Private Wife

Chapter 47

Xifan didn’t know that when she cared about Young Master Helen, the corners of her mouth turned up slightly, as if she was inviting him to kiss her, her eyebrows were extremely soft, and her faint smile added two points of crimson.

Looking at her expression, then gritted his teeth and bitterly, **** it! He really missed her a few mouthfuls.

In normal times, he can still manage to control it, but after she shows such unparalleled love for him, how can he be able to control it?

So Wang added impulsively, and then he held her to her chest, but she could not help but protest, bowed her head and grabbed her (red hong) lips, gave her a deep and passionate kiss, and he kissed her consciousness and sealed it. Her soul made her unable to move like a bunny in a trap.

With her lips and teeth intertwined, Xifan’s heart beats wildly.

She couldn’t tell what it felt like, whether it was endocrine chaos, love surprise, or…

She became an ice cream melting in the warm sun and a vine clinging to him. Not only did she not hate this kiss, but…like it?

Yes, I like it, she hopes this kiss can last, and hopes that he can stay by her side…

The mind became more confused, his kiss turned her stupid into a brain-dead, and asked her to overlap him with Young Master Helen.

However, the situation was not better than her. He couldn’t tell whether the stuffed feeling in his heart was ecstasy, caution or anger. He only knew that her lips were so soft, sweet, and beautiful, overlapping with the perception in his memory.

He wanted to desperately press her under (body shen), and use a “fierce” method to make her understand that he was the man she “wanted and missed”.

Xifan doesn’t know where her illusion comes from? She wasn’t sure if he wanted to replace Shen Ran, but how could he…how could he be so like him? !

His hugs, his breath, his movements, his kisses, everything about him… No one is willing to be a substitute, but he did not learn anything about the role of the substitute (color se) to be perfect.

She has a good sense of virtue, she is a person in the democratic era, she will not regard anyone as a substitute, but he…substitute almost replaces the real thing, how can she do it?

He seemed to kiss not enough, a tight, a loose, dense kiss, a deep kiss, capturing all her feelings, stirring her conscience and reason, and stirring her head into oars.

Her blood pressure is abnormal, her heartbeat is abnormal, and her muscle endurance has become extremely poor, so her (body shen) is so soft that it can only be attached to him (body shen).

When a person becomes hemp on you (body shen), you will know.

Then it became clear that she in her arms had melted for herself.

Gently let go of her, looking at her

“You sure remember what the man looks like when you “think about it day after day and miss every day” and “love it forever?” “

In a word, he quickly brought back her reason of flying 60,000 nautical miles away.

“I am, I am…”

Suddenly, she couldn’t make any sound like being pinched.

She remembered, why did he repeat this question, why did he give it a question mark, but his tone was unusually firm? Could it be that he and Shen Ran…

The answer retracted, she decided to shut up and waited for his response.

“Of course I remember?” It was a question mark again, but his tone was aggressive. He laughed, smiling a little ugly, and an index finger swayed and swayed in front of her. He said, “You don’t remember, you don’t remember the person who was married to you. Actually, what does the man who gave you Xiaopin look like.”

She just doesn’t want to think about it, just want to live simple, does not mean that she is a fool, Jiang Lun’s expression and tone, if she can’t hear the ghost, she is really stupid.

Xifan asked slowly, “What is your basis? Why do you dare to say it to death?”

Then he pulled the corners of his stiff mouth and threw out an atomic bomb——

“Because I am your son Helen!”

boom! After blasting in one second, Xifan was blown to pieces.

A pair of eyes fixed on his face, she tried to recall the fragments in her memory.

How can it be? Is he son Helen? Ka! It froze in an instant, and her head hardened.

Not a joke? So there is nothing wrong with the sixth sense? So familiarity makes sense? So she didn’t have a spring dream because of him, but he was originally her spring dream? !

“How can it be?!”

“Why it’s impossible! Don’t you remember me? Don’t you miss me? Don’t you love me without regret? Why don’t you recognize me when I stand in front of you?”

“Uh…I’m a bit blind and don’t know how to recognize people, but…but you look completely different from Master Helen. He is chubby and white, and looks like someone who has never suffered. Rich son, but you are black, and (gan), and, with your face

[Continuation of the first section of Chapter 47 of the Private Wife]With wind and frost…”

As if to prove her own words, she grabbed his arm and said, “Where can Helen have such a stretched vein?”

“Want to know why I became like this? No (guan), I will tell you slowly. Because you didn’t discuss with me, you pretended to be open-minded and stay away from my life; you didn’t ask me in front of me. Mind, just abandon me; these years, I left everything in the capital and looked for you everywhere. I searched every lake in the south of the Yangtze River, guessing that maybe you will open a restaurant by a certain lake.

“I ask my subordinates to look for delicious restaurants. As long as someone reports that they have a special taste and have never seen a way, I will rush over by myself to see if the proprietress inside is Han Xifan.

“Five years, five whole years, have you ever thought about how much I was suffering? Have you ever thought about how worried and uneasy I was… Do you know how I have been through these thousand and eight hundred days? Here?

“Yes, I am ugly and old. The 22-year-old man has gone through vicissitudes of life back then and is no longer young…”

His mouth was open and closed, and he kept accusing her.

“No, you planted a spoil! You don’t care about me at all. You want to marry a princess. There are several aunts and common houses in your family. You want to be a great son. I heard you say to your second brother…” Xifan Refute for herself, if she didn’t understand the facts, she would not leave.

“Yes, you can hear it, but I said all those things to my second brother, not to you, did they?”

“So, it doesn’t count?”

“If I do not approve of the second brother and the second brother, and don’t say that I want to marry the princess and become the son of the world, how can I deceive him back to the capital? How can I push him to the position of the son of the world? How can you not marry the princess? Of course I need to tell him a lie!

“But what about you? You didn’t even ask, and you threw me away. You never thought about my thoughts, you only care about your own mood. You are afraid that when you question me, you will hurt your self-esteem, you think so It’s called open-minded, you think it would be more chic if you turn your head and walk away, but if you do this, you waste the five years between us in vain.

“During the past five years, I couldn’t sleep well. I’m so worried about you, a traverser, can you adapt to the world here? Will you be deceived? Will you just marry casually if you turn your mind? Other men? I am afraid every day, looking for your whereabouts…”

He is not a talkative man, but at this moment, he is full of grievances and wants to pour out.

In five years, how many men can hold on to women for five years? He has not given up on searching. He tells himself every day that if God asks Han Xifan to cross in order to let them meet, there is no reason for the two to separate. Even though this argument is weak, he still insists!

“Sorry, I can’t understand your logic. What is the connection between a lie and marrying a princess?”

But with a wry smile, how can she understand such a complicated matter in just a few words?

He took her to the table and he poured two glasses of water. He had a long story to tell. He had to speak beautifully and touchingly, so that she was willing to understand. The problem between them was a misunderstanding.

Because he didn’t want to wait anymore, he planned to make her his own woman again tonight.

“My name is Shen Ran, the Third Young Master of Zhenbei Palace, I have two older brothers…”

Starting from his home and the court, he described the delicate position of Zhenbei Wangfu in front of the emperor.

He said that the Zhenbei Palace was full of talents, and the emperor wanted to use it but was afraid of threatening the dragon chair by the overwhelming power.

After talking about the court, he talked about the backyard of the palace, the mother’s selfishness, the grandfather’s calculations, and the brother’s feelings. He also said that both grandparents and grandsons agreed that only a low-key can keep the peace. Smart and deep in the city, he came to assume the title, and the more mediocre the King of the North, the more peace of mind the emperor would be.

However, Princess Zhenbei couldn’t understand their foresight.

He also talked about his (sexual xing) personality and mood, and his determination to leave the court.

Then he told her how he used the treasure hunt to retreat, how to create a mountain disaster and let himself evaporate from the world. That time, except for the forbidden army who escorted the treasure back to Beijing, he and his people all died in the “mountain disaster.” .

When the news came back to the capital, he guessed how the emperor was feeling.

He said that he made such a great contribution. No matter how unwilling the emperor is, he can’t help but marry him. But the emperor is worried, and he is afraid that under his leadership, Zhenbei Wangfu (强qiang) It was big enough to call the wind and rain in the court, so when he died, all the emperor’s problems were solved.

..(“Private Wife” Chapter 47 of the full text online reading end)..

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