Prototype's Gate

Alex's abilities by the end of Act 1

Intellect Devourer Abilities

Split Thinking: Capable of multitasking effectively.

Detect Minds: Sense the presence of sentient creatures within 91 meters.

Contact Mind Link: Establish telepathic communication.

Fire Immunity: Completely immune to fire.

Electrical Resistance: Highly resistant to electricity.

Chemical Simulation: Produce acid.

Body Equilibrium: Balance on any surface.

Expansion and Compression: Ability to shrink and conceal.

Mind Flayer Abilities

Enhanced Brain Structure: More powerful and efficient brain functions.

Bulette Abilities

Digging: Ability to burrow through the ground.

Armored Hide: Natural armor providing high defense.

Earth Sonar: Sense vibrations through the earth.

Ground-Softening Slime: Secrete slime that softens the ground.

Spectator Abilities

Flight: Capable of effortless flight.

Magic Generator: Generates magic energy.

Fear Ray: Emit a ray that induces fear.

Stone Ray: Emit a petrifying ray.

Wounding Ray: Emit a ray causing wounds.

Charm Ray: Emit a ray that charms targets.

Astral Shift: Shift to the astral plane once a day.

Tadpole Abilities

Mind Control: Control the minds of others.

Create Mind Flayers: Potential to transform others into mind flayers.

Ogre Abilities

(Currently, no notable abilities)

Harpy Abilities

Charming Song: Sing a song that charms listeners.

Myconid Abilities

Animator Spores: Animate dead organic matter.

Hallucination Spores: Cause hallucinations.

Pacification Spores: Daze threats.

Venom Spores: Induce illness.

Reproduction Spores: Create new myconids.

Telepathic Spores: Telepathic communication.

Distress Spores: Alert other myconids of danger.

Duergar Abilities

Mage Armor: Magical protective armor.

Raise Dead: Animate the dead.

Enlarge: Increase in size.

Blindness: Induce blindness.

Counterspell: Nullify other spells.

Mind Spike: Inflict psychic damage.

Mind Mastery: Enhanced mental control.

Invisibility: Become invisible.

Mind Flayer Immunity: Resistant to mind flayer control techniques.

Drow Abilities

Stealth: Move unseen.

Darkness Manipulation: Control darkness.

Faerie Fire: Reveal hidden targets.

Detect Magic: Sense magical presences.

Shadow Manipulation: Weave shadows.

Weapon Proficiency: Expert weapon skills.

Enhanced Intelligence: High intellect and tactical precision.

Magma Elemental Abilities

Create Lava: Generate and control lava.

Magmatic Disturbance: Cause eruptions.

Magmatic Regeneration: Heal using lava.

Heat Manipulation: Control heat, vulnerable to cold.

Mareggon Abilities

Hivemind: Shared vitality and collective intelligence.

Aboleth Abilities

Amphibious Adaptation: Breathe underwater indefinitely.

Mucous Cloud: Create a toxic mucous cloud.

Slime Healing: Regenerative slime for healing.

Aquatic Teleportation: Short-distance water teleportation.

True Sight: See through illusions and invisibility.

Genetic Imprint: Transfer information genetically.

Slunite Crystal Abilities

Enhanced Night Vision: See in the dark.

Lunar Empowerment: Strength from moonlight.

Moonlight Healing: Heal using moonlight.

Selunite Magic: Various moon-related magic abilities.

Lunar Shield: Protective barrier from moonlight.

Silverlight: Divine awareness.

Celestial Transformation: Transform into a celestial being.

Lathander's Blood Abilities

Radiant Aura: Emit healing and protective light.

Dawnstrike: Radiant energy-infused attacks.

Sunfire: Control and conjure solar flames.

Lathander's Blessing: Bless allies with enhanced abilities.

Rebirth: Revive a fallen ally or self once a day.

Light of Truth: Reveal hidden truths and dispel illusions.

Solar Wings: Fly with radiant wings.

Morningstar Transformation: Temporary divine warrior form.

Githyanki Abilities

Mindsteal Link : Leech off a foe's psychic energy to make them more vulnerable and strengthen yourself.

Mindsteal Tempest : Force a psychic connection on those around you.

Misty Step: Surrounded by silver mist, you teleport to an unoccupied space you can see.

Mind-Claw of Tu'narath : Summon a wicked psionic blade.

Detect Teleportation : You can sense the presence of teleportation magic. You perceive it as a visible warp in space accompanied by a loud static in your mind.

Biggerbang Abilities

Poison Gas: Emit toxic gas.

Explosive Gas: Emit flammable gas.

Torchstalk Abilities

Explosive: Detonate on impact.

Timmask Abilities

Befuddling Spores: Cause confusion.

Potion consumed

Great Healing: Major health restoration.

Speak with Animals: Communicate with animals.

Haste: Enhanced speed and reflexes.

Arsonist's Oil: Increase flammability.

Diluted Oil of Sharpness: Enhance weapon sharpness.

Oil of Accuracy: Improve aim.

Oil of Bane: Debilitate enemies.

Oil of Combustion: Increase fire damage.

Oil of Diminution: Shrink size.

Wizardsbane Oil: Weaken spellcasters.

Basic Poison: Simple toxic substance.

Crawler Mucus: Slow down targets.

Drow Poison: Induce unconsciousness.

Malice: Cause violent behavior.

Purple Worm Toxin: Lethal poison.

Serpent Fang Toxin: Venomous bite.

Simple Toxin: Basic poison.

Wyvern Toxin: Potent toxin.


Fighter: Combat prowess and durability.

Ranger - Gloomstalker: Stealth and darkvision, ambush tactics.

Fighter - Battle Master: Tactical maneuvers

Barbarian - Berserk: Rage-fueled combat abilities.

Cleric of Lathander ?

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