Purple Romance

Chapter 75: 75 If Ad-Din doesn't leave me, then I won't ever leave him too

"Then, should I cry instead?'' Maria asked and looked coldly at the man. Her gaze was deep and cold. It carried a hint of nonchalance to it which made the old man feel goosebumps all over his body.

The words resounded like a trumpet in the ears of the old man. He was quite taken aback. Old Mr. Denarius looked at Maria and frowned. He gave a soft chuckle that could have gone unnoticed but for Maria she heard it. Her hearing ability was exceptionally good.

''You are really fearless. Aren't you? did you just ask me whether to cry instead? Is that how your parents brought you up? To speak to your elders in such a disrespectful manner? Figures, you never had any parental upbringing to begin with. Your mother abandoned you and your father is just a useless man who is running away from debtors''.


Maria hit her palm on the table angrily startling the old man.

''Don't you ever bring my mom into this. My mom's name is too precious for it to be mentioned and maligned so easily by someone like you. I can accept anything from you but I won't accept you insulting my mom'' Maria said to him.

''The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. What can I expect from someone who was rejected and abandoned by her parents?'' The old man said casually and raised his tea cup to sip the tea. his words were like a sword cutting Maria over and over again.

For the past 30 years of her life, from 25 years ago, when her mother divorced her father and went away without bothering to even look at her, she had harboured that unfair treatment in her. it was deeply engraved in her because of what she had to go through.

People's actions, people's words, their gazes were the most frightful thing that Maria feared the most.

Maria clasped her hands together under the table trying to stay calm. Her feet trembled under the table and the clacking of her shoes could be heard. She sat still as the voices invaded her. she was so rigid all of a sudden, almost seeming out of it.

''you are just someone whose mother didn't want''

''Why don't you just disappear already? It will do a lot of good''

''Your mother left you for a man''

''You are no different. You are just like your mother''

''You are a disgrace to teachers''

''Look that is the girl whose mother left her for a man''

''Bitch, slut. You should leave the school and not damage the image of our school''

The voices became her reality as she couldn't differentiate them anymore. To Maria, it was just like the people were standing in front of her. It was just like she was seeing them at that moment, because throughout the years, those statements were deeply engraved in her heart.

The old man sat back, seemingly enjoying the scene before him. He watched with interest and saw that Maria was deeply hurt by his words.

8 years ago, he had done his investigations on her and knew about her past very well. He too was a man who majored in psychology and pharmacy. He was a renowned scientist who singlehandedly built Denarius Group into what it was today. He was an experienced man who could read people. He knew what he wanted to achieve by bringing up Maria's past. He wanted to see her break down and show that part of her to Ad-Din.

He glanced at his wrist watch and leaned back on the chair.

The door opened abruptly and Ad-Din entered the room. He looked out of breath.

What greeted him was the dissociated state of Maria. She was completely still and her eyes were cold and distant.

''What did you do to her?'' Ad-Din asked as he moved closer to Maria.

''I just merely went through memory lane with her. I didn't have to do much. I didn't know she was such a fragile little woman?'' The old man said and sipped his tea.

''You just crossed a line that you will leave to regret. From this day going, consider that you don't have another grandson'' Ad-Din said coldly.

''Rubbish!! How could you, because of this woman?''

''She is not just any woman. She is the one I love''. Ad-Din said and turned to Maria. He bent down and knelt on one knee in front of her saying ''Maria, is okay. I'm here, look at me''

Maria looked between the two men and didn't open her mouth neither did she move. Her hands were cold and it scared Ad-Din.

''See? You are scared of her right now? I told you, nothing good will come out of someone who was abandoned even by her own parents?''

''Shut up. Shut up''

Ad-Din screamed at the old man before removing his phone. He didn't let go of Maria's hand as he dialled Kobby's number. The call went through and Kobby answered after the second ring.

''Hello, Ad-Din, I was just about to call you. Maria is not picking my calls. Is she with you?'' Kobby said on the phone.

''Yes, but there is a problem. Maria has paced out and can't seem to even feel my presence'' Ad-Din said and Kobby grew alarmed.

''What happened? Where is Maria?'' Kobby asked.

''She is with me. we are at City View Restaurant''.

''I will be there shortly. Don't leave her side and make sure there isn't any sharp object closer to her. Keep her safe as much as possible until I get there''. Kobby said and hung up immediately.

''Ad-Din'' Old Mr. Denarius called him and pointed at Maria. He was shocked and frightened.

Ad-Din frowned and turned to look at Maria and what greeted him was a splatter of blood on his face. It came out of her wrist. Ad-Din was shocked by the scene. He didn't even know the time Maria pulled her hand out of his and was holding the knife cutting through her wrist. Ad-Din screamed and snatched the knife from her and she soon lost consciousness.

Ad-Din picked the white table cloth and covered Maria's wrist to stop the bleeding as he lifted her out of the room, he turned to his grandfather saying ''I will never forgive you for this''



Kobby ran to the operation room and saw Ad-Din standing outside and asked him anxiously ''what happened to Maria?''

''Is all my fault. I couldn't protect her and allowed this to happen'' Ad-Din said frustratingly.

''Tell me exactly what happened? Who did she talk to?'' Kobby asked.

Ad-Din told him everything and sighed. He tussled his hair and looked at the operation room.

"I just hope she is fine? I will never forgive anyone who hurts Maria''. Ad-Din said.

The door opened and the doctor in charged walked out. He removed the mask on his face and nodded to Kobby.

''Dr. John, how is my sister?'' Kobby asked the doctor first. They knew each other because they both worked at First Hospital.

''Luckily she was brought in early. We were able to stop the bleeding and performed the surgery. Luckily, this time she didn't cut into her veins and we were able to save her. I thought she was doing well after the accident. Why did she suddenly have a relapse?'' Dr. John asked.

''It was so sudden. I will make sure she doesn't come to the ER again. thank you, Dr. John''. Kobby said.

''No need to be so polite, Dr. Brian. We are colleagues after all. Maria will be moved to a ward soon. See you around then'' Dr. John smiled and went away.

''What did that doctor mean by relapse? Is this something that happened frequently? Was Maria in an accident before?''

Ad-Din asked the questions nonstop and seriously. Kobby nodded his head.

''How is that possible?' Ad-Din asked.

''Let's go to my office first. Maria will need to rest when she is taken to her ward". Kobby said and led Ad-Din away to his office.

Dr. Brian's consulting room

Ad-Din sighed and tussled his hair. His mind was in a mess after hearing what Kobby told him.

''I thought she suddenly disappeared because of me''.

''Everything happened so suddenly back then. Maria and my wife's accident, the sudden birth of Tiana and other things. Maria's life changed drastically after the accident. She blamed herself for the accident and has being leaving in guilt. I didn't tell you because I felt it was Maria who needed to tell you about this herself but now that things have come to this end, I can't hide it from you.

The truth is, Maria has gone through a lot and her mother's abandonment is her Achilles heel. For your grandfather to mention is so casually to Maria, it only meets that he might have even known about her accident and purposefully hid it from you.

Ad-Din, we have known each other for a month already and I know that you care about Maria, but it doesn't mean I will stand by and watch your family to hurt her. To me, Maria is more than a family. She is a very important person that I must protect.

That is a promise I made to my late wife. If you don't protect her then I will consider that you don't deserve her and will be against your relationship with her''.

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