Prestige Grinding : I Can Reset My Level

Chapter 34 : Trial of the Virtuous

As the group advanced through the tunnel, a chilling silence replaced the distant roars and echoes they had grown accustomed to. The atmosphere became heavier with each step, and a notification flashed before their eyes:

[Welcome to the Hidden Dungeon: Trial of the Virtuous]

The message hung ominously in the air. They continued walking, following the faint glow along the walls, having lost sight of the baby titanic bear. After what felt like an eternity, the tunnel opened up into a vast clearing. The space was unlike anything they'd seen before—expansive and strangely serene. But it was what floated above that stopped them in their tracks.

Suspended high in the sky was a glowing object—a legendary item. It shimmered with an blinding light, casting gentle, pulsing waves of energy through the room. The item itself appeared as a delicate, ornate scepter, with symbols carved into what looked like pure gold. At the top of the scepter was a gem, shining like a captured star.

Kara's eyes widened in awe. She instinctively took a step forward, her hand slightly outstretched in curiosity, but as soon as she did, a deep, commanding voice echoed through the clearing.

"Do not touch what you have not earned."

The group froze, the voice reverberating through the space like thunder. Sora's gaze sharpened as he quickly activated his [Mana Eyes], scanning the area for the source of the voice. But there was no physical presence—only an overwhelming pressure filling the room. His inquisitive stare deepened, but the voice chuckled.

"Boy, are you looking for me?" the voice asked, sounding almost amused. "Those eyes... are incredible. You're… not bad. But don't tire yourself. You will not find me here. I am not in this plane."

The words cut through the tension like a blade. Whoever or whatever was speaking wasn't even physically present. The voice was distant, yet it seemed to carry power..

"I left that item as a test—a gift for my heir. But first, they must prove themselves worthy, even for this lousy weapon."

The group blinked, stunned by the statement. 'A lousy weapon? This legendary Scepter that radiates immense power?' The disbelief on their faces was evident.

Kara's expression changed subtly. She seemed to grasp something the others didn't. Her eyes flickered with realization, connecting dots in her mind. Her master had spoken of this opportunity, but she hadn't fully understood it until now.

The voice continued, "I am seeking a disciple. But I am not so desperate as to accept anyone who stumbles upon this place. The hidden path to this chamber was designed to test not strength, but heart. Someone who would try to heal an innocent being, someone with empathy and compassion. That is the bare minimum. The Path of Life demands more than power—it demands kindness, selflessness, and sacrifice."

The voice seemed to focus on Kara.

"You... You healed the baby bear. You meet the basic requirements: a healer's heart and the capacity for mercy. But do you have talent? Do you have potential?"

Before they could process the weight of the voice's words, a loud rumbling shook the clearing. The ground beneath them quaked violently, and all around, the shadows began to stir. Kara's eyes widened as the space around them transformed.

From the dark corners of the clearing, thousands of beasts materialized, their glowing red eyes and snarling mouths a terrifying sight.

Every beast was above level 60.

The group instinctively took defensive stances, their faces pale with shock. Kara's eyes scanned the hordes of monsters. She knew immediately—they didn't stand a chance against this onslaught. There was no way they could kill all these creatures. If this was the trial, they would be overwhelmed in seconds.

A notification appeared before all of them:

[Quest Notification: Class Change Quest – Trial of the Virtuous]

Kara's hands shook as she opened the notification. The details were brief, but they sent a chill through her.

[Class Change Quest: Trial of the Virtuous: Protect your friends from the assault of 10,000 beasts. Every 5 minutes, a wave of monsters will arrive, each stronger than the last. If your friends die, the trial will end, and you will fail. For the mercy you have shown to the offspring of your enemy, you will be allowed to leave the dungeon unharmed should you fail.]

Sora received a similar notification:

[Quest: Assist Kara in her trial. Your contribution will be rewarded based on your performance. Rewards include gold, experience, and items.]

The team turned to Kara, confusion and fear written all over their faces. Thierry's voice cracked as he spoke, "Did… did you know this was going to happen?"

Amélie's eyes were wide, her bow slightly trembling in her hands. "Kara… what is this?"

Kara raised her hands defensively, her voice filled with panic. "I swear, I didn't know! My master told me there was a great opportunity here, a tough fight ahead, but I never imagined… this!"

Céline, always the calmest of the group, frowned, "How are we supposed to survive this? Even with Ralph's buffs, we barely made it through Gergo... 10,000 beasts?!"

Sora, standing quietly beside them, analyzed the situation. He could see the doubt in Kara's eyes. This was meant to test her. 'Why are there so many enemies? What kind of test is this?'

Kara's heart sank. She hadn't expected this. She'd brought her friends into a trial that could very well kill them. They had trusted her, followed her here without question. And now, they were all staring down a trial she couldn't possibly expect them to win.

"How much mana can Ralph have?" Kara whispered to herself, her voice barely audible. The victory over Gergo had only happened because Sora had buffed them for a short period. But this? This would be an extended fight, and the trial was designed to push them all beyond their limits.

Kara's face paled as she realized the grim truth. Even with Sora's help, they were probably all going to die.

And she couldn't accept that.

Kara stood there, hands trembling slightly as the reality of the trial sank in. Her eyes flickered between the looming beasts and her friends. Panic tightened her chest, and before she could stop herself, she called out to the voice.

"Why?" she asked, her voice cracking slightly. "Why is this trial so difficult? My friends didn't do anything wrong! Why are they being tested too? If you preach kindness and empathy, why isn't this trial fair? Shouldn't I be the only one tested? They don't deserve this."

The room went silent for a moment. The beasts, though present, seemed to stand still, their glowing red eyes fixed on the group. The air thickened once more, the oppressive weight of the voice returning, but now there was a coldness to it.

"Fair?" the voice asked, the tone dark and almost mocking. "Do you think life, real life, is fair?"

Kara flinched, but before she could respond, the voice continued, its intensity rising.

"I don't need a useless disciple," the voice said bluntly. "A good healer—no, a great one—must do more than just heal. They must choose their allies well. Never before have I seen such a weak team beating Gergo. Building a group with reliable, gifted teammates is part of a healer's skill. If you cannot even assemble a worthy team, what use are you?"

Kara's heart dropped. She turned to look at her team, her friends. Their expressions had shifted from fear to something more somber. Céline lowered her head slightly, her hands gripping the edges of her shield tighter. Thierry and Amélie exchanged quick glances before looking down at the ground.

The voice's presence seemed to deepen, almost suffocating. "I can see it clearly," the voice continued. "They probably treated getting power like a game—something fun to show off with, where they could outshine those weaker than themselves. But life is not so easy. If you think the path to power is a playground, then you're even more unfit than I imagined."

The words hit the group hard. Thierry clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white. Amélie bit her lip, her eyes darting to Kara, seeking some kind of reassurance.

The voice wasn't done. "If my disciple doesn't know how cruel the real world is, how difficult life can be, then they are unworthy. Only through hardship can one truly grow. The strongest aren't the ones who complain about their path being too difficult. The strongest are the ones who choose to make their path harder, who create their own obstacles and overcome them to grow to realms higher than their peers."

Kara stood frozen, her mind racing. She had brought her friends into this, and now they were being judged alongside her. But the voice was right. 'Have I been too lenient? Was my master right?' The weight of the realization pressed on her shoulders as her mind was full of doubt.

The voice softened slightly, but the authority remained. "You need to understand that this world isn't fair, and the path of life will always be filled with trials. If you cannot withstand hardship, how can you protect others? If you cannot assemble a team that grows with you, you will always fail. I preach about kindness indeed, but only the strong can afford to be kind. Show me how strong you are today"

The silence that followed was unbearable. Kara's thoughts spun wildly, guilt clawing at her as her friends stood behind her, bearing the same crushing pressure.

Thierry spoke first, his voice low but resolute. "He's right. We've treated this like a game for too long."

Amélie nodded, her voice quieter. "We've leveled fast… but we've always leaned on each other. I never thought we'd have to face something like this."

Céline remained silent, her brow furrowed in deep thought. She didn't need to say anything—the heaviness in her expression was enough.

Sora watched quietly, his arms crossed as he observed the shift in their attitudes. He didn't say anything, but he agreed with the voice. This trial wasn't just testing her, but her whole party..

The ground trembled again, the beasts stirring in the distance, ready to charge.

Kara swallowed hard, her heart still racing, but now there was a clarity in her eyes. She had no choice. If they were going to survive this, they had to fight—together.

"Everyone," she said, her voice steady now, "get ready. We fight."

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