and begin physically assaulting someone else without any rationality backing it. Because the guy normally always keeps his calm. He always has things together.

Both him and Astrid work together rather well in that regard.

Although both Astrid and I find it rather annoying how he never seems to care about his own well-being. Only mine, Astrid's, and his sister's.

Speaking of his sister, he has to be worrying about her right about now, but he hasn't said a single word about going out to find her. Which is a little surprising, but knowing him, he's just bottling up the emotion and locking it away.

A faint grin stretches across my face at the thought of killing the woman myself.

"Understood," I tell him.

It's kind of depressing how bad our old world was before the Reset. It was to the point that power and influence was all that really mattered. Some noble could quite literally walk into the slums and kill someone and get away with it without repercussions as long as they didn't do it enough to cause a major scandal.

We were safe from any issues because of Gramps, but before Gramps entered our lives, things weren't so good.

I wonder where Gramps is now?

It would be nice if we could meet up with him and bring him back to our island.

At least that's one thing the System's announcing and broadcasting of my name and face to everyone should've accomplished. Getting the news to him that I'm perfectly alright, even if I've… changed… a bit.

I hear squeaking, making me walk over to the balcony in my room where I bring my gaze up to the sky to find Luna flying down towards me looking rather happy, not to mention… is she bigger or is it just me?

The happy little quantum vampire bat lands on my shoulder and rubs her head against my neck, making me smile.

Luna's been leaving me rather often to go off on her own, and every once in a while I get a System Message talking about a kill made that I didn't do. So my only guess as to what she's been doing is hunting. But I can't help but wonder how such a tiny little bat can hunt the types of monsters she's hunting.

Is she really that strong? I mean, I know she's level 100 as well, but still… she's smaller than the palm of my hand…

I blink as I take her in again.

Okay, she's the size of the palm of my hand.

Definitely gotten bigger.

I hear Aidan clearing his throat from back in my room, so I turn around again as he says, "They're supposed to be meeting up a little after night fall, so I'll tell you when William slips away."

"Alright," I respond with a nod of my head before he turns around and begins leaving my house.

Now the question is, should I kill William or not? Guess that would depend on what exactly he's trying to do, but considering he's colluding with that woman, it's probably something detrimental to our group. May even be targeting me and Astrid actually.

But one thing doesn't really add up.

Why would he be so stupid as to betray us? Especially when I'm here?

From what I've seen of the guy, he isn't stupid. But here he is doing something incredibly stupid.

So why? I just don't understand his actions here.

They just don't make sense to me.

I frown as I try to come up with a reason for his actions, only to fail to do so and eventually just shrug and turn back into my room, closing the balcony doors behind me.

Whatever. I will learn what he's doing tonight, so there's no point in trying to figure it out now.

I walk up to my bed and lie down in it, beginning to focus on my energy manipulation. And right when I'm getting into the groove of it again, the doorbell to my house rings.

A doorbell I didn't realize I had.

So I open my eyes again with a groan and walk over to the balcony before jumping down, not bothering to use the door. But to my surprise, I actually find William standing at my door, looking rather surprised to see me jumping down from the balcony.

Oh? Now this is an interesting turn of events.

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