Primate Murder Through a Multiverse

Chapter 7: Harry Potter: Book 1 Part 5 ("Meet and Greet")


#Sorry if any character is OOC I haven't watched any of the Fate Anime nor played more than a tiny bit of F/GO, I'm just really into the fandom and wanted to do this plus I'm writing this not only for my enjoyment but to work on my own English as well as using this for showing my teacher at school I'm improving#

[Fou] System Show my status



{Strength} [B++]

{Endurance} [A++]

{Agility} [A++]

{Mana} [EX]

{Luck} [D++]

{N.P} [E-EX]



Clairvoyance [A++]

Mind's eye (True) [EX]

Magecraft [A++]

Projection Magecraft [EX]

Hawkeye [EX]

Circuit Connection [EX]

{Class Skills}

Independent Action [EX]

Magic Resistance [C+++]

Authority of the Beast [?]

Independent Manifestation [?]

{Noble Phantasm}

Unlimited Blade works [E-EX]


[Fou] Show me Harriet's latest Status in fate Parameters



{Strength} [D-]

{Endurance} [D-]

{Agility} [D]

{Mana} [A+++]

{Luck} [A+]

{N.P} [None]



Dreamlike Charisma [B+] (like Merlin's that is A bit lower since this is ingrained by the Bloodline of Emrys)

Succubus's Vicinity [EX] (like Merlin Prototype's this is ingrained by the Bloodline of Emrys)

Instinct [B+] (like Artoia's that is A bit lower since this is ingrained by the Bloodline of Pendragon Needs training to progress)

Mana Burst [A-] (like Artoia's that is A bit lower since this is ingrained by the Bloodline of Pendragon Needs training to progress)

{Class Skills}


{Noble Phantasm}



[Fou] Open the Gacha, please


{Roll - 5}

{10x Roll}

{5x Roll}

{1x Roll}

{BANNER - Servants [FATE]}

{BANNER - Servants [HP]}

{Please note you could get anything from [Spicy Mapo Tofu] and [Black keys] To [Gate Of Babylon] and [Enuma Elish] have fun!}


[Fou] System use the 5x Roll, please


[Spicy Mapo Tofu] 2x Bowl 1-Star

[Black keys] 2x Set of 25 3-Star

[Archer(EMIYA) Summoning ticket] SR-4-Star

{Thanks for Rolling enjoy what you have gotten}


[Fou] I Suppose its time to summon the Servant's I should start with merlin, System use the Summon ticket for Merlin

#Please watch the provided video underneath this Its basically the summoning that happens in front of Fou except that Merlin materializes from the golden card#



#The Above song is what I'm listening to as I'm writing this next part Also Merlin can understand fou from what I understand#

Merlin having just been summoned had his eyes closed, head bowed in a greeting of his new master ME!

[Merlin] Greetings, Master. I am Merlin. People call me the Mage of Flowers. Just call me Merlin. I don't care for formalities

[Fou] Heh, I find this situation to be really funny... Don't you merlin?

He proceeded to open his eyes and stare at me, the dumbfounded look on his face was hilarious.

[Fou] I know I'm the cutest thing to ever exist Merlin, but I need you to stop staring it getting creepy even for I, "The all Amazing Fluffily Fou"

[Merlin] The act of serving someone is natural to me. After all, the human psyche is the source of my nutrition. But this isn't something like that Fou, that leaves one question. How are you, my master?

[Fou] Because of the multiverse my dear Merlin, The multiple timelines, they all change and can be different. Just as there are different Versions of Artoria there are different versions of us, Merlin. I and my Companion are Anomaly's, To be fair the first time I interacted with my partner they became one because of me and as such it's my duty to protect them and guide them. As you did Artoria, I am there Merlin and they, my Artoria

[Merlin] I see, then this is a different Universe, isn't it?

[Fou] Correct I accidentally came here only to be trapped by..."Fate" would be best to describe it, and now I must help my Partner to the end of this "Fate" before we may go to the next world. After all,

I turned around to look out the top of the Tower into the vast garden of hope our home for some odd years coming, the image of an infinite landscape filled with blades slightly overlapping it.

[Fou] She accepted to condemn Her soul to this garden of Avalon, To cast away Her Afterlife to a life of travel with me. If I don't do my all in protecting her and getting her the lessons she needs to survive these cruel worlds.

I turned back to merlin, Tears falling from my eyes because of the "Fate" I condemned this little girl to, even without me her life will be full of hardships and her end, not a good one. With that meddling old fool "Albus 'For the greater good" Dumbledore". He decided to leave her with the Dursleys.

[Fou] I'm the one who gave her the option and allowed her to be trapped with me a fate I shouldn't have allowed to anyone even if I'm lonely, and did it for selfish reasons.

[Merlin] I understand, But if you want my help ill need to fully understand the situation here.

[Fou] %Proceeds to explain the entirety of "Harry Potter" with some history stuff such as stuff on merlin as well as this being a different universe where "Harry" is "Harriet"%

[Merlin] Very well, Since I have determined to help you I shall make this work, But I would recommend you try to summon Artoria if we truly want to get this going right.

[Fou] I was thinking the same thing it would be beneficial if the descendent of both of you learn from you two.

[Merlin] Wait, Hol' up, Wait a minute. This "Harriet" is the descendent of both me and Artoria!?

[Fou] Oh... I forgot to tell you that, yeah she is. Oh and I know about Artoia's Selflessness so I have another servant in mind to summon to keep her from going fully like that, Someone by the name of Archer, They both Know each other after all. They were Master and Servant at one point.

[Merlin] Ohh... Interesting I cant wait to meet this Archer.

[Fou] System Summon Saber

#Please watch the provided video underneath this Its basically the summoning that happens in front of Fou except that Artoria materializes from the golden card#



#The Above song is what I'm listening to as I'm writing this next part Also Merlin can translate Fou from what I understand#

[Artoria] Saber class Servant Summoned, I ask of you. Are you my Master?

[Fou] Fou-Kyu Fou Fou-Kyu Kyu Fou-Kyu Fou

(Yes I am, Merlin may you please explain to her everything and let me know when you are done, I need to check on my Partner)

[Merlin] He said "Yes I am", Artoria allow me to explain everything to you as the master has asked.

[Artoria] Very well merlin, Please explain.

As I left merlin to go check on Harriet I thought about how this would work, Today was July 31st and school would start on September 1st, Which means about 30 years of training that's 10 years a person, if we start with "Archer" first and then "Saber" that's 20 years for "Merlin" to go over everything in the library of Merlin (HP edition), Then we can go to "Hogwarts" and Absolutely destroy the plot.

I had reached Harriet's room she would be down and out of the count for another day or so, Or if I decide to wake her up. She was now 156cm tall pretty tall for an 11-year-old girl, taller than "Saber" by 2 cm her long flowy hair behind her spread out her ill-fitting clothes fitting a tad bit better using a mystic code that merlin created, I remade his robes but for a female and while turned around using my manna arms I changed her into them, She now looks like Merlin (Prototype) but with blonde hair And "Killing curse" Green eyes.

Leaving the room I returned to the top of the tower to summon the finale Servant 'Counter Guardian' Emyia Shirou

[Fou] Fou-Fou-Kyu

(Did you Explain everything merlin?)

[Merlin] Yes master she understand the situation clearly, and is willing to help her descendant of this world.

Looking around I didn't see "Saber"

[Merlin] Saber has gone to explore around a bit to get a lay of the land, May I know your study plan?

[Fou] Yes, I plan to Start with Archer Then go to Artoria and finally end up with you, For both of us.

[Merlin] Master may I ask why you chose to have me last?

[Fou] This world of Avalon is like a reality marble, But it is not it's in my Soul. There is a time dilation of 1 year in here is 1 day outside, She has to go to "Hogwarts" in 30 days or if we convert the time It's 30 years. This will give you enough time to read through the Library of this universe's "Merlin" nifty little thing is that it automatically updates with every single book about magic ever made, Plus it exists outside of time and space. Meaning it has every book that ever will be, ever was or has been made about magic in there.

[Merlin] I see, as servants, we don't need sustenance, But young Harriet does. How are you gonna solve that problem?

[Fou] Dear merlin, Never underestimate the power of absolute BS.

As I said this an entire feast just appeared beside me, nice little tricky thing about this world is you can summon whatever you want that isn't magical here, So I could summon an "Xbox Series X" With every single game ever put on the platform or a never-ending amount of steak, Hey I Plan to learn the ways of the "Househusband" from Emiya ill need all I can get.

And to further surprise Merlin, I just made my "Mana" arms to grab what I want using them as a normal human. {and I may or may not have modified Emiya's Archer outfit to fit me as Fou so I'm Protected as hell}

[Fou] System Summon Archer

#Please watch the provided video underneath this Its basically the summoning that happens in front of Fou except that Em materializes from the golden card#



#The Above song is what I'm listening to as I'm writing this next part Also Merlin can translate Fou from what I understand#

[Emiya] Archer-class Servant. I have been summoned and come at your request.

[Fou] Fou-Kyu Fou Fou-Kyu Kyu Fou-Kyu Fou Fou-Kyu Fou Fou-Kyu Kyu

(I am Fou you new master, Merlin may you please explain to him everything and let me know when you are done, I am gonna go practice my magecraft when you are done call me and ill wake up my Partner)

[Merlin] He said "I am Fou you new master", Archer allow me to explain everything to you as the master has asked.

[Emiya] Hmph. Fine, Please explain.

[NEXT TIME ON ADVENTURE TI- *Ahem* Uh... Primate murder through a multiverse!]

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