Raiders Are All at Shura Field

Chapter 24

Chapter 23: The villain’s ruthless son (1)


Just after landing in the new world, a neigh of a horse instantly reached Tangning’s ears, followed by a violent bump, which made her unable to even look at the current environment carefully for a while and stretched out her hand. He pulled the window frame on one side tightly to prevent himself from being pushed out.

But the helpless turbulence was too violent, and Tangning’s strength in her hands was too small, and when one let go, the whole person suddenly flew out of this simple carriage.

Subconsciously let out a soft cry, just when she thought that she would definitely not fall too lightly in this fall, a sound of breaking through the air came, and then a strong arm grabbed her waist and engulfed her. Received in the arms.

“Girl, are you okay?”

The voice of inquiries is as cold as a spring, refreshing.

Tangning suddenly raised her head, and succeeded in looking straight from the front like pine and cypress, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and her hair tied high. A man dressed as a quack saw a flash of surprise in his eyes.

However, these are not the main points, the main point is-

She glanced at the scarlet characters on the top of the man’s head.

Fang Yunyang.

System score: 90.

Current favorability: 20.

Hey, look at what a good person would say is scum?

“Turn on story transfer.”

I didn’t expect to encounter Tangning, who was the target of her strategy when she entered the new world. In order to avoid revealing stuff, she did not hesitate to accept the story of this world immediately. 54088 had already told her before that, during the period of receiving the story, it belongs to system protection. In the stage, time is basically stagnant, so there is no need to worry about the interruption of her plot reception due to external influences.

Tang Ning, who was mentally prepared, received the impact of this huge plot again, and her face was not as pale as the previous world.

Just like this Fang Yunyang’s dress, the new world is a world where disputes continue and the court is declining. Flying over the walls is the norm for all the people in this world, and the best in martial arts is the lifelong desire of these people.

Today’s arena forces are divided into four factions, three villages, one valley and eight powers. Of course, these are all decent forces recognized by all the arena. In fact, if you really calculate it strictly, there should be nine major powers in the current arena, but among them, the most powerful and domineering forces have made almost all the people of the rivers and lakes have to avoid the sharp Jiyuejiao. It has always been recognized by everyone. It is the largest demon sect in the world, and it is not recognized by everyone.

And Tang Ning, um, she is still called Tang Ning in this world, she is from one of the forces in the Valley of Medicine.

Medicine God Valley, as the name suggests, is definitely inseparable from the medical poison herbs.

Tang Ning is the heir of this generation of Medicine God Valley.

In fact, Tangning was originally not a person in the world, but a daughter of a third-rank official of the imperial court. Since childhood, she has also learned such elegant things as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but it is a pity that her father is too upright and can’t get used to the present day. The eunuchs of the imperial court were in power, and they had to investigate the corruption of the eunuchs in the East Factory, and squander human lives and other evils, and recorded them on a ledger.

It was such a ledger that caused the destruction of the entire Tang family.

In the end, only Tangning escaped. After all the hardships, he visited the Valley of Medicine God, which had some connections with her mother. Relying on her extremely high talent, she quickly became the next generation heir to the Valley of Medicine God. , His fiancé named Fang Yunyang.

Yes, the man Tangning saw before receiving the plot accidentally was Tangning’s fiance.

It’s just that the two have never met, so they met and didn’t know each other.

You ask why two people who don’t know each other have booked a kiss?

Naturally, it is because on the one hand, decency needs to rely on marriage to strengthen mutual ties. On the other hand, when Tangning was chased and killed by Dongchang as a child and fleeing, she was accidentally rescued by a little boy. The boy said that his name was Fang Yunyang, and Tangning, who always remembered his life-saving benefactor, heard that his master said Kongshan faction. The elders begged one of their disciples named Fang Yunyang, and she naturally agreed without hesitation.

Then at the age of 18, Tangning came out of the valley to find Fang Yunyang to fulfill the marriage contract.

But she didn’t know that Fang Yunyang, who had been out to wander the world a few years earlier, had a confidante by her side, Huo Qingqing, the daughter of the owner of the God of Cookery who also came from the eight powers.

Unlike Tangning’s gentleness and Qingyun coming out of Xiu, Huo Qingqing, who was spoiled by her old father at a young age, grew up. Although his martial arts is not first-rate, his ability to cause troubles is first-rate. Jealous like hatred, love to fight against injustices, but also eccentric, smart and clever, even though her temper is a little spoiled, she can also endure hardships, not to mention that she has a superb cooking skill and has many admirers in the arena.

But since she was rescued by Fang Yunyang, who was accidentally encountered after she got into trouble, her heart has all fallen on him. From then on, regardless of her care, she embarked on a arduous road of women chasing men. Knowing that Fang Yunyang already has a fiancee, but after crying a lot, she continued to follow in his footsteps. There is nothing wrong with saying that she just likes him. After liking him, she can’t make her way. If he could walk this way, she couldn’t go, and so on, they entangled with Fang Yunyang again.

In fact, Huo Qingqing still can’t influence Tangning’s fiancee, but she also followed a strip behind her. On the surface, she looks soft and jade, elegant and handsome, graceful gentleman, but in fact he is evil in heart, deserted and unintentional, and does not fold her hands to achieve her goal Broken, mad dog, and also the owner of Yangyue Villa, one of the eight major forces, Yan Xingzhi.

Yan Xingzhi, Yan Xingzhi, even the names are so deceptive.

Who would have thought that it was him who destroyed all the light and beauty in the original owner’s life with his last hand, and even lost his life!

In fact, when Tangning appeared as Fang Yunyang’s fiancee, Yan Xingzhi was full of malice towards her.

Because of the old grievances with Fang Yunyang, coupled with the girl he likes, Huo Qingqing, but his love has nothing to do with the love between men and women. His acquaintance with Huo Qingqing is entirely because of the little girl’s dish and the relationship with his dead mother. The braised lion head with a very similar taste, coupled with her vigorous and lively appearance, which resembled his long-dead little sister, made Yan Xingzhi directly recognize her as his own sister, and since then also included Huo Qingqing, who loves trouble. In his wings.

Tangning appeared as Fang Yunyang’s fiancée, Huo Qingqing liked Fang Yunyang so much, and even after Tangning appeared, he never smiled again. At that time, Yan Xingzhi wanted to kill Tangning directly and then destroy the body. .

At this time, he knew Tangning’s physique again, the natural cold jade ice body, which is not invaded by poisons, and even blood can detoxify.

The person closest to him is also the person most loyal to him, a young slave raised by the wolf pack he bought from Mobei. In order to help him deal with some private matters, the accident was hopeless. Miao Jiang’s strange poison, only three months of life left, there is only one way to survive, and that is to transfer the poison from the body to another person by special means. There is nothing like the willing love between men and women. This method is easier to overcome the poison.

It’s a pity that the physique of an ordinary woman can’t bear this kind of Miao Jiang’s strange poison at all, but will accelerate his poisoning. Only the world’s hard to find, such a magical physique like the cold jade ice body, can withstand such a colorless and tasteless strange poison. poison.

Ruthless as Yan Xingzhi, the only two people who care about most in this life are Huo Qingqing, and the other is the wolf boy Ye Xiao who he bought and raised by himself.

Tangning’s physique has offended Huo Qingqing so much. It was strange that he didn’t act on her.

The process of transcending drugs requires a willingness, otherwise it will only be counterproductive. Therefore, it is impossible for him to take Tangning and force her to detoxify Ye Xiao. At this moment, he secretly thought of a vicious way.

That is to take the initiative to calculate Tangning to make her fall in love with him completely, and thus marry him.

In this way, Huo Qingqing can be with Fang Yunyang. Not to mention, Ye Xiao’s side, as long as the lights are turned off every night when the house is in the dark, and he can’t see anything, he doesn’t believe that Tangning can recognize him. The difference from Ye Xiao’s body.

After all, the girl Tang Ningtang looked at her, but she didn’t look like an innocent quagmire. On the contrary, she looked like a lady who accidentally stepped into the quagmire. I believe that even if something wrong happened to her at night, I’m afraid she absolutely I’m sorry to ask him something.

The plan is perfect, and the implementation process is also very satisfactory. Yan Xingzhi has been wearing his own mask like a gentleman in front of Tangning, shielding her from swords and swords.

Since childhood, most of them have lived in a paradise like Yaoshen Valley, and Tangning, who has rarely had much contact with men, has seen such a posture. Yan Xingzhi also felt her heartbeat and moved.

Tangning, who had been influenced by her overly rigid father since she was a child, is also a stubborn eye, because knowing the existence of her fiancé Fang Yunyang, she still holds it, and even after she feels her heartbeat, she still feels like nothing. The earth began to stay away from Qi Yanxing.

Where did the hard-hearted little girl know that Fang Yunyang on the other side had already had a lasting skin-to-kin relationship with Huo Qingqing because of the healing, and was already moved by her warm and straightforward feelings.

In the end, the wedding was approaching, and the two unmarried couples who were close to others were about to get married.

Huo Qingqing is okay, how could Yan Xingzhi, who has never been dark inside, make their marriage successful.

The moment before he got married, he found Tangning, took advantage of her to poison her, and was successfully caught by the unbelievable Fang Yunyang.

Under Fang Yunyang’s questioning, he suddenly laughed.

“Why did I do this? Hahaha, you still have the face to ask me why I did this? I lost everything because of you since I was a child, why even my beloved woman has to marry you, Fang Yunyang, why on earth? I don’t know. Do you still remember the Ye family who was once taught by Jiyue to slaughter a total of 72 people up and down because of you? And my original surname was Ye Mingyu.”

At this time, Yan Xingzhi finally opened his mouth to tell a long story.

It turned out that Yan Xingzhi was just his pseudonym. His original name was Ye Yu. His father was once one of the best masters on the rivers and lakes. Ye Kun, the owner of the famous Sword Villa, had a very happy family. His mother was gentle and gentle, and his sister was lovely and clever. The most troublesome thing is that practicing swords is too hard, and I often have to try to escape and play.

But all this was ruined by Fang Yunyang, who rushed to him when he was nine years old. Jieyuejiao was in full swing at the time. After Fang Yunyang’s father accidentally got the news of a peerless book of swords and was known to them, the then-Jieyue teacher turned out to be directly Sending someone over to grab it, Fang’s father desperately resisted in order to prevent the sword book from falling into the hands of the demon cult. Everyone in the family was dead and scattered. Finally, he handed the sword book to Fang Yunyang, who was also nine years old at the time. He went to defect to his friend, the owner of the Famous Sword Villa, Ye Kun, but it was a pity that Fang Yunyang did not hide in Ye’s long before causing a disaster for the famous Sword Villa.

In the end, only Fang Yunyang and Yan Xingzhi, who was also called Ye Yu at the time, were rescued by the martial arts giant Kassapa who hurried over, and then they took them to the Kongshan faction together.

Fang Yunyang was directly adopted as an apprentice by the old man Kassapa because of his excellent roots in martial arts, but he went to Ye Yu’s side, but because of his poor roots, he couldn’t practice the unique swordsmanship of the old man Kassapa. In the end, he was only adopted by a martial arts elder. For apprentices.

No matter where there are good people, there are evil people. Although the Kongshan Sect is a decent person as a whole, there are inevitably one or two rat shit. No, the elder teacher of Yan Xingzhi is a rat shit, not only bad martial arts, but also jealous. It’s also very strong, always jealous of his senior Kassapa, how could Yan Xingzhi, who treated him to bring him up the mountain, get better.

Every day before dawn, I chop wood and pick up water, serve him and serve him. Whenever there is a difference, it is a whip. He often beats Yan Xingzhi’s body so that people can’t see it with blood. He is not allowed to file a complaint, or he will come back. It was another severe beating.

Seeing Fang Yunyang’s martial arts getting higher and higher, even Yan Xingzhi, who was already well-known in the door, disappeared completely after less than half a year in the Kongshan faction, and the last thing he did before he left was poisoned to death by himself. To his master.

At that time, Fang Yunyang always thought that Ye Yu was dead, but he didn’t expect…

He didn’t feel guilty about Ye Yu and now Yan Xingzhi, and after learning about the various experiences he had encountered in the Kongshan Sect, this guilt quickly reached its peak.

Then he learned from Yan Xingzhi’s mouth that what he had given Tangning was not a terrible poison, but a silkworm.

This kind of poison would not be effective if Tang Ning was really single-minded and the other Yunyang was single-minded and infatuated. At that time, they can continue to hold the wedding, otherwise he will become Tangning’s favorite man, and no one else will be able to see her anymore. Even the various things with Fang Yunyang will be completely forgotten by her. He just wanted to bet on a chance and hoped that Fang Yunyang would give him this last chance.

This was exactly where Yan Xingzhi was vicious. He knew that Tangning had already been tempted by him, but he deliberately said such things in Fang Yunyang.

Sure enough, Fang Yunyang was shaken under the guilt. He didn’t even ask Tang Ning’s opinion, so he let everything Yan Xingzhi do.

As expected by Yan Xing, Tang Ning really could only see Yan Xingzhi in his heart when he woke up. Fang Yunyang decided on the beauty of adulthood. Not only that, he also helped the two of them hold the wedding, and therefore pushed Tangning into it. In the fire pit.

He didn’t know that this passage of Yan Xingzhi was a calculation for him from beginning to end. As I said before, in order to achieve his own goals, Yan Xingzhi can calculate everything.

Because of his love for Yan Xingzhi, Tangning spent every night in the dark room, doing what should be done between husband and wife with Ye Xiao, who overheard Yan Xing’s words, and at the same time, bit by bit, he poisoned Ye Xiao’s body. Saved to myself.

And just when the poison in Ye Xiao’s body was about to be completely eliminated, the magic sect struck, Fang Yunyang accidentally fell off the cliff, and Tangning, who was not protected by anyone from the Yan Xingzhi sect, was also taken away by the magic sect.

At this time, Tangning knew that Yan Xingzhi had been an undercover agent of the Demon Cult in the Decent Sect for so many years. After he left the Kongshan Sect that year, he went straight to the Demon Cult base camp and struggled in it. It was only in the year that the demon cult leader noticed his existence, and because the roots failed, he directly ate the poison given to him by the Jiyue leader, and forcibly uprooted the roots. The price was fifteen thousand ants every month, and the roots were twisted. , All his skills are lost, and he will even shrink back to his childhood appearance.

It was his fierceness that made Jiyue Master like him more and more. He gave him his surname, named him Yan Xingzhi, and even built a Yangyue Villa for him, letting him become decent. Undercover.

How can Yan Xingzhi be a lamb who is willing to live under and be slaughtered by others.

However, in ten years, he quickly developed Yangyue Villa into the No. 1 power in the right way, and the intelligence network was densely spread across the rivers and lakes.

He wanted to take revenge, to avenge the deadly revenge of the seventy-two people in the Ye family, and even more to completely thwart all the members of the Demon Cult, leaving no one left.

But the demon leader is not a fuel-efficient lamp. As soon as he noticed Yan Xingzhi’s rebellion, he immediately attacked. This led to Fang Yunyang’s fall from the cliff and Tangning’s capture.

But even so, Yan Xingzhi’s strength in attacking the Demon Sect was not reduced at all. In the end, he even partnered with Ye Xiao, who was completely detoxified, to kill the leader of Jiyue, destroying all the Demon Sect points, leaving only a group of them. The bereaved dog, carrying Tangning, is about to negotiate with him.

“No? You really consider her to be my wife? It’s just a detoxification herbal medicine. It is useless to detoxify Ye Xiao’s body. If you like it, just send it to you.”

Yan Xingzhi’s mouth was cold and cruel with a smile.

It was also at this time that Tang Ning, who had no effect on her, knew that the man who was gentle with her every night was not her husband. Hahahaha, not only that, she was already very poisonous and could not live long. , Her beloved husband has been calculating her from start to finish, and never liked her a day, hahaha…

Tangning is dead.

When she was excited to go to Yan Xingzhi’s side to see if he had any intentions, she was stabbed in the heart by the remnants of the Demon Cult and fell to the ground to death.

But even when she died, her eyes were still staring in Yan Xingzhi’s direction, and she couldn’t close her eyes. The last tear just went down the corner of her temple and into the mud under her body, and quickly disappeared.

Therefore, I didn’t see the subsequent dramatic change in the plot and the extinction of the Demon Cult. The ambitious Yan Xingzhi did not stop expanding. Instead, he became the second Jie Yue leader, intending to dominate the martial arts and become the best in the world.

But how can justice defeat evil?

Fang Yunyang, who learned the secrets of peerless secrets under the cliff because of adventures, returned.

However, Yan Xingzhi, because of his ambition and cruelty, Huo Qingqing did not understand him, and Ye Xiao was also instigated by Fang Yunyang. When the last battle came, the two closest people in Yan Xingzhi’s life stood on Fang Yunyang’s side, and then During the decisive battle, several people abolished his martial arts together, and did not choose to kill him.

After Yan Xingzhi laughed sadly, he took the initiative to commit suicide.

In the end, Fang Yunyang was elected by everyone as the leader of the martial arts, but took the initiative to resign, and chose to retreat with Huo Qingqing to live the life of the gods.

As for Tangning, the role of the tool man has been played out. Who else will remember her specifically?

Except for Fang Yunyang’s red eyes in front of her grave, in the eyes of other people in the rivers and lakes, as the wife of Yan Xing, she has the same abomination as the devil Yan Xingzhi, and her heart is vicious. Together with the demon Yan Xingzhi, he was cut a thousand times!


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