Princess Fox

Chapter 25 – Protected

Sometimes, you make a spur of the moment decision, not really thinking about the consequences. And then said consequences haunt you forever. Posting something on social media when drunk, quitting your job to pursue your impossible dreams… or in my case, randomly catching two words that were floating in my head at the moment and deciding it would make a great super name.

Really, why in the world had I called myself Princess Fox?!

“Is the little crown really necessary…? And the tail-like thing?”

“It’s about the image. Having a costume that fits your name is better. And focusing on this theme also diverts attention from what your power might be.”

That was… a good point. Officially, my power was some kind of secret-finding ability, and the image of a foxgirl with a crown hardly hinted at that kind of powerset.

Except… I didn’t have any powers! So it was a double ruse!

Well, if I ignored the thought of wearing this in the public, the powersuit itself was pretty cool… and also cute. Cool and cute, the best combo.

Now, the only question left was… where the heck did Fractal get my measurements to build this? Was I supposed to be creeped out? Had I told him at some point without remembering it? Knowing myself, it wouldn’t surprise me.

“Try it on. Tell me what you think. I’ll be in my office,” Fractal said and then left me with the powersuit.

With a sigh, I made triple sure to lock the door this time so no wild Rob would appear to witness my idiocy again.

And then, it was time to play dress-up again. Except instead of cosplay and cute clothes in general, this not only looked cute, but it also had some dang functions.

According to the user manual Fractal had left me -- what kind of villain made user manuals for his powersuits, anyway? -- this thing had integrated jet boots, laser guns, heat sensors, and about a gazillion other features that I didn’t even know what they meant.

Well, my boss definitely hadn’t skimped out when making this thing. I could probably jump right into super fights with this and come out victorious… without having to rely on somehow accidentally reflecting projectiles with sunglasses.

Alright, enough stalling. Time to get suited up.

I stepped into it and pushed the hidden buttons in the suit just as the manual showed. The thing came alive and closed around me.

Maybe I should have felt claustrophobic, but instead, it felt incredibly comfy. Once again, I wondered where the heck had Fractal gotten my measurements to make something that fit this nicely.

No, seriously. The suit felt… too comfortable. Where had he gotten such precise measurements? Did he have some X-ray scanners or something? And if he did… did that mean he also knew about… the thing I only figured out recently?

I stared at the wall as I thought about it. Did he know? If so, why hadn’t he said anything? Damn, this was kinda awkward… I should ask him… somehow. Yeah, let’s do that.

But first…! I needed to test this amazing suit! Let the future me handle that uncomfortable nonsense!

The mirror also showed me that I’d been completely right. Cool and cute. The ears, tail, and crown were the cute part, while the metallic look and a visor covered the cool part. I had nothing to complain about.

Sure, the thought of wearing this in public did feel a bit silly, but considering all heroes and villains wore weird costumes, I would probably get used to it soon… right?

Shaking that thought, I began testing the functions of the suit.

The jet boots worked perfectly; I didn’t even flip across the room as soon as I activated them. In fact, I had my suspicions it had some kind of balancing device built into it.

The integrated lasers had a stun option, so I didn’t necessarily need to fry my opponents, and the heat sensors clearly showed me that Fractal didn’t skimp out on coolers in my supercomputer either.

As I continued to test the functions, my mind idly wandered back to Fern and Iron Pack. Even though they were so like-minded, I still feared they wouldn’t get along. Like… what would Fern say about the whole supervillain thing? Was I being too presumptuous thinking they would get along no problem?

Well… I would cross that bridge when I got to it. For now, giving Fractal five star ratings on his power-armor construction was the priority.

And also… posing a bit of an awkward question.

“Good. I’m glad you like it.”

“I do… but err…”

“Yes? Something wrong?”

“I mean, it fits perfectly… but I don’t remember you ever taking my measurements.” I gave him a suspicious look.

“Oh… oh. Wait, no, that’s a misunderstanding! It’s actually my power’s doing!” 

“Your power? I thought your power is to build things?”

“Well, yes, but there’s more to it. My power allows me to build equipment for a specific person in mind,” he explained. “So I didn’t need to take your measurements. My power allowed me to instinctively know the right shapes and sizes of all the parts I made.”


That actually made sense. But… it still didn’t answer the question of whether he knew or not. 

“What? You thought I was spying on you? Watching you through secret evil villain cameras installed in your bathroom?”

That took me by surprise. Had he just made a joke?

“What? No, I…”

“I’m better than that! I’m a villain with morals!”

“Alright, I get it! I didn’t know that’s how your power worked!”

Wait, why was I the one apologizing now?!

“Alright… anyway, I’m planning out the mission, but I thought I could use some of your input.”


“Yeah. I still don’t know what exactly it does, but your power seems to always lead you exactly where you want to.”

Oh, not this again… 

“I’m thinking about centering the plan around you so your power can work its magic.”

What? He was planning on putting me in the middle of a freaking superhero base heist?!


“I’ll double your pay this month if you do this for me.”

“I’m in!”

Wait, no! Stupid greedy impulsive brain! That’s not what I was supposed to say!

“Excellent,” Fractal said with satisfaction.

At that point, I felt like I couldn’t back out anymore.

“L-let’s do our best.” I gave him a shaky thumbs up.

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