
Chapter 1: sue storm

"Please don't do this!" She finally begged, a weakness in her voice that she hadn't known before. "Don't make me, I can't! You're so old and so...so-"

"Fat?" The guard blurted out, and arched an eye. He started to walk over to Susan slowly, his eyes flickering down to the exposed portion of her chest. He couldn't see anything delicious just yet, but he knew that it was coming. The slovenly man wandered over with a throbbing erection pressing against his pants and goosebumps lining his arms; this moment was everything he had ever dreamed about. As he stepped forward he let his gaze flicker back to Susan, licking his lips as he spoke. "Ugly? Heard that from whores like you plenty in the past. But it doesn't matter for you right now. Whether I'm as handsome or thin as those young guys you get with all the time…" A slow smirk spread on his lips, and he reached out with a firm grip, grabbing Susan's wrist. She was utterly powerless to stop as he guided her hand down, and before long her fingers were forced to tremble against the tent in his pants. Something was growing down there, and it frightened her to the core. She winced as he spoke again, and the ache in her chest grew hotter. "...you're just a dumb cunt that needs cock. And you're going to get it. Now fuckin' strip, or things get rough."

The guard just grinned as he tossed the girl's hand away, and turned hard on a heel to go back to to watch. He was tense with excitement; for as much as Susan was resisting the urge to launch an attack on him, he was fighting the urge to simply force himself upon her. She was young and tight and even more beautiful in person than she was on the news, and suddenly all of those nights fiercely stroking himself to images of her in the newspaper and on the covers of magazines seemed like practice for the main event. The instant in which he could fuck the woman of his dreams, the moment that a nobody security guard long past his prime could ruin that pretty, pink hole with his cum.

"Can't believe I almost called in sick today." He grinned as he turned back to Susan, and watched with delight as the show began again. The hero swallowed with fear and hesitation in her eyes as she continued, the suit slowly slinking down her elegant frame and revealing more and more of her cream-colored skin. Her body was practically flawless underneath the suit, no blemish or scratches on a sweet and young frame. She wore nothing underneath it, and the second it pulled down past her breasts they came bouncing into full sight, much to the delight of the guard watching from across the room. He hissed through his teeth, and once more fought the urge to simply rush the young woman. "...slow. Go slow, whore."

Susan just nodded in regrettable obedience, and slowed her pace down as the suit continued to trail down her body. Inch by agonizing inch she revealed herself to the revolting security guard, and it drew equal parts rapture from him as it did shame within her. Knowing that her flawless, pert breasts were there for his viewing pleasure was something she would always carry with her, a wound that would never heal. In the same breath it was a moment he would never forget; the time he had forced the great Susan Storm to reveal herself in anticipation of his cock. It continued further, her flat and smooth stomach next to be seen, and then the cleft of her slender hips. They flowed naturally into a pair of lovely legs with the faintest hint of a pink slit hiding in between her thighs, a little treat that the guard would get to enjoy soon enough. When the suit finally stood in a pile at Susan's feet she stepped out of it slowly, and drew her arms up to close over her chest in an attempt to hide herself. As she fully expected, the revolting man oppressing her wasn't about to give her such a luxury.

"No, whore. Don't cover yourself. Let's see you play with that little cunt. Give me a little turn, and then throw a knee up on the table. Spread it out, really get those fingers in." He grinned wide, glaring at her. "Get that tight little fuckhole ready for my cock."

The ache in Susan's chest was rising, but still she refused to cry. She braced herself as she turned around as ordered, slowly rotating so the guard could see the remarkable frame of her pert, young ass. When she finally turned back towards him she continued with his instructions, and slowly rose a knee up to brace against the edge of the examination table. The position spread her; one foot on the floor while the other was hanging out, and her pink folds opened in anticipation of being touched. The blonde clenched her teeth and closed her eyes, and in order to fit the creep's demands she started to slip her hand down the front of her smooth, trim body. Her eyes remained tightly shut, and she tried to conjure something else. Anything else, to make the moment seem less horrible. As luck would have it, he didn't afford her even that.

"No, bitch. Eyes on me. Eyes always on me." His demands were hard and it made Susan tremble, and when she resisted and closed her eyes even tighter, he barked at her with a demanding voice. "Don't push me, slut. I can knock you out and fuck your while you're asleep. Think of all the fun I'd have then."

Part of her considered it; at least then she wouldn't have to be awake for the humiliation. But she erred on the side of caution, and decided to play along in the hopes she'd be awake if the opportunity for escape ever presented itself. She finally sighed and opened her eyes, looking at the troll across the room as her fingers finally moved to her pink, tender hole.

Susan's teeth sank down onto her tongue, biting it hard as she slid her fingers against the front of her folds. It repulsed her to stroke her hood as she gazed at the foul man across the room, but without any choice she could only oblige by his commands. She started slowly at first; rubbing herself idly from side to side while trying, desperately, to find anything about his appearance that she wasn't disgusted by. He was sloppy and overweight, his face grotesque by her admittedly high standards, and the smile he wore was lecherous and infuriating. There was nothing she could find, nothing worth looking at as she was forced to fondle herself, and when her middle two fingers pushed inside of her hole it felt all the sharper for the entrance.

Conversely, the guard enjoyed every second of the eye contact. The angrier that Susan looked the more delightfully scrunched her nose became, and the darker angry red tint her cheeks took on. Her naked frame was fully on display for him and he could savor the look of her breasts or the part of her pink folds around her own fingers, all for his eyes only. His eyes, and soon his hands. The guard licked his lips while his eyes met Susan's, and the length of his cock throbbing against his pants was becoming quickly undeniable. Joy and rapture were already floating through him, the knowledge that soon, so soon, he'd be inside of her. She could scream and protest and she could profess how much she hated him, but none of it would matter. Susan Storm would be claiming his virginity; and he'd have the warm walls of a woman wrapped around his cock. Perhaps a few decades later than most, but the girl genius fingering herself before him was well, well worth the wait.

"You're dripping wet, aren't you, bitch?" He broke the silence between them, and grinned as he stared down at her. With all the menace and vile intent he could muster in his voice, he gave her another order as he started to drift near. "Tell me how wet you are thinking about my cock. How much you want it inside of you. How your fingers just aren't enough."

Susan's cheeks burned and she clenched her teeth as she continued to watch him, her gaze studying the horrible man as he started to move behind. Her fingers continued to push in and out slowly of her sex, and though she wasn't the dripping mess he assumed her to be there was still more moisture down there than she had anticipated. Her body's natural reaction to stimulation; nothing for her to be concerned about. She could maintain, she could get through this. She could even fulfill his demeaning, monstrous demands.

"I…" She desperately wanted to blurt out how she hated him, how she wished he'd meet a grisly, horrible end. But as he drew near and loomed closer she was reminded that the evening could go even worse for her, and she wisely kept her sharper tongue behind her teeth. With a submissive sigh she changed her tone, and took a deep breath before speaking up. "I'm...wet. Really wet for your cock." She swallowed with a certain amount of unease, the words grumbling from her slender throat. They didn't sound natural, but she was no actress. Simply trying would have to be enough. "I'm wet and my fingers aren't enough. I need your cock instead."

The large, pathetic man closed his eyes briefly and sighed with satisfaction on his face. It didn't matter if she was saying it against her will, or even if the words sounded fake. Susan Storm had just announced that she was wet thinking about his length, and that was a joy he could ride for years.

"...don't stop fingering yourself, cunt." He spat the words out shortly after, and could no longer resist the urge to help himself to her body. Susan squirmed and winced as the guard's ample weight pushed against her from behind, his bloated stomach coming to rest against her back as his chubby hands moved around to grope her breasts. The first contact between them made her want to tear up but she found her resolve yet again, and she fought against the need to retch as she felt his hands upon her. Her beautiful perky breasts were utterly manhandled by his fat grip, and she was squeezed painfully between the examination table and his overweight stomach. She could even feel his tongue against the back of her neck; a sensation that made her skin crawl and forced a whimper of pathetic desperation from the back of her throat. And all through it she had to continue fingering herself, and she had to contend with the slow slickening of her hole.

And just when things couldn't get any worse…

"Now kiss me, whore. LIke you mean it."

She practically sobbed. Her eyes were stinging, practically begging to cry, and still she fought back that desire. She denied herself even that simple privilege, and instead slowly turned her head to face her oppressor. She turned her head back and started to part her lips, just as her eyes closed. She'd do what he'd say so it didn't get any worse, but she was quickly starting to wonder just how bad it could get. As their mouths drew close he squeezed her breasts with a fierce grip, and the surprise and ache was enough to buck her forward, their lips sealing in a sudden lurch.

She did her best. She tried, he couldn't say she didn't try. Her tongue worked against the guard's and she flicked it back and forth as she did any of her past lovers, doing her best to convince him that there was anything behind the kiss other than utter hatred and contempt. She continued fingering herself because she hadn't been told yet to stop, and her breasts were raw and weary under his grip. He had been pinching her nipples and tugging them to stiffness, and after they were properly but illegally stimulated his hands left her body for a few glorious seconds. For a few seconds she didn't have to worry about his disgusting grip on her, and only had to contend with the weight of his fat stomach on her back, and the flickering of his tongue over hers. It was nearly a relief, albeit a disgusting one.

Though as she was quickly learning, in that tiny room relief didn't last, and it only led to worst things. The sound of the guard's zipper coming down sent waves of fear through her, and when she felt something warm and thick slap against her rump from above she went weak in the knees from surprise. If what was resting idly against her rear in that moment was his cock, it...it was enormous. Bigger than any she had ever had inside of her, and bigger than any she had ever imagined taking.

Susan let the guard kiss her, and even kissed back under duress, until he lined that enormous tip against the slender edge of her folds and pushed inside. It was slow at first; likely to draw out the torture of his stolen penetration, and her knee against the side of the table started to draw tighter against her chest as she was pushed forward. His fat frame made it so that she was required to do most of the flexible work; her slender, young body bent down flat to the table as she was forced to offer herself up to his rod. Their kiss broke and soon her cheek was pressed down flat against the table; one of the guard's hands on the back of her head with his fingers lost in her beautiful blonde hair, and the other gripping the base of his cock to guide the monster's monster inside.

Susan was wincing; her teeth clenched and her eyes shut tight as she was slowly pierced with his member. Two inches in, and her walls were already stretched tight around him, so tight that it was impossible for her to deny the fact that he was the largest she ever had, and would likely ever have. Susan had her share of experience even at her younger age, and from the very moment she saw the guard she had naturally expected him to be a tiny-pricked waste. Though just like earlier with the crate, her arrogance was proving to fail her. The guard's thick, enormous cock was squeezing in slowly, inch by inch, and no matter how much of it she felt inside there still seemed to be more.

"Halfway in." The guard whispered, and Susan's eyes shot open in fear. How?! How could there still be another half?! She felt stretched and tight, and the idea of more terrified her as much as the guard disgusted her. His words came next with a lecherous grin, and his hand pushed her cheek down harder on the table. "...ask me to fuck you."

It was another pleasant memory for the guard, and one he'd always cherish. When Susan Storm looked up from the table, fighting tears and with a look of frightened exhaustion in her eyes, and spoke in a trembling, aching voice.

"...please fuck me."

And from there, Susan got exactly what she had asked for. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoed in the room as the bloated guard pushed forward, and he proved to Susan that there was indeed another half to his cock that she hadn't yet experienced. It was a good thing the examination room was soundproof, for in that moment Susan filled it with the screams of a woman caught in utter and absolute turmoil.

She was screaming in fear and rage, though the very instant the guard began thrusting her body betrayed her in the foulest of ways. When the guard crushed forward and his cock delved deep inside of her, pushing her to the core and squeezing his cockhead to the wall of her womb, a ripple of arousal rushed through her that she had never felt before in her entire life. Her fingers tightened against the side of the examination table and she bared down with a horrified wince, repulsion fighting intense arousal as the waste of flesh of a guard started to fuck her. He was hard and heavy with his thrusts; that enormous cock driving in and out of her young, tight hole with reckless abandon. Each thrust forced his stomach to slap against her back and push her forward against the table, her stiff nipples squeezed against the surface and brought to slide back and forth with each push. Susan's heart started to race and unwanted goosebumps erupted on her flesh, and she found herself swimming in a pit of revulsion. At the guard that would force her into such a disgusting display, at the horrible examination room where she imagined such things happened frequently, but mostly at herself.

In that moment she hated herself more than anyone, because her body dared to enjoy his cock.

She was enduring the strangest torture of her life, while the guard was grinning ear to ear. In the greatest moment he had ever savored, he could feel the warm, tight walls of the Fantastic Four's Susan Storm wrapped around every inch of his remarkable cock. It had waited a long time to taste the joy of a woman's hole, and it had been rewarded by one that he could never imagine an equal to. Though he had no experience to speak of he fucked her with a primal and reckless desire; crashing his cock as deeply as he could into her with each powerful thrust and never holding back for an instant. The look on her face was a joy to behold; the closed eyes and the flushed cheeks, and he soon noticed that when he pushed into her with particular strength and enthusiasm the girl erupted into a tiny whimper. Though it was his first time, he could tell that there was more to the beauty's expression than simple humiliation and anger.

Susan was trying to get her head around it, and failing miserably. She was a quantified genius; one of the smartest women in the world, and she couldn't understand why her body was erupting into waves of pleasure at the end of a cock forced so callously inside of her. The cock of someone that was disgusting and vile, the cock of someone that was leagues below her. She was a hero; she had fought intergalactic threats for the safety of all and she had triumphed. He was a worthless crooked security guard that had never accomplished anything. She was a beautiful treasure to the world, and he had no value at all.

But in that quiet examination room, her body was all too eager to accept his cock. She hated every pulse of pleasure from every thrust, and she hated every breath she took that was laced with his sweaty scent yet still filled her senses with arousal. She kept fighting the tears as long as she could, but they were crashing against the gates harder than ever. And when she heard the guard start to grunt in quicker fashion with a building desire, Susan was smart enough to know what was to come.

"Don't! Don't cum inside of me, please!" She begged; practically screaming as she was fucked. Her head shook back and forth as rapidly as it could as she pleaded, though the guard did little more than grin down at her with his hand locked in her hair. "Please no! Anything but inside! Don't cum in me!"

"You'll take it where I tell you to, slut!" Came the only response, and he started to pound faster. Susan knew in that moment that she'd soon be filled with the revolting guard's cum, and for some reason a quiver of arousal ran through her at the knowledge. A jolt that was so intense, so profound, and so etched in shameful arousal and hate-filled joy that it sent her own body over the edge. In the ultimate betrayal of its controller, Susan's body erupted in a climax of her own mere seconds before the guard.

Her knee twitched and jerked so hard from the table that it fell off and she landed on her bare feet, and her fingers went white-knuckled as she gripped the table. Her climax shook her with tremendous impact, the hardest she had ever had. With that foul cock lodged deep within her her pussy twitched and trembled and shuddered, and her heart starting racing wildly as she failed to control her body. Her cheeks were red with shame and her body lost utter control, and all she could do was scream, cum, and cry.

She had finally lost the battle, and the tears rolled down her cheeks in flowing rivers as she came. In shame and horror, she got off on being raped by the most revolting man she had ever met. And when his cream started to flood inside of her, it only drug her climax out like a stretch of long, oddly blissful torture.

The guard had worked himself up to a sweat-licked frenzy thrusting himself into Susan, and when he finally came it was nothing short of magic. His first release inside of a woman painted Susan's walls with white, and his enormous member throbbed heavy and thick within her. He could practically feel every pulse of cum surge through his cock, filling her with rope after rope of his release. He squeezed his fat, sweaty body down atop her own and gave her a few more short thrusts, grinning as he moved a hand up and into her blonde hair again.

"That's good for starters." He lied; it was immeasurably pleasurable for starters. The greatest, most unbridled joy he had ever experienced. But it was still just the beginning. He didn't give Susan a chance to whimper a response before he started to pull up, standing and yanking his enormous cock from her hole and pulling her up by the hair. A splash of cum landed on the floor; fallen from her tight, filled pussy, and the guard grinned as he forced Susan onto her knees just above it. There was no explanation or demands at that point; the slovenly waste was content to simply take what he wanted. His cum-coated cock pressed furiously past Susan's stunned lips, and the hero's eyes went wide as she was forced not just with the presence of his taste on her tongue, but soon the stretch of his thick cockhead at the back of her throat. He held both hands against the back of her head as he forced her to suddenly deepthroat him, grinning as he glanced down at her tear marked eyes.

"You're gonna suck me hard again, whore." He demanded, and smirked as she looked up at him with fear mixing with her own sexual confusion and arousal. Spit and cum smeared across his shaft as he forced her to throat him again and again; forcing her head into his lap with a heavy, dominant grip. "Then you're gonna ride me. I want to see those perfect tits bounce while you get off."

She couldn't protest with her mouth filled with disgustingly-flavored cock, but even if it wasn't she didn't know just what she could say. How could she possibly respond? Even that dim and grotesque guard could tell that she had just cum, and as sure as her pussy still leaked with his release somewhere deep down her body craved another round. Her head fought her body as he continued to make her handle his cock, wincing and gagging and sputtering in a spit-coated mess around it. There were times that he pulled her head so far into his lap that when she looked up, her vision was blocked by his fat stomach. He was the worst human being she had ever met, and yet...the warmth of his cum dripping from her spread pussy brought undeniable excitement into her chest.

And it only made the tears run quicker.

"Best cock you've ever had, isn't it whore?" The guard grinned triumphantly; fully knowing that she had been defeated. He didn't even let her answer the question, his fingers still lost in her hair and pulling down hard on her head. All she could do was murmur a response around a mouth filled with cock, spit rolled down the sides of her cheeks and to the cold, unforgiving floor below. "I knew you'd say that. You're a smart bitch, after all. That's what they say on the news."

His cock pulled free of her mouth when it drew near its old length and hardness, and he yanked her head up by the hair. He dangled her by her blonde locks for a moment, grinning as he leaned down to whisper to her in a heated, dominant tone.

"...they never said what a cock-hungry piece of trash you are, though." His words were cruel and callous, and Susan only gazed at him without a response.

There was no rebuttal. It was the truth.

It didn't used to be the truth, and Susan even speculated on that as the guard laid on the examination table and she was forced to mount him. She didn't complain or disobey as he laid with his cock standing tall in the air, sliding her legs around his fat waist and guiding his tip to her entrance. She bit down on her bottom lip as she slid the tip of him to her entrance, and started to push herself down. There had indeed been a time when Susan thought she was above such wild passions, that she was better than the sort that would lose themselves in sex. It was fun; of course, but she was a genius and a superhero, she had far more important things to do than obsess over something that could be considered a hobby at best. It frightened her in that moment, as she slid down on her oppressor's cock, that her need for more was greater than she had ever felt it.

The guard just looked up at her triumphantly, his ugly features twisted into a wicked smile as she started to ride him. Her motions were wild and fierce from the very beginning; her knees digging in against the examination table as she started to bounce up and down on his despicably enormous cock. Her heart was breaking as she fucked him, the pleasure rioting through every inch of her flesh nothing but litanies of betrayal from her body. The man underneath her was scum! Pure scum! And she was better at him in every way, save for one…and he was exhibiting his one redeeming quality to her right there on the table.

Susan's hands lowered, falling down against the guard's greasy shoulders as she continued to ride. Her hair whipped back and forth and her breasts bounced up and down, and her tight, warm pussy was stretched wonderfully close around his shaft. His fat fingers prodded at her from time to time; teasing her waist or grasping a breast, and sometimes even slapping hard against the side of her ass until a red welt appeared. He said nothing more since she didn't have to be any further humiliated; from the tears that fell against his own fat chest from her face to the simply wonderful tightness of her hole stretched on his length, he knew full-well that she had been defeated. Broken. Claimed. She would've been riding his cock in that moment even if he didn't tell her to; and even in the guard's inexperienced mind he could fully understand just how far she had fallen.

The great Susan Storm, little more than a naked blonde fuckdoll for a man that by all rights didn't even deserve to look at her.

Susan continued to ride quicker on the guard's cock as the evening continued, sweat lining her frame and her breathing starting to rise. She was screaming and gasping in between each thrust, and her eyes continued to dance from the guard's grotesque features to where her lap was crashing down onto his own. Every bounce made his fat stomach ripple and tremor from impact, but it also drove that enormous cock down to her very depths. He stirred the cum he had already launched within her and was preparing to fill her with another, and this time the crying and senseless hero didn't even beg to avoid it. She knew there wasn't any point, and that her voice and breath was better spent simply trying to fight for her sanity.

She came again, and once more her voice erupted in the room in blissful climax while the guard started to cum underneath her. She closed her eyes as she screamed, her fingers tightening on his sweaty shoulders as she felt him started to erupt. Her own twitching thighs were the framework guiding his cock inside, and pulse after pulse of thick, white seed flowed freely within her. Cum that a half hour ago she would've been genuinely repulsed by, but now appreciated on a far more primal level. She was disgusted by it...but she also somehow needed it. With her eyes closed and her head thrown back, there was a soft pinch in her waist which she at first attributed to the exhaustion in the moment. When her eyes opened and she looked down; however, the blonde had a sudden sinking feeling rise in her stomach.

"Time for a kiss goodnight, slut. But I'll see you soon." With his cock still lodged inside of her, and a needle now implanted deep into her belly, the guard yanked her down by the hair and kissed her. The needle pinched at her harder and a rush of warmth different from his cum started to fill her, and she grew lightheaded as her mouth was forced once more on his own. Her tongue battered against the guard's, licking and tasting his lecherous kiss, and his flavor was the last thing she could recall before darkness finally overtook her.

When Susan woke up it was in a cardboard box, and her first sight was of a sun hanging high overhead. Wincing, the woman shielded her eyes as she took stock of her situation; looking around from side to side and trying to get a feel for what was going on. She had been dumped in an alley by her new "friend," left naked and abandoned in a foul smelling pit. Her hand instantly went up to her throat to check for the control collar, which she acknowledged with a satisfied sigh had been removed. When her hand folded back into her lap; however, it bumped against a small disc wrapped in a piece of paper.

It was with a sinking feeling in her stomach that Susan unwrapped the note, only to find a DVD within. The naked woman curled in against the box as she read the note; fear, anger, humiliation, and most despicably of all arousal creeping back across her flesh.

"Identicon has great security cameras, slut." The letter read in sloppy handwriting. "Here's proof. Come back to the same room next week, or the news gets to know what a cock hungry whore you are."

Susan sat naked in the box, staring at the note scribbled before her. She had gotten herself deep into trouble, and she had nobody to blame but herself. Her arrogance had led her down a dark path, and from the looks of the note and the promise it made, it was a path she'd be going down for a long time to come.

Her form shimmered briefly before going completely invisible, her powers fully in place with the collar gone. She wasn't sure if she needed to cry or masturbate, but she knew she didn't want to be seen doing either. It was with a heavy heart that Susan drug herself up to her feet and started to make her way back to the Baxter Building. Though her powers would keep her from sight, it was going to be one hell of a long walk and she was already sore from her ordeal.

It was nearly a half hour later that she slipped back into her room, every muscle aching and her hand locked tight around the scribbled note and the DVD. Though she desperately wanted to sink into her bed and struggle to forget the events of the past few hours, she knew better to ignore a threat. She already knew what the DVD contained; and a part of her wanted to throw it in the trash, to pretend like it didn't exist. Doing so; however, would only lead to the contents of it being plastered on the news when her new "friend" didn't get what he wanted. She had to know. She had to at least confirm he was telling the truth, that he had proof of their tryst. The woman's powers deactivated as she fell back into sight once more, and the tired and worn Susan sat naked on the edge of the bed after putting the DVD into the slot for her main screen.

Tears welled in her eyes from nearly the very beginning. There it all was; stretched out before her just as she feared. The video wisely cut in after the deal he had forced upon her, and all the viewer could see initially was Susan Storm bent over, fingering herself as she had been instructed to. Her digits working against her pink and pretty folds, her eyes cast back over her shoulder to look at the grotesque man that had been forcing the issue. By the time he stepped into frame and began handling her as he had done just hours ago Susan's body was rising in temperature; her anger and her frustration reaching a boiling point. She slinked from the edge of the bed and dropped to her knees on the soft carpet below, a fist driving hard against the floor as she forced her eyes away from the screen. She wanted to scream, but it'd only encourage questions from her friends that she could never answer.

The troll she had met that day had taken so much from her, and he had only been able to do so because of her own mistakes. It was her fault to go alone without telling any of her friends, and it was her fault to get arrogant and cocky and move forward thinking she was invincible. It was her fault for thinking she could handle things flawlessly, and worst of all...it was her fault that she had orgasmed on that disgusting lech's cock. The violation that he had performed on her paled in comparison to that which her own body had forced; and she despised herself for those few seconds when she arched in pleasure at his enormous cock. Tears licked at her eyes as she knelt on the floor of her comfortable room, her eyes gazing up at the screen again to see her own naked frame on her knees, forced to suck a thick and greasy cock. She could see in the details of the screen that her pussy was dripping of his cum, and there was an unmistakeable look in her eyes.

She'd never be able to convince her friends she had been forced. Not with that look so perfectly captured by the camera.

Susan curled up into a ball; pulling her knees against her naked chest and shivering as she sat there naked on the floor. She hated that ugly, revolting man for what he had done to her, but mostly she hated that he was right.

She was a slut, a whore, a piece of desperate trash that ached for his cock. And she'd be in that same room next week, doing things she could only speculate on amidst a mix of fear, hatred, and arousal.

Susan's head dropped down to her knees, and as the video continued to show her riding the fat, horrible guard she broke down into tears. Despite tears flowing freely now, her cheeks were nowhere near as wet as her used, violated, and dominated slit.

The End.

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