Chapter 23: Horizon zero Dawn and forbidden West fanfic idea
This idea came from another story I read a while back where the main character wakes up on Pandora from Avatar and gains the ability to create the machine enemies from the games so I thought why not keep that same premise but also allow the ability to create from the armor to the weapons that alloy uses during the series as well as any mechanical enemy from The Seekers to the corruptors and the deathbringers Is in all of the machines that were present in the games and this story doesn't even have to be set in the world of Pandora our character can land himself in pretty much any kind of fantasy world and he wouldn't be like seriously OP yeah the machine enemies that he would be able to create would be pretty powerful but they wouldn't like allow him to tend with gods so I was like thinking world's like Danmachi we're here the character can gain a falna and either participate in the main story that we know or it could even be set in the past at some point I'll set it into the world of Attack on Titan I'm pretty sure a lot of the machines would be able to contend with Titans or one of my personal favorites and I kind of hope this idea might inspire the main character ends up in the world of RWBY and somehow gets involved with Ruby and the gang and to maybe limit the main character a bit instead of just allowing for Endless creation of machines as long as he has metal and materials maybe make it like a summoning ability where similar to how alloy can only override one machine in the game it's the same for his ability he can only summon one machine and for the weapons and armor our main character gains a focus you know the little augment reality device alloy has on her head with all the blueprints and details on how to make them but that's just one of my suggestions.