Chapter 24: Experiments for power...
Unfortunately, Chiron was unable to get the Thousand-year-old Violet good-will flower. However, Bama sent him the nine-hundred-year-old purple goodwill Flower.
Although both of them looked very similar, the last hundred years were very defining in ripeness. Although the nine-hundred-year-old purple flower was in itself quite precious, Chiron knew deep down that it was not enough. Nevertheless, he started his experiments with the rainbow mice.
It was now several months deep into winter. The sky was gray and all around Chiron was the clear whiteness that came with the freezing cold snow.
Most animals including human beings and cored beasts found warmth in the comfort of their holes or homes. However, it was different for Chiron.
Over the months, he had made a temporary shed in the woods for his experiment. Many would look for comfort when trying out new things. But Chiron did not think in this way.
As far as he was concerned, the cold was an unescapable opportunity to train his body and mind. At the moment, he wore little to no clothes and the only reason he was performing the experiment in the shed was that he did not want to attract unwanted attention.
He was performing his experiments as his skin bathed in the uncomfortable cold.
Two mice lay before him. Both of them strapped wickedly to a chopping board.
According to what Chiron remembered, one had to have a certain strong bond or emotion for the acquisition of aura to become possible. Although one way to get this was with lovers, however, the best bond was actually that of a mother and their child.
For months, Chiron had been rearing the Rainbow mice for this exact purpose. On the board was strapped a mother rainbow mouse and a very young offspring.
In fact, Chiron was so tender in picking his experimental subjects that it was obvious at first sight that the youngling had only been birthed a little over a day ago.
It was young and fragile, and even in its tied-up state, it gave out little innocent moans for its mother.
The mother also squeaked in response to the youngling's cries. However, Chiron was numb to this.
He really could care less about their feelings. In fact the more the youngling cried and the mother responded, the happier he was.
Chiron poured out a jar with a mixture in it. This was a special blend of ingredients. He had made it meticulously to its current state, ensuring that each was in the right proportions.
The mixture he poured out glittered slightly and truly looked like the rainbow when held in palm of one's hand. Many times when making this mixture, Chiron tried and failed until he eventually got it to look like this.
This mixture had all seven ingredients and in its current state, it could become a treasure in the clan.
Of course that was on the condition that it was ever found.
Chiron took a blade and made a small cut on the body of both mother and youngling. Then he mixed their bloods with some of the mixture. As he did, he muttered lowly some special incantations.
The mixture glowed slightly, turning the full shade of blood.
He smiled at this. Although it looked to have been easy but he had already done this mixture many times before. Many times, the glow came out black and spoilt.
Which of course was not the desired glow.
He took the mixture and drew the Aura symbol for giving on the mother's temple and then he wrote the Aura symbol for receiving on the youngling's temple.
The moment he did, a rainbow arc suddenly stretched from the mother's forehead to that of the child's.
So far, everything was going as it should. chiron sighed, breathing out some warm air from his mouth.
Another part had finally been passed.
Next was the transfer of aura. However, this was the tricky part. The reason was simple. the rainbow bridge was the medium of travel. However, what was traveling was actually the soul.
The soul would be converted on its path on the rainbow and make it as Aura to the other side.
The traveling soul however also had to be led.
Now, came the true need for the oldest of ingredients. Chiron had already grinded the nine hundred-year-old purple good will flower into a paste mixture with the Hundred-year-old blue heavy water.
The Hundred year old Blue heavy water could only be found early in the morning between the time of the beginning of the morning and the end of the night.
Its significance was the birth of a new day.
Now came the really difficult part. Chiron hummed lowly as he used a paint brush soaked with the mixture to guide the soul of the mother into the child.
As he did, the mother rainbow mice screamed in pain, but Chiron did not care. He carefully led the soul out of the body muttering low incantations as he did.
Soon enough, the soul was out and the process through the rainbow began.
This was a critical part and Chiron tried his hardest to concentrate properly.
There was a saying, "Everything that breathes has a soul."
In his former world, this was not something that could be proven. But in this world of wonders and the supernatural, the existence of souls was a proven reality.
The soul of the Mother rainbow rat was drawn out of the body and slowly led through the rainbow. Chiron continued chanting the incantations as the soul slowly dissolved into the rainbow turning into sparkling specks of dust.
The now-dissolved soul was led into the forehead of the youngling along the chosen path of the paste.
Seeing this, Chiron had a smile on his face.
However, the moment the crushed dust touched the forehead of the youngling, the rainbow bridge suddenly became unstable.
Chiron knew at this point that he should stop, but this was the furthest he had ever gone. There was no way he was stopping now.
"Come on! keep going, almost there," he told himself in his head.
The rainbow suddenly exploded. The force of which sent him flying out of the shed...