RE: Perverted Sugar Daddy System

Chapter 28: The Key

"Dr Racheal" I called as I stepped into her office, Lucy behind me and a bright smile on my face.

Unfortunately, the positive energy wasn't reciprocated and a blank stare from the woman behind the desk had my smile narrowing.

Usually, I would take the goofy remorseful route to worm my way into Racheal's grace, but I was a different man.


[Yes] a screen flashed to the side of my vision

"Get me an Aura multiplier x2"

[Aura multiplier x2 has been purchased with 2000PSDP]


Dominance aura was the only aura I had on active at the moment so the multiplier was applied to it.

"I know I'm late Dr Racheal, but that look is just too cold" I replied my smile diminished but still present as I walked up to her desk.

Rachel's eyes flashed and I could tell she wanted to give me a proper check in but then the effect of my aura which her stubborn mind had been able to somehow ignore strengthened and she rethought her words and instead looked at her silver watch.

"You were supposed to be here by 10 am, the time now is 11:23. "

"I know I'm terribly late and I'm truly sorry Dr Rachel, I was held up by an unforeseen situation"

By this time, I had already arrived before her desk, Lucy a step behind me, the girl using my body to shield herself from any stray bullets from Racheal.

Properly reconsidering her next words Rachel leaned back into her chair and fixing a hard gaze on me spoke.

"And what is this very important situation"

"A second please," I said smiling at her and fluidly breaking eye contact.

"Lucy, here have a seat"

There were two seats on the other side of Rachel's desk and pulling one out, I held Lucy by the hand and led her to take a seat.

I could see the shock and worry in her eyes, but under my aura, she was far worse off than Rachel and obediently did as I said.

"Dr Racheal, finding out about your research on Mathematical Modeling of Complex Financial Derivatives in Volatile Markets was quite shocking to me, I didn't know you had an interest in the financial markets."

While I seated Lucy, I threw off whatever thoughts Racheal had about my behaviour in her office away by bringing up a topic I knew she would be enthusiastic to engage in.

By the time I had finished talking, I had also taken a seat and fixed a very interested look on Racheal.

"I've always been interested in the financial markets Mr. Lawson"

Racheal's use of my last name signified that she was not going to allow me dissolve things so easily, but I was not one to be so easily outdone.

"Applying probability theory to understand random factors in disease spread.

Developing methods to optimize resource distribution in healthcare.

Using differential equations to predict and control disease spread."

"These are a few of your previous research topics, Dr Racheal, you've always been more directed toward the health section."

"How do you know about these papers" Rachel asked genuinely surprised and I was sure the same expression was on Lucy's face.

"You're a beautiful and excellent lecturer Dr Racheal and since when I first became your student in my second year, I have been following your work. Your brilliance leaves me quite impressed and I can't wait for the papers you will release when you become a professor and have access to more resources."

Rachael might be strict, but in the end, she was still human and as a woman, well-placed compliments would still hit her straight in the heart.

Though I didn't get her to blush or be embarrassed I fully moved myself back into her soft place.

"Well thank you Marcus, it's good to see that your fire to learn still burns that brightly and that you can identify good work, but that still doesn't exempt you from being punctual"

"What a hard woman."

Discipline was Racheal's core virtue in navigating life and as I appreciated the woman's virtue, my hormones couldn't help but appreciate the thought of having her firm eyes looking up at me as she sucked me while naked.

" I was serious about being interrupted by an important situation Dr Racheal"

Rachael's eyes narrowed at me and before the woman could go having funny thoughts I held up a key.

"Look I bought a new car."

Racheal tightened her lips wanting to be unmoved by words, but the logo on the key got her attention.

"A BMW" Rachell asked unable to hide the impressed tone in her voice.

"Yeah, I was supposed to get it early on and be here on time, but there were issues with my bank and the dealership and unfortunately it took quite some time to get worked out."

"I see, I guess I can forgive that" Racheal idly said.

"Thanks for understanding, come let me show it to you. I'll take you for a ride while we are at it" I said standing up, stretching out a hand.

Rachel blinked at my sudden offer


"Sure why not, you're my favourite lecturer, who else will I celebrate such a milestone with if not you."

"Most times, the answer for such a question would be 'your family' but I didn't have any and well Racheal knew this."

With such heavy sentiment behind my words, how could she refuse me?

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