
Chapter 3: sue and Dorrek

With quick, decisive motions Sue removed both of her dark gloves, which

a servant promptly took from her. She walked to one of the cushioned

benches near, and sat to unzip her calf-high soft-soled boots, lifting

each leg up and removing each boot in turn, handing them to the same

servant as she stood up, barefoot. She then reached to her waist and

ran her fingertips along the wide waist-band, opening the seal that kept

her top attached to the matching pants to resemble a continuous bodysuit.

Grabbing the lower edge of the form-fitting material, she pulled on it,

sliding it up and over her flat, toned abdomen, only to snag where her

bosom bulged out prominently from her torso.

Dorrek leaned forward with interest.

With a series of quick, wiggling motions, Sue edged the top's tight

fabric inch by inch over the generous volume of her jutting breasts,

stretching it taut across the wide expanse of the sports-bra-bunched

mounds, until a last sharp tug got it past that considerable obstacle.

The abrupt motion made the large globes jostle noticeably despite

their snug elastic support, as did her finally pulling the top past

her head, shaking her long blond hair as she freed her arms from its


Kl'rt crossed his arms before his chest, his eyes fixed on her.

Susan placed her removed top on the bench, and after a quick, angry

glance at her Skrull spectators, placed her thumbs in the waistband to

slide her skin-tight blue leggings past her womanly wide hips and down

her legs, swaying and wiggling as she bent to move the material along

her fleshy thighs. With the leggings at her knees, she sat down again

on the bench, to finish sliding fist one leg out and then the other,

freeing her lower limbs completely.

Kl'rt noticed the athletic mass and solidity of her legs with approval.

Worthy stems for a female warrior.

A servant gathered the two parts of her outfit, and obeying a gesture

from Dorrek, took both to him. The emperor rubbed the cloth between

finger and thumb, though his eyes did not leave Sue's figure.

"Unstable molecules. Of high quality, too. Perhaps Richards stole its

design from Skrull infiltration combat attire. We Skrulls had this for

centuries and centuries, to accommodate our shape-shifting. But it is

not... unflattering on your shape, too."

Without changing his gaze, he tossed the garments towards Kl'rt, who

caught them by stretching his arms.

"Have this promptly modified into something suitable by the imperial

tailor. Be sure to have put back that which you took."

"Is the emperor sure that a completely new garment may not be better-?"

"I stated what I wanted. Why would I do that if I wasn't sure?"

"It will be done." He gave detailed instructions to a newly summoned

servant, who hurried away with her charge.

"But please, dear," Dorrek told Sue, dressed before him now only in

her tight white underwear, the slight cold in the surroundings making

noticeable twin points poke through her tightly-fitting sports bra.

"Continue by all means."

Again Sue hesitated. How long had it been since anyone besides Reed

had seen her completely nude? Even the Brute had been Reed, too, in

a way. These however were Skrulls, their enemies, her enemies.

Literally deadly enemies. But she had no other acceptable choice.

With her lips pressed tightly, Susan breathed hard through her nose,

and tossed her blond hair back off from her shoulders. Tugging at the

left side of her bra, she drew it away from her skin until she could

reach with her left hand through the resulting gap and push her arm

completely under the elastic fabric, so she could then tug it up over

her shoulder, releasing from its confined hold first her left teat,

and then the right. As the now loose article was drawn up to her right

armpit and the left of her neck, both creamy globes bouncing free while

she completed sliding her right arm out and then drawing the bra over

her head.

Kl'rt stared, impressed with the symmetry of her mammary masses.

All accomplished Skrull shape-shifters were careful students of forms

and anatomies, and there was truly a lot to admire in the Earth-woman's

outstanding proportions.

Dorrek licked his lips lasciviously, his eyes following attentively the

jostling globes, eagerly thinking of those creamy mounds under his teeth.

The Earth-woman was everything he had anticipated and more.

"Your species too signals physical excitement with a hardening of the

milking buds, doesn't it? Yours seem to be becoming quite stiff, no?

Are you enjoying this? Displaying your exceptional body for us?"

She did not look down, but a quick glance to a side towards the mirrors

lining the walls confirmed Dorrek's observation, and her face grew red

with a sudden mixture of anger and embarrassment.

"The air here is cold," she replied curtly.

"Ah, yes. That must be it."

She tossed the bra aside with barely contained anger, and her unbound

breasts shook fluidly but without the looser jiggle of recent times.

They were noticeably steadier and firmer than before. Her reflection

showed them to be clearly more high-set and thrust-forward than in many

years past, and the undeniably stiff nipples clearly pointed proudly

upwards where each teat's roundness became slightly conical. While

keeping her more recent athletic proportions and muscle mass, the aging

reversal effect had somehow restored the youthful elasticity and

suppleness of her skin and other tissues to perhaps those of her early


Best of both worlds, she thought bitterly, looking away from the mirrors.

She could perhaps be looking at her best in years, but knew too well for

whose appreciation were any such improvements in her appearance.

"Whatever the reason, the view is very pleasing." Dorrek's smile was

wider than ever. "However, you have yet to finish."

Sue clenched her fists. There was no point in delaying. Drawing her

legs together, she hooked her thumbs on the sides of her panties and

began to slide them downwards, her breasts swinging in pendulous

fashion as she leaned diagonally from side to side. They fell to her

ankles and she stepped out of them.

Fully nude at last, she stood before the evil alien despot and his

enforcer, feeling their eyes run greedily over her exposed skin, over

every private part of her body now on forced display, here on this

strange room, in this whole strange planet, surrounded by enemies.

Her instincts screamed for her to cover up, to shield with her arms

her chest and sex from their scrutiny, their leering, humiliating

contemplation, but instead, she firmly set her legs shoulder-width

apart, crossing both arms just under her chest, and stared back at

Dorrek defiantly. That was all she now had left.

Dorrek gripped the armrest of his seat, inching closer to its edge.

Her pubic hair was neatly trimmed into a small golden wedge pointing at

her sex, like an arrowhead defining a target, daring just where to go.

Had she done this on purpose to deliberately excite her suitors? How

many others besides her Earthly mate had enjoyed this view as he now did?

How many had enjoyed more than just a view, as he soon would? And were

those her lips, her delicate pink lips, peeking out of her snatch?

"Oh, my... How... inviting."

Dorrek gestured meaningfully to a servant, and the girl quickly picked up

and brought him the discarded panties. Slowly, he pressed them to his

nose, to sniff carefully. Sue looked away, grimacing.

"Nice... very nice. You have a rich, fetching scent." He put the

panties inside a fold in his robes. "But I think that for a formal

occasion you may need to be properly scrubbed."

He gestured at the holo pad forming over his wrist, and the complete

farthest wall sectioned and retracted into the corners, revealing another

room, also lined with mirrors, where a striated stone floor held a large

sunken pool full of water, already deeply heated, from the dense vapors

rising above it.

"You said you were cold, right? Please, go ahead, get properly... warmed up."

Obeying the unspoken command, all three servant girls unclasped their

gauzy clothes and let them drop to the floor. Nude, they walked to the

bath area and stopped at the tub's edge, waiting.

Kl'rt compared with interest their bodies. These were the emperor's

elite servants and concubines, and very few ever had the privilege of

admiring them so openly. Their respective contracts were likely worth

small fortunes, yet he felt that even they were easily outclassed by

the combination of unforced poise and earthy sensuality of the blond

Earthling's figure. The Kree was much taller and more athletic; the

starkly pale, raven-headed Shi'Ar had a delicate fragility and aloof

grace, while the redheaded Krylorian was softer, rounder, and even more

buxom that the quite curvy Earth-woman. But somehow Susan Storm managed

to embody a fetching balance between those different appeals, being fit

and firm while still lushly voluptuous, with a relaxed and effortlessly

self-confidence that still could not hide a strong semblance of shy,

feminine vulnerability and intense, even needful sexuality that seemed

to demand attention, to beg for forceful conquest and subjugation.

Even Adora of Xandar, whose charms were famous over various galaxies,

and who Kl'rt had verified as matching fully her exalted reputation in

both appearance and performance, now seemed too simplistic in her appeal

compared to this fascinating Earthly female.

Her belonging to Dorrek was nearly unthinkable.

Dorrek did not even register the other females present; while they were

still fairly recent additions to his harem, he had already dismissed

them from his concern, banished by the draw of his new acquisition.

His eyes remained fixed on Susan Storm, and her alone.

Sue hesitated for a brief moment in following the servant girls. Their

sudden, unexpected nudity held no relief for her discomfort at her own

nakedness. Instead, their bared bodies, their proximity, made her even

more painfully aware of how exposed and vulnerable she was, and of how

charged with tension the very air around her remained. She felt the

Skrulls' eyes roam her nude skin, their unwavering attention a louder,

more ominous threat than any spoken words could be. But pursing her

lips, she squared her shoulders and turned about, walking resolutely

towards the tub.

Dorrek licked his lips. Her swaying hips and rear drew his interest

just as much as her bouncy chest had. Her cheeks were high and solid,

tightening into more compact globes that shook tautly with each stride

she took towards the bath. Those big, tempting mounds would soon know

his touch, and that of his tools, too.

Yes, he had some many things he would want to try on them. On her. On all of her.

Kl'rt shifted his weight from one foot to the other. The woman could

not have been more sensuous in her motions if she had willingly tried.

Susan stepped down carefully into the water, welcoming its heat on her

bare flesh. She moved to the deepest point and sat on her heels so the

water covered her to the shoulders, then, leaning forward, submerged

her head. She had felt dirty, soiled, for so many reasons, and the hot

immersion afforded a much needed sense of cleansing, a brief relief,

even if merely momentary. She remained completely under for as long as

she could bear, and then rose, arching her back and throwing her wet

hair behind, while drawing a deep breath that made her breasts rise

just above the water.

The servants had followed her into the tub, carrying various containers

bearing aromatic substances. Sue reached for what appeared to be soap,

but Dorrek cut in:

"No. Let them wash you. And don't hide under the water. Stand up,

so I can better see you and be sure you are properly... readied."

She winced. Of course he would want that. And there was no point

in trying to hide, to pretend there was no danger or humiliation in

store for her. She stood, moving towards the shallower section of

the pool, leaving reluctantly the water's warm, protective embrace,

until its level was a mere hand span down from the top of her thighs.

Water ran all over her body, down along her torso and legs, dripping

from the tips of her chest and from the gap between her thighs.

The girls waded closer, intentionally avoiding her eyes. When the

bright-pink Krylorian reached for her arm, involuntarily Sue flinched

away, tensing violently at that first touch, that sudden reminder of

how open and vulnerable she was. Yet these women were guiltless,

harmless, surely victims just like her. They may even be punished

if she did not let them do what they were told. With eyes closed,

Sue breathed deeply, willing herself to be strong, and endure, for

the sake of those she loved. With renewed determination, she opened

her eyes and nodded towards the servant.

The redhead slid her hands along Sue's upper arm and shoulder with

tentative gentleness, moving behind her to gather and shift over her

shoulder the wet blond hair, before starting to rub her back with a

wet, soapy pellet, from shoulders to the narrow waist and upper hips.

A different set of hands joined in, using a soft sponge to further

rub at the now slippery skin with firm pressure. Another poured a

dense scented gel over her head and with expert fingers began to work

it in, all along the gathered length of hair, and down to her scalp.

The three girls rotated around Susan in nearly silent coordination,

exchanging barely a soft whisper or hum between them while working.

Sue remained tense at first under their touch, but soon her muscles

began to relax under their attentions. The Krylorian's slid the soap

slowly all over her back, arms, and down the sides of her hips and

legs, in fluid circular motions that felt almost playful. As she

moved from one area, she was followed with energetic rubbing and

kneading by the Kree, whose hands through the sponge squeezed on

Susan's sudsy flesh perhaps with more strength and insistence than

seemed necessary, but without being really unpleasant. Meanwhile

the Shi'Ar ran skillfully her fingertips not just through Sue's hair,

but also brushing delicately at her neck and ears, long fingernails

occasionally grazing her nape and lobes.

Of course Dorrek's servants would be well trained, Kl'rt thought.

The initial shared reserve gradually gave way to a far more assured

handling of Sue's body, as she also became more comfortable with the

multiple touching. She did not protest when the Kree girl began to

knead her buttocks more vigorously, squeezing the round cheeks with

greater aggressiveness, making Sue thankful of all those squats at the

weight room. Now at her front, the Krylorian's hands moved up from the

flat abdomen to the curved undersides of the breasts, which rose and

fell as Susan's breathing grew faster. Gently, with small circular

motions that grew in diameter with each stroke, the servant girl began

to encompass more and more of their yielding flesh, until she covered

the full roundness of each sizable teat with each flowing pass, though

taking deliberate care to avoid touching the nipples, which were still

obviously stiff despite the bath's persistent heat.

Dorrek and Kl'rt stared attentively, caught in the graceful dance of

hands over gleaming, wet flesh, made more captivating by the visual

contrast of the different stroking hands, light blue, nearly-cherry

pink and pale, almost white, against Susan's creamy, lightly tanned


Leaving Susan's chest glistering with sudsy fluid, the Krylorian knelt

down and slid both hands down the torso and hips, barely missing the

pubic mound before reaching to massage carefully along the sensitive

insides of the thighs. In response, Sue let out a barely audible gasp,

only to quickly follow it with a louder one, as the Kree behind her

reached under her armpits to cup the blonde's now available chest,

lifting and kneading both slippery globes, her strong fingers spread

wide to grab the most mass as possible, the sponge previously held now


The Krylorian's hands moved along Susan's inner thighs more daringly,

reaching to slide in quick, teasing fashion along the union of leg and

private parts, and back-tracking until the start of the butt-cheeks,

making both legs and buttocks tremble softly, while above, the Kree

fondled Sue's teats with now open roughness, massaging them with wide

complementary motions, the abundant flesh soft enough to be forcefully

squeezed, pressed down, and tugged in many directions, though still too

firm to be either stretched or flattened too far beyond certain limits

past their normal roundness.

When the Shi'Ar at her side also nuzzled warmly against her neck, her

lips brushing her skin, Susan let out a deep sigh and closed her eyes.

There was little doubt that they were doing more than bathing her.

The Kree pressed Sue's teats firmly against each other, and brushed a

thumb around each rosy nipple, grazing each slightly even while groping

the surrounding flesh with even greater aggressiveness. The Krylorian

then rose from her knees, and with her hands still at Sue's uppermost

thighs, extended her tongue to gently lick, first at one of the nipples,

then at the other, moving back slowly to let a trail of saliva stretch

for a moment between the fully erect nub and the tip of her moist tongue.

The Kree squeezed Sue's breasts, pushing them out, her forefingers and

thumbs pressing the base of each nipple, presenting them thus to the

Kyrlorian, who leaned back to repeat her slow, careful licking, again

and again. Sue trembled with each touch, and gasped when the licking

suddenly turned into quick, delicate nibbles. Not to be outdone, the

Shi'Ar girl bit at a soft earlobe, before sliding her tongue into Sue's

ear, making her shiver. She was always too sensitive there. But she

did not try to avert her head.

Dorrek and Kl'tr stared, fidgeting with tension.

The Krylorian seized with her teeth one of the nipple and held still,

letting the Kree move the breasts around her bite instead, like in a

mock, playful struggle for control of the desired morsel.

Sue's breathing had become faster, more labored, and as she gasped with

her mouth open, the Shi'Ar pulled her face to hers and kissed her.

Flustered, Sue hesitated briefly before returning the unexpected kiss.

It had been a couple of years since last locking lips with another girl,

and she let the other do most of the work for a while before shyly

becoming more involved, her lips and tongue returning the caresses with

greater enthusiasm, enjoying her taste, distinctly different, but just as

pleasant, as that of Medusa, or Crystal, or Tigra, or Thundra.

The pale brunette relinquished her mouth only for the Kree to reach up

and pull Sue's head to her instead, kissing her with greater intensity.

The dark blue tongue dove forcefully down her throat, while the Shi'Ar

now bit at her shoulder. When Sue drew away, gasping for breath, the

Krylorian rose up, leaving the well-nibbled nipples, to press against

the blonde on tip-toes, and claim her own kiss. Sue's mouth was taken

from one deep kiss to another in rapid succession, while their caresses

of her body, the relentless fondling and licking, the scraping nails

over sensitive skin, grew in urgency.

Sue had thought she could face anything forced upon her, endure whatever

happened with cold detachment, but as she reluctantly felt more and more

affected by the relentless caresses of the three servants, she almost

wished that she could relax and bask in the simple sensual enjoyment of

the moment, forgetting for just a moment the abusive circumstances of

her situation, the coercion that had brought her to this.

And for a very brief instant, perhaps she almost did. Almost.

"Yes, yes, kiss, all of you," Dorrek muttered. "Use your tongues,

exchange spit, you sluts..."

Sue stiffened at the words, drawing back abruptly from the latest kiss

of the Shi'Ar, sharply reminded that no matter what these girls made

her feel, she just could not afford to lower her guard, to forget why

she was here, what was at stake, and the threat of what was yet to come.

Noticing Sue's rekindled reticence, the Krylorian let her hand slide

from the blonde's thigh to her mound, grazing up the pubis and then

diving for the cleft between the legs. Sue gasped and squirmed when

a finger parted her soft, moist labia with a long stroke that ended

at the toned butt-cheeks and then retreated between the swollen folds

until finding the small, delicate nub nestled under its fleshy hood.

Despite her original intention to refuse giving Dorrek the spectacle

he obviously wanted, Sue could not deny her body's natural reaction

as her clitoris was suddenly fingered with expert skill, and she let

out a loud, undeniable moan.

Matching her companion's escalation, the Kree knelt down to lick and

bite hungrily at Sue's creamy pert rear, exploring with one hand the

deep crevice behind the trembling cheeks, teasing with a fingertip

the puckered anal entrance. Startled, Sue jerked her hips forward,

away from such probing, but that made her push against the girl's

fingers at her front, and she also quickly pulled back, so that her

nervous squirming back and forth just made her grind against both of

their hands. The redhead smiled and moved down to her knees again,

to complement the work of her hands with her mouth, while the Shi'Ar

took over Sue's upper body to worry her nipples and neck with a

barrage of bites and licks.

While their hands and mouths worked on Sue, the Krylorian and Kree bade

her move to her legs further apart with firm guidance, to better access

her private parts, their tongues reaching as far and deep as Susan's

standing position allowed, fingers sliding and meeting again and again

in the wet valley between the labia. Once well-coated in her moisture,

two index fingers, one blue and and the other cherry-pink, zeroed onto

the contiguous intimate entrances to the blond Earthling's body, and

simultaneous penetrated her, vaginally and anally each one.

Sue moaned and reached for their heads, seizing blue and red hair in

each hand, trying ineffectually to hold back the assault on her core.

The two girls ignored her half-hearted attempt and focused on thrusting

their fingers knuckle-deep into her tight openings.

Sue's face was flushed so deeply that her color approached that of the

Krylorian. Under the Shi'Ar's teeth and hands, her breasts heaved with

her fast breathing, and her lower body began to tremble in response to

the fingers and tongues working her loins. Flustered, she realized

that no matter how much she tried to hold back, soon she would be made

to climax, and not softly or quietly, by the caresses of these girls,

these doubtlessly slave servants of the Skrull empire, while its evil

emperor and deadliest warrior watched her. But instead of derailing

her excitement, this disturbing awareness, and the nervous discomfort,

anger and near panic that it brought, somehow matched with the intense

physical stimulation, and actually edged her even closer to her

imminent moment of release, to her orgasms.

To her shame, she knew that she would not just merely come. She would

come hard, come loudly, come while these evil alien monsters watched her.

In some perverse, disturbing way, she would perhaps come even faster and

harder precisely because of that.


The three servants immediately stopped and withdrew, eyes downcast, at

Dorrek's curt order, before Sue could reach that point of no return.

She looked up, surprised, her breathing coming in hurried gasps, her

body trembling with the accumulated tension, the close proximity of its

release almost making her dizzy.

She did not know whether to feel relieved or shamefully disappointed.

It would not be that easy for her. No, it wouldn't.

He would make sure of it.

Dorrek stood up and walked towards the bath, his nervous fingers fidgeting with his robes.

He had planned to wait, to first allow other parts of his plans to play

out, and extend the preliminaries much further, but the woman had proved

even more exciting than he had expected, so much more exciting.

He could not wait. He would not wait.

Hurriedly, he discarded all of his clothes and came to the pool's edge.

Sue blanched.

Dorrek's thin, gangling limbs sprouted from a stocky body with a bulging,

low-hanging belly, the mottled shades of green of his skin even more

pronounced in those areas normally hidden from sight. But much more

low-hanging was the pendulous member dangling heavily between his legs

and reaching to his knobby knees, its dark green mass coursed by thick

veins and throbbing with its slowly increasing rigidity. The massive

bulbous head bore multiple corrugations deepening as they ran from its

tip to the irregular rim of the glans.

She stumbled back, aghast, almost slipping on the pool's floor, too

shaken to look away, her eyes locked on the danging alien member, her

mind full of horror, disgust and disbelief.

It had to be a trick, a Skrull shape-changing deception, a deliberate,

gross exaggeration meant to shock her, to frighten her with the sight,

with the menacing prospect of such monstrosity.

It just could not be really THAT big. Nothing could. Nothing natural.

Nothing human.

But Dorrek was not human. Dorrek was a Skrull.

And he wasn't even fully erect yet.

"Ah, fuck it!" Dorrek shook his head and turned about, walking away

from the bath. "Have her finish dressing and all that. Then have her

brought to me, as planned. Without delay." He stopped and glanced

quickly back at her. "It will be better anyway to... take my time."

He barged out of the room, naked, his phallus swinging grotesquely,

while he called out loudly, summoning his attendants.

Kl'rt turned towards Susan Storm. Color was barely returning to her

face, and she was staring at him, a strange expression in her large,

bright blue eyes.



Frowning, Kl'rt gave a curt series of orders to the slaves and exited the room.

The servants rinsed the soapy remnants off Sue's body, now with quick

efficiency, before leading her out of the water and towards a corner

translucent booth, where focused gusts of hot air helped them dry her.

The Shi'Ar servant took special care of her hair, using various exotic

implements to style the long blond locks into silken softness.

Susan let them attend her, acquiescent, trying to remain outwardly

composed, yet still deeply shaken, unnerved by what she had just seen,

and what it meant, for her, what was explicitly in store for her.

That... thing. That gruesome, monstrous thing.

She would have to... It would...

She shuddered.

It was too much. Just too much. Too horrifying, too absurd to even

contemplate. It did not even seem physically possible.

Yet she had agreed to it. She'd agreed for the sake of her loved ones.

No matter how disgusted and frightened she was, she could not back out,

not now, not if she wanted them to survive. Somehow, awful as it seemed,

she had to go along with Dorrek, long enough to buy them time, enough to

find some way out, some escape. The Fantastic Four always found a way.

But she had only three days to do it.

Unless she found an escape within the following hours, she would soon

have to somehow bear the revolting touch of that disgusting evil little

green creature, of his hands, of his mouth, and of that horrible thing

hanging obscenely between his skinny legs, nowhere little at all, but so

outrageously huge and green and horrible and outright frightening that

her legs trembled when even thinking of just having to touch it.

She closed her eyes, willing herself to focus on the all-important need

to seek and find their freedom, and banish from her mind that lingering

horrid image, that very dreadful idea, that should be absurd for her to

even contemplate, to even conceive at all, of touching that thing, and

much less of taking it, of being taken by it, of having it touch her,

enter her, penetrate her, so deeply and forcefully, hurting her so much,

filling her with so much of that horrible, gigantic green alien cock.

For an instant, her legs weakened, and gave. The strong hands of the

Kree grabbed and held her, keeping her upright. Embarrassed, Sue leaned

on the blue woman only for a moment, and straightened, regaining her

balance after her moment of weakness. All three women looked at her

intently, with apparent concern.

"Thank you," she muttered. "It... passed. I'm alright now."

It was the first time she had spoken to them, she realized. But there

was no comprehension on the Kree's face, only a calm, questioning look.

The aural translator was gone, of course, along with her uniform, and

she could not communicate with them any better that she had understood

the fast exchange between Dorrek and the Super-Skrull before they left,

sparing her, at least momentarily, from what had seemed about to happen.

She wondered what exactly had been said. Was she correct in feeling the

Super-Skrull was to thanked for her reprieve?

How close it had been. How close IT had been.

"Thanks," Sue repeated, looking at all three servants, smiling weakly

for reassurance. "I'm... fine. Really."

The bright-pink-colored Krylorian drew closer and smiled back, before

speaking softly, almost in a whisper: "Is alright. You afraid. Is alright."

Sue started, surprised at the words in English. "What? How-?"

"Is alright." The Krylorian held up her hands and drew both mutually

apart, nodding with a significant expression. "Is... big. Lot big.

You afraid. Is alright."

Sue's face warmed with a sudden blush, embarrassment following surprise.

"You can speak English? My language? Earth language?"

"Earth, yes." The girl's smile widened. "I... is good. With tongues."

Sue blushed more deeply. She would not dispute that assertion.

"You mean I'm alright to... be afraid?"

The Krylorian repeated the expansive gesture and arched her brows. "Yes. Is lot big. LOT."

Sue's faced remained warm. "He was... big, yes. Very big. That

just... surprised me. Just that. He must have... shape-changed."

She gestured uneasily, mimicking growth. "Changed it. Changed his...

member. To unsettle me. To frighten me. Surely it couldn't be always

so big, right? Right...?"

Her words trailed off, while the Krylorian quickly spoke to the other

servants in fast whispers. All exchanged meaningful glances, and

eyebrows were raised eloquently.

"Yes," the Krylorian whispered at Sue, while glancing at the sides with

obvious reference to being monitored. "Big. Yes. Always."


All girls nodded in reaction to her doubtful expression. The Kree added

something in a guttural mutter.

"Only good thing. About him," the Kylorian translated with an even

lower voice than before, before breaking into a nervous giggle.

"Only good thing? THAT thing? Are you joking? How can that be GOOD?"

The girl made a quick gesture for Sue to lower her voice and shrugged.

"Is lot big. Is good. Fill you... fill you good."

"You bet that must fill you up! How can it even-? Without-?" Sue

shook her head. "Wouldn't it just... hurt? Surely it'd hurt like hell!"

The girl frowned. "Hurt? Oh... hurt. Yes. Hurt. Lot. Lot hurt. Always."

She translated for the others and all nodded in agreement.

"Always hurt. But after... while? Good, too. Hurt, but good."

Sue stared at them. "Oh, my... You've all-?"

"He like. He happy. You hurt. But like. But good. He like. He happy. You happy. See?"


The Kree muttered again, and the Shi'Ar shook her head.

"You... learn? Learn. Make he happy. You happy. Hurt, yes. Lot hurt.

Yes. But he happy. You learn. Hurt good. You learn... like. Lot.

Hurt? Yes. Hurt good. Lot. Then... good. Like. Lot." She pointed

at herself, then at the others. "You like lot. Like good. You.. come?"

"Come? You mean you-? You can-?"

The girl frowned. "Cum? Cum. You cum. Cum good. Cum lots. You like. Lots."

Sue stared with disbelief at the three women, unsure whether to be sad,

or worried, or both, for them, and for herself. They had surely been

forced to accept enduring what was demanded of them, in order to appease

their master and make their lives easier. Surely they could not really

mean that they had actually grown to... enjoy that size. It was hard to

believe that it was possible to even take something that size and have it

be anything less than actual torture.

She remembered her own experiences: how she had first playfully asked

Reed to use his stretching powers to make himself bigger inside her,

and how great it had certainly proved for her, that time and ever since.

It had truly given Reed a considerable advantage over Namor, sex-wise,

back in those early days of her... indecision.

But that had been just a couple of extra inches or so, not something... horse-sized!

She almost began pressing the girls further, but then shook her head.

Why was she wasting time on this?

Of course being worried was justified. And she should be fully aware

of each hardship involved in being forced to submit to Dorrek's designs,

to be ready to face them. But she had to move past that now.

Didn't she have more vital concerns on which she could use further information?

Before she could ask any further questions, one of the draperies at a

nearby wall moved aside, and a new servant entered the rooms, holding

aloft and before her a long metal tray bearing a carefully extended

item of cloth and other bundles. The Shi'Ar took this under her charge

by merely holding to one corner of the tray and drawing it to a side,

the whole thing floating effortlessly on air thanks to some gravitic

component. After a brief exchange of words, the new arrival bowed and

left the same way she had entered.

Sue stared at that point of exit. "Could it be possible to-?"

The Kree noticed her attention and quickly shook her head.

"Skrulls. Lot Skrulls," the Krylorian confirmed, in her faintest whisper yet.

Sue pursed her mouth. Of course there would be a heavy guard.

She tried to ask about other security arrangements, but her questions

were either not understood or deliberately ignored. Instead, the three

servants began to fuss over the new clothing items, extending the pieces

out for Sue while voicing words of obvious appreciation. It took her a

second look to realize that the long, skimpy dress made of seemingly

barely-there light-blue gauze and black strips, was actually recreating

the colors of her FF uniform, even including a disk reproducing their

"4" chest symbol as some kind of waist buckle or adornment.

All other similar questions met equal indifference, while the girls

began to dress her in the scanty outfit, which apparently did not include

any underwear.

Sue could not blame them for not wanting to get into trouble. They had

to worry about their own survival, and at least for now, Sue was just

another slave here. But while she was currently powerless, that didn't

mean she was helpless. She had her mind.

Perhaps she could lead them back to matters they would be more willing

to address. She needed all the knowledge she could get, if she wanted

to find a way out.

She had to understand the Skrulls.

She had to understand Dorrek.

"So... if Skrulls can change shape, why does Dorrek look... like he does?"

The Krylorian frowned at her. "Emperor Dorrek is Skrull."

"Yes, but why look weak and small? Not counting... there, of course.

But why not look tall and strong? Like... the Super-Skrull?"


"The warrior with powers." She frowned, trying to remember the alien name.


"Kl'rt?" The Krylorian nodded and repeated the word at her companions,

both of whom, lifted their eyebrows in assent.

"Yes, why not look like him? Muscular and attractive-?" Sue blushed,

suddenly realizing what she had just said. "Well, not that I...

But he... I mean, Dorrek is certainly much worse to look at!"

The Kylorian chatted quickly with the others, smiling. She turned to

Sue with a glint in her eye.

"Kl'rt good too. Good look. Strong, yes. Big, yes." She gestured low. "Lot big too."

"Not that way!"

"Lot, lot big! You cum, too. Cum good. Cum lot!" She made very

suggestive motions and they laughed.

Flustered, Sue looked away. "That's not what I meant!"

Yet there had that moment in the infirmary, when it had briefly seemed

like Reed had just cheated on her, and she reacted angrily at his having

apparently become much bigger for Adora than he ever had for her. Much,

much bigger, to her shock and anger. So she had certainly noticed the

Super-Skrull's size, and the girls were not wrong at all in that. Could

that be something of the whole Skrull species?

Nervously, she tried to get back on track. "What I meant is: why doesn't

Dorrek improve his appearance with his power? Why not shape-change to

look... better? Or are their standards different?"

After some further elaborations, the servants spoke among themselves,

and the Shi'Ar went on for a while, her expression turned serious, as

did the Krylorian when finally addressing Sue.

"Bad... manners."


"Skrulls, all change. More. Less. All change. You look. You are.

You... true. True you. Skrulls know."

"So they don't care about appearances? It isn't important for them?"

"No, no. Skrulls care. Is manners. Bad manners to... lie? Lie.

You lie. No... respect. No change, more true. True you. More respect."

Sue listened carefully to the halting explanations, trying to grasp the

psychological implications, the effects for a whole society. In a place

where anyone could change how they looked almost as easily as what they

said, where appearances could be manipulated as easily as words, then

willingly sustaining a constant appearance even when unsightly could be

perhaps a similar public gesture as keeping a given word when against

personal convenience. It could be a social or political expectation,

specially for those desiring public respect or status. Could Dorrek's

position, his hold onto power in the combative Skrull society, be partly

supported by his intentional showcase of his unchanged ugliness and the

corresponding social leverage it afforded?

But if being faithful to their true natures was so important for Skrulls,

then why have sex with females of other species? Could it be less about

personal desire and more of a gesture of dominance over an enemy?

Dorrek's behavior seemed to indicate differently.

Taking the women here as a representative sample, the emperor's harem

featured a wide range females of multiple human-like races, apparently

held as indentured slaves, with Sue now to become its latest addition.

Also, the Super-Skrull had clearly used his powers to seduce Adora

under false pretenses, effectively raping the Xandarian, without any

discernible strategic purpose beyond his personal satisfaction, and had

seemingly intended to do the same to her as well.

She felt uneasy recalling how he had forcefully held and kissed her,

back there at the Baxter Building's infirmary, just after having taken

advantage of Adora, not that the slut had protested at all at the time.

He had been... so forceful, aggressive, demanding. So unlike Reed.

Had he always meant to abuse her that way if he had ever defeated them?

How close had she been to such danger during their past encounters?

He certainly he had wanted her, right there. There was no doubt about it.

Much like with Dorrek.

So why did both want to fuck her? A woman of a different species?

Sue realized she was very sexually desirable by most standards, whether

of Earth or of other planets with similarly human-like inhabitants, but

even ignoring their shape-changing abilities, why would a Skrull regard

her, or any other female from a world with such obviously different basic

physiognomies, as so physically attractive as to influence the way they

handled their plans of planetary conquest? Was it somehow a convergent

evolutionary preference towards certain body proportions? Was it only

about her tits and ass, among Skrulls as well?

Or was it perhaps some kind of fetish? One not shared by all Skrulls?

Some personal deviance that could perhaps be exploited? Allow her to

better handle Dorrek?

Discomforting as the whole line of thought was, if she wanted to escape

and free her loved ones, she had to make use of every resource she could.

The servants had finished lacing her footwear and arranging her hair.

One of them was choosing among what looked like perfume bulbs.

She extended a hand to the closest of the three. "My name is Susan,

Susan Storm. My friends call me Sue."

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