Quick Transmigration: The Villain Gets Proposed to Every Day

Chapter 79

Chapter 77 The villain wants to eat braised pork ri

The melting pot array was created by an ancient power.Theoretically, as the rarity of the array materials continues to increase, when this array exerts its maximum power, it can swallow the sky and the earth, and the stars will fall into the moon, and it will be thousands of miles in radius. The mountains and rivers are all smelted and turned into the most refined and pure profound energy.

According to the system, that Da Neng had a bitter family and suffered a lot when he was young. Although he was lucky to save a badly injured fairy master and was brought back to the sect by him, but because of his dull aptitude and dull temperament, he was always oppressed by his peers, and even his servants did not regard him as the master.

Mighty can endure it for a long time, and has been silently enduring it.

He was not good at practicing, but he was very talented in the formation, but no one knew it at the time. Everyone was just sullenly practicing, thinking that his tricks of playing with stones and wood sticks were crooked ways, disgusted and spurned, and ignored them.

Da Neng is the one who pioneered the way of formation.

Finally one day, he let the whole world see the mystery and power of the formation, but he stepped on the foundation stone built by the flesh and blood of a thousand people-

The great power set up a huge array, so the **** light enveloped the entire sect, the fire light burned for three days and three nights, the magma-like golden gilt fire burned every corner, luckily those who were not enveloped in the large array struggled to cultivate their whole body. But he couldn’t break the barrier, so he could only watch the people inside wailing and roaring, drowning in the never-extinguishing flames, turning into a ball of coke, thwarting bones and ashes.

What is absurd is that when the formation method fails and the flames subsided, the profound energy of thousands of people was smelted and extracted by the large formation, turned into a purer essence, and drifted in the wind.

Although the entire hillside has no grass, it has become a sacred place for spiritual practice for a long time.

Later, someone reproduced the formation created by Da Neng, improved it, and formed the original furnace formation.

Of course, the ultra-simplistic version under Xie Yushen’s cloth can’t be compared with the ancient Da Neng, he only learned the essence of the big array by taking the gourd and drawing the scoop.

But this battle is really powerful, even if there is only one or two points of the essence, it is also as powerful as a rainbow, the tongue of fire is surging, and the teeth and claws are stretched like a dragon, and they rush toward Xie Heng!

Xie Heng’s reaction is responsive, his skills are vigorous, his footwork is vague, and he runs sideways.

The fire dragon missed a hit, and rushed towards the direction of the car behind him.

Xie Heng was shocked and blurted out: “Senior brother and sister!”

He remembered that many people in the car were exhausted, and Pei Yunyin couldn’t count on it. The second brother controlled the formation of the car and couldn’t get distracted—

A piano sound suddenly sounded in the car.

The jade fingers flicked lightly, and the ice strings quivered slightly, like the wind passing through the corridor, tactfully and low, flowing water from the curtain of the car, the sound wave swayed in the air, and the air appeared in circles and ripples, rippling outwards with the carriage as the center. .

The sound is clearer and clearer, yet complex and changing, with undulations and frustrations, like thousands of wind chimes hanging on a giant tree in the long wind, which is pleasant to the ears, but it makes people feel painful and dazzled.

Wherever the Qin Yin passed, the fierce dragon’s head exploded at the sound, sparks splashed all over, falling on the bluestone everywhere.

The woman’s silver bell-like laughter came from behind the car curtain, like a yellow oriole coming out of the valley, soft and soft: “Little brother, don’t be afraid, give it to the senior sister.”

“Yes, leave it to us!”

Another crisp voice sounded, and the five elder sister with a neat ponytail lifted the curtain, her eyes burning, obsessively scanning the garden rockery and Fuliu pond, as if she saw a peerless delicacy.

These five senior elder sisters have always been taciturn, and it was the first time that Xie Heng saw such a clear mood swing on her face, and couldn’t help but be slightly speechless.

In this moment, several fire dragons jumped out of the bluestone on the soles of Xie Yushen’s feet. The fierce fire light reflected the middle-aged man’s scarlet eyes. After landing, they turned into red magma, and the storm surged and spread in all directions!

The fire dragon fell into the eyes of the fifth sister, illuminating the girl’s tender cheeks, but only in exchange for a contemptuous mockery.

“What kind of rubbish, something different.”

She glanced at the big array, a trace of regret appeared in her eyes, and she shook her head with deep hatred: “Trash, trash, so much good material, what a great foundation, how can you just put out such a trash!”

With that said, Senior Sister Five fumbled behind her backhand for a while, and pulled out a thick barrel.

She carried the barrel on her shoulders aggressively, lifted her foot to the frame and stepped on her majestic foot. The gold thread on the embroidered shoes was gleaming, and the skirt slipped down, revealing half of her slender calf.

“Little Junior Brother, let go, don’t hurt by accident!” The girl shouted with arrogance, “Look at me!”

As the voice fell, she raised her hand and pressed the trigger hard—

Several colorful fireworks dragged long and thin white smoke, whizzed through the courtyard, and hit the rockery on both sides!


Fireworks thunderbolt, streamer streamers.

The sky was full of papers floating, colorful like rain, fireworks burst, rockery was bombarded to tremble again and again, crushed rocks swarmed down the mountain.

It was originally a salute for celebration. It blasted at a very close distance, roaring like thunder, and in an instant, it pierced the ears of those present with a powerful force.

As the wall ash fell, Xie Ziyou lay on the wall in a daze, grabbing a few bricks tightly before falling from the corner of the eaves.


This is a firework, this is an RP/G rocket/barrel!

The fireworks improved by the fairy family are powerful and effective. Xie Yushen didn’t notice for a while, he staggered back for a while, his eyes were unstable, and the blazing fire pattern spreading out on the ground was extinguished, like a candle swaying.

Everyone was bright.

Pei Yunyin leaned out his upper body while climbing the car window. Ufa fluttered in the strong wind and heat, and shouted to Senior Sister Wu in surprise, “It’s effective, come again, shoot the old immortal!”

“Don’t make any noise.” Senior Sister Five waved her hand lightly and said cheerfully, “The next shot will be for me to observe for a while-although this is a broken formation, it is quite interesting.”

“What is there to observe?”

Pei Yunyin rushed forward eagerly.

As soon as Senior Sister Wu’s barrel was pulled out from behind, he was very greedy. At this moment, he was squeezing forward, raising his hand high and saying: “You watch your first, let me come, let me shoot—”

“Are you strong again?”

Behind him, the third senior brother was holding the beast silk in his hands, sweating profusely, and said out of breath: “Go back and change your Qingluan, okay?”

Pei Yunyin’s back stiffened.

The young man’s figure stagnated, his feet crooked, and suddenly collapsed, lying on the floor in the carriage, rolling over, groaning: “Hey, you can’t do it, you have no strength, you can’t stand up…”

“…” Senior Brother Three gritted his teeth, “You have the strength to watch the excitement, but don’t have the strength to work?”

“It takes strength to watch the excitement, and just use your heart to watch the excitement!”

The flames billowed outside the car, like purgatory, but inside the car was a lot of laughter and scolding, the hot lava was blocked by the sound wave, and it was firmly isolated one meter away from the car.

The fourth elder sister is really proficient in temperament, and has a profound cultivation base. At this moment, there is still more energy, and the curly sound wanders towards Xie Zi on the far wall, covering him together in the protective layer.

This situation and situation is like a shot of a centering medicine injected into Xie Heng’s heart.

Afterwards, he heard the fifth senior sister chuckle and said loudly: “It’s done.”

Accompanied by a crisp and sweet voice, the girl’s waist was pliable, she stood up, passed through the thin curtain, steadily leaped onto the car cover, carried the artillery towards her shoulder, and the remaining 99 fireworks burst out, sparks splashing and shining. Like a meteor.

In an instant, it was radiant and overwhelming, with endless crackling roars, colorful fireworks in full bloom in every corner, brilliant golden lights floating around, and the whole Xie Mansion seemed to become a sea of ​​fireworks.

Xie Ziyou leaned on the wall and looked at it idiotically.

He must admit that even in the advanced technological society in his previous life, he had never seen such a beautiful and dazzling fireworks, really like stars bursting, magnificent.

Even more shocked was Xie Yushen.

When the fireworks first exploded, he was taken aback, but Xie Yushen immediately realized that it was just a lively gadget with little power, so he was relieved.

But at this moment, everything that happened in front of him was completely beyond his expectations, and the fireworks from the fifth elder sister was definitely not a “blow up”—

Great sensation.

Crushed stones rolled down from the rockery, smashed the talisman, and sank into the pond one after another, turning the clear pool water into a muddy appearance.

The fireworks exploded on the willow branches, igniting the branches and leaves, and left a coke-like black mark on the trunk of Yaojin, which was faintly connected with the falling rocks on the ground, and painted a few mysterious lines.

These lines were applied to the big formation, and the subtle changes were immediately made.

Xie Yushen found in horror that the bluestone under his feet suddenly burst into a strong suction, and his feet seemed to grow with the stone surface. He tried his best, but he couldn’t get rid of it!

The fire wave spreading in the air stagnated quietly.

Immediately, the hurricane storm began, and the profound energy of the entire Xie Mansion gathered in one place, and a huge turbulent vortex appeared in the air. The screaming wind and the surging fire wave, together with the surging fire waves, madly inverted Xie Yushen!


The middle-aged man was at a loss and opened his mouth to shout, but his profound energy was too strong. His throat was hoarse and dry, and his throat was like a broken bellows. He could only squeeze out a few weird syllables, and he could no longer make a sound.

Energetic vigorous, the coming fierce, bursting through the blood vessels and tearing the meridians in an instant, the Xuan Dan was overwhelmed and let out a panic and low groan.

Large cracks also appeared on Xie Yushen’s skin, and bright flames emerged under the cracks, and the overflowing blood was extinguished, like a snake winding under the skin, and like being burned to the dry earth by magma.


The pupils of the fifth elder sister were bright, and she looked at Xie Yushen in the distance, as if she was watching the exquisite works of art carved by herself.

“The melting pot formation is really interesting. I used the inherent “gathering” element in it to drain the flow on this basis, and it really turned the original formation into a style.”

“It’s just that this Fengyan cultivation base is too poor to contain all the profound energy. Sooner or later, the big formation will explode…”

“…Don’t you say that if you want to explode?” The second senior brother poked out his round head from the front of the carriage and shouted, “I won’t do the detailed explanation at this time! Junior sister, get off quickly; Junior brother, get on the car quickly, let’s withdraw! ”


Xie Heng turned his head anxiously and looked at Xie Ziyou who was lying on the wall. It happened that Xie Ziyou also looked up. The two eyes met in the air. Xie Ziyou smiled and nodded slightly to Xie Heng and made a “throw”. Gesture.

Xie Heng understands in seconds.

The fire phoenix screamed, flapped its wings into the air, the golden jade car followed closely behind, and the gust of wind started under the wheels, and the car body slowly accelerated.

Xie Heng stepped on the green bamboo in the garden, stepped up to the sky, turned over in the air, and landed firmly on the car cover.

He got up quickly and opened his arms—

At the same time, Xie Ziyou gritted his teeth and made a leap!

The red sun rises in the east, the sun shines first, the morning sun is dyed with brilliant firelight, and his head sheds his head, covering his delicate facial features, spreading golden light everywhere in the amber peach eyes, like hot gilt gold.

Wufa spread out, and drifted behind him like a waterfall in the wind.

A stunning light flashed through Xie Heng’s eyes.

He couldn’t help but raised the corners of his mouth, his eyebrows were gentle and tight, and he steadily caught Xie Ziyou with his hands, hooked his long arms on the young man’s waist, and pulled him into his arms and hugged him tightly.

-At the moment of rubbing shoulders, pretending to be inadvertently, the lips of Xie Ziyou’s ears were brushed, and a fluttering kiss was dropped.

The chariot soared into the sky, venting through the Changhong, and soaring rapidly toward the distant clouds, bathing in the morning light, as if running toward the morning sun.

Behind them, a huge “balloon” floated slowly in the center of the Xie Mansion.

The flames spread all over every inch of the skin, the red light was dark red like blood, Xie Yushen could no longer see the human form, the whole body was held to the extreme by the profound energy, and the skin was torn into a thin film.

But the wind of Ju Ling was still blowing, and the profound energy of the entire Xie Mansion continued to compress under the strong suction.

Those who were accommodated in the large array were also drained of profound energy.

Ordinary servants and guards are okay. They have never practiced and are less affected by the strong wind of profound strength.

The most uncomfortable thing is Wang Yun. She has no aptitude to practice, but she enjoys the elixir in daily life. She forcibly pulls up an empty shell. At this time, in front of the whirlwind, she is like a withered scarecrow, without the slightest resistance.

The woman lay prone on the ground, watching her servant flee in a hurry, she screamed in despair, and shouted: “Stop! Take me, take me out—”

No one cares.

She could only kneel on the ground, using her hands and feet together, dragging the cracks in the stone bricks and crawling outside the palace gate.

The red nails dig deep into the cracks of the bricks, and they burst into a blood color that is more gorgeous than Koodan, dripping through the steps made of white jade.

…But it’s too slow.

After finally climbing over the stone steps, Wang Yun flooded with blood behind him. She tremblingly put out her blood-stained hand, and stepped on the threshold of the small courtyard, and a huge “balloon” appeared in front of her eyes.

The woman’s liver and gallbladder were torn apart, and she watched with trembling as the blood streaks that revealed the flame spread rapidly, cracking, finally—


The huge blood flower blooms between the heaven and the earth, poignant and tragic.

The blood spread, and the traces of a certain couple’s existence, along with their ambitions, were wiped from the world.

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