Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 19: Hurdle of wits...

A nice Idea bloomed in Chiron's head. He needed money. which in this case was Beast cores.

Like any 'good-willed' boy his age or any for that matter, he did the one thing he was supposed to do when he was lacking money...STEAL!

Although Chiron had never had the need to enter Aleen's room, he knew where his father hid his money.

Just like any father or pirate, Aleen kept his cash in the closest place he could reach it in case of any emergency; under his bed.

Stealing the money was a piece of cake. Besides, Aleen was always with Nora these days.

Chiron remained in his room until he heard Aleen take out Nora for training. The moment they left, he sneaked into the room.

Aleen's room was just like that of any widower his busy age. It was scattered, with clothes thrown together at one corner, the bed a mess, and the room having a slightly foul smell.

"Shit! it smells like piss in here," Chiron muttered as he made it to Aleen's bed. Under the bed looked normal, but Chiron knew this was just an illusion.

The MC of the book used to be very close to his father. He was obedient, and even though he was a Tamashi, his father loved him unconditionally. The bond between them was actually strong.

But that bond did not exist in this life. However, Chiron could care less about such bonds. If it was not going to drive his cause forward, then it was useless.

If it was an outsider that tried to get Aleen's money, it would have been difficult. That was because under the bed had a seal. But it was a seal with one weakness.

Aleen had made it a necessity that only his blood could have access to the lock. But that was the fault in the lock. Chiron was Aleen's son. Therefore, he had his father's blood in his veins.

Chiron bit hard on his finger and dropped a few drops of blood on the floor. Then he used them to write a Spirit symbol. the ground glowed a little and a lock appeared. Chiron opened the lock and there it was. Just like he remembered from the book.

The value of beast cores was as follows.

A hundred (100) Yellow beast cores equaled One (1) Green core.

A hundred (100) Green beast cores equaled One (1) Blue Core.

And so on...

Yellow beast cores were the most abundant of the stash. Just like any of the cores in the stash, there were just a bit bigger than the size of a coin. There looked like pearls and were squishy to the touch. But there were so durable that even a giant sledgehammer could not break one open. There glowed a slight yellow under light.

Chiron brought one to his face and admired it for a bit. He rarely or never left the house or his exercise area. This was truly the first time he was seeing a beast core.

Beast cores differed based on the energy that beasts absorbed from nature. Cultivators that cultivated the said energy can use beast cores to increase the quality and quantity of their energy.

The importance of beast cores could not be over-emphasized. This was the reason for their monetary value in this world.

But acquiring beast cores was not so easy. The higher the beast's core, the more terrifying the beast. The higher the beast, the purer the beast's core.

This was a known indisputable fact.

In Aleen's stash were a lot of yellow cores and green cores but only five blue cores. There were no red cores and above.

Chiron took two blue cores, two hundred yellow cores, and one hundred green cores.

He was not bothered about his father finding out. At least not anytime soon. This stash Chiron had stolen from was the one Aleen had prepared in planning for Chiron's training. Unfortunately, Chiron had come out a Tamashi.

The following day, Chiron wore baggy clothes to cover up the tattoo marks that the Tamashi technique had made on his body, and he made his way to the marketplace. He needed to get his ingredients as soon as possible.

The marketplace was as busy as any marketplace in Chiron's previous world. In fact, it was even far busier.

The Chikitsa clan was the head of all the other sword clans and also the center for medicine. this meant that it was also a center for trading valuable herbs and plants.

In his book, the MC never had to come to the marketplace. Therefore Chiron did not know who or where to get the materials he needed.

There was also a major issue. Which was naturally the same one with all marketplaces. The Issue of THIEVES.

This was another essential use for his baggy hide his money.

Chiron made his way through the busy crowd of screaming sales men and women, and hurdling customers. He knew what he was looking for but how to get to the right store was the issue.

He was tempted to ask for directions but he knew what that would mean. In this kind of world, you only had the merit of asking for directions if you had the power to protect yourself. He, however, was a child of barely eight years of age.

He was in no position to defend himself against skilled thugs. And so he took his time, paroling the big marketplace for hours on end until he found a good shop with what he was looking for.

The next part was the difficult part.

Chiron came to the market place to buy ingredients that had a hundred years of age to them. Naturally, the older the age, the more valuable the commodity.

It would be utter foolishness on his part to buy so many precious ingredients and walk the market streets with them.

Who knew? The shopkeeper might sell them to him and still send someone to rob him along the way.

Chiron sighed to himself. This challenge was not one of strength or endurance but one that tested his wits...

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