Purple Romance

Chapter 296: It's been a while, Lisa!!

After hesitating for a while, she answered the call, ''hello'' she was met with silence, ''hello, who is on the line?'' she asked and was met with silence again. Lisa sighed and was about to hang up when she heard the voice she dreaded the most in the world.

''It has been a while, right kid?'' the voice asked and Lisa's eyes widened. Her hands quivered and felt a cold shiver run down her spine. ''Dad missed you?'' the voice added and she hurriedly ended the call. With shaky hands she opened the phone up and removed the battery from it and threw them on the bed and looked around the room. When her eyes fell on the closet, she ran and climbed inside and curled herself as she murmured.

''I will be good. Please don't hurt me'' she placed her hands over her ears as she shook her head trying to shake off the voices that were in her head. it was making her dizzy, making her feel suffocated. Her breathing shortened as her body continued to convulse

''Lisa darling, come to dad''

''Are you scared of daddy''

''Have you forgotten? Your body belongs to me''

''Come here immediately, you little slut''

The voice screamed in her head and she knelt down in the closet with her head lowered she started talking incoherently.

''I will be good''

''I will be good''

''Please don't touch me''

Outside the bedroom, Paula walked out of her room to the kitchen. After drinking some water, she returned to her room and was about to go into her room when she heard subtle sobs.

''What's that sound?'' she frowned and turned towards Lisa's door, ''no, right? It has been long since she had an episode''

Paula opened the door and rushed inside and what she saw gripped her heart. She gasped and rushed to Lisa.

''Lisa'' Paula held her and shook her but there was no response except her incoherent words. It frightened Paula. Though Lisa had had such episodes in the past, she felt that today's episode was worse because usually, when she shook Lisa, she would respond and come back to her senses but that wasn't the case now. Even when she was having panic attacks she kept bowing her head like a praying mantis.

''Lisa'' Paula forcefully pulled her into a tight hug as she still continued to murmur.

The voices in Lisa's head wouldn't go away. She felt like she was going through it all over again. She held unto Paula's body tightly.

Seeing how she was acting, Paula looked around and when her eyes landed on the phone on the bed, she turned to Lisa.

''Lise, do you know who I am?''

Lisa nodded her head in between sobs.

''Then, you know I won't hurt you, right? You are the most adorable pet that I have''

Lisa nodded her head.

''Then, can you tell me what happened?''

Lisa shook her head.

''Did you receive a call?''

Lisa nodded her head and Paula's gaze turned cold. she sat on the floor and made Lisa to place her head on her laps.

''It's alright. You are fine now, Lise. I am here for you'' Paula kept patting her head until she fell asleep. She also placed her head on the bed and dozed off.


Paula stirred and opened her eyes and found herself on Lisa's bed. She saw the latter walk out of her bathroom with a bathrobe around her body.

''Are you going to slack off today? It's almost 8:00AM'' Lisa said as she brushed her teeth.

''Eeer?'' Paula looked at the wall clock and screamed, ''darn it. I am going to be late'' she got down form the bed and rushed into Lisa's bathroom and shut Lisa out.

''Hey, that's my bathroom, you wench?''

''Whose fault is it that I am late. Hey, go into my room and get me some clothes to wear. I won't take long in the shower'' Paula said from the inside.

''Assh'' Lisa cussed and went out of the room.

Paula opened the door after she left and went to Lisa's dressing table. She picked the phone and scrolled through the phone. When she saw the unknown contact on her caller list she frowned. Looks like she had to find out who the caller was from another way.

She placed the phone back and went back into the bathroom and turned on the shower. A few seconds later, Lisa returned with the clothes that she had picked for Paula.

''Hey, why are you taking forever to bath? Hurry up and leave my bathroom. Make sure you don't leave your hair in my shower or you are dead?''

''What a nice thing to say to your best friend'' Paula replied.

''Hurry up or I'm pulling you out of there''

Paula opened the door and walked out with the soapy water dripping down her body as she tied the towel around her body.

''Hey, didn't you clean yourself before coming out? Look at all the soapy water dripping''

''You said I should hurry up. I'm going to my room to finish bathing''

''Hey'' Lisa screamed at her.

''What?'' Paula shouted back, ''thanks to you I have a stiff neck, that's for rushing me. Clean after me'' Paula said before sticking her tongue out at Lisa and rushed out.

''Hey!!! That damn girl really knows how to piss me off so early'' Lisa said and went to pick a mob from the bathroom. Paula had dirtied her room with the soapy dripping down her body.

As she cleaned, she kept cussing Paula. She stopped and looked at the door and smiled before going to back to cussing her as she cleaned the floor. She was grateful Paula didn't ask her anything because she didn't know how to explain anything to her.

Paula listened to her cussing from the outside and smiled. She didn't want things to be awkward. She knew Lisa didn't want to talk about it and she was trying to stop herself from asking her, hence she decided to piss her off. That was her way of getting back at her.


When Lisa finished dressing up, she went to the hall and saw a cup of warm milk and sandwich on the table. she smiled knowing who had prepared it for her.

''She still had time to make me breakfast even when she was running late. You are the only one who cares for me this much'' she said and sat down to eat the breakfast that Paula prepared.


Paula got down from the taxi and ran towards the hotel. She was in a hurry to go and sign in before it was 8:30AM, the cut off time for workers checking in.

''Here, hurry up. You have a three to check in timeout''

A hand shoved a tablet into her face and Paula looked at and saw Magdalene.

''What are you doing, hurry and sign in'' Magdalene said and Paula nodded her head and quickly signed her name in. As soon as she did, the link closed by itself.

''Success'' Magdalene said and looked at Paula, ''you are quite audacious to be late on your second day of work, friend?''

''I know, right?'' Paula said and Magdalene took her handkerchief out and started wiping the sweat on her forehead.

''I wanted to come and pick you but then, that would make both of us late. Look at you'' she laughed at Paula and stuffed the handkerchief back into her pocket. She looked at Paula's red face, 'Paula, you are blushing. My heart just fluttered because of how cute you are''

''I am straight'' Paula said and Magdalene nodded.

''Em, and you belong to the CEO. Don't worry, I just like you as a friend, but, if you ever decide to become my lover, I wouldn't say no''

''Hey'' Paula looked at her.

''You know, when someone says 'hey', it means you have reached an intimate level of closeness with them. Thank you for not judging me even after knowing what I am''

''Let's go'' Paula said and held Magdalene's hand as they went towards the cloakroom.

Andy who saw them at a distance frowned and turned to Godiva, ''should I send Magdalene to the branch in Coastal region?''

''Afraid she will turn your woman to gay?'' Godiva teased him.

''Why are they acting like they've known each other for long when they just met yesterday?'' Andy pouted his lips.

''I didn't know you would be so cute when you are jealous. Don't worry, Magdalene won't go overboard. She likes Paula because she is the only one who doesn't treat her like a plague''

''Why is my Paula so perfect?'' Andy said and Godiva frowned and shook her head.


''How is Lisa doing? I didn't know she was such a funny girl. In any case, I think I just found friends in you two'' Magdalene sounded excited as she spoke. Yesterday, she and Lisa had bounded so well and even exchanged contacts.

''Look at you all happy?'' Paula said and they both chuckled.

''Be careful not to fall into her trap, well, then again, foxes move together'' Amara entered the cloakroom and went to her locker.

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