Purple Romance

Chapter 284: Lisa's dark past

Lisa walked out of her room to the hall as she called Paula who was still in her room.

''Paula, hurry up or we are going to be late''

''I'm here, let's go'' Paula hurried out with her handbag. They looked at each other and chuckled.

''I didn't know you were wearing that blouse?'' Lisa said and looked at the pink blouse on Paula. She was also wearing the same type of blouse but hers was light blue colour.

''We haven't dressed this way in a long time, right?'' Paula asked and Lisa nodded her head.

''Let's go'' Lisa picked the lunchbox and Paula also took the fruit basket. They were going to visit Lisa's mother at the hospital.

When they walked out of their apartment, they saw a car parked in front of Lisa's car and a man stood next to the door.

When the man saw them, he opened the door of the backseat and an elderly man got down from the car.

''Who is that?'' Lisa asked Paula.

''He does look familiar to me but I don't know who he is'' Paula said as the man stood in front of them.

''Hello, young ladies'' Mr. Bassey said and Paula recognised him immediately.

''Please sir, who are you looking for?'' Lisa asked.

''I am guessing that you know who I am, right?'' he asked and looked at Paula.

''Darling, do you know him?''

''He is Andy's father''

''Oh, I see. that means he is also the father of Leslie?'' Lisa whispered to Paula.

''Yes, dummy. Technically, he is your father in law because you are fucking his son'' Paula said into her ears and Lisa flushed.

''Can we talk alone, Miss?'' Mr. Bassey asked Paula.

''Yes, sure''

''I will be in the car, Paula'' Lisa took the basket from her and went towards her car.

''Is there something I can do for you?'' Paula asked him.

''My message is simple young woman; I want you to stop seeing my son. He said you are just a friend but I'm not sure about that'' he said and looked at Paula. She didn't look afraid of him which surprised him. He had thought that his imposing aura would scare her but she wasn't.

''Sir, the relationship between Andy and I is a platonic one'' Paula looked him in the eyes. She had nothing to hide anyways, because right now, she believed she was the only one who had feelings for him but as long as he didn't confess to her, she wasn't going to assume things.

''Listen to me I want you to stay away from my son and that's it'' he said sternly and Paula smiled. ''What is funny? Did you just smile?''

''Don't worry sir, I will do that but please also tell your son to stay away from me because I can only prevent myself from seeing him but he is stubborn, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop him from seeing me''

''What are you trying to say?''

''If there is nothing else, I would like to go now before I get late for my appointment'' Paula said to him.

''You don't seem like a dense person, so I will take it that you heard my warning very well''

Paula ignored him and got into Lisa's car. she stared outside at the car as he also got into his car and the driver drove away.

''Hey, are you alright? what did he want from you?'' Lisa asked.

''The obvious, he asked me to stay away from his son''

''What? Is he crazy? Is not like you are dating him. What kind of father does that in this age and era?''

''I know, right? Let's go'' Paula leaned against the seat.


Golden Age home for the aged.

Paula and Lisa picked the things they brought from the car and went into the shelter for the aged. This was a hospital and also a home for old people to live in.

Lisa's mother wasn't exactly old but after suffering from stomach cancer for a long time, she had moved her into this place so that her mother could be cared for while she paid the bills. This was the only thing she could do for her mother who had lost her youth to a man who didn't love her.

They only came here once a month but Lisa felt that she had grown older each time she came here. one was because she knew her mother wouldn't care to see her and if she did, it was to blame her for how her life had turned out.

When they got to the OPD, they greeted the nurse and them the drinks they had bought on the way before going to her mother's room. She always did this so that the nurses could be motivated to take care of her mother. She knew her mother was a handful.

Opening the door, they heard shouts coming from the room. Lisa's mother whose name was Hanna was sitting on the bed and shouting at the nurse who was going to administer her drips for her.

Lisa sighed and went closer, ''mom, I'm here'' she said and smiled at the nurse adding, ''let me do it instead''

''Alright?'' the nurse left it to her and walked away. Lisa smiled and went closer to her mother. She looked at the injection and syringe and felt a pang of pain in her heart as a memory came to mind. In that memory, she was in her graduate uniform, smiling brightly. But that was a long time ago. it has been three years since that happened. She was once a trained nurse but not she was the disgrace of that same profession after a scandal came out about her and the hospital director.

Lisa took the drip and after connecting it. she leaned closer to her mother who had turned her face away and spoke, ''mom, I am going to put the syringe on you and connect it to the drip. It will hurt just a little, okay?''

''Do whatever you want'' Hanna said and refused to look at her.

Paula looked at Lisa and wanted to stop her. this was what always happens every time they came to visit once a mom. Her mother would throw a tantrum and then Lisa would have to do that one job she didn't want to anymore. This was Lisa's Achilles heel, yet her mother made her recall that time over and over again.

Lisa's hands quivered slightly but she breathed in and looked at her hands before she administered the drip. She quickly finished and stood up.

''Mom, I'm done'' she said and stepped aside. The woman turned and looked at her hand and then at Lisa.

''Don't you hate me? You know I will always make you do this each time you come and you till do. are you stupid or simply stubborn?'' Hanna asked her. she knew she was hurting Lisa by doing that but she thought it would make her stop coming over but she was adamant.

''No. Mom, I brought you some broth. It's your favourite duck broth and melon juice'' Lisa said and opened the flask on the table.

'You… I hate seeing your face. Why do you keep coming here? Don't you know that the reason why I am here, is because I hate you so much that it gave me cancer? I tried so many times to get rid of you but you are such a stubborn fly. If you have time to come here, why don't you just die already?''

''Aunt, please. You are hurting Lisa''

''You too. Why are you till with her? This girl is destined to be alone by herself. If you don't stay away, that man would come for you one of these days''

The broth in Lisa's hand fell and splashed on her hand but she felt numb. The pain in her heart was heavier than the physical pain that she was going through.

''Lisa, your hand'' Paula held Lisa's hand and picked a wet towel from the side and placed it on the hand, ''let's go and get some water on it, Lisa'' Paula said and Lisa pushed her hand away and looked at the water. She bit her lips trying to hold back the tears in her eyes.

''You are right. I am a fool. A fool who still sees the woman who attempted to abort me for so many times but failed as my family. I am a fool who still considers the woman who tried to kill me several times when I was little as a mother. I am a fool who still considers the woman who abandoned me when I was in high school as a mother. I am a fool who still spends my hard earned money on a woman who told me to go to hell when I first had my period and was scared and confused and didn't know what to do. I am a fool, that's why I still come here when I know that I am going to get hurt over and over again. but, do you know something mom. I love you. I love you so much that I don't even see the hurt you put me through and still think that you will see me as someone who is worth your affection, but this is it''

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