Prince of Nazarick

Chapter 34: Kelart Custodio

Kelart Custodio was many things. An information gatherer, a high priestess of the church, or the leader of the priesthood of this kingdom. However, most importantly she was the friend of Calca Bessarez, the current Queen of the Roble Holy Kingdom and it was precisely because of her friendship with her that she was also the hidden hand that was doing the dirty work of anyone going against herself, Calca, or her 'simple' sister.

If there was someone to get rid of, she was the one who would order her forces to do so in secret. Most didn't know to what length she would go to protect her friend and sister and those that would come to know, would be dead as soon as they realized it.

How mercilessly she would strike anyone that was hostile to them wasn't something she made ever public. Even Calca, for whom she would use unhanded tactics, didn't know what she was ready to do. Of course, her thoughts about ruthless approaches weren't something her good friend could allow, which was why she had held back on numerous occasions.

However, she wasn't too upset about Calca's naivety and good-heartedness. It was something she could appreciate about her good friend. Something that she even had begun to love about her, despite the effect it had on her. Considering her position, her excessive kindness didn't bring too much good news to her. The workload that she could have gotten rid of if she had terminated the problem entirely was immense.

Currently, she had to navigate the foolish attempts of the southern nobles that were desperately trying to hold onto their power, despite the fact that they already were on borrowed time. They were remnants that didn't want to admit that they were expendable and the 'rights' they held onto were ridiculously outdated.

Still, it made her work grow as she could hardly replicate the actions of the Bloody Emperor without Calca heavily disapproving of her actions. No matter what, there were also other responsibilities that grew with her position and Calca's ambitions. They needed allies. Powerful allies that could withstand the pressure of the nobles, especially those of the South.

The tension between the southern nobles and northern nobles had grown as the conflict between the two sides persisted. Good thing that they had compensated the nobles who had willingly submitted to them with some liberties. Unfortunately, despite the loyal lackeys they had gathered over the years, their conflict with the South wasn't easily resolved.

The natural division through the bay that was running through the kingdom made it hard for the influence of the royal family to assert itself properly. Of course, most of the kingdom was still governed by the crown, but it was undeniable that a separate kingdom might form through the separation and lack of influence of the kingdom's current ruler.

She already foresaw that they would try to legitimate their right to rule through Calca's older brother. Fortunately, Calca was competent enough to not give rise to any need for a change in rulership through her brother. Not to mention Caspond Bessarez had no intention of ruling and had voluntarily given up on his right to rule. Otherwise, it would have been difficult for the first female ruler to appear in this kingdom.

Still, there was no doubt in her mind that the South would do its best to remain in power. They would die screaming and struggling. It was exceedingly annoying that they just wouldn't see what was best for them and the country. Of course, there were those that were on the fence, and with sufficient might, they might change their tune and dance for them as they were supposed to. It would certainly help Calca in her vision of a peaceful kingdom.

Even though they were already in possession of the top military strength of the kingdom with her being in charge over the priests and her muscle-head sister, Remedios Custodio, being the grandmaster of the kingdom's Paladin Order and member of the Nine Colors, they were still unable to pressure the other side to give in.

Even with most of the Nine Colors being amicable to the crown, the Southerners were a stubborn bunch. Of course, they also knew that we couldn't just deploy them because of a simple disagreement about their attitude, especially since Calca had proven to be tolerant. Not to mention that it was difficult to go against them since even if they knew that they disregarded the new laws of the crown, they could hardly prove it as long.

Regardless they would need some talents in their midst and that was precisely why she had gone to Kalinsha, the first fortress to take the brunt of a demi-human invasion in case the wall fell. This would be the place they would have gathered to discuss the demi-humans if the invasion hadn't been stopped by an adventurer.

Usually, they would have more than enough paladins to combat such a threat. Unfortunately, Remedios had seen red at the sight of the demons and had gone on a hunt to kill every last of them. The fact that they were only able to catch some minor demons without a sight of a unique demon that must have ordered this organized attack, showed that they were hardly successful.

This in turn resulted in some criticism from those nagging nobles about their usage of the kingdom's resources like they hadn't forcefully recruited a bunch of their citizens to stand around in their castles. Luckily most of the northern peasants knew that this was an unlawful practice by now. Of course, a drawn sword was too persuasive to object to the conscript.

Either way, she was now in Kalinsha for the purpose of recruiting the adventurer group of two to officially give them their new rank of Orcicalcum, the second highest ranking an adventurer could get. Their true rank was clearly Adamantite, but there were formalities to a rank up, which was why they would only be attributed to the second highest one.

They could rank them up just with the feat they had shown, but it would obviously bring discontent from other adventurers. Although the fact that they were only two people and showed the same capabilities as a group of 5+ in the same rank showed that their individual prowess was indeed above their peers.

Still, they would have to do some more missions until everyone could be completely convinced, not only about their strength but their capabilities for the other tasks an adventurer could undertake. At least, that was the statement that the guild leader of Kalinsha had told her.

She would take his word for it as she was not to judge the guild's decision about who and when to rank somebody up. Besides, she wasn't here to judge the guild, but to poach two talents. The guild suspected this too, which was probably why they put up a stiff smile when they arrived.

Obviously, the decision would lie with the adventurer in the end, but she would make sure to give them an offer that they couldn't refuse. Given the intel she had gotten from the inhabitants of this city, the group that lacked a name, consisting of Azazel and Fubuki, was indeed praiseworthy. Not only in abilities and efficiency but in character as well.

She was hopeful in her recruitment as she would have great use of a foreign noble adventurer. Someone that wasn't bound and could easily infiltrate their opposition without raising too many eyebrows would be the perfect tool for her schemes.

Her gaze swept through the hall. To the left side were the guild leader of this city and his right hand, the vice-leader. To her right were her priestess bodyguards and a paladin, Sir Roland, who had apparently already talked to the leader of the duo. It appeared that they separated on good terms, so she had brought him along to give Azazel a familiar face to approach and talk to.

Her arrival had been announced only to the ones present and of course to the adventurers that were to be awarded for their bravery at the battlefront on top of the wall, or in case of her poaching target in the midst of an army of demi-humans.

Of course, the fact that she would be here to award them was just a guise for the one adventurer duo, but that was a fact that others didn't need to know. Officially, she was just here to praise them and with the reputation that she had carefully crafted for the foolish southern nobles, it perfectly aligned with their usual attitude.

One by one the adventurer groups with notable achievements during this invasion attempt walked into the hall. She scrutinized each member, trying to find the ones she was looking for. It wasn't every day to encounter such powerful individuals, so she had to maintain a courteous attitude at all times.

After the third group walked in and lined up before them, her targets stepped into the hall. It was like a switch was being flipped as they entered. There was just something that attracted everyone's attention. From what the peasants had mentioned, Azazel was said to be a divine being. Obviously, for peasants any paladin with some battle-hardened aura could get such a reputation to the untrained eye, but there were also some recounts among the initiated.

The paladin on the right for example had spoken volumes about his presence. An aura of a chosen one, a blessed child of their god. Something about him seemed to have fascinated each person her team had questioned. The moment he had stepped into the hall, she could see what the others had felt when looking at him.

His appearance certainly helped his divine aura that others said he exuded. He walked into the hall completely at ease as if he wasn't bothered at all by the stares he got from the other adventurers, guild leaders, and herself. Although she didn't want to sound arrogant, she was a person with considerable status. Not to mention that her powers put her at the very top of this nation. Of course, most didn't know the true extent of what she was capable of, but she had revealed enough to the public to earn the respect of even the highest-ranked adventurer.

Even without all this, she was confident that her looks could turn most men into a stammering mess. She had benefited from befriending Calca, who had developed several new divine spells for skin care, even if she had to shake her head that a powerful divine magic caster, used her talent to keep her admittedly beautiful appearance.

Azazel certainly had a certain demeanor that demanded attention and respect. If someone told her that he was a king, the grand master of the paladin order, or some other notable character, she would have believed it. Perhaps he had a significant status in his former nation, but there wasn't too much information to confirm this.

Though one thing was for sure no one could cultivate such a bearing without significant status, training, mindset, and power. Her eyes wandered to the other person that completed the duo. Azazel's wife, Fubuki was as much as a beauty as she heard.

It was almost baffling that a random woman she had never heard of prior to their arrival in their country was as beautiful or even more so than herself and the Queen. A feat that not many if any could boast of. To match this nation's Queen in appearance, someone that had earned praise even from her enemies, wasn't easy. It didn't help that such a woman was not only beautiful but also powerful beyond what most could ever hope to achieve.

Looking at the two walking into the hall and lining up with the other adventurers was a treat for the eyes. They certainly fit together, a perfect couple that one would tell their children about. At least, appearance-wise. Who knew how these two truly were? If no one was watching and their reputation couldn't take a hit, would they continue their act?

According to their record, they were said to be hard-working and diligent at work, helpful and humble. But she was sure that there was more than meets the eye. Their vague origin story already rose some eyebrows, but their demeanor and power were a dead giveaway. There was just no way, they would be unknown. Even if they were from a distant country, she would have heard rumors of them, right?

Seeing that everyone had arrived, she took a step forward. "Ladies and gentlemen, my dear adventurers, esteemed warriors, and valiant defenders of our Holy Kingdom. Today I stand before you as the High Priestess of our Holy Kingdom to express our deepest appreciation to those who have demonstrated exceptional bravery and unwavering devotion in the face of this adversity."

After all the years of following Calca and having to give speeches herself, she knew how to use her pronunciation to maximize the effects of the words that Calca had written for her. Even though she didn't like to do it, she had prepared well to deliver this to the best of her abilities.

She then swept her gaze through the crowd before landing on her poaching target as she continued to speak. "In the name of the crown, we extend our heartfelt thanks to the courageous adventurers who, as a formidable duo, stood at the forefront of our defenses-," For Azazel literally. "-turning the tide against the attacking forces of the demi-humans."

Her eyes wandered back to each and every other adventurer to defuse any rising suspicion that they valued the duo more than them. They did, but they shouldn't be too obvious if they played favorites. "With resolute determination and unyielding spirit, you held the line, preserving the sanctity of our land and safeguarding our people, your family, and friends."

She paused as her assistant came along holding in his hands the various new ranks that were to be given to these adventurers. In the dead center of the couple plates was the Orichalcum plate, the second highest rank that an adventurer could achieve. It would only be a stepping stone for this duo as she was sure that they would rank up to Adamantite soon enough.

Truthfully, a rank-up was strictly speaking the adventurer guild's business with no room for the crown. However, if it wasn't for them protecting the borders, she could hardly explain to outsiders why she had appeared here.

Although she would love to rub her influence in the southerner's ugly faces, she wouldn't risk her current situation over something petty like that, especially if the adventurer guilds of other countries start making a fuss over this.

"Your unwavering loyalty and selflessness have not gone unnoticed. Today, we gather to bestow upon you a great honor that reflects both your valor and your indomitable spirit as a united force." She then continued to give each adventurer their new rank and a medal to represent their efforts in defending the country.

When she arrived in front of the duo, she smiled at them, which they returned with clear eyes. She didn't see any arrogance in knowing that they were one of the most powerful individuals in this country, nor was there any lust in Azazel's eyes as he looked at her. Not to brag, but she had a voluptuous body that would turn most women green with envy, while turning the men into dogs in heat.

He didn't seem to be affected by it at all, but then again... As she handed over the rank plate and the medal to Fubuki, she couldn't help but admire the clear skin of hers, and the body that was downright tempting even to another woman. Of course, he wouldn't be affected by her appearance if he woke up next to her, she disgruntled admitted.

She then handed the Orichalcum plate to Azazel, who lowered his head so she could bestow him with his new rank. Her hand brushed against his hair and she couldn't help but marvel at the quality of it. His long golden hair reminded her of Calca's hair after she had just brushed them up with her spells.

She then handed over the medal, pressing it into his palm before closing it around the medal. The moment their skin touched, something seemed to exceedingly please her as if her hand was touching wellness and comfortability in personification. The less said about the weird feeling in her stomach, the better. For a moment longer, she just stood there as she rebooted herself before coming to realize that she had silently stood stunned at the place.

She then walked back with a shaky breath before she controlled it and returned to her previous calm demeanor fitting for this event. "Once again thank you all for your actions that day. We, and the Queen, will not forget what you have done for this kingdom." She bowed a last time as the priestess, paladins, and adventurer guild members applauded the group.

A glance around made it apparent, who could handle such an attention. Azazel and Fubuki seemed as natural as the moment they had walked into this hall. Afterward, the ones around her tried to create a positive impression for these warriors as this event slowly died down.

The adventurers left one by one and before the duo vanished into the city, she approached the two with Sir Roland on her side. "Lord Azazel!" Sir Roland called out, fully knowing what his purpose was in being here.

"Hmm?" Azazel turned around and for just a moment, she remembered the sensation that the touch had caused in her. He glanced at her with a questioning look before his attention was drawn in again by the paladin's words as they shared a few pleasantries before he introduced her to the soon-to-be Adamantite adventurer.

"It's a pleasure, Lady Custodio." His soothing and deep voice called out, making her want to moan out. How was it possible for someone to have it all? Looks, fine. Demeanor, alright. But the voice of a divine as well? Wasn't it too much?? No wonder, there were rumors of him being sent by a god.

"Please call me Kelart, Lord Azazel." She responded with practiced gravitas as she bowed. Her inner turmoil remained where it should be, inside.

"Then please drop the honorifics. It's just Azazel for you." His voice was so satisfying to listen to, it drew her in like a spell. Not to mention, how it made her feel deep inside, something that no man before him had achieved, only Calca was able to illicit something like this...

"Can I invite you to a dinner? There are some things I wanted to discuss with you." Her proposal caused Azazel to glance towards Sir Roland she had brought along. Of course, she had already guessed that his presence would tip her hand with what she wanted, but that was exactly what she wanted him to know.

"Of course, but I have to warn you. I have no intention of joining the Paladin Order."

"That is quite alright. Just treat it as me personally thanking you for your efforts during the attack."

He nodded gracefully. "If you say this much, how could I refuse?" There was just no way, he wasn't royalty. A mere noble would hardly be this perfect. No family would put so much effort into training their child if they weren't the royal family of their country.

Perhaps he came from another Theocracy and was born to a Cardinal, a Pope? It wasn't just him, but Fubuki as well. Just her standing there with her arms crossed underneath her bosom, carried a natural poise.

Afterward, they walked further into the building to where she had already planned the dinner ahead. The paladin excused himself as he wasn't wanted for the conversation she would have with them.

At first, she let them get comfortable as they slowly began to eat. They weren't truly eating to satiate their hunger but to set the stage for a conversation. So, neither of the ones present was going to take huge bites despite the fact that they were surrounded by a feast. Well, at least that was supposed to be the case.

Azazel seemed to eat casually and without any hidden shyness. However, despite this, his action didn't seem out of place like one would expect. The way he ate was almost like a performance, truly wonderful and enchanting. A king ate while he was surrounded by his subjects. That was the feeling she got from seeing him like this.

However, despite how fascinating it was to watch him, she was here to get some information and best case, an ally. "I heard about your rejection to join the Paladin Order, but can I ask why?" To the point, according to her evaluation something he should value.

"I don't want to follow the orders of your sister. I think she makes too many mistakes for me to put my morals in her hands."

Quite direct, but... she couldn't blame him. It was also the most likely answer she had guessed from him. Obviously, she thought it was more general that he didn't want to follow orders period, but that was even better news than she had anticipated.

"Honestly, I understand. She doesn't always make the right choices, but she has the best in mind." Which was probably mostly empty. "What would you say if I invited you to join my private troop? I would give you reign over which mission you want to accept and how you want to do it with just a little condition."

It truly didn't matter where or what he was doing, it was only important that he would do it in the southern parts of this kingdom. With just a word that he would support the local allies and with the reputation of his personal might, it would act as a deterrent and everything else would fall in line. She basically just needed to use his name.

"And what is this 'little' condition." Yes, the crux of her proposition. The task she wanted him to do wouldn't be crossing his bottom line if he had one, she was sure of it. However, as a 'noble' of a foreign country as he claimed to be, he should know what the consequences would be of him being placed in the southern parts.

Not to mention, that he shouldn't know enough about Calca and how she handled things to be willing to support her. This was why she would just propose this for now and have him find out more about what the people thought about the Queen by himself. An example and the findings of his own efforts would have a greater influence on his perspective.

"I can't tell you now. Just know that after you got to know how we typically worked in case of cooperation, you would be completely in charge of what mission you want to take. It is just that I would need your help in certain regions as they are troubled by demi-humans without much support. If it makes you feel better you can even remain an adventurer and I will support you silently. Of course, I would compensate your time and relocation greatly."

According to her evaluation, there was basically no reason for him to refuse. She had basically just offered to give him money to do his job somewhere else, which was basically a given as an adventurer. Even if she didn't come along, he would probably need to visit other parts of the kingdom sooner rather than later. The only change would be him associating with them.

"Hmm, that sounds really tempting, but I will have to refuse." He said casually and with barely any hesitation, stunning her for a moment, despite the fact that she had thought about his refusal.

"Wha- why?" She couldn't understand how he could just deny her offer this casually.

"I like this city and I still need to wait for someone's answer. If they agree I will be stuck here for a while. I won't be able to leave for long periods of time." He casually said while wiping his lips. The gesture wasn't really needed as he ate without a stain even though his lips were still as clean as before.

He had basically rejected her because of a promise. Did he truly just dismiss money and an association with her for some exchanged words? It seemed like he was a man of his word.

She nodded slowly, wondering if she would have fallen for him already if she wasn't pursuing her Queen. "I understand. Don't worry we will have enough time to work out the timing. Even if you don't decide to work for me, it would be much appreciated if you could give us a helping hand with the local paladins. The assistance of an adventurer team of your caliber would be immensely important."

"That should be fine. As long as we can make this country even a tiny bit safer then you can trust my spear to hit its mark."

She bowed to him. "I thank you, Azazel." His name rolled off her tongue as she glanced at the man. If he truly was how the rumors speak of him and it wasn't an act then he might be a worthy candidate, she thought conflictedly.

Calca had been searching for a worthy man, but the fact that she was the Queen had limited her pool of possible candidates. If she married a noble it might break the calm that the southerners had kept. She had been mostly neutral towards them, but a marriage might jeopardize that. They would feel threatened.

However, if it was a foreign noble there wouldn't be a need for them to make a fuss. It also helped that Azazel was clearly of noble birth plus his personal might, would prevent them from looking down on him. He would be truly an ideal partner.

Her gaze wandered to Fubuki, who sat to the side, quietly eating and listening in on the conversation. Fortunately, he was already married to such a beauty. There was no way he would risk losing this.

After all such beautiful women were always prideful and decisive. A wrong look and a flirty exchange would immediately risk his relationship with her. Besides he was a noble paladin and from the recounts she had heard, they had gone through a lot together. There was probably no one else that could enter his heart...

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