Primal Lust

10. Shadow Dance

The beautiful night was not as dark as he had expected with three moons in the sky following after one another, as if tag playing children. But there was enough darkness for normal people to not being able to recognize the face of a man.

Rowan breathed in deeply and he detected many different smells. Selina was in her hut, her pussy smell was more active and was mixed with a unique smell that Rowan guessed was her husband’s. Looks like they were doing it. Rowan also picked three more womanly smells from the hut from their left. Rowan didn’t know who was living there but it looked like a family of four with two young girls and a couple from the smells.

Ignoring the smells Rowan focused on the shadow at one side of his hut house opposite to the moons. Preparing himself Rowan slowly sent his one hand inside the shadow and as expected it went inside as if the land was water. The shadow also felt like a water like liquid that he could hold but never keep in his hands. Braving on Rowan submerged into the shadow fully with both his feet inside. He drowned or more like got pulled inside by the untold shadowy depth and fully submerged in. But he could breath freely actually he wasn’t breathing at all. But there was no need to.

However once in, he stopped going any further down as if gravity was holding him from his head to the surface of the shadow. He could not go any further down than his own height even if he tried, he discovered.

Well at least that fear is covered.. I don’t think I will ever be lost in the shadows... Or just fall down straight for that matter...’

The world outside from the surface of the shadow was in white and black. He could see and listen but could not smell. He could control how much submerged he wanted to be at his will as if the watery shadow recognized his will and made way for him. It was so much fun. Staying inside the shadow world Rowan walked, swam more like float to the hut where Selina lived. He could enter and exit from the shadows but the shadow world was always there reflecting the whole world even in the brightest areas. He just couldn’t get out or go in from there.

Inside Selina’s room Rowan saw her bent over on the same mat she had been sleeping this morning while a man not that strong looking but lean and full of facial hair was pumping into her pussy with animalistic passion. As if angry at her cunt. Rowan went under Selina and saw her facial reaction more clearly, the sexy pained expressions made him feel a bit aroused. He could see her hanging tits and her hairy pussy from down here. Then going into one corner where shadow was dark and plenty, Rowan brought his face out of the shadow world to the real world and immediately the smells returned with overwhelming sensation. The moans also got louder than they were in the shadow world. He had only his head out till his mouth.

Rowan felt like a spy or pervert more like a stalker. Well this was all part of the experiment. Leaving the couple alone in their barbaric sex Rowan ran towards the main village. Since no one could see him in the shadow world anyway he activated his skill and transformed into his wolf form. Then ran with much better speed than before towards the village. The control over shadow and the hearing with vision was much clearer in this form from the shadow world to outside. Once near to the main village area huts Rowan brought his head out a little to take a whiff. No one was outside their huts, even though it was barely 9 PM (according to Rowan’s estimate).

Everyone were in their huts. The smells included dozens and dozen of people. However not a single hut had just woman smells, almost all of them had at least one male inside and half of them were busy sating their lust. The moaning was going on every few huts. Even in the huts where he could smell a strange children’s smell. Shame was something this guys knew nothing about. After wondering for ten minutes hut to hut Rowan finally picked up a womanly smell outside one hut which only had just one woman. Rowan immediately went inside the hut from under the shadows and saw a woman sleeping lightly on the mat, A stone axe placed right next it. She wasn’t asleep, her eyes were fluttering open and close looking at nothing in particular.

She had more of a warrior type build than a housewife, but sexy nonetheless. Actually more sexy with her abs and thick thighs on her beautiful womanly body. She had her animal skin on, but her boobs were visible. They weren’t big or small, it fit perfectly on her goddess like body. However she was most likely a warrior and if he remembered correctly his sister had rejected him saying that she doesn't do sex because she was a warrior. Guess he would have to cook something up here.

An idea popped up in Rowan’s head.

Reverting back to his human form Rowan spoke up with a deep voice from right besides her head under the shadow world.

“What a beautiful warrior..”

Immediately the warrior lady grabbed the axe and stood up, looking all around her with alertness.

“Who was that..? Come out coward.. Where are you..?”

“Calm down human beauty... I am no man.. I am the spirit of darkness...”

She still had her axe on but she found that the voice was coming from below her feet and lowered the axe a little.

“Spi..riteee..? Darkness..? Is that your power..?”

“Something like that.. But I am no human like you.. I am made out of darkness..”

“Like soul..? You are soul of darkness..?”

What the hell..? These people don’t know spirit but they know souls..? This world was weird in so many ways...’

“Yes, I am souls of darkness.. I have observed you for a while now warrior of human kind..” Rowan fed her some more bullshit.

“Very few can hear me in this world... You are one of the chosen few...”

She finally put down her axe and sat back on her mat. Her face still looked doubtful but she had bought half of it already.

“Why have choose me then..?” She asked finally getting on her back and sleeping back in her old position.

“I did not.. I am called to those who are lonely and call for company in the darkest of night with all their heart...”

“Lies.. I do not require company...”

“Should I go then..?”

“Uhm.. Well since you have come... How come I have never heard about you..?”

“It’s been a while since I returned to the human world..”

“What do you want..?” She asked looking around her hut as if he was in one of the corners.

“I want to give you.. What you desire...” Rowan lied some more while getting under her big ass and measuring with his hands under the shadow world.

“And what is that..?” She asked curiously forgetting all about her earlier doubts.

“Satisfaction... Relaxation of your body... Good sex...”

“Sex..? For real..? I don’t think I..”

“I do not lie child.. Close your eyes and ask your heart what does it truly desires..?”

“Uhmm.. Maybe.. I don’t know.. I have never done it..”

Woah.. She was a virgin..? I wasn’t expecting that.. Don’t they have like sex ceremony or something..’

“Why have you never done it..?” Rowan asked.

“I.. My skill gives me unnatural strength.. More strength than anyone’s body in this village has.. I tend to break things.. I have hurt many as a child.. Not intentionally.. but still.. So no one ever.. Desired me... They fear me with a good reason..”

“Don’t worry child.. I love and admire your beauty... So do as I say and you shall taste the pleasures of woman kind unlike any other woman in your village has tasted...”

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