
Chapter 36

Proof-reader: TheMonitor

“Do you perhaps have an appointment with master……”

The man, who was eyeing the woman with a suspicious glare, swung his head around and scrutinized Soo Hyuk with a surprised expression after hearing her words .

“Yes . ”

In response to the woman’s words, Soo Hyuk opened his inventory and showed them the token that Pavian had given him .

Surprise once again appeared on their faces as they inspected the token in Soo Hyuk’s hands .

“I’ll guide you to master . ”

The woman said to Soo Hyuk . She started walking further into the floor and Soo Hyuk hurriedly followed her .

* * *

“Team leader!”

Yang Joo Hyuk, who was concentrating on his work, jumped at Jang Yool’s sudden shout .

Yang Joo Hyuk then raised his head to look at Jang Yool with a frown .


“This……this……this is strange!”

Jang Yool stammered . Yang Joo Hyuk began to feel anxious from his tone of voice .

‘……What happened this time?’

ραndαsΝοvεl ƈοm This wasn’t the first Jang Yool had erupted like this . He had previously erupted two times before . The previous incident’s impact had almost crashed the official Pangea forums . Just what had happened this time?

“I think there’s a bug . ”

Yang Joo Hyuk, who was wondering what had happened, jumped up from his seat at Jang Yool’s words .

“Bug? There’s a bug?”

Bugs? Yang Joo Hyuk wondered what the big deal was this time . But this was too out of the blue for him .


No, the suddenness wasn’t a problem for now . The problem was the severity of Jang Yool’s reaction . Yang Joo Hyuk went over to Jang Yool’s desk .

“Look at this!”

Jang Yool exclaimed when Yang Joo Hyuk arrived next to him . He was pointing at the 4th monitor . Yang Joo Hyuk tilted his head when he looked at it .

“……What’s the problem?”

“This is the Poison Master’s Blessing, right?”

“Yep, it is . ”

“The Archmage’s Descendant just got it . ”


Yang Joo Hyuk said with a small voice . Some special jobs received special perks the moment they changed into them . The Poison Master was one of them .

“The Archmage’s Descendant got the Poison Master’s Blessing?”


When Yang Joo Hyuk heard the tone of his voice, it really seemed to be true .

“Wait . ”

Yang Joo Hyuk hastily returned to his seat . Yang Joo Hyukstarted typing furiously on his keyboard before his butt hit his chair . Then he stopped abruptly .

He was frowning heavily .

“It’s not a bug . ”

He confirmed to Jang Yool .

“What? It’s not a bug?”

Jang Yool panicked at Yang Joo Hyuk’s words . The Archmage’s Descendant had somehow gotten his hands on the Poison Master’s unique perk . And yet, it wasn’t a bug?

“If you consider it, it’s not an exclusive perk that Poison Masters get . It’s something the Poison Spire Lord gives . It’s just that Poison Masters are guaranteed to get it when they’re promoted . So, you don’t have to be a Poison Master to get the blessing……”

Yang Joo Hyuk trailed off .


Jang Yool’s voice also trailed off .

“What if……”

Jang Yool continued .

“The other blessings……?”

The poison magician exclusive job, ‘Poison Master’ . Other than the Poison Master, there were also exclusive jobs for the other nine elements, and correspondingly, nine other blessings .

“Hmm . ”

Yang Joo Hyuk nodded slowly . Then Jang Yool replied with a surprised tone .

“What the heck . ”

* * *

“Then I’ll see you tomorrow . ”

“Okay . Tell me if there’s anything you need!”

“Yes . I’ll get going now . ”

Soo Hyuk said goodbye to Pavian and left his room . After leaving the room, he opened his quest tab .

[The 30-Day Endeavor]

[You, who lacks poison resistance! Pavian will boost your immunity . Take Pavian’s poison once a day!]

[Take Pavian’s Special Poison: 0 / 30 ]

[Quest Reward: Title – Poison Maestro ]

The tests Pavian mentioned . It was taking poison . It’s aim was to increase Soo Hyuk’s poison resistance .

Why he had to increase his resistance he didn’t know, but he had no reason to refuse if it was safe .

“I guess ill have to come back tomorrow as well……”’

The one thing he didn’t like was the time . He had to take poison once a day for 30 days, so he had to visit the Tower of Poison each day, everyday, for 30 days .

‘Well, at least taking poison doesn’t take that long . ’

The good thing was that he only had to stay over at the Tower of Poison for a short period of time each visit .

‘The time is……’

Soo Hyuk checked the time as he left the Tower of Poison .

‘Should I read? Or hunt?’

Soo Hyuk had decided to read in the morning, hunt in the afternoon, and read again in the evening . But the current schedule was too tight with the addition of the new quest .

‘Let’s just go hunting . ’I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

In the end, Soo Hyuk decided to go hunting . It was because reading now conflicted too much with the time allocations of his new schedule . Soo Hyuk opened his character tab after deciding to hunt .

User: Soo Hyuk

Occupation: Archmage’s Descendant

Level: 10

Experience: 0%

Health: 3040

Mana: 36620

Satiation: 72%

Strength: 14

Agility: 15

Stamina: 58

Wisdom: 1831

After he became a Magician he hadn’t hunted even once . Because of this, he was still level 10 .

‘The wild dogs are too weak for me to level quickly . ’

In the Southern Beginner Hunting Grounds, there were rabbits and wild dogs to hunt . Although the dogs were suitable to hunt until level 12, Soo Hyuk didn’t think so . The reason the suitable hunting level was level 12 was because it was relatively safe, but it didn’t really matter for him .

‘It’s either the Western or the Eastern Hunting Grounds . ’

The Western and Eastern Hunting Grounds . They weren’t for beginners anymore . It was a place where users around level 20 to 30 hunted .

‘The eastern one is closer, so I’ll go there . ’

The Tower of Poison was situated in the eastern part of the city . That meant that the Eastern Hunting Ground was closer to Soo Hyuk . After he decided his destination, Soo Hyuk started walking towards the Eastern Hunting Ground .

“I’m looking for a party! I’m a level 20 healing magician! I’ve already learnt 3 spells!”

“Looking for a water magician who can cast Ice Fog! I’m a lightning magician!”

Soo Hyuk arrived at the Eastern Hunting Ground not long after heading out . He could see numerous users searching for party members at the entrance . Of course, Soo Hyuk passed by them without a thought as he had no intention of joining a party .

As he entered the hunting ground, Soo Hyuk could see users hunting foxes . While he watched the various users hunting he thought,

‘Hunting 5 in 30 seconds is going to be hard . ’

Was it because there were a lot of users? Or was it originally like this? There were fewer foxes then Soo Hyuk had initially thought . He thought that he could easily hunt 5 in seconds but realised that it wasn’t realistic .

It wasn’t a matter of cooldown, Soo Hyuk realised as he began to search for foxes .

“Wah, isn’t that the poison tower robe?”

“Is he a poison magician?”

“Huh, is he actually going to use poison?”

“Hey, at least he can catch the foxes . But anything beyond wolves……”

“Kekeke . ”

Soo Hyuk heard the nearby users whispers while he was resting after hunting . Soo Hyuk knew that they were laughing at him, because he was wearing the poison tower robe . The robe that Spire Lord Pavian had given him .

“Magic missile . ”

Soo Hyuk fired a missile at a nearby fox he had found .

The magic missile flew at a high speed and struck the fox . The fox was killed in one hit . Soo Hyuk saw the rare drop window after the fox was killed .

[You have acquired: ]

– 1 fox pelt

Soo Hyuk had gotten a piece of fox skin . When he turned around, he could see the users murmuring amongst each other .

Was it because he had killed the fox in one hit? None of them were laughing now .

They just stared at the dead fox and then turned to stare at Soo Hyuk with wide eyes . Smiling at their reactions, Soo Hyuk just turned around and started searching for more foxes .

‘How much has it risen . ’

Soo Hyuk thought as he opened his character tab . He wanted to check how much experience he had gained, but when he saw his character profile, he stopped dead in his tracks .


His 0% experience had risen to 1% . In disbelief he closed his character tab and opened it again . But he hadn’t seen wrong .

‘……5 times more?’

The reason he closed and opened his character tab was because his experience had only risen by 1% .

If a level 10 player with a normal job hunted a fox, his experience would rise by 5% . That meant he would be level 11 after hunting 20 foxes .

‘Even if it’s a special job, 5 times is too much!’

Special jobs did require more experience to level up, but Soo Hyuk believed that 5 times more completely blew the scale out of proportion .

Normal jobs only had to hunt 20 foxes, but he had to hunt 100 .

“This is bullshit . ”

Soo Hyuk cursed . 100 foxes?

‘No, it just means that my job is that much better . ’

Soo Hyuk tried to convinced himself . The amount of experience required to level up differed from job to job, but the better jobs usually required more experience . The Archmage’s Descendant required five times more experience to level up . That just meant that it was that good .

‘And I can kill them in one hit anyway . ’

One hit with his magic was enough to kill them . That meant it wouldn’t necessarily take a long time to hunt 100 foxes . In fact, it could be faster than some normal jobs . Soo Hyuk closed his character tab and stared off into the distance .

‘Should I go further in and hunt wolves?’

If a user ventured a little further, wolves would start to appear . Wolves were stronger than foxes but they also gave more experience . That meant Soo Hyuk didn’t have to hunt 100 of them to level up .

‘There’s less competition as well . ’

Hunting for wolves also had less competition . They did give more experience, but not many players hunted wolves, not out of choice, but because wolves were too difficult . Wolves moved in packs and had the ability to call for other allies, so players generally hunted bears who were usually solitary instead .

‘Wolves will still die in one hit anyway . ’

Soo Hyuk’s wisdom stat was staggering, so wolves would also die in one hit like the foxes . After all, there wasn’t any competition, so Soo Hyuk decided to hunt wolves .

“Wait . ”

As he began to walk, he suddenly stopped .

‘Should I just hunt bears?’

With his wisdom, bears were also going to die in one hit . Bears gave more experience and had a better item drop rate than wolves . So Soo Hyuk considered hunting bears .

‘No, there’s more competition so it could get annoying . ’

Soo Hyuk shook his head after thinking a little . The competition for hunting bears would be even greater than foxes, as they were bigger and slower than wolves . So, all the higher level players would be hunting bears .

If Soo Hyuk charged in one-shotting bears, it was likely that the players would either kill him or try to party with him, and either option was bothersome for him .

He would just hunt more wolves if this was the case . After he finished thinking, Soo Hyuk continued heading deeper .

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