Princess Fox

Chapter 18 – Buried

I had participated in a few competitions in my life, but never had I won any sort of award in the process. 

Well, the good news was that I was probably going to get my first ever award!

The bad news was that it would be the Darwin award. 

Working under a supervillain whilst having no powers of my own? Going deep into the part of the city where super fights happened on a daily basis? Sneaking into a building that was about to crumble and climbing up? I might as well wear a shirt that said ‘I’m with stupid’ and an arrow pointing up at my own face!

Alright… calm down… no need to panic. After all, I wasn’t dead yet. In fact, I’d somehow avoided getting injured at all! Even my flashlight didn’t have a single scratch on it! Unfortunately, it seemed like I was the exception.

Iron Pack sat on the ground while holding her bleeding arm. Her iron bears did their best to hold up the rubble from crushing us in the meantime. As for the heroes, I had no idea where they had gone. I could only hope they were fine. I mean, sure… they were Iron Pack’s enemies… and Fractal’s enemies too… but I wouldn’t be alright with them dying or getting injured.

“Aster…” Iron Pack said with pained breath.

Here it was. After all this time, I finally managed to find and meet Iron Pack again. Sure, I would have preferred the meeting to be literally anywhere else than under a few tons of concrete that was about to crush us alive… but hey, beggars can’t be choosers. What could I do?

Panic, that‘s what. I still wasn’t ready for this. My heart was smashing against my chest. The few brain cells I had were scuttling around, trying to come up with something to say. Anything.

“Uh… hi?” I said for the third time today.

The villainess looked at me for a second before shaking her head. “Hello,” she said deadpan. ”I did not expect to meet you again. Especially not like this… What in the world were you doing in there?”

Searching for you so I could confess my undying love.

“I… uhh… exploring?”



She breathed in and let out a slow sigh. After that she got up and looked around, still holding her bleeding arm.

“Alright, reasons for your presence aside, we gotta find a way to get out of here.”

I nodded dumbly and internally cursed myself for missing my chance to confess. Well, I still had time before we inevitably got pressed into ketchup by the former rat hotel.

Wow, I was being way too negative. No, we would get out of here alive, I would confess, and we would both live happily ever after!

Yeah! Now, that sounded like a plan!

“So, Aster… I won’t ask directly what your power is, but could it help us in our situation?”

“Uh, what?” Her voice knocked me back to reality.

“Your power.” She gestured for me to talk with her hand. “Can it help us?”

My power? Why was everyone automatically assuming I had superpowers? I didn’t have any! And lying to Fractal and everyone in his team already made me feel horrible! Yeah, I wasn’t going to lie to Iron Pack as well!

“Okay, I’ll do my best!” I gave her a thumbs up and smiled.

Waaaaait, why had I said that?! That’s exactly the opposite of what I had just decided to do! Argh, someone please slap this dumbassery out of me!

“Good.” Even through the mask, I could see the warm smile on her face.

Ah… screw it. I’m not backing out of this anymore. Ugh… alright, fine. Time to get my bullshit pants on.

… that sounded kinda gross.

I began scanning the surroundings with a serious expression, pretending to be using some secret finding power.

I felt guilty for lying again, but also… part of me felt really happy Iron Pack was relying on me. On me! The useless idiot with no redeeming qualities, being relied on by the cool and amazing villainess. God, was I actually happy our meeting happened under countless tons of concrete rather than, say, a peaceful cafe or a park? I really was a dumbass.

As I continued to insult my brain using my brain, I found the earpiece Rob had given me. It had been crushed and most likely wouldn’t be of any use anymore. I quickly grabbed it and hid it inside my hoodie pocket before continuing my scanning.


Something seemed odd at this particular part of the rubble. Without thinking, I instinctively touched a piece of concrete and pushed it. Our surroundings shook.

“What are you--?!” Iron Pack yelled out before the concrete began crashing around us again.

I squeaked and squatted while covering my head. Once again, somehow, nothing even scratched me and in a few moments the ruins around us seemed to stabilize again.

I peeked from my squatting position and saw light coming out of an opening big enough for us to squeeze through. I then flicked my eyes back to Iron Pack who somehow also hadn’t been injured any further and stared at me with her eyes wide open.

“Uh… oops?”

“Aster… please warn me next time.” She glanced at the newly formed tunnel. “I have to admit though… your power is kind of ridiculous.”

What power?! My power to get into extremely dangerous situations and somehow not get hurt?

Wait, was that my power? Did I have a power? Surely this was all coincidence and dumb luck, right? I was just an idiot… I couldn’t possibly have powers… right?

“Let’s get out of here then. Hopefully… those two are alright as well.”

Those two? Did she mean the heroes? Ah, she really was a nice person, wasn’t she? Caring even about her enemies as her arm was bleeding. Dammit… I really did love her.

We carefully climbed out of the newly formed exit and after a second of being blinded by the sunlight, we found ourselves free of the concrete prison. It was a little bizzare to see just a mound of rubble where the hotel used to stand.

“Alright…” She touched my shoulder which made me stiffen. ”It was nice meeting you again… even though this was kinda rough. I gotta go, will you be alright on your own?”

Ahhh, she cared about me! Instead of booking it right away, she made sure I was alright! Why was she so amazing?!

“Uh… yeah?”

She nodded with a smile. “See you later then.”

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! I still didn’t get my chance to confess! I won’t get a chance like this again! Quick, brain! Do something!

“See you.” I smiled.

Brain, you traitoooooor!

She summoned her wolf as my mind kept racing, thinking of a way to stall her so I could finally confess.

She was about to hop on when a voice interrupted us.

“There she is!”

We both looked to see the source. Fissure stood there with a very angry look on his face. Nova floated above him seeing just as pissed off.

Oh boy, this didn’t seem good.

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