Project Divinity

Vol.2 Ch.11 – Bratty Sub 103: How To Be A Good Girl

Chapter 11: Bratty Sub 103: How To Be A Good Girl

Evelyn had to swallow as she saw the dental gag in Elaine's hand. She knew what the device was. She would have liked to claim that ever since awakening to her new fetish she'd done some rather extensive research. But while not entirely untrue the statement would have been deeply misleading.

She'd always had a mild fascination with BDSM gear and had spent several idly evenings looking at such items on the internet and reading descriptions of their use. She'd always done it with a sense of horrified fascination but after realizing that she actually quite liked to be talked down to and used for someone else's pleasure she'd been looking at these items in a whole new light.

Suddenly she'd seen potential where she hadn't found any before and gags in particular had been fascinating to her. Thus, when Elaine had grabbed the dental gag Evelyn had immediately known what was in store for her.

A dental gag consisted of two polished metal frames connected by two ratchets that could open up a sub's jaw to whatever degree the domme desired. The name alluded to the fact that these gags had originally been designed for use by dentists, as the intent behind the device was to lock open a person's jaw in order to gain easy access to their mouth. And given that Evelyn's face was currently at the height of Elaine's crotch she had a pretty good idea why Elaine would want her jaw locked open.

In all honesty Evelyn had fantasized about being gagged and then having her face fucked but in those fantasies she'd been wearing a ring gag, a metal ring that would keep her mouth locked open. Except... no ring gag Evelyn had ever seen would have been able to accommodate Elaine's prodigious girth.

Elaine grabbed Evelyn under the chin and pulled her head up a little, then asked:

“Will you be a good girl and open up or do I need to force your jaw open?”

“I'll be a good girl”, Evelyn whimpered, trying her best to sound at least a little bit resigned and not quite as eager as she felt.

With ease born of practice Elaine fastened the dental gag on Evelyn's mouth, the frames pushing her teeth apart and locking her jaw open. When Elaine was done she stroked Evelyn's cheek quite gently and gave her a loving look. Then she reached inside Evelyn's mouth and caught her tongue between two fingers.

Evelyn squealed in response, trying to wrench her tongue away but finding herself unable.

“Can't move your tongue very well with your jaw locked open, huh?”, Elaine teased. “You're totally helpless right now. You can't even complain anymore, can you?”

Evelyn let out a low buzzing sound of discomfort but in response Elaine only smiled.

“I love gags, you know?”, she said. “So many people seem to think they quiet people down but that's not quite true. You can still make sounds, just not any coherent ones. You can only gurgle and squeal like an animal, drooling all the while. The perfect thing for breaking proud little brats, wouldn't you agree?”

Evelyn did her best to glare up at Elaine but honestly the words just made her pussy clench, which in turn reminded her of the beads filling her ass.

“Of course”, Elaine added, “I can't deny that there's a much more pragmatic reason I like this kind of gag.”

And then she started to strip. She began by taking off her uniform top, revealing the lacy black bra she was wearing. Then she took her pants off, pulling them off alongside her boxer shorts.

She wasn't making a show of it but Evelyn still found it exciting to watch her strip, the smart uniform coming off and revealing the unbearably sexy woman Evelyn was rapidly falling for. Elaine was muscular yet feminine, hard where she needed to be but soft where it counted. She had wide breeding hips and large but perky breasts, stomach muscles that rippled and biceps that would embarrass a great many men. All of that was complemented by her classically beautiful face and fluffy shoulder-length light brown hair and contrasted by the huge cock in between her legs.

Ophelia had once estimated that Elaine was somewhere between nine and ten inches downstairs and yet despite having the thing right in front of her that number was meaningless to Evelyn. She knew intellectually that nine or ten inches was huge and she agreed that Elaine was huge but she found it impossible to even guesstimate, mainly because she was too focused on the mixture of concern and desire coursing through her at the sight of it.

The thing was already fully erect and pointing straight at her mouth and in response Evelyn's tongue lolled out, ready to receive it, ready to taste the precum already gathering at the tip.

But before Elaine shoved her cock into Evelyn's warm, wet, inviting hole she tapped out a message on her CARD.

If you can't take it anymore just send me a message.
Doesn't matter what you write, once you hit Send I stop.

And that was the true reason Evelyn was so infatuated with Elaine. The woman wasn't just gorgeous and capable of owning her in bed, able to take Evelyn's most twisted desires and not just accommodate them but delight in fulfilling them, she was also kind and sweet and considerate, able to act the part of the ruthless dominatrix while simultaneously reassuring Evelyn every step of the way.

Evelyn looked up, caught Elaine's eyes, and blinked once in acknowledgment.

Elaine gave her a loving smile utterly at odds with her role, nodded once, and then pushed her hips forward.

This was Evelyn's favorite part. She wasn't giving Elaine a blowjob. Elaine was going to fuck her mouth. The agency wasn't hers in this situation, she was just there for Elaine to use for her own pleasure. She wouldn't be able to control the pace, all she could do was hold on while Elaine took what she wanted.

And so Evelyn only had a moment to lick over Elaine's tip and taste her salty precum before the cock pushed its way farther and farther until it reached all the way down her throat and Evelyn couldn't do anything but try to lap at Elaine's heavy balls.

Just when she was starting to feel faint from the huge, hard, hot, twitching thing stuffing her mouth and throat Elaine pulled back oh-so-slowly, letting Evelyn properly appreciate just how huge the thing that had just filled her was. As it made its way back from the depths of her throat it brought with it the thick, slimy saliva hiding in the back of her throat that coated everything and made things that much slicker.

She made the most of her one moment of pause to take a deep gulping breath before Elaine's cock invaded her mouth again. She wanted to massage it with her lips but the gag prevented it and so she did her best to caress it with her tongue as it made its way back down her throat, stuffing her, stretching her out, making her go crazy from the overwhelming mass and scent filling her insides. If Elaine's cock felt this good in her mouth, how overwhelming would it be to have her in her pussy? Would she just lose her mind when this thing filled her ass?

“That's it”, Elaine cooed as she bottomed out in Evelyn's throat. “Such a good girl, such a sweet little cocksucker.”

Evelyn's pussy clenched at the compliment. Taking Elaine's shaft felt amazing already but knowing that Elaine was enjoying it made it even better. It reminded Evelyn once again that Elaine wasn't just violating her throat to fulfill her twisted desires but because she genuinely enjoyed doing it.

Again and again Elaine pumped into Evelyn's throat, staying inside just long enough to make her see stars and then pulling out slowly to let her fully appreciate what she'd just been stuffed with.

With nothing to do except take Elaine's cock and try to focus on it rather than the increasingly maddening sensation of the toy in her ass or the way the treatment was making her pussy clench Evelyn could clearly feel that Elaine was about to lose control. The way her breathing was growing frantic, the way her legs trembled and the way her previously steady rhythm was growing erratic were all clear signs that Elaine was about to lose control and cum down her throat.

Evelyn wanted to taste the thick stuff but was worried that Elaine would just pump it all down her throat and directly into her stomach but she didn't know how to tell Elaine without making her stop and that was absolutely the last thing she wanted.

“Holy fucking shit”, Elaine finally ground out. “Drink it all, baby.”

And then she came down Evelyn's throat. Evelyn's pussy clenched up from the onslaught of sensations. The way Elaine's hips had suddenly jerked forward and buried her cock down Evelyn's throat, the feeling of the cock rhythmically pulsing inside her throat, stretching her out with each massive spurt of cum that shot through it, the feeling of the hot sticky stuff pumping directly down her throat and into her tummy, the way she'd pulled back for the last two spurts so that Evelyn would be able to taste the thick liquid, the knowledge that she hadn't helped bring this about and had only been a receptacle that Elaine had vented her lust on, all of it combined to make her climax so hard her eyes swam with tears.

When the deluge of Elaine's semen had finally ebbed and Evelyn had swallowed everything her lover had given her she started lapping at the tip. She wanted to suckle it, to get out every last little drop, but her jaw was still pried open by the gag and so gently lapping at the tip was all she could do.

But even that little bit of extra stimulation was too much for Elaine and she only just managed to keep herself from falling on her ass or falling forward and crushing Evelyn under her weight. Instead she caught herself with her hands on the bed on either side of Evelyn's bound form, looming over her but not quite laying down on her.

“Jesus... fucking... Christ”, Elaine panted out.

“Ah-hah”, Evelyn agreed through the gag.

Once Elaine was coherent again she pulled all the way out of Evelyn's mouth, then dropped to her knees and removed the dental gag before giving her a rough kiss full of desire and appreciation and... love.

Yes. Evelyn felt loved. She felt cherished. She had been humiliated, spanked, hogtied, gagged, and had her throat violated and yet she felt loved. She was sure Elaine wasn't quite at that point yet, wasn't even sure Elaine would ever be at that point, but it was still the most affection any lover had ever showed Evelyn and even if their relationship never went further than this she would always cherish that kiss.

Achievement unlocked! Reached Bond Level 7. 700 Credits awarded.

“You were fucking amazing, baby”, Elaine whispered into her ear. “Do you need a break or should we keep going?”

Evelyn raised an eyebrow. They'd pretty much discarded their little roleplay now but would it be alright to just state her desires out loud? Elaine had been honest and hadn't used the CARD to get the message across, but should she do the same?

In the end she decided that typing it out with her hands tied behind her back would be too much of a pain and so she simply asked: “I'm good, but what about you? Don't you need a few minutes?”

Elaine gave her a cocky smirk and rose to her feet again, giving Evelyn a great view of her already-hard-again cock. Lord above! It'd barely been three minutes and she was already raring to go again.

“You were saying?”, Elaine asked smugly, then added in a much more serious tone: “So, do you need a break?”

Evelyn licked her lips. “No. Mess me up. Ruin me. Split me open.”

Elaine smirked at her choice of words, then warned: “I'll put it in your pussy first before I give you what you really want.”

Evelyn tried to keep the disappointment off her face. She'd spent the last two days fantasizing about anal so of course she'd wanted that but getting that massive thing shoved into her pussy truly wasn't a bad thing. Still, before she could stop herself she asked: “Why?”

Elaine smirked and reached over to run a finger along Evelyn's soaked slit. “Because I've been dying to stick it in there ever since I fingered you in the shower”, she admitted. “I want to fuck this pussy so fucking bad.”

Well, how could she possibly refuse after hearing that? “Then do it already!”

“Patience”, Elaine teased and then she was on top of Evelyn again, opening the manacles.

For a moment Evelyn was disappointed that the bondage session was over already but then Elaine twisted her around, onto her back, and began to use the spreader bar for its intended purpose. She tied both of Evelyn's ankles to it so that she couldn't properly close her legs anymore and then also tied her wrists to it so that she was totally helpless.

She'd fantasized about being bound like this. It was a very practical way to tie someone up but no less sexy for that. Like this, on her back, the tie put her on full display. She couldn't hide anything and Elaine had perfect access to both her pussy and her ass. But if Elaine were to flip her around the tie would make it so that she had to lay there, face buried in the mattress and ass up in the air, ready to be used.

For now though Elaine kept Evelyn on her back and then knelt down in front of her, perfect missionary position except for the part where Evelyn was strung up like a sow. Elaine let her cock lay down on Evelyn and the tip reached well past her bellybutton, demonstrating how deep she was going to go soon.

“Last chance to back out, baby”, Elaine warned. “If you don't tell me to stop you're getting all of this until I'm done with you.”

Evelyn had known that Elaine was huge but this really put things into perspective. And yet she wasn't scared or nervous. She was excited. It might hurt going in and she was definitely going to be sore tomorrow but it would be oh-so-worth it. But clearly Elaine needed one last push and so Evelyn drew on her role as the brat once again.

“Getting cold feet?”, she asked with a cocky smirk.

Elaine's smile was wolfish. “You asked for it.”

In all the excitement Evelyn had forgotten one crucial detail: She still had the entire chain of anal beads stuck inside her rear. She'd been mostly able to ignore them after coming from having her face fucked but they presented a little problem. Elaine was huge and was going to stretch her out well enough on her own but there was something else filling her up already.

She was acutely reminded of this when Elaine's cock pushed inside her, spreading her pussy out as it went, and as the hot, hard length filled her up it brought the sensation of the unyielding wooden beads back to the forefront of her thoughts. Her insides were squirming to accommodate Elaine's girth and as they squirmed they clutched around those beads, giving Evelyn more stimulation than she'd ever experienced, almost more than she could handle.

“Oh god...”, Evelyn whined out and was disappointed to feel Elaine stop in her tracks.

“Are you okay, baby?”, she asked, genuine concern in her voice. “You're crying.”

Evelyn all but growled at her. “You gave me a safeword. You'll know when I want you to stop.” Then she amended, in a gentler tone of voice: “Kiss me.”

It was a command Elaine was only too happy to follow. As she forced her cock deeper and deeper into the exquisitely smooth, soaking wet pussy in front of her she leaned forward, pressing the spreader bar down as she went, and kissed Evelyn long and deep and hard, their tongues fencing as Elaine slowly but inexorably buried as much of her length in Evelyn as would fit.

Evelyn had never felt so full in her life, the huge thing stretching her out almost but not quite too much to bear. The feeling of being pried open danced the knife's edge between pleasure and pain and it was the most amazing sensation Evelyn had ever felt in her life. She wanted to lay a hand onto her tummy, wanted to know if she could feel a bulge whenever Elaine thrust inside, but there was nothing she could do but lay there, hold on and take it. Whose bright idea had it been for her to be totally helpless and unable to move during her first time with Elaine? Oh right, hers.

Stupid, stupid, stupid!

“You're taking my cock so well”, Elaine growled into her ear. “Do you like the way I'm fucking you?”

“Uh-huh”, Evelyn whimpered. She was beyond words already.

“Good, because you'll be taking it even harder next”, Elaine told her.

“Huh?”, Evelyn squeaked out, then whimpered as Elaine withdrew her cock. Instantly she felt empty, the place inside her that had never been so completely filled before now feeling hollow.

Before she knew what was happening to her, though, Elaine had flipped her over. The side of her face now pressed against the mattress and her ass was high up in the air, her limbs a tangle underneath her. And finally she felt Elaine looming behind her a moment before she felt the hot, hard length of her cock resting between her ass cheeks. Oh god. Was it finally happening now?

No, it wasn't. Instead she felt Elaine's cock shoving its way inside her pussy once again, taking away the empty feeling again. Good lord but it felt like she was reaching even deeper in this position.

“Goddamn but you have an amazing ass”, Elaine told her and then gave said posterior another hard smack.

“Fmmmmmck”, Evelyn mumbled, the combination of Elaine's cock forcing itself inside her and her hand crashing down on her still tender flesh almost more than she could take.

Elaine gave it to her in long and deep strokes and Evelyn could do nothing but lay there, take it and, to her embarrassment, drool onto the bed.

“Well would you look at that”, Elaine finally said, her tone trying for smug but coming out as a hard gasp. Apparently Evelyn's pussy was making her feel as good as her cock felt for Evelyn. “I almost forgot about these.”

And then Evelyn felt the indescribable sensation of the anal beads being pulled out.

“Ohgodohgodohgodohgod”, she kept chanting as bead after bead popped out of her ass. By the time they were all out her asshole was gaping ever-so-slightly. She could tell because of the cool breeze she could feel on her hot insides. The feeling was a little addictive.

“You know what comes next, right?”, Elaine asked, then shoved two lubed-up fingers inside Evelyn's ass.

“Uh-huh”, Evelyn whimpered, trying her best to shake her ass to show Elaine she wanted this but with Elaine's fingers churning her up inside she could barely do anything. Her cock was incredible enough but her cock and her fingers were more than Evelyn could handle.

“Oh god damn but this ass feels so fucking amazing, baby”, Elaine told her. “I can't wait to put my cock in here. You want my cock in here, don't you?”

“Uh-huh”, Evelyn whimpered again.

“You know if I'm going to fuck this ass I'm going to pump it full of cum, right?”

“Yessss”, Evelyn hissed, doing her best to push back on Elaine's fingers in response.

And then Elaine did what Evelyn had been yearning for. She slowly, carefully pulled her cock out of Evelyn's pussy, leaving it gaping open. Then she spread a generous helping of thick, water-based lubricant all over her cock and then lined it up at Evelyn's slightly gaping, twitching asshole.

Elaine was far bigger than the toy Evelyn had been abusing her ass with but between the stretching they'd subjected her to and the generous amount of lube on her cock Elaine slid right in. Her pace was slow but inexorable as she pushed her cock inside, going deeper and deeper until she was wholly buried inside Evelyn's ass, her heavy balls pressing against Evelyn's soaked pussy.

Evelyn had imagined what taking Elaine's huge cock up her ass would feel like but she'd undershot it by an order of magnitude. The way it stretched her tight ring of muscle open, only just small enough not to hurt, the way the slippery hardness slid inside her, the way her bowels were filled up, the sheer heat of the thing forcing its way inside her, all of it simply took her breath away and she had to make a conscious effort to keep on breathing.

And that was just the feeling of Elaine first sliding inside her. When she finally started thrusting it became even more intense. The feeling of her cock slowly pulling out had Evelyn desperate to clutch the sheets but she couldn't do it, tied up as she was, so she contented herself with gurgling out:

“Oh fuck...”


“Oh fuck”, Elaine echoed her as she started to give Evelyn's ass the proper fucking it deserved.

She fucked her in long, slow strokes, hoping to enjoy every inch on every pass. The breathtaking tightness of the entrance, the exquisitely smooth warmth of her squirming insides, the body quivering underneath her, and of course the sight of her cock sliding in and out of Evelyn's gorgeous and perfectly spankable ass, the way Evelyn's flesh was stretched so tight around her cock, all of it was driving her wild.

She'd long since lost count of Evelyn's orgasms and only the redhead's continued whimpers even let Elaine know that she was still conscious. She'd been plowing Evelyn for at least half an hour now and it was becoming impossible to hold on any longer. She was sure she could have cum at least four times if she'd wanted to but she'd wanted to be the domme in perfect control of the situation and so she'd held back as long as she could. But now she was reaching her limits.

“Get ready”, she growled. “I'm gonna fill you up, baby.”

“Uh-huh”, Evelyn whimpered underneath her, barely more than a quivering pile of flesh right now.

As she heard that she gave Evelyn one final, savage thrust and then came.


Evelyn all but lost her mind at that final thrust. She'd been coming a whole lot but at that moment she came harder than any other time before, her brain all but running out of her ears at the sheer pleasure. Her insides had been stretched out by Elaine's huge cock already but now the thick, sticky cum filled her even more, reaching places that even Elaine's cock hadn't been able to fathom. More and more flooded into her, her tummy feeling hot and full, and in a desperate attempt to feel more she pushed back against Elaine, grinding into her and stirring up all the hot cum inside her bowels.

When Elaine had nothing more to give she rushed to get all the manacles off of Evelyn before she collapsed on top of her lover and pulled her close.

“You're so fucking amazing”, Evelyn told her, her voice slurred.

“Right back at you”, Elaine gasped out.

“Hey Elaine?”, Evelyn asked in a small voice.

“Yeah?”, Elaine answered.

“I think I might more than just appreciate you...”

Elaine smiled. “That's good, because I more than just appreciate you, too.”

Achievement unlocked. Reached Bond Level 8. 800 Credits awarded.

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