Realms of power

Chapter 8: chapter 8- significant gifts

The prime minister's household had been transformed into a hub of activity, with a steady stream of visitors pouring in every day. The news of Prince Liam's interest in Sarah had spread like wildfire, and everyone who was anyone wanted to be affiliated with the prime minister's household.

The sound of laughter and chatter filled the air, as noble women and dignitaries clamored to pay their respects to the prime minister and his family. Charlotte, Sarah's mother, was having the time of her life, basking in the attention and admiration of the visitors.

She flitted from room to room, welcoming guests, cooking meals, and accepting gifts with a gracious smile. The house was filled with the delicious aromas of roasting meats and freshly baked bread, and the sound of music and laughter echoed through the halls.

But amidst all the chaos and excitement, Sarah felt like she was losing her mind. She was tired of the constant stream of visitors, tired of the endless questions and congratulations, tired of the pressure to be perfect and polite.

Every time a new guest arrived, Sarah had to put on a bright smile and greet them, playing the role of the dutiful daughter and potential princess. She felt like she was living in a never-ending nightmare, with no escape from the constant demands and expectations.

As the day wore on, Sarah felt like she was going to explode. She couldn't take it anymore, the constant noise and chaos, the endless questions and congratulations. She needed a break, a chance to escape and recharge.

So when her mother called her again, asking her to come and greet yet another group of visitors, Sarah made her excuse. She told Constance, her maid, to inform her mother and the guests that she had suddenly felt weak and would need to see a doctor. "Constance, please go and tell my mother that I'm suddenly feeling weak and unwell. Tell her that I need to see a doctor and can't receive any more visitors today. And please, Constance, make sure to emphasize that I am really not feeling well, so that my mother does not try to persuade me to come out and greet the guests."

Constance nodded sympathetically and hurried off to deliver the message. "Milady, I'm so sorry to disturb you, but Sarah is feeling quite unwell. She's suddenly become weak and needs to see a doctor. She asks that you please excuse her from receiving any more visitors today," Constance said to Charlotte. 

"Oh dear, oh dear! Poor Sarah! I do hope she's not coming down with something. Very well, Constance, please see that the doctor is summoned at once. And tell the guests that Sarah is indisposed and can't receive them today. I'll go and sit with her until the doctor arrives." Sarah's mother said.

Sarah collapsed onto her bed, feeling a wave of relief wash over her. She closed her eyes, letting out a deep sigh, and waited for the doctor to arrive. Constance has given her the news and she was happy to have her peace for the rest of the day.

But just as she was starting to relax, she heard the sound of servants arriving with yet another gift from Prince Liam. Sarah's heart sank as she heard the oohs and aahs of the noble women, who were gathered in the living room with her mother.

The gift was a beautiful silver necklace, adorned with precious gems and delicate filigree. The noble women couldn't help but be wowed by Prince Liam's dedication and generosity, and they all began to speculate about the possibility of a royal wedding. Maids came to show Sarah the gift abd she asked them to put it away, or take it back to her mother. They chose the second option. Charlotte was only too glad to have the gift set on a high place with the others the prince had sent.

 Sarah had seen the heap of presents before and how her mother treated them. She almost made a joke about how her mother could offer sacrifices to the gifts if she revered them so much. She was scared of her mother's outburst so, she had kept the joke to herself. Now, Sarah was sure her mother would keep the precious necklace high above the others. Everyone who could see would see the gift.

Sarah felt like she was trapped in a never-ending cycle of expectation and obligation. She did not know how much more of this she could take. Every one was acting happy for her, but she was not happy for herself. Prince Liam was a man she did not understand, she did not trust.

Just then, the doctor arrived, followed closely by Cleo, Sarah's friend. Cleo greeted Sarah's mother warmly, congratulating her on Sarah's success in winning the prince's heart. "Congratulations, Lady Charlotte! I heard the wonderful news about Prince Liam's interest in Sarah. I'm beyond thrilled for you and your family. May I have permission to see Sarah and offer my congratulations in person?"

Charlotte beamed with pride, happy to accept Cleo's congratulations. She gave Cleo permission to see Sarah, and Cleo hurried off to Sarah's bedroom, eager to catch up with her friend and offer her support. The doctor would have to wait a while before stepping into Sarah's room.

Cleo entered Sarah's bedroom, a mischievous glint in her eye. "So, my dear friend, I hear you're at death's door," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Sarah laughed, playing along. "Oh, yes, I'm on my last breath," she replied, her voice pretentiously weak. "I fear I may not survive the night."

Cleo giggled, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Well, in that case, I will have to make sure to wear black to your funeral," she said, her voice teasing.

Sarah laughed, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. It was good to have Cleo by her side, to share in the absurdity of the situation.

But as the evening wore on, Cleo's expression turned serious. "Sarah, are you ready?" she asked, her voice low and urgent.

Sarah nodded, her heart racing with excitement. "Yes, I am ready," she replied, her voice firm.

Constance, who was standing in the corner of the room, looked at them curiously. "What is going on?" she asked, her voice hesitant.

Sarah turned to her, her expression stern. "Be silent, Constance," she said, her voice firm. "This does not concern you."

Constance looked taken aback, but she nodded obediently and remained silent.

As the sun began to set, Cleo and Sarah quickly changed into black clothes, their movements swift and stealthy. They were like two conspirators, plotting their escape.

Cleo's friend, the doctor, arrived soon after, a look of amusement on his face. "So, I hear I am to play a role in your little game," he said, his voice chuckling. Cloe was glad that Sarah's mother did not even realise that bringing the doctor was part of their ploy. 

Sarah nodded, her eyes sparkling with gratitude. "Yes, please, Doctor. Tell my mother that I need a good rest. I must not be disturbed, that is all."

The doctor nodded, his expression serious. "I will take care of it," he said, his voice reassuring.

Sarah turned to Constance, her expression serious. "Constance, I need you to do something for me," she said, her voice firm.

Constance looked at her curiously, her eyes narrowing slightly. "What is it, milady?" she asked, her voice hesitant.

Sarah's eyes locked onto Constance's, her gaze intense. "I need you to dress in my clothes and pretend to be me," she said, her voice low and urgent. "Lie in my bed and make sure to look like you're sleeping. My mother mustn't suspect anything."

Constance's eyes widened slightly, her expression surprised. But she nodded obediently, her voice barely above a whisper. "Yes, milady."

Sarah nodded, her expression stern. "Good. And remember, Constance, this is a secret. You mustn't breathe a word to anyone."

Constance nodded again, her eyes cast downward. "I won't, milady," she said, her voice barely audible.

But Sarah and Cleo did not notice. They were too busy making their escape, slipping out of the window and into the night, their hearts full of excitement and anticipation.

As they dropped down to the ground, Cleo turned to Sarah, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Shall we?" she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Sarah nodded, her heart racing with excitement. "Yes," she replied, her voice firm.

And with that, they took off into the night, their laughter echoing through the darkness.

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